Genetic Diseases
M. Chadi Alraies
Franklin A. Michota
Most diseases encountered in the practice of medicine have genetic components in both the cause and the pathogenesis.
The process of considering, ordering, and interpreting a genetic test is not straightforward.
Inheritance Patterns
Autosomal Dominant
Multigenerational presence of symptoms and equal involvement of sexes
One copy of a gene pair needs to be altered for clinical symptoms to appear (heterozygous)
Conditions often caused by aberrant structural or developmental processes, and only a minority result from enzymatic defects
Autosomal Recessive
Two gene copies altered (homozygous); heterozygotes are unaffected
Equal involvement of both sexes; affected individuals in the same single generation; absence of the disease appearing in multiple generations
X-Linked Recessive
Virtually all males are affected clinically, with rare symptomatic females
All daughters of an affected male are carriers of the mutated allele; the risk for any of the daughters’ sons to inherit the gene responsible for the condition is 50%