Chapter 27 Hepatic tumors
1 Hemangioma of the liver is found in up to 7% of the normal population and is rarely of clinical consequence.
2 Other benign tumors of the liver are rare, including hepatic adenoma, which usually requires surgical resection because of the risks of rupture and the possible development of malignancy.
3 In the presence of cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for approximately 75% of all liver tumors. The most important risk factors for development of HCC are cirrhosis of any cause, hepatitis B virus infection, and hepatitis C virus infection with advanced fibrosis.
4 Although surgical resection offers the best chance of cure in HCC, few patients are suitable candidates for surgery. Liver transplantation is effective in selected patients.
Benign Tumors of the Liver
Hepatic adenoma

Tumor-like lesions of hepatocytes
1. Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) represents an abnormal proliferation of hepatocytes around an abnormal hepatic artery. The artery is usually embedded in a characteristic central stellate scar.
FNH is usually clinically silent and is typically found incidentally, often at the time of abdominal surgery for another reason.
In comparison with adenoma, FNH tends to be smaller and carries little risk of rupture. Multiple lesions are found in approximately 20% of patients.
A hepatic arteriogram may suggest the diagnosis if a tumor can be found surrounding a large hepatic artery.

2. Nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH) is characterized by the diffuse formation of nodules composed of hepatocytes throughout the liver. The pattern is similar to cirrhosis, except these nodules do not have a surrounding rim of fibrosis.
NRH is often associated with identifiable systemic diseases such as autoimmune disorders, rheumatoid arthritis (including Felty’s syndrome), and myeloproliferative disorders (see Chapter 22).
The pathogenesis is unknown but often appears to be related to obliterative venopathy involving portal vein branches.
The incidence of NRH increases with age and is found most commonly in persons more than 60 years old.
NRH is often complicated by the development of presinusoidal portal hypertension. Patients may present with splenomegaly and hypersplenism or bleeding esophageal varices.
No specific therapy is available, but patients may require beta blocker therapy, endoscopic therapy, or rarely, portal decompression to prevent rebleeding from varices. Generally, patients with NRH tolerate variceal bleeding better than those with cirrhosis, presumably because they have relatively well-preserved hepatic synthetic function.

3. Adenomatous hyperplasia (macroregenerative nodule, dysplastic nodule)
This term is used for regenerative nodules of hepatocytes greater than 1 cm in diameter found in association with cirrhosis or, rarely, submassive hepatic necrosis. Adenomatous hyperplasia represents a form of dysplastic nodule.
In the context of cirrhosis, adenomatous hyperplasia is strongly associated with the development of HCC.


Benign hepatic tumors of cholangiocellular origin
1. Bile duct adenoma: This is typically a solitary subcapsular tumor, composed of a proliferation of small, round, normal-appearing bile ducts with cuboidal epithelium.
2. Biliary microhamartoma (von Meyenburg’s complex): This is part of the spectrum of adult polycystic disease but may also be found together with polycystic disease (adult or childhood type), congenital hepatic fibrosis, or Caroli’s disease (see Chapters 23, 28, and 33).
3. Biliary cystadenoma: This multiloculated cyst is analogous to mucinous cystadenomas of the pancreas. It has significant potential for development of malignancy.
Benign hepatic tumors of mesenchymal origin
These tumors are listed in Table 27.1.
TABLE 27.1 Benign hepatic tumors of mesenchymal origin
Tumor | Comment |
Mesenchymal hamartoma | Childhood tumor with a mixture of elements (bile ducts, vessels, and mesenchyma) |
Infantile hemangioendothelioma | Tumor of infancy; may be complicated by thrombocytopenia, high-output heart failure; may require resection or ablation |
Lipoma | Collection of lipocytes; distinct from focal fatty change within hepatocytes |
Lymphangiomatosis | Masses of prominent, dilated lymphatic channels |
Angiomyolipoma | Distinct radiographic appearance |
Leiomyoma | Extremely rare |
Fibroma | Solid fibrous tumor of the liver |
Inflammatory pseudotumor | Chronic inflammation and fibrosis; may cause pain, fever |
Myxoma | Myxomatous connective tissue |