From the above reaction, excess lactate production can be expected by the following pathophysiologic processes:
Increased pyruvate production caused by intravenous (i.v.) glucose or epinephrine infusion, and metabolic or respiratory alkalosis
An increase in NADH/NAD+ ratio due to hypoxic conditions
Combination of above two processes
Table 28.1
Causes of type A lactic acidosis
Septic shock
Hypovolemic shock
↓ O2 delivery, ↑ glycolysis, ↓ ATP, ↑ pyruvate production→ ↑ lactic acid production
Cardiogenic shock
↓ O2 delivery, ↑ glycolysis, ↓ ATP, ↑ pyruvate production→ ↑ lactic acid production
↓ O2 delivery, ↑ glycolysis, ↓ ATP, ↑ pyruvate production→ ↑ lactic acid production
Severe tissue hypoxia
↓ O2 delivery, ↑ glycolysis, ↓ ATP, ↑ pyruvate production→ ↑ lactic acid production
Severe regional hypoperfusion due to hypotension
↓ O2 delivery, ↑ glycolysis, ↓ ATP, ↑ pyruvate production→ ↑ lactic acid production
Severe anemia (< 4.0 g/dL)
Tissue hypoxia
Severe asthma
Respiratory alkalosis stimulation of glycolysis and lactate production, tissue hypoxia, β-adrenergic stimulation, and lactate production
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Carbon monoxide binds more avidly to Hb than O2, leading to less delivery to tissues and hypoxia, inhibition of electron transport system, ↓ ATP, ↑ anaerobic glycolysis
Table 28.2
Causes of type B lactic acidosis
Liver disease
↓ Lactate metabolism, ↓ pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC)a activity, respiratory alkalosis, and hypoglycemia may precipitate lactate production
Diabetes mellitus
Presence of microvascular disease and atherosclerosis compromising circulation, drug use such as metformin, ↓ PDC activity
Renal failure and renal replacement therapies
Stimulation of lactate production by alkalinization due to HCO3 −, dialysate baths containing lactate
Lymphomas, leukemias, and carcinomas (breast, lung, colon, pancreas), production of lactate by tumor cells via ↑ anaerobic glycolysis, ↑ cytokine production, hypoxia-inducible factor
ATP depletion
↑ Anaerobic glycolysis
Thiamine deficiency
Inhibits PDC activity, thereby limiting glucose metabolism to glycolysis only
Increased muscle activity, compromised blood flow, and tissue hypoxia
Inhibits lactate uptake by liver, ↑ epinephrine release causing increased production of pyruvate
Promotes lactate production from glucose in small intestine, ↑ NADH/NAD+ ratio, inhibits gluconeogenesis from lactate, inhibition of mitochondrial respiration, patients with renal, hepatic, and cardiac failure are at risk
Impairs gluconeogenesis from lactate to glucose, depletes NAD+ favoring lactate accumulation
Toxic products of methanol (formaldehyde, formic acid) inhibits oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthesis
Ethylene glycol
↑ NADH/NAD+ ratio during metabolism of ethylene glycol via alcohol dehydrogenase
Propylene glycol
Used as solvent (during infusion of lorazepam, nitroglycerine, or topical application of silver sulfadiazine), produces lactate during its metabolism via alcohol dehydrogenase. This reaction produces high NADH/NAD+ ratio
Respiratory alkalosis-stimulated lactate production, inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation
Cyanide poisoning
Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation, ↓ ATP production, ↑ glycolysis, ↑ NADH/NAD+ ratio, leading to pyruvate conversion to lactate production
Epinephrine increases glycolysis and inhibits pyruvate formation from lactate. Increased vasoconstriction of skin, skeletal muscle, and splanchnic circulation with high concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine. Lactic acidosis may be the initial finding in pheochromocytoma
Increased vasoconstriction
Antiretrovirals (didanosine, zidovudine, stavudine, zalcitabine, tenofovir)
Inhibition of mitochondrial DNA synthesis, ↓ ATP production, ↑ glycolysis
Mitochondrial toxicity
Sedative, increased production of lactate on high doses due to uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation
Lactic acidosis is divided into two types: type A and type B acidosis
Type A acidosis results from generalized or regional tissue hypoxia
Type B acidosis results from biochemical abnormalities due to systemic diseases or toxins
Note that both type A and type B conditions can be superimposed on one another rather commonly in any patient (metformin use in CHF patient)
Lactic Acidosis due to Hereditary or Acquired Enzymatic Defects
Lactic acidosis can occur due to a variety of inherited defects in enzymes involved in glycogen storage diseases, gluconeogenesis, citric acid cycle (pyruvate oxidation), and electron transport (complex I deficiency, complex I, III, and IV deficiency, and complex I and IV deficiency). These are inborn errors associated with “primary” lactic acidosis
Disorders associated with “secondary” lactic acidosis include organic acidurias (propionic acidemia, methylmalonic acidemia, etc.), defects in fatty acid oxidation, and urea cycle enzymes
Acquired enzyme defects are related to thiamine deficiency (↓ pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity) and biotin deficiency (↓ pyruvate decarboxylase activity)
Infants and children are affected the most from inherited defects of enzymes
Clinical assessment of skeletal muscle, heart, hepatic, and neurologic functions help in assessing the enzyme defect
Lactate measurement in plasma and CSF, and enzyme determinations in cultured fibroblasts, lymphocytes, and muscle biopsies will help in making the final diagnosis
Treatment is generally unsatisfactory. Therapies that enhance lactate metabolism are of some help
No unique clinical symptoms and signs attributable to lactic acidosis
Instead conditions such as shock and other tissue hypoxic conditions with high AG metabolic acidosis should suggest the presence of lactic acidosis
ΔAG/ΔHCO3 − of 1.6 is suggestive of lactic acidosis, because lactate anions are buffered by non-HCO3 − buffers (mostly bone) sparing HCO3 −/CO2 buffer system
The following laboratory results are unique to lactic acidosis:
Hyperuricemia: lactate competes with urate secretion in the proximal tubule
Hyperphosphatemia: cellular phosphate efflux due to hypoxia and unreplenished ATP hydrolysis
Leukocytosis: demargination of white blood cells due to epinephrine release
Normokalemia: lack of electrical gradient establishment due to lactate permeation into the cell. Therefore, K+ exit from ICF to ECF does not occur
Removing or treating the underlying cause improves lactic acidosis. However, it is not that simple to eliminate the cause, particularly in critically ill patients
Circulatory support is essential
Broad-spectrum antibiotic administration for sepsis is extremely important for SIRS/sepsis syndrome with circulatory support
Alkali treatment of metabolic acidosis is important; however, there are several disadvantages with this treatment (Table 28.3)
Table 28.3
Intravenous alkali treatment for metabolic (lactic) acidosis
Rapid effect, inexpensive, easy to administer
Hypertonicity, hypernatremia, ↑ CO2 production, ↑ intracellular acidosis, volume overload, no survival benefit
No increase in CO2, penetrates cells to buffer intracellular pH, useful in the treatment of mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis
Respiratory depression, hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia, liver necrosis in children. Avoid in renal failure
A mixture of 0.33 M NaCO3 and 0.33 M NaHCO3, less CO2 production
Same as NaHCO3, no clinical benefit and nonavailability
NaHCO3 Requirements
Decide how much serum [HCO3 −] you need to raise, i.e., ΔHCO3 −
Estimate HCO3 − space as 50 % of body weight (kg) in metabolic acidosis. Some authors calculate as 40 % (note that HCO3 − space or deficit increases with an increase in [H+] or a decrease in pH)
Calculate the amount of NaHCO3 that is needed to raise serum [HCO3 −] to the desired level
![$$ \begin{aligned}& \text{Serum}\ \text{ }\!\![\!\!\text{ HC}{{\text{O}}_{\text{3}}}^{-}\text{ }\!\!]\!\!\text{ }=\text{1}0\ \text{mEq}/\text{L} \\& \text{Desired}\ \text{serum}\ [\text{HC}{{\text{O}}_{\text{3}}}^{-}]=\text{15}\ \text{mEq}/\text{L} \\& \Delta \text{HC}{{\text{O}}_{\text{3}}}^{-}=\text{5}\ \text{mEq}/\text{L} \\& \text{HC}{{\text{O}}_{\text{3}}}^{-}\ \text{space}\ \text{in}\ \text{a}\ \text{7}0\ \text{kg}\ \text{patient}=\text{7}0\times 0.\text{5}=\text{35}\ \text{L} \\& \text{Amount}\ \text{of}\ \text{NaHC}{{\text{O}}_{\text{3}}}\ \text{required}=\text{35}\times \text{5}=\text{175}\ \text{mEq} \\ \end{aligned} $$](
These calculations should be based on an ongoing pathologic process that is causing metabolic acidosis
Administer slowly as an isotonic solution at a rate of ~ 0.1 mEq/kg/min
Consider administration of calcium gluconate separately to prevent fall in ionized Ca2+ after alkali administration to improve cardiac function
THAM (Tris-Hydroxymethyl Aminomethane) Requirements
THAM is an amino alcohol
It buffers H+ by virtue of its NH3 moiety in the urine. Therefore, its use is limited only to those with GFR > 30 ml/min
It does not increase CO2
Improves cardiac contractility
THAM is given as a 0.3 M solution (300 mEq/L), and its requirements for initial dose are calculated for the above example as:

Continue THAM until blood pH > 7.20
A buffering agent available in Europe
It is a mixture of THAM, NaHCO3, acetate, and phosphate
Seems to generate less CO2 and without much effect on intracellular pH
Not used in the USA
Renal Replacement Therapies
Dialysis is another mode of alkali administration
It has been used to avoid NaHCO3-induced hyperosmolality and volume overload
Continuous hemofiltration with NaHCO3 replacement fluid was found to be efficacious in improving lactic acidosis (type A) in hemodynamically unstable patients and in type B acidosis due to metformin and other agents
Thiamine and Riboflavin
Thiamine is a cofactor for PDC, and activation of PDC may improve lactate levels
Riboflavin may provide FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide), which is required in electron transport system
Both of these do not cause any adverse effects, and their use is optional
Insulin increases the activity of PDC, and its use is beneficial in some patients with mild to moderate hyperglycemia
Stimulates PDC and enhances pyruvate oxidation
Reduces lactate levels, improves pH, and raises serum [HCO3 −]
Despite its beneficial effects on lactic acidemia, there was no survival benefit, therefore not used routinely
However, it is effective in some patients with lactic acidosis due to inherited enzyme defects
d-Lactic Acidosis
d-lactate is the d-stereoisomer of lactate and not a product of human metabolism
Produced by bacteria and ruminants (cows, etc.)
In humans, d-lactate is produced by subjects with intestinal bypass surgery for obesity or intestinal resection, or patients with chronic pancreatic insufficiency
Some patients on prolonged antibiotics may also develop d-lactic acidosis due to overgrowth of gram-positive anaerobes such as d-lactate-producing bacteria (lactobacilli)
d-lactate is not detected by the standard method of l-lactate determination
Characterized by episodes of neurologic manifestations (confusion, slurred speech, ataxia, memory loss, irritability, or abusiveness), including encephalopathy, and high AG metabolic acidosis with normal l-lactate levels. The neurologic manifestations can last from hours to days
High carbohydrate ingestion in subjects with intestinal surgery can precipitate d-lactic acidosis because of large delivery to the colon
d-lactate can be determined by a special technique using d-lactate dehydrogenase
Low carbohydrate or starch diet, oral vancomycin, neomycin, or metronidazole
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
DKA is caused by insulin deficiency and relative glucagon excess
DKA presents with a triad of hyperglycemia (glucose > 300 mg/dL), ketones in blood and urine, and high AG metabolic acidosis
The accumulated ketoacids are acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB)
Insulin deficiency promotes lipolysis and fatty acid release, whereas glucagon stimulates the hepatic production of ketoacids from fatty acids
Diagnosis of DKA is made by high AG metabolic acidosis with documentation of ketones in blood and urine. Volume depletion and many electrolyte abnormalities are commonly associated with DKA
The dipstick that is used to detect ketones contains nitroprusside, which reacts strongly (2–4+) with acetoacetate and poorly with BHB (1+). If initial dipstick reaction is 1+ and then 4+ during treatment of DKA, it suggests that severe acidosis initially is due to BHB, and patient’s acidosis is improving
Use NaHCO3, as previously discussed
Follow changes in AG, and adjust the requirement for NaHCO3 administration
Changes in AG also indicate the potential HCO3 − regeneration from ketoacids
As AG improves, the HCO3 − space or deficit decreases
Insulin administration and correction of fluids and electrolytes improve high AG acidosis
Note that hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis does develop during treatment of DKA in some patients because the regeneration of HCO3 − from ketones is decreased due to loss of excess ketones in the urine prior to hospitalization
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
Develops following alcohol abstinence as a result of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and possibly starvation
Most common in women and diabetics following binge
Alcohol withdrawal also precipitates ketoacidosis due to catecholamine release
Pathogenesis includes ethanol itself, starvation, insulin deficiency, excess glucagon and catecholamines, and vomiting
Ethanol inhibits gluconeogenesis and stimulates lipolysis. It is metabolized to acetaldehyde (catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenase) and then to acetic acid (catalyzed by aldehyde dehydrogenase). These reactions involve conversion of NAD+ to NADH, which enhances the production of lactate from pyruvate and BHB from acetoacetate
Starvation depletes hepatic glycogen store. Excess glucagon stimulates lipolysis and production of ketoacids from fatty acids
Ketoacids are also formed from acetic acid
Hypoglycemia is present in some patients
Includes fluid replacement with D5W and normal saline, thiamine, and correction of electrolytes
Note that hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis develops during the recovery phase of alcoholic ketoacidosis
Starvation Ketoacidosis
Starvation ketoacidosis is mild and self-limited
Relative decrease in insulin secretion and an increase in glucagon secretion cause ketoacid formation
Unlike DKA, the presence of insulin prevents progression of full-blown ketoacidosis
Also, insulin secretion is stimulated by ketones and fatty acids during prolonged fasting, thereby minimizing even further the formation of ketoacids
Intense ketonuria with a weak serum reaction to nitroprusside test is usually observed in starvation ketosis
Resumption of food intake corrects ketoacidosis
Acidosis Due to Toxins
General Considerations
Ingestion of alcohols, such as ethanol, methanol, ethylene glycol, or administration of propylene glycol generates not only hyperosmolality but also metabolic acidosis with high AG. Whenever ingestion of these alcohols is suspected, it is important to measure and calculate serum osmolality to identify osmolal gap
Osmolal gap is defined as the difference between the measured and calculated serum osmolality. Generally, the measured osmolality is 10 mOsm higher than the calculated osmolality. Values > 10 mOsm represent the presence of an osmolal gap
Elevated osmolal gap suggests the presence of osmotically active substances that are measured, but not included in the calculation of osmolality
Lactate and ketoacids also cause high osmolal gap
Traditionally, the presence of an osmolal gap and an elevated anion gap is considered to represent the ingestion of toxic alcohols such as methanol, ethylene glycol, and others (Table 28.4)
Table 28.4
Contribution of some toxic substances to serum osmolality
Substance (100 mg/dL)
Molecular weight
Ethylene glycol
Propylene glycol
Metabolism: The first step in the metabolism of all toxic alcohols is catalyzed by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), which is the most critical step in metabolism
Administration of an antidote to inhibit the enzyme ADH prevents the toxic metabolites of the parent alcohol. Table 28.5 shows metabolic end products that cause toxicity
Table 28.5
Toxic metabolites of alcohols and acetylsalicylate (aspirin)
Toxic metabolite(s)
Acetoacetic acid, β-hydroxybutyric acid
Commonly seen in alcoholic intoxication, low mortality
Formic acid
Blindness and mortality high, if not recognized and treated early
Ethylene glycol
Glycolic acid, oxalic acid
Acute kidney injury, ↓ cardiac contractility, mortality high, if not treated early
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