This article reviews different techniques available for diagnosis and staging of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The advantages and disadvantages of each staging method are highlighted. The role of the gastroenterologist in NSCLC staging is explored. A new algorithm is proposed for the staging of NSCLC that incorporates endoscopic and endobronchial ultrasonography for mediastinal staging in patients with intrathoracic disease.
This review covers recent developments in techniques for staging patients with lung cancer, focusing on the different modalities available for staging mediastinal adenopathy and highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The controversies regarding the sequence of tests required for nodal staging in the mediastinum are reviewed and evidence is provided for current best practice. The role of endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) and the gastroenterologist in mediastinal nodal staging is explored. An algorithm is proposed that incorporates EUS as one of the staging modalities for patients with non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer and the most common cause of cancer-related death in both men and women in the United States and in the world. Most new cases of lung cancer (up to 80%) are NSCLC. Incidence and mortality for men have decreased in the past decade in the United States and in those countries in which smoking cessation efforts have been successful ; however, internationally, especially in Asia, this disease is becoming epidemic.
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer and the most common cause of cancer-related death in both men and women in the United States and in the world. Most new cases of lung cancer (up to 80%) are NSCLC. Incidence and mortality for men have decreased in the past decade in the United States and in those countries in which smoking cessation efforts have been successful ; however, internationally, especially in Asia, this disease is becoming epidemic.
Diagnosis and staging
In cases in which small cell lung cancer is suspected, tissue diagnosis should be made by the easiest available method. Radiologic imaging is usually sufficient to distinguish limited from extensive disease.
In contrast, in patients who are suspected to have NSCLC, diagnosis and staging should occur concurrently. It is critical to stage the disease accurately, because the choice of therapy is dictated by the stage of the disease. Patients with mediastinal nodal metastases (ie, N2 or N3) are not likely to benefit from surgical resection. In some patients with limited ipsilateral lymph node involvement, surgery can still be advised. Incomplete or inaccurate staging can result in patients undergoing futile thoracotomies. Mediastinal metastases are missed in 7% to 17% of all patients NSCLC who undergo lung resection.
Lung cancer is staged by TNM classification. The current TNM staging system for NSCLC was last revised in 1997. The distribution and mapping of lymph nodes in the mediastinum was initially described by Mountain and colleagues, and its various revisions are used to describe the N factor in TNM staging. The American Thoracic Society regional lymph node station criteria are frequently used to divide the mediastinal lymph node stations ( Fig. 1 ).
Noninvasive, minimally invasive, and invasive staging methods have been used for staging lung cancer.
Cross-sectional imaging studies of the chest, along with imaging of the liver and adrenal glands, are the first steps of assessment in patients with suspected NSCLC who may undergo treatment. Computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans, especially with their excellent safety profiles, are among the first noninvasive modalities that are used. They are widely available; however, their limited sensitivity and specificity undermine their usefulness.
The pooled sensitivity and specificity of CT for identifying mediastinal lymph node metastasis are 51% and 85%, respectively. PET has a sensitivity and specificity of 74% and 85%, respectively, for identifying mediastinal lymph node metastasis. Patients with negative CT for mediastinal adenopathy can have up to 35% prevalence of malignant mediastinal lymph nodes. Therefore, tissue sampling is often required.
Bronchoscopy is often necessary in every patient to confirm the diagnosis and to evaluate for synchronous occult contralateral lesions. Bronchoscopy is falsely negative in up to 30% of cases even if brushings, washings, and transbronchial biopsies are performed. To stage the cancer, confirm the diagnosis, and assess for respectability, patients usually need to undergo other investigations.
The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guidelines for lung cancer staging recommend that patients with abnormal lymph nodes on CT or PET, or centrally located tumors without mediastinal adenopathy, should undergo invasive staging for tissue diagnosis and confirmation. Mediastinal tissue can be obtained by needle techniques or surgical biopsies.
Needle techniques
Needle techniques are generally less invasive, less expensive, and less associated with complications compared with surgical methods. Deep sedation is usually not necessary for needle techniques. The following techniques have been used for needle sampling of the mediastinal area.
Transthoracic Needle Aspirate
CT or fluoroscopy-guided transthoracic needle aspirate (TTNA) is mainly used for the sampling of a lung mass that is not reachable during bronchoscopy. In addition, large mediastinal lymph nodes can be sampled via this method. The major adverse event associated with TTNA is pneumothorax, which can happen in up to 10% of cases.
Transbronchial Needle Aspirate
Conventional transbronchial needle aspirate (TBNA) can be performed through indirect or blind guidance of a needle by using information derived from CT on the location of lymph nodes, transbronchially during bronchoscopy., TBNA was originally described in 1949 using a rigid bronchoscope. It gained more popularity after the introduction of flexible endoscopes and the Wang needle in the mid-1980s. TBNA is an underused procedure; only 12% of North American bronchoscopists routinely use TBNA, and 29% of all bronchoscopists use it occasionally. The blind nature of the procedure along with the limitations of CT, especially its inability to identify smaller nodes, are the main factors contributing to the underuse of TBNA. Pneumothorax can happen in 0.4% to 5% of TBNA cases.
Endobronchial Ultrasonography with TBNA
The accuracy of TBNA can be improved by addition of endobronchial ultrasonography (EBUS). Two types of EBUS system are available: radial catheter probe and convex probe EBUS (CP-EBUS). Radial catheter probe EBUS does not allow real-time needle biopsy; however, with the introduction of CP-EBUS, real-time ultrasound-guided transesophageal mediastinal lymph node biopsies became possible.
EBUS can identify lymph nodes in the anterior and superior mediastinum (stations 1, 2, 4, and anterior nodes of station 7; see Fig. 1 ), as well as intrapulmonary and hilar nodes (stations 10, 11, and 12). EBUS-TBNA is reported to have a sensitivity of 85% to 100%, a specificity of 100% and an accuracy of more than 96% in distinguishing benign from malignant mediastinal lymph nodes in patients with lung cancer. EBUS-TBNA is considered to be a safe procedure, with a reported 0.05% risk for major complications in systematic reviews. Pneumothorax and respiratory failure requiring ventilation are the major complications of EBUS-TBNA.
EUS–Fine-Needle Aspiration
A radial or linear scope can be used during the mediastinal staging of lung cancer. The radial scope is generally used for staging purposes, after which a linear echoendoscope is used for targeted EUS–fine-needle aspiration (FNA). Alternatively, the entire examination can be performed with a linear echoendoscope. Because echo characteristics alone have limited accuracy, EUS staging of lung cancer almost always requires FNA of lymph nodes.
EUS can identify lymph nodes in the posterior and inferior mediastinum. Stations 8, 9, and posterior nodes at station 7 are accessible during EUS. When enlarged, station 5 nodes can also be accessible.
Unlike the trachea, the esophagus is flexible. Considerable excursions in the lateral direction of the esophagus are possible so that structures, which on a CT scan look relatively remote from the esophagus, can often be seen and biopsied during EUS examinations. In the superior mediastinum, the trachea is to the right of the esophagus, which often makes it possible to reach area 2L and 4L lymph nodes. 4R nodes are usually not accessible with EUS unless enlarged.
The feasibility of EUS-FNA of the aortopulmonary window lymph nodes (station 5) has been believed to be a major advantage of EUS. Evaluation of this station has traditionally required a paramedian mediastinotomy (Chamberlain procedure). EUS-FNA is recommended as the first-line method for assessment of stage 5 nodes by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
Another advantage of EUS is that it can detect metastatic disease to subdiaphragmatic sites such as left adrenal, celiac lymph nodes, and liver. The importance of EUS in the evaluation of the celiac lymph nodes has been emphasized by several investigators.
Major limitations of EUS arise because EUS-FNA is performed through the esophagus and ultrasonic rays do not penetrate air-filled structures, thus regions immediately anterior to the trachea are a blind spot for EUS-FNA. In general, EUS is most appropriate for evaluation of the posterior inferior mediastinum, whereas EBUS is better for the lymph nodes in the anterior superior mediastinum.
With regard to the detection of malignant mediastinal lymph nodes in NSCLC, EUS-FNA has an overall sensitivity of 84%, and an overall false-negative (FN) rate of 19% (range, 0%–61%). The overall specificity is 99.5% and the overall false-positive rate is 0.4%. With a positive predictive value (PPV) greater than 99% and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 81%, EUS-FNA is proved to be a great tool for mediastinal lymph node staging in patients who have lung cancer.
Complications from EUS-FNA in a recent meta-analysis of 18 studies with a total of 1201 patients were reported to be 0.8% (only 10 cases).
Multiple publications have evaluated the role of EUS in the staging of patients with NSCLC. In a study involving 107 Dutch patients, 16% of thoracotomies could have been avoided by using EUS in addition to mediastinoscopy. In another study, the role of preoperative EUS in addition to standard staging for detection of malignant lymph nodes was examined. It was shown that the addition of EUS can reduce the need of resective surgery in patients who have lung cancer with advanced disease. In a retrospective study, EUS-guided FNA was performed on 35 patients with biopsy-proven negative mediastinoscopies. Thirteen patients were found to have malignant N2 or N3 lymph nodes.
In a cost-analysis model using Monte-Carlo techniques, the investigators postulated that if EUS-FNA had been performed initially (rather than mediastinoscopy) an average cost saving of $11,033 per patient would have resulted.
Combined EUS-FNA and EBUS-TBNA
EBUS-TBNA assesses and samples the same nodal stations as cervical mediastinoscopy. However, the FN rate of EBUS-TBNA is 24%, whereas mediastinoscopy has an FN rate of approximately 10%. This rate has been partly attributed to the fact that EBUS-TBNA cannot access the posterior and inferior mediastinum, or stage 5 lymph nodes.
EUS has the highest yield in the posterior inferior mediastinum. The addition of EUS-FNA to EBUS-TBNA provides a safe way to sample the posterior inferior mediastinal lymph nodes. EUS and EBUS complement each other and provide access to most of the mediastinal lymph nodes in patients with NSCLC. In 1 study, it was shown that if mediastinoscopy had been performed only when results from EUS plus EBUS were negative, this surgical procedure would have been avoided in 28% of patients. Similarly, encouraging results using a combined approach have been reported by other investigators.
Herth and colleagues recently reported a sensitivity of 96% and NPV of 96% in 150 consecutive patients with suspected lung cancer and enlarged mediastinal lymph node (>1 cm) on CT who underwent combined endoscopic-endobronchial ultrasound-guided FNA using a single bronchoscope.
Two prospective studies looked at the feasibility, performance characteristics, and safety of combined EUS-EBUS for staging in patients with NSCLC.
Szlubowski and colleagues prospectively evaluated 120 patients with NSCLC with a radiologically normal mediastinum. PPV and NPV of combined EUS-EBUS was found to be 91%. Wallace and colleagues reported an NPV of 97% using a combined EUS-EBUS staging protocol in a prospective study that evaluated 138 patients with NSCLC. No complications were reported related to the combined EUS-EBUS procedure in any of these studies.
Surgical techniques
Traditionally, surgical techniques are considered the gold standard method for obtaining mediastinal lymph node biopsy samples (NPV, 89%; PPV, 100%). Mediastinoscopy is an underused procedure and its yield varies considerably based on the training and the experience of the surgeon.
In a US study of 11,668 patients who underwent thoracotomy for lung cancer, only 27% of these patients had preoperative mediastinoscopy. Lymphoid tissue samples were obtained in only 47% of these patients. Another study from the Netherlands showed that only 40% of the surgeons adhere to the examination of the 5 nodal stations that routinely should be examined during mediastinoscopy. Nevertheless, mediastinoscopy, if performed by experienced surgeons, will continue to have a role in the invasive staging of NSCLC.
Surgical techniques normally require deep sedation and general anesthesia after endotracheal intubation, and tend to be more expensive compared with the needle techniques. The risk of morbidity and serious complications, including stroke and aortic injury, is higher in surgical techniques. The following surgical techniques have been used for sampling of the mediastinal area.
Cervical Mediastinoscopy
Cervical mediastinoscopy can be used for lymph node sampling or complete excision of nodal stations 1, 2, 3, 4, and anterior nodes of 7. This procedure can be performed as an outpatient surgical procedure. It has a morbidity of 1% to 2% and a mortality of 0.05% to 0.08%. Cervical mediastinoscopy has limited access to the inferior and posterior mediastinum as well as to the aortopulmonary window (station 5).
Extended Cervical Mediastinoscopy
Extended cervical mediastinoscopy is mainly useful when evaluation of the stage 5 nodes is needed in cases of carcinoma of the left lung. The drawback of this surgical procedure is the higher incidence of complications, including aortic artery injuries.
Anterior Mediastinoscopy
Anterior mediastinoscopy is more commonly used to obtain samples from the station 5 nodes. A complication rate of 6.8%, including pneumothorax, bleeding, nerve injury, and transient ischemia, has been associated with this surgical procedure.
Video-Assisted Thoracoscopy
When video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS) is used for staging of mediastinal adenopathy, one of the patient’s lungs commonly needs to be collapsed after general anesthesia; therefore, the procedure typically evaluates either the right or the left mediastinum. Nodal stations 5 and 6 can be accessed when the left mediastinum is studied.
Right paratracheal nodes (stations 2 and 4), subcarinal nodes (station 7), and inferior mediastinal nodes (stations 8 and 9) can be accessed during VATS. The morbidity of VATS is approximately 2%.

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