Endoscopic Ultrasound–Assisted Pancreaticobiliary Access

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is the primary approach to drain an obstructed pancreatic or biliary duct. Failed biliary drainage is traditionally referred for percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage or surgical bypass, which carry significantly higher morbidity and mortality rates compared with ERCP and transpapillary drainage. Endoscopic ultrasound provides a real-time imaging platform to access and deliver therapy to organs and tissues outside of the bowel lumen. The bile and pancreatic ducts can be directly accessed from the stomach and duodenum, offering an alternative to ERCP when this fails or is not feasible.

Key points

  • Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)–guided pancreaticobiliary access allows a variety of drainage options when endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography fails.

  • EUS-guided drainage has high clinical success when performed by interventional endoscopists with an acceptable adverse event profile.

  • Standardized algorithms should be used for EUS-guided access and drainage to allow comparative data collection and reporting.

  • Specialized tools for transluminal drainage allow extended indications for access and intervention in reach of the therapeutic endoscopist.

Video of single-step endoscopic ultrasound–guided gallbladder stenting with a cautery-equipped stent delivery system for the lumen-apposing stent accompanies this article at http://www.giendo.theclinics.com/


Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is the primary approach to drain an obstructed pancreatic or biliary duct. In approximately 10% to 15% of cases, endoscopic biliary access may fail ( Box 1 ). Failed biliary drainage is traditionally referred for percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) or surgical bypass, which carry significantly higher morbidity and mortality rates compared with ERCP and transpapillary drainage. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) provides a real-time imaging platform to access and deliver therapy to organs and tissues outside of the bowel lumen. The bile and pancreatic ducts can be directly accessed from the stomach and duodenum, offering an alternative to ERCP when this fails or is not feasible.

Box 1

  • Failed ductal cannulation

  • Unidentifiable papilla

  • Tumor infiltration of the papilla

  • Juxtapapillary diverticulum

  • High-grade ductal stricture

  • Difficult anatomy

  • Inability to reach the papilla (or ductal anastomosis)

  • Gastric outlet obstruction

  • High-grade duodenal stenosis

    • Postpeptic structuring

    • Malignant infiltration

  • Postsurgical anatomy

  • Gastrectomy

  • Gastric bypass

  • Whipple procedure

  • Hepaticojejunostomy

  • Billroth II gastrectomy

Causes of failed retrograde access to the bile and pancreatic ducts


EUS-guided cholangiopancreatography was first described in 1996. Using a curved linear array (CLA) echoendoscope, a standard fine-needle aspiration (FNA) needle is guided under real-time visualization into the bile or pancreatic duct and contrast injected for cholangiopancreatography or pancreatography. The route of access is anterograde, in contrast to the retrograde approach of ERCP. The authors prefer the term EUS-guided anterograde cholangiopancreatography (EACP) to cover the spectrum of EUS-guided techniques for accessing and draining the bile and pancreatic ducts ( Box 2 ). Patients with known difficult anatomy (eg, altered anatomy or gastric outlet obstruction) or prior failed ductal access are more likely to require EACP. All patients referred for therapeutic ERCP should be consented for both ERCP and EACP to allow same-session EUS-guided drainage when ERCP fails.

Box 2

  • Anterograde-retrograde access and downstream drainage

  • EUS-guided rendezvous procedure

  • Anterograde access and upstream drainage

  • EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy

  • EUS-guided choledochoduodenostomy

  • EUS-guided pancreaticogastrostomy

  • EUS-guided pancreaticoduodenostomy

  • Anterograde access and downstream drainage

  • EUS-guided anterograde transpapillary stent placement

  • EUS-guided anterograde transanastomotic stent placement

Classification of EUS-guided pancreatobiliary interventions

There are theoretic advantages of EACP over ERCP. By avoiding the ampulla and accidental cannulation or injection of the pancreatic duct, EACP eliminates the risk of pancreatitis. EACP is reserved for failed ERCP but could eliminate the problem of difficult cannulation altogether if used as a primary access strategy. Anterograde transenteric drainage can obviate all instrumentation (wire passage, dilation, and stenting) of the downstream stricture. Additionally, creating a natural fistula at a distance from the obstructing tumor resolves the problem of tumor ingrowth and overgrowth, which can cause stent obstruction.


Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is the primary approach to drain an obstructed pancreatic or biliary duct. In approximately 10% to 15% of cases, endoscopic biliary access may fail ( Box 1 ). Failed biliary drainage is traditionally referred for percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) or surgical bypass, which carry significantly higher morbidity and mortality rates compared with ERCP and transpapillary drainage. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) provides a real-time imaging platform to access and deliver therapy to organs and tissues outside of the bowel lumen. The bile and pancreatic ducts can be directly accessed from the stomach and duodenum, offering an alternative to ERCP when this fails or is not feasible.

Box 1

  • Failed ductal cannulation

  • Unidentifiable papilla

  • Tumor infiltration of the papilla

  • Juxtapapillary diverticulum

  • High-grade ductal stricture

  • Difficult anatomy

  • Inability to reach the papilla (or ductal anastomosis)

  • Gastric outlet obstruction

  • High-grade duodenal stenosis

    • Postpeptic structuring

    • Malignant infiltration

  • Postsurgical anatomy

  • Gastrectomy

  • Gastric bypass

  • Whipple procedure

  • Hepaticojejunostomy

  • Billroth II gastrectomy

Causes of failed retrograde access to the bile and pancreatic ducts


EUS-guided cholangiopancreatography was first described in 1996. Using a curved linear array (CLA) echoendoscope, a standard fine-needle aspiration (FNA) needle is guided under real-time visualization into the bile or pancreatic duct and contrast injected for cholangiopancreatography or pancreatography. The route of access is anterograde, in contrast to the retrograde approach of ERCP. The authors prefer the term EUS-guided anterograde cholangiopancreatography (EACP) to cover the spectrum of EUS-guided techniques for accessing and draining the bile and pancreatic ducts ( Box 2 ). Patients with known difficult anatomy (eg, altered anatomy or gastric outlet obstruction) or prior failed ductal access are more likely to require EACP. All patients referred for therapeutic ERCP should be consented for both ERCP and EACP to allow same-session EUS-guided drainage when ERCP fails.

Box 2

  • Anterograde-retrograde access and downstream drainage

  • EUS-guided rendezvous procedure

  • Anterograde access and upstream drainage

  • EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy

  • EUS-guided choledochoduodenostomy

  • EUS-guided pancreaticogastrostomy

  • EUS-guided pancreaticoduodenostomy

  • Anterograde access and downstream drainage

  • EUS-guided anterograde transpapillary stent placement

  • EUS-guided anterograde transanastomotic stent placement

Classification of EUS-guided pancreatobiliary interventions

There are theoretic advantages of EACP over ERCP. By avoiding the ampulla and accidental cannulation or injection of the pancreatic duct, EACP eliminates the risk of pancreatitis. EACP is reserved for failed ERCP but could eliminate the problem of difficult cannulation altogether if used as a primary access strategy. Anterograde transenteric drainage can obviate all instrumentation (wire passage, dilation, and stenting) of the downstream stricture. Additionally, creating a natural fistula at a distance from the obstructing tumor resolves the problem of tumor ingrowth and overgrowth, which can cause stent obstruction.

Equipment required


Standard CLA echoendoscopes are commercially available with 2 channel sizes: small (standard) and large (therapeutic). The therapeutic CLA echoendoscope with a channel of 3.7 or 3.8 mm enables the passage of accessories of up to 11F. The forward-view CLA scope, which has overlapping endoscopic and EUS fields, has a 3.7-mm channel. Accessories exit along the same axis as the echoendoscope, enabling direct visualization of the accessory as it exists the channel, similar to a standard gastroscope. A potential drawback of the scope is the lack of an elevator to facilitate stent insertion and to clamp down on a guidewire during over-the-wire exchanges.

Fine-Needle Aspiration Needles for Ductal Access

A conventional FNA needle can be used to access the bile or pancreatic duct. The choice of needle size depends on the clinical context, the goal of the procedure, and the ductal anatomy. Most operators use a 19-gauge (G) needle, through which a 0.035-in, 400 to 450 cm long wire can be inserted. The drawback of the 19-G needle is its relative stiffness, which results in a very tangential angle of puncture. The elevator, when activated, has virtually no effect on the puncture angle. It is also difficult to penetrate indurated tissue with the 19-G needle. Modified blunt-tipped access needles may avoid inadvertent shearing of the wire on the bevel of the needle. The 22-G needle has greater flexibility, but it only accepts an 0.018-in guidewire, which lacks the stability and trackability required for over-the-wire intervention. The 0.018-in wire is also hard to steer and see on fluoroscopy. The 22-G needle may be preferred when targeting a nondilated duct (eg, intrahepatic or pancreatic) or when puncture with the 19-G fails. The 0.018-in wire may need to be exchanged for a 0.035-in wire through a catheter. A 25-G needle does not accept a wire, but it might be considered when the goal is a diagnostic cholangiogram or pancreatogram, especially in a patient with a coagulation disorder or low platelet count. Injection of saline may distend the duct making access with a larger needle easier. An alternative to using the FNA needle to achieve ductal access is the diathermic needle knife with removable inner needle (Zimmon needle knife, Cook Medical, Bloomington, IN, USA). Pure cutting current is applied during puncture to penetrate tissue. The advantage of using the needle knife is the ability to immediately exchange the inner needle for a guidewire. A drawback of the needle knife is the limited visibility of only the needle at the catheter tip, both on ultrasound and fluoroscopy. Another drawback is the risk of diathermy trauma to tissue. Although a continuous stainless steel needle will maintain the predicted trajectory path as it is advanced, the more flexible needle knife catheter may veer off axis into a neighboring structure, which may be a major vessel.


The guidewires used in EACP are the same as those used in ERCP. The authors routinely start with the 0.035-in hydrophilic Glidewire (Terumo, Somerset, NJ) inserted through a 19-G needle. As in ERCP, the hydrophilic Glidewire has excellent steerability to negotiate tortuous ducts and high-grade strictures. The low coefficient of friction, however, is a drawback for over-the-wire exchange of accessories. During the rendezvous procedure, extreme care must be taken that the Glidewire does not slip back during the withdrawal of the echoendoscope and insertion of the duodenoscope. One can exchange the Glidewire through a standard ERCP catheter for a stiffer instrumentation wire, but this requires advancement of the catheter across the bowel lumen and obstruction. A 22-G needle will only accept a 0.018-in guidewire, but this is very limited by the lack of stability and trackability required for over-the-wire intervention. In the United States, the hydrophilic Glidewire is only available in a 0.020-in size, which creates too much friction within the 22-G needle. Manufacturers have modified guidewires in various ways (reduced diameter, longer flexible hydrophilic tips, stiffer instrumentation shafts) to obviate wire exchanges.


The choice of stent type, size, and length depends on the ductal anatomy. Again, as in ERCP, straight and pigtail plastic stents or self-expandable metal stents (SEMS) can be used. Pigtail stents minimize the risk of stent migration (especially into the duct), but the pigtail end makes stent insertion more difficult owing to a weakened coaxial transfer of force. The authors, therefore, prefer to use straight stents for transenteric drainage, which also allows stent retrieval or exchanging the stent over the wire without loss of ductal access. Covered SEMS have been used for transenteric drainage but may migrate, particularly with shortening. The covering may block drainage of a secondary duct (eg, cystic duct or intrahepatic branch). Uncovered SEMS are generally unsuited for transenteric drainage because of leakage between the struts. Uncovered SEMS can be placed in exchange for a temporary plastic stent after the fistula tract has matured. The authors always use SEMS when a malignant stricture can be traversed and drained downstream. This practice is justified because plastic stent clogging is likely to require a repeat EACP procedure.

More recently, specialized stents have been developed for specific purposes in transenteric drainage (see section “Lumen-apposing transluminal stent”). These stents create a lumen-apposing transenteric anastomosis to allow secure leak-free drainage and through-the-stent endoscopic interventions.

Patient considerations for endoscopic ultrasound–guided anterograde cholangiopancreatography

The decision to pursue EACP should be made on a case-by-case basis at the time of failed ERCP by the endoscopist, taking into account the underlying clinical indication and condition of each patient. All patients in whom EACP procedures are considered must be suitable for EUS-guided FNA (EUS-FNA) and therapeutic ERCP (eg, no bleeding diatheses, large-volume ascites, or other condition precluding EUS-FNA or therapeutic ERCP). Ideally, all procedures should be performed under monitored anesthesia care with propofol or general anesthesia to allow adequate time for completion of the interventions. Antibiotics (ciprofloxacin or a third-generation cephalosporin) are routinely administered before EACP to minimize the risk of peritonitis from leakage of ductal or enteric contents at the transmural puncture site. Oral antibiotics are continued for a minimum of 3 days after the procedure. High-resolution fluoroscopy requirements are no different than for ERCP.

Technical procedural steps

It is helpful to fluoroscopically assess the position of the echoendoscope before puncturing the targeted duct. The exit path of the needle should be oriented toward the downstream portion of the duct. To access the left hepatic bile duct, the scope is positioned in the proximal stomach along the lesser curve. To access the proximal and distal extrahepatic bile ducts, the scope is positioned in the midstomach and duodenal bulb, respectively. In the duodenal bulb, it may be necessary to shift from a long to a short position; in the long position the needle tends to orient toward the upstream bifurcation, whereas in the short position the needle orients toward the downstream ampulla. A trade-off of the short position is that it can be unstable, with a tendency for the echoendoscope to fall back into the stomach. Transhepatic access has the advantage of protection afforded by the liver parenchyma against complications of a bile leak (as is well known from percutaneous transhepatic access). Extrahepatic access has the advantage of easier, more direct access, usually from the duodenal bulb where the bile duct runs along the duodenal wall as it emerges from the pancreatic head (this is also the location used by surgeons to create a choledochoduodenostomy). The portal vein is usually deep to the bile duct and, therefore, not in the needle path.

The pancreatic duct, which is inaccessible to the interventional radiologist, can be punctured at virtually any point along its length from the stomach to the duodenal bulb. It is easiest to access the junction of the neck to body region from the stomach. The initial puncture point should not be too close to the stricture in order to have some distance to steer the guidewire through the stricture. Analogous to transhepatic drainage, the pancreatic parenchyma surrounding the pancreatic duct is thought to protect against complications of a possible leak from the pancreatic duct.

There are distinct strategies for EACP interventions, depending on the bowel and biliary anatomy. These strategies can either be anterograde downstream across the obstruction or anterograde upstream drainage across the bowel wall (see Box 2 ). In patients with an endoscopically accessible papilla, EUS-guided transpapillary wire placement for rendezvous ERCP can be performed. In patients in whom the papilla cannot be accessed (eg, gastric outlet obstruction or surgical bypass), direct EUS-guided therapy is feasible.


Transpapillary Rendezvous Procedure (Anterograde Access and Retrograde Drainage)

The rendezvous procedure is derived from the percutaneous technique whereby a guidewire is passed anterograde across the stricture and papilla (or surgical anastomosis) for subsequent rendezvous retrograde drainage by ERCP ( Fig. 1 ). The rendezvous procedure is limited by 2 requirements: (1) an endoscopically accessible papilla (or bilioenteric anastomosis) and (2) successful passage of the guidewire across the stricture into the downstream small bowel. Traditional percutaneous access under fluoroscopic guidance is substituted for transgastric or transduodenal access under EUS guidance. This procedure minimizes the role of interventional radiology and should be considered an advanced cannulation technique for ERCP. More than 300 cases of successful EUS-guided rendezvous procedures performed for pancreatobiliary obstructions have been reported in the literature ( Table 1 ). Success rates vary between 35% and 98% in the largest cases series. EUS-guided puncture of the duct and ductography are accomplished in most cases. Failure is mainly caused by the inability to steer a guidewire across the stricture. Rescue upstream transenteric drainage can be performed to drain the obstructed duct. When combining attempted EUS-guided rendezvous and upstream drainage in cases of failure, the overall drainage success rate is 87%. The reported complication rates are 12% to 22% and include bile leaks, self-resolving pneumoperitoneum, subcapsular hematoma, and postprocedural pancreatitis.

Fig. 1

An 81-year-old woman presented with painless jaundice and imaging concerning for a pancreatic mass. An EUS was performed, which demonstrated a mass in the pancreatic head. FNA was diagnostic for adenocarcinoma. An ERCP was attempted; however, despite multiple attempts including a precut sphincterotomy, deep cannulation could not be achieved. The patient subsequently underwent an EUS-guided rendezvous procedure. ( A ) Left intrahepatic puncture with a 19-G needle ( arrow ) under EUS guidance. ( B ) 0.035-in guidewire passed anterograde through the needle ( arrow ), across the obstruction and into the duodenum. ( C ) Capture of the guidewire ( arrow ) by a duodenoscope. ( D ) Stent catheter ( arrow ) placed into the bile duct. ( E ) 10 mm × 6-cm self-expandable metal biliary stent partially deployed ( arrow ). ( F ) Fully deployed stent ( arrow ).

Table 1

Studies evaluating EUS-guided rendezvous

No. of Cases Technical Success (%) Clinical Success (%) Procedural Complications
Mallery et al, 2004 2 100 100 Transient fever (1)
Kahaleh et al, 2004 5 60 80 None
Kahaleh et al, 2005 6 67 83 None
Kahaleh et al, 2006 23 78 91 Bleeding (1)
Bile leak (1)
Pneumoperitoneum (2)
Tarantino et al, 2008 8 50 50 None
Brauer et al, 2009 20 35 90 None
Maranki et al, 2009 49 65 84 Bleeding (1)
Bile leak (1)
Pneumoperitoneum (4)
Iwashita et al, 2012 40 73 73 Pancreatitis (1), abdominal pain (2), pneumoperitoneum (1), and sepsis (1)
Shah et al, 2012 50 86 75 Pancreatitis (4), perforation (1), subcapsular hematoma (1)
Bile leak (1)
Dhir et al, 2012 58 98.3 98.3 Adverse events (2)
Vila et al, 2012 60 68.3 68.3 Biloma (3), bleeding (2), perforation (2), cholangitis (2), pancreatitis (4)
Khashab et al, 2013 13 100 100 Pancreatitis (1), cholecystitis (1)
Park do et al, 2013 20 80 80 Pancreatitis (1), peritonitis (1)

Anterograde Access and Downstream Transductal Drainage

This strategy is derived from percutaneous internal stent drainage performed by interventional radiologists. The prerequisite for downstream drainage is the successful traversal of the obstruction with a guidewire. The authors have reported a series of 5 patients who underwent anterograde biliary SEMS placement because of nontraversable high-grade duodenal strictures (n = 4) and an endoscopically unreachable hepaticojejunostomy (n = 1). The SEMS was successfully deployed with a decrease in bilirubin levels in all cases. No postprocedural complications were noted after a median follow-up of 9.2 months. Puspok and colleagues have previously described a successful EUS-guided transhepatic SEMS in a single patient with a malignant biliary obstruction following gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y anastomosis. Bories and colleagues successfully placed a SEMS transhepatically and under EUS guidance in 2 patients. However, these procedures were performed in a 2-stage fashion with initial creation of a hepaticogastrostomy tract followed by anterograde placement of a SEMS in a second separate procedure.

The authors’ success with anterograde drainage for malignant obstruction has led them to apply a similar approach for benign disease. An alternative to ERCP is particularly attractive in post–gastric bypass patients harboring biliary stones. Hurdles to successful ERCP include the need for deep enteroscopy to reach the ampulla, difficult bile duct cannulation using a forward viewing scope, and limitations imposed by a longer length and smaller channel size of the enteroscope. The authors reported technical success of EUS-guided anterograde balloon sphincteroplasty and anterograde stone extraction in 4 out of 6 patients. Park do and colleagues have described a case report of EUS-guided transhepatic anterograde balloon dilation for a benign bilioenteric anastomotic stricture. The available data on EUS-guided downstream transductal interventions are summarized in Table 2 .

Table 2

Anterograde access and downstream transductal drainage

No. of Cases Puncture and Dilatation Device Stent Placed Technical Success (%) Clinical Success (%) Complications
Nguyen-Tang et al, 2010 5 19-G needle SEMS 100 100 None
Park do et al, 2012 1 19-G needle Anterograde stricturoplasty 100 100 None
Weilert et al, 2011 6 19-G needle Anterograde sphincteroplasty 67 67 Subcapsular hematoma (1)
Artifon et al, 2011 1 19-G needle SEMS 100 100 None
Shah et al, 2012 16 19-G needle SEMS, anterograde sphincteroplasty 81 81 Hepatic hematoma
Iwashita et al, 2013 7 19-G needle Anterograde sphincteroplasty
86 86 Adverse events (2)
Park do et al, 2013 14 19-G needle 57 57 None
Weilert, 2014 7 19-G needle SEMS/anterograde sphincteroplasty 86 86 Bile leak (1)
Saxena et al, 2014 2 19-G needle SEMS 100 100 None

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