GIST subtype
Molecular cause
Usual age GIST presentation
GIST location
Pathology of GIST tumors
Other cancers and clinical features
Familial GIST
Germline KIT or PDGFRA mutation
30–40 years
Stomach or small bowel
Spindle morphology
KIT IHC present
SDH IHC present
KIT mutation: melanoma, lentigen, uticaria pigmentosa, achalasia
PDGFRA mutation: lipoma, fibrous tumor in the gastrointestinal tract and large hands
Neurofibromatosis 1
Germline mutation NF1
40–50 years
Small bowel
Spindle morphology
KIT IHC present
SDH IHC present
Neurofibroma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, optic glioma, café-au-lait macules, axillary freckling
Carney Triad
Somatic SDHC promoter hypermethylation or, less often SDHX mutation
20 years
Epithelioid morphology
KIT IHC present
SDH IHC absent
Paraganglioma and pulmonary chondroma
Carney-Stratkis Dyad
SDHX mutation or, less often somatic SDHC promoter hypermethylation
20–30 years
Epithelioid morphology
KIT IHC present
SDH IHC absent
Paraganglioma, renal cell carcinoma
1.2 Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1)
GIST occurred in 7 % of patients with NF1 in a study utilizing Swedish health registry data [6, 7]. The median age of GIST diagnosis in NF1 patients is 49 years and it appears GIST occurs slightly more often in females than in males. GIST occurring in the setting of NF1 are located in the small bowel, have a spindle cell morphology, can be multiple, and often have a background of interstitial cells of Cajal hyperplasia. Prognosis is usually good when tumors are small and have a low mitotic rate which is the more common scenario [8]. There is little information to inform medical management of GIST occurring in patients with NF1. Imatinib does not seem to be effective. There is a case report with response to sunitinib [7, 9].
1.3 Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH) Deficient GIST
Approximately 10 % of GIST occurring in adults [10] and 85 % of GIST occurring in children [11] lack an activating mutation in the tyrosine kinases – KIT, PDGFR, BRAF –typically mutated in GIST. This type of GIST has been called “wildtype GIST” or “pediatric GIST.” Now that the biology of these GIST tumors is better understood, the preferred terminology for this group is “SDH-deficient GIST.” As discussed in greater detail in the chapter “Surgical Pathology of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: Correlation with Clinical and Molecular Subtypes,” SDH-deficient GIST is defined by absence of immunohistochemical (IHC) staining for succinate dehydrogenase B (SDHB). The SDH-ubiquinone complex is a component of the Krebs cycle and the respiratory chain. It is a heteroligomer composed of subunits A, B, C, and D. Inactivation of any one of the three SDH subunits results in destabilization of the SDH complex, loss of enzymatic function, and absence of IHC staining for SDHB [12].
There appears to be two mechanisms through which SDH inactivation occurs, germline or somatic inactivating mutations [13] and methylation of the SDHC in this context refers to gene: succinate dehydrogenase complex (SDHC) promoter leading to silencing of SDHC expression [14]. We have called GIST with germline or somatic mutations in SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, or SDHD (also indicated by SDHX) SDH-mutant GIST and GIST with methylation of the SDHC promoter SDH-epimutant GIST [15]. As described in further detail below, it is important to recognize SDH-deficient GIST and to determine which subtype of SDH-deficient GIST a patient has because SDH-deficient GIST has unique epidemiologic (Fig. 1) and clinical features with implications for prognosis and clinical management.

Fig. 1
SDH-deficient GIST subtypes. SDH-deficient GIST can be classified as SDH-epimutant (25 %) caused by methylation of the SDHC promoter region and SDH-mutant caused by mutation in one of the four SDH subunits. Average age of presentation and gender distribution are shown for both subtypes. For SDH-mutant GIST, the proportion of cases caused by SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD mutations are shown (Adapted from Boikos et al. [15])
1.4 SDH-Mutant GIST
Approximately 70 % of SDH-deficient GIST have an SDHX mutation and thus are best categorized as SDH-mutant GIST. The SDH subunit mutated in these SDH-mutant GIST is SDHA in 54 % of cases, SDHB in 25 % of cases, SDHC in 19 % of cases, and SDHD in 2 % of cases. Approximately 80 % of patients with SDH-mutant GIST will have the identified SDHX mutation in the germline while the remaining 20 % appear to have the SDHX mutation present in the tumor only. The median age of GIST presentation in SDH-mutant GIST is 23 (range 7–58), much younger than the age of presentation for KIT and PDGFRA mutant GIST. About 60 % of patients presenting with SDH-mutant GIST are female. All SDH-mutant GIST occur in the stomach with 40 % of these gastric tumors being multifocal (more than one discrete gastric tumor) at the time of presentation. Approximately 30 % of patients with SDH-mutant GIST will have metastatic disease at presentation with lymph nodes being the most common site of metastatic disease followed by liver and peritoneum [15].
As discussed in much greater detail in the section SDH-deficient GIST, approach to cancer screening section later in this chapter, germline SDHX mutations cause hereditary paraganglioma, reviewed in [16]. Consequently, these patients are at risk for other cancers especially paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma.
1.5 SDH-Epimutant GIST
Approximately 30 % of SDH-deficient GIST have SDHC promoter hypermethylation and thus are best categorized as SDH-epimutant GIST. The median age of GIST presentation in SDH-epimutant GIST is 15 (range 8–50). Almost all of the patients presenting with SDH-epimutant GIST are female. Thus SDH-epimutant GIST is the predominant subtype occurring in young females. All SDH-epimutant GIST occur in the stomach with 72 % of these gastric tumors being multifocal at the time of presentation. Approximately 40 % of patients with SDH-epimutant GIST will have metastatic disease at presentation with liver and lymph nodes being the most common site of metastatic disease followed by peritoneum [15].
2 Overview of Syndromic GIST
2.1 Carney Triad and Carney-Stratakis Dyad
The Carney triad has been described as a sporadic syndrome defined by the association of GIST with paraganglioma and pulmonary chondroma. GIST in patients with Carney Triad tend to be multifocal and arise in the stomach, particularly in the antrum and lesser curvature. Eighty-five percent of patients with Carney triad are female and the mean age at presentation is 20.2 years. Local recurrence (46 %) and metastasis (55 %) to liver, lymph nodes, and peritoneum are common [17]. GIST tumors in patients with Carney Triad are SDH-deficient and have been found to have SDHC hypermethylation, identical to that seen in SDH-epimutant GIST [18]. SDHC hypermethylation appears to be the major mechanism of SDH inactivation in Carney Triad explaining the sporadic as opposed to inherited nature of this syndrome. However, one recent study reported that 10 % of patients with Carney Triad have germline mutations in SDHA, SDHB, or SDHC [19] and a comprehensive study of 95 patients with KIT and PDGFRA mutation negative GIST led by the NIH included 11 patients with Carney Triad, 5 of whom had SDHA or SDHC germline mutations. The remaining 6 had SDHC hypermethylation in the tumor [15]. Unlike the overall group of patients with Carney Triad, 50 % of patients with SDHX germline mutations and Carney Triad are male [19].
The Carney-Stratakis Dyad has been described as an autosomal-dominant inherited cancer predisposition syndrome caused by germline mutation in SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD. Patients with the Dyad are predisposed to paragangliomas, GIST, and other tumors. GIST in these patients is SDH-deficient and tends to be multifocal and located in the stomach. The median age of presentation in Carney-Stratakis Dyad is 19 years [20]. The comprehensive study of 95 patients with KIT and PDGFRA mutation negative GIST led by the NIH included 7 patients with Carney-Stratakis Dyad, 6 of whom had SDHX germline mutations and one of whom had SDHC hypermethylation in the tumor [15].
Although historically Carney Triad and Carney-Stratakis Dyad were recognized as distinct entities, a better understanding of the genomic and epigenomic mechanisms present in the GIST tumors in these syndromes and in KIT and PDGFRA mutation negative GIST reveals that these syndromes are part of a spectrum with SDH-deficient GIST characterized by SDH inactivation by either germline SDHX mutation or SDHC hypermethylation [15].
3 SDH-Deficient GIST Presentation and Staging
Like other GIST, SDH-deficient GIST arise from the interstitial cells of Cajal and, therefore, are in the muscularis propria layer of the gastrointestinal tract deep to the submucosa. In the case of SDH-deficient GIST, patients present with one or multiple intramural masses in the stomach. Because children with GIST essentially all have SDH-deficient GIST, information gleaned from case series of pediatric GIST has relevance to SDH-deficient GIST. In a summation of pediatric GIST series and case reports, by far the most common manifestations at the time of initial presentation are gastrointestinal bleeding and anemia or symptoms related to it such as fatigue. Patients can also have abdominal pain and a palpable abdominal mass or abdominal distension [21]. Staging which should be performed with 18FDG-PET-CT reveals metastatic disease involving the gastric lymph nodes, liver, or peritoneum in 30–40 % of patients. If liver metastases are present, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be helpful to establish a baseline appearance for correlation with later imaging assessment of response to treatment. Chest X-ray should be obtained at diagnosis to evaluate for the presence of pulmonary chondromas which occur in the setting of Carney Triad (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
Typical imaging characteristics of SDH-Deficient GIST. Patient with SDH-deficient GIST who presented with gastric GIST and liver metastases demonstrated on 18FDG-PET (a), including a large gastric tumor (panel c, 18FDG-PET), liver metastases which are best visualized with MRI (arrows, panel b), and multiple gastric tumors visualized with upper endoscopy (panel d). A different patient with SDH-deficient GIST with recurrence in a gastric lymph node (arrows, panels e and f, MRI)
4 SDH-Deficient GIST Diagnosis
The diagnosis of SDH-deficient GIST should be suspected in patients presenting with GIST at a young age (<40 years), whenever a patient presents with multifocal gastric tumors and when lymph nodes are involved with metastases at the time of diagnosis. The recommended approach for biopsy of SDH-deficient GIST is endoscopic, ultrasound-guided biopsy of the gastric masses except when presentation with massive hemorrhage or perforation necessitates emergency surgery. Endoscopic biopsy of GIST is discussed in detail in the chapter “Endoscopic Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors.”
The pathologic features of SDH-deficient GIST are discussed in detail in the chapter “Surgical Pathology of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: Correlation with Clinical and Molecular Subtypes.” Epitheilioid morphology and a multinodular or plexiform pattern are pathologic features suggesting a diagnosis of SDH-deficient GIST. In addition, SDH-deficient GIST should be considered when molecular testing of tumor reveals nosomatic mutations in KIT, PDGFRA, and BRAF. SDH-deficient GIST have strong membranous IHC staining for KIT and DOG1. The key pathologic feature confirming a diagnosis of SDH-deficient GIST is absence of IHC staining for SDHB [22]. SDHB IHC should be performed on GIST presenting in young patient, when multifocal GIST is present, when pathologic features are suggestive of SDH-deficient GIST, and when features of SDH-deficient GIST are not present but tumor sequencing does not reveal kinase mutations. It is also possible to perform IHC for SDHA. IHC staining for SDHA is absent in SDH-deficient GIST caused by germline or somatic mutations in SDHA [23, 24]. Sequencing tumor for mutations in KIT, PDGFRA, BRAF, SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD can be very helpful in determining optimal treatment approaches, prognosis, and whether referral to a cancer predisposition program for genetic testing is indicated. Testing for mutations in KIT and PDGFRA and, when negative, for mutations in SDH genes is recommended in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines [25].
5 SDH-Deficient GIST Clinical Course
As SDH-deficient GIST has only recently been identified as a distinct entity, there is limited data on the clinical course or prognosis of this entity. Because children with GIST essentially all have SDH-deficient GIST, information gleaned from case series of pediatric GIST has relevance to SDH-deficient GIST. A review of literature on pediatric GIST suggests that most SDH-deficient GIST have an indolent course. Despite the fact that many patients develop multiple disease recurrences or present with metastatic disease, patients can survive with active disease for many years [21]. In one of the largest series of pediatric GIST reported to date, with a mean duration of follow up of almost 5 years,10 of 12 patients (83 %) developed metastatic disease yet only one died as a consequence of GIST. Half of the patients were alive with disease and the mean duration of survival with disease was almost 6 years [26].
A comprehensive study of 84 patients with SDH-deficient GIST led by the NIH collected follow-up data on a cohort of patients who attended a clinic dedicated to assessment of patients with pediatric or wild-type GIST. In 63 patients with SDH-mutant GIST, after a median follow-up from diagnosis of 6 (range 1–44) years, 3 had died (8–24 years after initial diagnosis). In the 21 patients with SDH-epimutant GIST, after a median follow-up of 9 (range 1–32) years, 1 patient died 6 years after diagnosis [15]. Patients with SDHA mutant GIST appear to have an excellent prognosis [27].

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