Mean size (mm)
Adverse events
Schmidt et al. [36] (2014)
22 mm
Recurrent non-lifting adenoma
3–6 m
Schmidt et al. [38] (2015)
24 mm
Non-lifting adenoma
Adenoma in appendix or diverticulum
Hirschsprung’s disease
2 Postpolypectomy syndrome (8%)
1 failed due to stenosis (4%)
Schmidt et al. [35] (2015)
28.3 mm
Non-lifting adenoma
2 Minor bleeding (50%)
2 m
et al. [39] (2016)
50 mm
Non-lifting adenoma
Early adenocarcinoma
4 failed (20%)
1 perforation (5%)
2 m
2 patients (10%)
Andrisani et al. [40](2017)
26 mm
Non-lifting adenoma
Early adenocarcinoma
1 Postpolypectomy syndrome (5%)
3 m
Vitali et al. [44] (2018)
17 mm
Non-lifting adenoma
Early adenocarcinoma
2 Postpolypectomy syndrome (15%)
12 m
3 patients (23%)
Aepli et al. [47] (2018)
27 mm
Non-lifting adenoma
Adenoma in appendix or diverticulum
Early adenocarcinoma
3 bleeding (9%)
1 delayed perforation (3%)
2 failed (6%)
3 m
2 patients needed surgery (6%)
Indications and Contraindications of EFTR
To date, several major guidelines recommend that subepithelial tumor in particular GIST ≥2 cm or symptomatic tumors should be resected [48–50]. There is currently no consensus of the maximum size of the lesion amenable to EFTR. Sumiyama proposed that EFTR technique can be used to resect large submucosal tumor and laterally spreading tumor (LST) involving the submucosa or muscularis propria [8].
The management of small tumors less than 2 cm is highly debated. Most guidelines recommend periodic endoscopic surveillance [48–50]. However, limitations of endoscopic surveillance include a delayed diagnosis of malignancy, increased patient’s anxiety, and patient’s lost to follow-up and therefore may not be cost-effective in the long term. There is currently no consensus on the association between tumor size and the likelihood of lymph node metastasis [50]. There are several reported cases of small subepithelial tumor <2 cm with malignant potential that presented with early lymph node metastasis [51–53].

Indications for EFTR
We recommend that only skilled endoscopists with experience in ESD, ESE, and the management of perforation should perform EFTR procedures.
Pre-procedural Assessment
Pre-procedural assessment is a crucial step prior to EFTR. As in any other endoscopic procedures, informed consent is necessary. Patients should be fully informed about the intraoperative and postoperative risks that may occur including the possibility of emergency surgery in the event of a major complication such as torrential bleeding or perforation that failed endoscopic closure. Detailed medical history is vital to ensure there are no contraindications to EFTR as highlighted above. For patients on antithrombotic or antiplatelet medications, it is recommended to stop taking both drugs for at least 1 week prior to EFTR if there is no contraindication to cease these medications temporarily and after discussion with their primary physicians.
Tumor characteristics, size, and location and exclusion of tumor metastasis are also vital information that can be obtained from computed tomography (CT) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS).
EFTR Procedure
EFTR is a complex procedure that requires the collaboration and support of various departments that include the anesthetist, intensive care unit, surgeon, and pathology department. The success of EFTR not only relies on the endoscopist’s technical skill but also experienced trained endoscopic nurses. Both endoscopist and nurses must be familiar with all endoscopic devices and suturing techniques to manage any procedure-related complications. All procedures are performed under general anesthesia with airway intubation. It is recommended to give a single dose of prophylactic intravenous antibiotic at least half an hour prior to EFTR. An infusion of a second- or third-generation cephalosporin tends to be the preferred choice of antibiotic prophylaxis for gastrointestinal tract given the broad-spectrum activity against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is crucial to use carbon dioxide insufflation throughout the EFTR procedure.
The instruments used for EFTR were similar to those used for ESD that included a standard single-channel forward-viewing gastroscope (180H Olympus Optical Co., Ltd., Japan) with a transparent cap (D-201-11804, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) attached to the tip of the endoscope to improve endoscopic visualization, to assist in tissue traction, and to facilitate in hemostasis in the event of bleeding. A dual-channel endoscope (GIF-2T240, Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) is occasionally used for closure of iatrogenic GI wall defect using a purse-string technique . A grasping forceps (FG-8U-1, Olympus) is also used to prevent inadvertent dislodgment of enucleated tumor into the abdominal cavity.
There are a variety of electrosurgical knives that are available and can be used for EFTR. At our center, an insulated-tip (IT) electrosurgical knife (KD-611L, Olympus), a hook knife (KD-620LR, Olympus), or a needle knife (KD-10Q-1, Olympus) are commonly used to resect the wall layers around the tumor. Other crucial equipment includes injection needles (NM-4L-1, Olympus), snares (SD-230U-20, Olympus), basket (MWB-2 × 4, Cook), hot biopsy forceps (FD-410LR, Olympus), hemostatic clips (HX-610-90, HX-600-135, Olympus), endoloop (MAJ-339, Olympus), over-the-scope-clip (OTSC) (also known as Ovesco device (GmbH, Tubingen, Germany)), argon plasma coagulation unit (APC300, ERBE), and high-frequency electrosurgical generator (VIO200, ERBE).
EFTR Steps
Step 1: For deep lesions or small lesions (<10 mm), several marking dots around the periphery of the SET are made using either the tip of the electrosurgical knife or argon plasma coagulation catheter because the location may become vague after submucosal injection. Otherwise, marking can be omitted.
Step 2: A submucosal injection of a mixture of 100 ml of normal saline and 1 ml of indigo carmine to create a protective submucosal “cushion” to prevent deep thermal injury during tumor resection.
Step 3: A circumferential mucosal incision is made 1–2 mm outside the marked dots or the contour of the SET. Another option is to perform mucosal excision to unroof the SET.
Step 4: Submucosal and subtumoral dissection is performed surrounding the tumor capsule to ensure a complete en bloc resection of the tumor. Meticulous care must be taken to avoid interruption of the tumor capsule. All visible vessels must be coagulated, and prompt hemostasis must be achieved to avoid accumulation of blood in the GI lumen. To avoid inadvertently losing the specimen into the peritoneal cavity, snare can be used for the final cut of the lesion and immediate specimen retrieval after resection. Another method is to use a double-channel endoscope with a grasping forceps inserted into one channel to grasp the lesion while the electrosurgical knife is inserted into the second channel to excise the lesion.
Step 5: Once the tumor is enucleated, the closure of excisional wall defect can be performed using various available methods as described below depending on the size of the GI wall defect. The diameter of the wall defect can be reduced by air suction to assist in closure of the defect.

Steps of EFTR for gastric SET originating from muscularis propria. (a) Endoscopic view of a gastric SET originating from muscularis propria. (b) Circumferential incision was made as deep as muscularis propria around the lesion with IT knife. (c) Incision into serosal layer around the lesion was performed with IT knife to create active perforation. (d) The full-thickness gastric wall defect after tumor resection. The liver could be seen through the gastric wall defect after EFTR. (e) The resected tumor was removed by snare. (f, g) The gastric wound was closed with several metallic clips and endoloop by “purse-string” method (double-channel scope). (h) The resected specimen
In the event of an iatrogenic wall perforation, continuous CO2 insufflation must be avoided to prevent pneumoperitoneum and regular suction of content within the GI lumen is vital to avoid spillage of fluid and blood into the abdominal cavity. Throughout the procedure, care is taken to constantly monitor the patient’s positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) and for clinical signs of raised intra-abdominal pressure. When necessary, a 20-gauge needle is inserted under aseptic technique directly into the abdominal cavity to relieve pneumoperitoneum during and after the procedure. Patients are on kept nil by mouth after surgery and nursed in semi-Fowler’s position. A nasogastric tube is routinely placed to deflate the stomach; in addition it also helps detect early post-procedural bleeding.
Closure of Iatrogenic GI Wall Perforation
There are various endoscopic methods to close the iatrogenic GI wall perforation after EFTR. This step can be very challenging depending on the size of the wall defect and the location of wall defect. An adequate and reliable closure of the GI wall defect is the most important factor to determine the success of the EFTR procedure. We will focus on several closure techniques that include traditional metallic clips, purse-string technique, and other newer closure devices available.
- (i)
Metallic clips closure (Fig. 9.3)
There are a variety of metallic clips available in clinical practice to close GI wall defects. Endoluminal metallic clips have been widely used in clinical practice for closure of GI wall defects, anastomotic fistulas, and small perforations after endoscopic resection and to achieve hemostasis. The successful application of endoscopic metallic clips to close perforation in the stomach was first reported in 1993 by Binmoeller et al. [54] Minami et al. [55] reported a study of 121 patients, in which 117 patient had successful closure of ESD perforation using metallic clips, achieving success rate of 98.3%. At our center, metallic clips are generally used to close elongated wall defects that are less than 2 cm in cross-sectional diameter.
- (ii)
Purse-string closure technique (metallic clips combined with endoloop)
Matsuda first introduced the metallic clips combined with endoloop snare to close EMR defects successfully [56]. This technique can be divided into two ways:
Linear closure : This is applicable for small defects with a single endoloop and two metallic clips anchoring over the proximal and distal edges of the defect to close.
Purse-string closure : This way is suitable for large defects. It uses a single endoloop and about five to six metallic clips gathering mucosa around the defects to the center to close [57] (Video 9.1). This technique has many variations; the commonly used maneuver was performed by a double-channel gastroscope, introducing endoloop through one channel and metallic clips through the other channel. For centers without double-channel gastroscope, single-channel method can be used with a specially designed loop (LeClamp™, LEOMED, Changzhou, China) (Fig. 9.4).

Metallic clips closure. (a) The full-thickness gastric wall defect after tumor resection. (b) The gastric wound was closed by several metallic clips successfully

Purse-string suturing technique (single-channel method). (a) Endoscopic view of a gastric wall defect after EFTR. (b) A loop was placed above the wall defect and detached from the loop hook. (c) Several metallic clips were anchoring at the defect edge. (d–f) The loop hook was introduced to tighten the loop to achieve complete closure of the full-thickness defect
- (iii)
Omental patch method
An omental patch method is not commonly used now; because of the advances in closure devices, most of the defect can be successful closed endoscopically. Hashiba et al. reported successful endoscopic repair of gastric perforation with an omental patch [58]. Dray et al. using animal model reported technical feasibility of omentoplasty for gastrotomy closure [59]. This technique is usually reserved for large wall defects (more than 3 cm in size) that has failed closure using the purse-string technique. This technique utilizes the greater omentum or the lesser omentum as a patch. The omentum is suctioned into the GI lumen through the perforation site to seal the wall defect, and the omentum is anchored to the edge of the wall defect using several metallic clips.
- (iv)
Endoscopic suturing device
Endoscopic suturing device is an indispensable component of any advanced endoscopic resection. There is a recent rapid expansion of endoscopic suturing devices that are currently available, and we are now able to achieve closure of full-thickness resection defects. However, these endoscopic closure devices are generally not widely available, are costly, and are at early stages of development. In addition, there is only very limited preliminary data in regard to its safety and effectiveness. We hereby focus on several endoscopic closure devices that are available and used in clinical practice.
- (a)
Over-the-scope clips (OTSC)
Among all the closure devices available, OTSC has been increasingly used to close various wall defects and bleeding ulcers. The OTSC consists of a nitinol alloy and is installed on an applicator that is mounted onto the tip of the gastroscope. The clip is applied by stretching a wire that is led through the working channel of the endoscope (similar to common endoscopic band ligation systems) [60–62].
In contrast to other mechanical closing devices, the new OTSC clips can grasp much more tissue and offer a strong and long-standing closure of the wound margins in a one-step application technique. The new OTSC system was originally developed and used in humans for hemostasis of ulcer bleeding and for closure of iatrogenic perforations of the GI tract [63–64]. However, one big concern of this device is the device residual in the wound (Fig. 9.5).

A case of residual OTSC 5 years after initial EFTR. (a) Retained OTSC was found on 5-year follow-up endoscopy after initial EFTR. (b, c) A snare was used to remove the clip by resecting the underlying tissue. (d) Removed OTSC with grasped tissue. (e, f) OTSC
- (b)
OverStitch™ suturing system
Apollo OverStitch suturing device has evolved from the previously developed Eagle Claw device. This device was approved in 2011 by the Food and Drug Administration and is used for closure of fistulas and perforations, oversewing ulcers, and bariatric endoscopy in the United States [59]. However, in Asia, the OverStitch is not yet available and many endoscopists used endoloop and clips to close EFTR defects [65–66]. This device is a single-use device that is mounted onto a double-channel gastroscope. This device enables both interrupted and continuous suture application and allows full-thickness suturing as well as tissue approximation or plication in the gastrointestinal tract (Fig. 9.6). This suturing device has been shown to have the ability to attain durable closure of gastric defects ranging from 18 mm to 50 mm in an animal model [66].

A case of colonic defect after EFTR closed by OverStitch. (a) Endoscopic view of a colonic SET. (b) Mucosal incision after submucosal injection. (c) The SET originated from MP layer. (d) The wound after EFTR. (e, f) Continuous suture of the wound was achieved successfully by Overstitch suturing device
Kantsevoy et al. demonstrated in his study that 12 patients who underwent ESD for both gastric and colonic lesions had successful closure of defect using OverStitch device in all patients, and all patients were discharged home on the same day of the procedure [67].
Rajan et al. demonstrated in a porcine study the feasibility of suturing to seal full-thickness gastric defects with an average size of 11 mm without site ulceration [63].
Since then, there are an increased number of studies that demonstrated the effectiveness of OverStitch in closure of wall defect [68, 69].
Pathologic Evaluation
The specimens are fixed, embedded with paraffin, and then sectioned. Hematoxylin and eosin and immunohistochemical staining (CD34, CD117, actin, S-100, desmin, vimentin, Ki-67, etc.) are carried out. Complete resection is defined as en bloc resection, in which the capsule of the tumor is intact and the basal and lateral margins are free of tumor cells.
Post-procedure Management
Post-procedure care is crucial. All patients are kept strictly nil by mouth after EFTR and nursed in a semi-Fowler’s position. A nasogastric (NG) tube is recommended to decompress the stomach and to detect early post-procedure bleeding, and vital signs and abdominal signs are monitored closely. At our center, a third-generation cephalosporin is used for the first 3 postoperative days. Oral proton pump inhibitors are prescribed for 2 months and used to protect gastric mucosa in patients with upper GI lesions.
The NG tube is typically removed after 48 hours if there is no sign of bleeding or worsening of abdominal pain. The patients are started on a liquid diet and gradually upgraded to a soft and then finally to a normal diet prior to discharge from hospital.
Clinical Outcomes of EFTR
Clinical outcomes of EFTR
Study | N | Site | Mean size (mm) | Pathological diagnosis | Closure | Success | R0 | Adverse events | Follow up (m) |
Zhou et al. [24] (2011) | 26 | Gastric | 28 mm | GIST (16) Leiomyoma (6) Glomus tumor (1) Schwannoma (1) | Metallic clips | 100% | 100% | No | 8 m |
Shi et al. [57] (2013) | 20 | Gastric | 14.7 m | GIST (12) Leiomyoma (4) Schwannoma (2) Granular cell tumor (1) Ectopic pancreas (1) | Purse-string | 100% | 100% | Abdominal pain and fever (5) | 3 m |
Feng et al. [27] (2014) | 48 | Gastric | 15.9 mm | GIST (43) Leiomyoma (4) Schwannoma (1) | Metallic clips | 100% | 100% | Distension (5) | 2,6,12& 24 m |
Ye et al. [63] (2014) | 51 | Gastric | 24 mm | GIST (30) Leiomyoma (21) | Purse-string | 98% | 98% | No | 22.4 m |
Huang et al. [26] (2014) | 35 | Gastric | 28 mm | GIST (25) Leiomyoma (7) Autonomic nerve tumor (2) | Metallic clip ± omental patch | 100% | 100% | No | 6 m |
Kantsevoy et al. [67] (2014) | 12 | Gastric Colon | 42.6 mm | Gastric lipoma (2) Ectopic pancreas (1) Intestinal metaplasia (1) Colonic adenoma (6) Intramucosal rectal cancer (2) | Suturing device | 100% | 100% | No | 3 m |
Yang et al. [28] (2015) | 41 | Gastric | 16.3 mm | GIST (33) Leiomyoma (4) NET (1) Ectopic pancreas (1) Schwannoma (1) Hyaline degeneration (1) | OTSC or metallic clips | 100% | 100% | Abdominal pain, fever, dysuria, vomiting (9) | — |
Guo et al. [29] (2015) | 23 | Gastric | 12.1 mm | GIST (19) Leiomyoma (4) | OSTC | 100% | 100% | Localized peritonitis (2) Fever (4) | 3 m |
Kantsevoy et al. [67] (2016) | 16 | Colon | 5.6 mm | Adenoma | Suturing device | 100% | 100% | No | 3 m |

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