Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Anuradha R. Bhama

Scott R. Steele

Perioperative Considerations

  • The prevalence of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is 0.1%-4% worldwide, with the mean age of onset 20-24 years.

  • Multiple risk factors are known for HS.

    • Cigarette smoking and obesity

    • Dietary triggers including dairy products and highly refined simple carbohydrates

  • The anal region is the second most commonly involved area after the axilla; ˜30%-50% of patients with HS have perianal lesions as a location of their disease (Fig. 13-1).

    FIGURE 13-1 ▪ Severe hidradenitis disease in the perianal and groin.

  • A number of comorbid conditions can be present in patients with HS.

    • Acne

    • Inflammatory bowel disease

    • Spondyloarthropathy

    • Genetic keratin disorders

    • Squamous cell cancer

  • Local and small lesions can benefit from medical treatment, but recurrence rates are high.

    • Antibiotics

      • Topical (eg, clindamycin)

      • Oral (eg, tetracycline, clindamycin, rifampin)

    • Monoclonal antibodies (eg, adalimumab, infliximab)

  • Indications for surgical treatment

    • Widespread disease is an indication for radical surgical excision with possible need for reconstruction with a flap.

    • Acute abscess (incision and drainage [I&D])

    • Chronic or recurrent HS nonresponsive to medical therapy

    • Intolerance of medical treatment


  • Positioning will depend on the location and extent of the disease.

    • Either prone jackknife or lithotomy positions can be utilized (Fig. 13-2).

  • Positioning may need to allow for harvesting of skin grafts or rotation of flaps.

    • Changing of positioning for various segments of the operation may be necessary.

FIGURE 13-2 ▪ Lithotomy positioning.


  • I&D/lay-open technique

  • Use fistula probe to identify deeper tracts (Fig. 13-3A and B).

    FIGURE 13-3A and B. Identifying tracts using fistula probes.

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    Apr 13, 2020 | Posted by in GASTOINESTINAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Hidradenitis Suppurativa

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