Hand-Assisted Low Anterior Resection
Eric G. Weiss
Laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer is widely accepted as an equivalent oncologic procedure for the management of colon cancer based on numerous prospective randomized trials. Increasingly, laparoscopy is being utilized as the standard of care option for colon cancer. Several international and one US trial have looked at the use of laparoscopy in rectal cancer. The US rectal cancer trial, the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG) Z6051, showed that using a non-validated composite pathologic assessment laparoscopic rectal cancer pathologic specimens may not be equivalent to those specimens produced using an open technique.
Hand-assisted surgery was first introduced in the 1990s. Since that time improved devices and surgeon experience have allowed its selective adoption by surgeons for performance of colorectal surgical operations. Similar benefits of standard multiport laparoscopy, with the added benefit of shorter operative time, have been reported in multiple series.
Hand-assisted surgery has multiple potential benefits in rectal cancer surgery that may allow advantages similar to those of laparoscopic surgery for the abdominal portions of the procedure, with added theoretical benefits in the pelvis similar to those of open surgery. Philosophically, many surgeons do not accept hand-assisted surgery as “real laparoscopy” and consider it “cheating.” However, emotions aside, patient outcomes and oncologic outcomes are the true measure of a technique. Hand-assisted low anterior resection has a role in the management of rectal cancer. In recent years, other techniques such as robotic-assisted low anterior resection and transanal total mesorectal excision provide other alternatives that may or may not ultimately have benefits over standard laparoscopy.
Hand-assisted surgery allows any or all of the traditional steps in laparoscopy to be done intracorporeally or allows some parts to be done in an open manner through the hand-assist device. For low anterior resection, the use of the hand as a retractor in the pelvis gives broad, wide tension, creating a retraction that is often difficult using multiport laparoscopy. In addition, transacting the rectum in the pelvis with a standard single firing of a stapler is more cost-effective and avoids tangential overseeing placement of multiple endoscopic staple lines across the rectal stump. The end result is a lower anastomotic leak rate.
Any operation considered acceptable for laparoscopy is acceptable procedure for hand-assisted surgery and, similarly, contraindications would be the same.
Most low anterior resections are performed for rectal carcinoma. A standard preoperative evaluation is performed by most surgeons. Other indications include large rectal polyps not amenable to endoscopic or transanal approaches, completion proctectomies for inflammatory bowel disease, and redo pelvic operations for prior failed anastomoses.
Regardless of indications, certain preoperative considerations are necessary for all patients and conditions. Because the rectal reservoir will be removed completely or in part, the status of the anal sphincters is important. This issue can be addressed by preoperatively questioning the patient regarding bowel function and continence and assessing sphincter tone by digital rectal examination and by anal manometry.
Rectal reservoir replacement should be considered and discussed with the patient. Postoperative function can be improved by the addition of a colonic J-pouch. Otherwise, use a side-to-end anastomosis
in patients with less than 5 cm of rectum remaining after low anterior reaction. The major impact on function is seen in the first 2 years after the operation.
in patients with less than 5 cm of rectum remaining after low anterior reaction. The major impact on function is seen in the first 2 years after the operation.
At or below 4 cm, the colorectal anastomotic leak rate is as high as 16-25% and a diverting ileostomy should be discussed and an enterostomal therapy consult and informed consent obtained.
If the patient has a rectal cancer, preoperative local staging, with a high-resolution, small-field pelvic magnetic resonance imaging is recommended. Local staging with endorectal ultrasound is still acceptable. Preoperative considerations for neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy should be based on National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines. Presentation before a multidisciplinary tumor board as noted in the Standards Manual of the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer National Accreditation Program for Rectal Cancer should be undertaken. Staging for metastatic disease with carcinoembryonic antigen blood testing and a computed tomography scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis should also be utilized in all patients.
Prior pelvic surgery, remote use of radiation therapy, a large mass overlying a ureter, or involvement of other pelvic structures should lead one to consider cystoscopy and ureteral stent placement in an effort to reduce and identify ureteral injuries.
Thorough discussion and informed consent regarding cancer-specific outcomes, functional outcomes, sexual and urinary function following surgery, adjuvant therapy, and other complications should be held at the time of informed consent.
Preoperative preparation includes full oral antibiotic and mechanical bowel preparation, prophylactic intravenous antibiotics, deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis with standard unfractionated heparin, and pneumatic antiembolism stockings. Positioning, padding, and operative preparation are the same in hand-assisted surgery as with multiport laparoscopy. Patients are positioned in lithotomy position on the operating room table using Allen (Allen Medical Systems, Inc. Acton, MA) or Yellowfin (Allen Medical Systems, Inc. Acton, MA) stirrups. Both arms are tuned on foam pads. The chest is padded with foam pads and then secured to the bed using 3-inch silk tape. An orogastric tube and a urinary catheter are placed. The rectum is irrigated at the beginning of the case with saline and then with Betadine solution. Transverse abdominis plane blocks are used selectively in addition to an aggressive preoperative and postoperative enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol.
If the patient has had prior abdominal surgery, initial peritoneal access is achieved, depending on the type(s) of prior abdominal incisions. Diagnostic laparoscopy is performed looking for evidence of carcinomatosis, ascites, or liver metastases. Additional ports are placed. A lower midline incision is made to accommodate the hand-assist device. The incision for the device needs to be 0.5 cm larger than the glove size of the surgeon whose hand will be placed in the device.
In patients who have not had prior surgery, the band access incision is made as the first step of the procedure. Once the wound component of the Gelport (Applied Medical, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA) is placed, a 10-/12-mm camera port is placed under hand-directed control in the infra- or supraumbilical position. Making a fist under the site of trocar placement, the trocar can be safely placed with the trocar tip entering the top of the closed fist. The cap is then placed and uniform pneumoperitoneum to 15 mm Hg achieved. A 30-degree 10-mm scope, 5-mm scope, or flexible tip scopes can be used alternatively. Next, accessory trocars are placed. Three other ports, two 5-mm ports in the right and left lower quadrants and a 5-mm Airseal port (Conmed, Utica, NY) in the right upper quadrant (Fig. 18-1), are used. The Airseal port allows for excellent smoke and plume evacuation with a very steady and stable pneumoperitoneum. If needed, further 5-mm accessory ports can be placed for added retraction, but this is rarely utilized.

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