Fig. 3.1
Cap endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR-C). Following submucosal saline injection, a wire snare is positioned within a transparent distal cap. The mucosa is drawn into the cap using the scope’s suction capability, and the wire snare is tightened around the mucosa, which is resected using electrocautery
EMR is a safe procedure, and major complications are rare. The most common complications are bleeding and perforation. The highest rates are seen in the vascular-rich stomach, where a meta-analysis of retrospective studies including nearly 2000 cases of EMR for early gastric cancer noted a bleeding rate of 8.6% and a perforation rate of 0.9% [17]. Bleeding is less common in the esophagus, colon, and rectum, with a reported rate less than 2% in large studies. Perforation is seen in less than 1% of colon and rectal cases, and in approximately 0.1% of esophageal cases [18, 19].
In a study of 1096 patients undergoing EMR for lesions arising within Barrett’s esophagus, there was failure of endoscopic treatment progressing to esophagectomy in less than 0.5%, and remission was achieved in 96%, with 15% recurrence of neoplasia at a median follow-up of about 2 years [19].
A meta-analysis of retrospective studies analyzed nearly 2000 cases of EMR for early gastric cancer and found an en bloc resection rate of only 52%, though lesions larger than 20 mm were included in some studies. The local recurrence rate was 6% [17].
Colon and Rectum
In the colon and rectum, en bloc resection rates range from 67 to 80% as long as the tumor is less than 20 mm in size. For larger tumors, the rate of en bloc resection is significantly lower, and the risk of local recurrence may be as high as 23% at 1 year for piecemeal resection. When complete en bloc resection is achieved, local recurrence is higher in the rectum (4–5%) than in the colon (2%) [18].
EMR is a safe and effective technique for resection of superficial mucosal lesions. The main drawback is the upper limit on the size of lesions that can be resected en bloc, so it is best suited to small lesions and pathology in which piecemeal resection does not adversely affect oncologic outcomes.
Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD)
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is similar to EMR except that larger lesions can be removed en bloc by dissecting under the saline-lifted lesions rather than simple snare excision. As EMR became more commonly accepted, advances in both the technique and the equipment followed. In 1982, Hirao et al. added a “pre-cutting” step to the original “strip biopsy” by performing a submucosal injection followed by circumferential mucosal incision around the lesion using a needle knife [7]. Retraction of the specimen increased the size of the lesion that could be safely resected with a cutting snare. The technique was modified by Gotoda et al. using a knife developed by Hosokawa and Yoshida several years earlier, the Insulated Tip (IT) Knife, to minimize the risk of perforation during the pre-cutting step [20]. The upper limit of lesions that could be resected, however, remained approximately 3 cm.
Further modifications aimed at increasing en bloc resection of larger lesions included division of the submucosal fibers under direct vision using a transparent distal cap [21–23]. Development of purpose-built knives, including the HookKnife™ (Olympus America, Center Valley, PA), the FlexKnife™ (Olympus America), the Triangle Tip (TT) Knife (Olympus America), and the Flush Knife (Fujifilm, Tokyo, Japan) improved precision and allowed the submucosal dissection to proceed more safely and efficiently.
ESD is indicated for en bloc resection of superficial squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus without obvious submucosal involvement; Barrett’s esophagus with lesions larger than 15 mm, poorly lifting tumors, or risk of submucosal invasion; superficial gastric neoplasms with a low risk of lymph node metastasis; and colon or rectal lesions larger than 20 mm or with a high suspicion of limited submucosal invasion [1]. Of note, there is no particular upper limit to the size of lesions that can be resected en bloc by ESD.
ESD can be performed with a variety of endoscopic cutting instruments depending on the particulars of an individual lesion and the preferences of the endoscopist. The standard technique begins with submucosal injection to develop the potential space between the mucosa and the muscle layers, followed by pre-cutting of the mucosa, and finally division of the submucosal fibers under direct vision. In the final step, the specimen must be retracted to provide visualization, while simultaneously dissecting in the submucosal plane (Fig. 3.2). Specimen retraction can be with a second device in a double-channel endoscope, or with a variety of other novel devices such as robots, magnets, or operating platforms/overtubes.

Fig. 3.2
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD). a The lesion to be resected is marked circumferentially using electrocautery. The lesion is then lifted by submucosal saline injection, and the mucosa is incised circumferentially. b A transparent distal cap is used to retract the mucosa (pink), while a knife is used to divide the submucosal fibers (blue). c A final en bloc ESD specimen
Submucosal Tunneling
The main technical challenge of ESD is control of the specimen during dissection from the underlying muscle layer. As an alternative to the standard technique, von Delius et al. reported “endoscopy of the submucosal space” in 2007, in which they reversed the order of the mucosal incision and division of submucosal fibers [24]. In a pig model, they entered the submucosal space through a mucosotomy and created a tunnel under the lesion. Once the mucosa had been completely separated from the underlying muscle, they completed the resection by post-cutting the mucosa and were able to successfully resect lesions of various sizes, including a complete circumferential donut.
Overall, procedure-related bleeding and perforation were each less than 3% over 38 studies and 2223 lesions. There were no ESD-related mortalities [1].
Colon and Rectum
A systematic review by Repici et al. of 2841 lesions found an overall procedure-related bleeding rate of 2% and perforation rate of 4%. There were no mortalities [27].
In a pooled analysis of 38 studies and more than 2200 lesions (including 970 squamous cell carcinoma, 346 adenocarcinoma arising in Barrett’s esophagus, 678 squamous cell + adenocarcinoma, and 185 submucosal tumors), the en bloc resection rate ranged from 81 to 100%, with an overall average of 96%. The R0 resection rate was 85% with a local recurrence of 0.4% [1].
Colon and Rectum
A systematic review by Repici et al. of 2841 lesions found an overall en bloc resection rate of 96%, R0 resection rate of 88%, and local recurrence of <0.1% [27].
ESD can be performed in the esophagus, stomach, colon, and rectum for superficial lesions and early cancers with a high rate of en bloc resection, low rates of bleeding and perforation, and no procedure-related mortalities reported to date.
Anti-reflux Mucosal Resection (ARMS)
One of the known complications of EMR is the development of a stricture as the endoscopically created ulcer heals. In experimental models, the healing process involves acute inflammation, angiogenesis, fibrous hyperplasia, accumulation of dense collagen fibers in the submucosa, and atrophy of the muscularis propria [28, 29]. The risk of stricture seems to be highest when the resection involves more than two-thirds of the circumference of the esophageal lumen [30–32].
In 2003, Inoue et al. reported a case in which circumferential EMR was performed in a patient with Barrett’s esophagus with high-grade dysplasia. The resected area extended for 2 cm onto the gastric cardia. Preoperatively, the patient had evidence of abnormal acid exposure on 24-h esophageal pH probe. After the patient healed his reflux symptoms resolved, he had normalization of his esophageal pH and has remained off his PPI for over 10 years [13, 33]. It was hypothesized that fibrosis of the gastric cardia resulted in reinforcement of the LES. In 2014, the group published a series of 10 patients in which they described the technique, anti-reflux mucosectomy (ARMS), for PPI-refractory GERD [34].
The ARMS procedure is currently indicated in patients with PPI-refractory GERD and objective evidence of gastroesophageal reflux, as demonstrated by esophagitis at upper endoscopy or abnormal acid exposure on esophageal pH probe. As with the first reported case, the procedure can be performed in the presence of Barrett’s esophagus. The procedure has not been reported in patients with moderate or large hiatal hernias.
The mucosal resection during the ARMS procedure can be performed using any EMR or ESD technique. The mucosa is first marked along the planned resection margin, forming a crescent shape along the lesser curve of the gastric cardia (Fig. 3.3). A 2-cm portion of mucosa is spared along the greater curve to prevent the stricture from becoming too tight. Submucosal injection is performed in the standard fashion to expand the distance between the mucosal and the muscle layers and to help protect against full-thickness perforation of the stomach. The mucosa is then resected from within the marked area by either cap EMR or ESD. Hemostasis can be achieved using coagulating forceps with monopolar cautery.

Fig. 3.3
Anti-reflux mucosectomy (ARMS). Serial bites of mucosa are excised using the EMR-C technique to create a crescent-shaped ulcer on the lesser curve of the gastric cardia
Early experience with the procedure revealed that circumferential mucosal resection always resulted in tight stricture formation that required balloon dilation. Meanwhile, a 50% circumferential resection was found to produce insufficient fibrosis to alleviate reflux symptoms. All patients were managed endoscopically, and there were no significant complications reported [34].
In the short-term follow-up, subjective outcomes were significantly improved in all patients. In addition, 24-h esophageal pH studies demonstrated improvement in both DeMeester score and mean time at a pH < 4 [34].
Early pilot studies in Japanese patients have shown promising results following the ARMS procedure. The procedure has the potential to be performed in any center with the ability to perform either EMR or ESD and may offer an alternative to anti-reflux surgery or to other endoscopic options that require the use of expensive purpose-built devices. Further studies are needed to confirm the early results and establish the long-term efficacy.
Per-oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) of the Esophagus
Achalasia is a rare esophageal motor disorder with incidence estimated between 1 and 8 per 100,000 per year. Dysfunction of inhibitory neurons leads to impaired relaxation of the LES and loss of normal esophageal peristalsis. Patients may present with dysphagia, regurgitation, chest pain, weight loss, and/or heartburn. Treatment has traditionally been limited to pneumatic balloon dilation, endoscopic injection of botulinum toxin, and surgical Heller myotomy.
The first endoscopic myotomy was reported by Ortega et al. in 1980 using a 3-mm needle knife to perform two blind 1-cm incisions just above the EGJ [35]. This was moderately successful in 17 patients, but the procedure was not widely adopted. Interest was renewed in 2004 when Kalloo et al. reported endoscopic transgastric peritoneoscopy in a pig model [36]. This was followed in 2007 with an animal model by Pasricha et al., which refined the endoscopic myotomy for achalasia [37]. They entered the submucosal space, created a submucosal a tunnel with a pneumatic balloon, and divided the circular muscle fibers under direct vision. Inoue et al. modified the porcine model to make it suitable for clinical application and performed the first human POEM in Japan in September 2008 [38]. Since that time, the procedure has been widely adopted, and thousands of cases of been performed at centers worldwide.
While there are no explicit guidelines, POEM has been successfully performed in children as young as 3 years of age and weighing as little as 15 kg [39]. The procedure has also been performed in the very elderly. Generally acknowledged contraindications include the inability to tolerate general anesthesia, portal hypertension, coagulopathy, prior radiation, ablation, or mucosal resection in the planned operative field due to an increased risk of bleeding or perforation [40].
In centers with POEM capability, the procedure can be considered first-line therapy for achalasia. It has also been successfully performed as salvage therapy in patients who have undergone prior pneumatic balloon dilation, endoscopic Botox injection, or surgical myotomy. POEM may also be effective for other motility disorders such as hypertensive LES, distal esophageal spasm, and nutcracker or jackhammer esophagus.
POEM is generally performed using a standard-sized gastroscope with addition of an auxiliary water jet (e.g. Olympus GIF-Q260J, Tokyo, Japan) and a distal cap (FujiFilm DH-28GR or Olympus MH-588) to help maintain a clear operative field and facilitate dissection. Low- or medium-flow carbon dioxide insufflation is used due to a higher risk of complications with room air or high-flow CO2 [41, 42].
Patients are generally placed on a liquid diet in the days prior to the procedure to minimize the residual contents and treated empirically with an antifungal due to the high rate of esophageal stasis in achalasia patients. Most centers administer perioperative antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors, and upper endoscopy is often performed immediately prior to induction of anesthesia to suction any esophageal contents and reduce the risk of aspiration.
POEM is performed under general anesthesia with a cuffed endotracheal tube, which may help protect against aspiration and may reduce the incidence of capnothorax by providing positive intrathoracic pressure. Some cases have been reported using conscious sedation, but this resulted in longer procedure times and a higher rate of complications such as bleeding, perforation, and pneumothorax [41].
The procedure can be performed in the left lateral decubitus position, though anecdotal evidence suggests this may exacerbate anatomic distortions in patients with advanced sigmoid achalasia. The supine position minimizes distortions. It also allows for monitoring of tense capnoperitoneum, which may occur in 16% or more of cases, and facilitates needle decompression if necessary [43].
Inspection begins in the proximal esophagus, where extrinsic compression from the trachea (anterior, 12 o’clock), left main bronchus, aortic arch (anterolateral), and spine (posterior, 6 o’clock) can often be identified and used to maintain orientation. There may be a tight area with resistance to passage of the endoscope just proximal to the EGJ, and the proximal esophagus may demonstrate tertiary contractions.
The location of the EGJ is noted by measuring the distance from the incisors. Many patients will demonstrate a tight area just proximal to the EGJ, and there may be slight resistance to passage of the endoscope. Normal physiologic tightness will often be noted at the upper esophageal sphincter.
The point of entry depends on the planned myotomy length. The mean length of the total myotomy (esophageal + gastric) in published series ranges from 5.4 to 14.4 cm [41, 44]. The entry point is generally chosen 10–15 cm proximal to the EGJ, as first described by Inoue et al. [38], which allows the submucosal tunnel to extend 2–3 cm proximal to the myotomy and may protect against full-thickness perforation.
The procedure can be performed at any “clock” position, with no studies yet demonstrating a clear advantage of one location over the others. The anterior approach, as utilized in the first 500 cases by Inoue et al., avoids the gastric sling fibers and may reduce the risk of post-POEM reflux, but at the expense of an increased risk of major procedural bleeding from branches of the left gastric and left phrenic arteries [38, 39, 45]. The posterior approach avoids some of the larger blood vessels and preserves the anterior anatomy for a straightforward surgical myotomy if indicated in the future, but may disrupt the gastric fling fibers, and theoretically increase the risk of post-POEM reflux. Greater curvature myotomy has also been described, but is technically more challenging [46]. The angle of His serves as a consistent landmark (Fig. 3.4), which may be particularly useful in cases of distorted anatomy from advanced sigmoid achalasia, severe fibrosis from the previous myotomy, ESD, or repeated pneumatic balloon dilations, or inflammation from fungal esophagitis.

Fig. 3.4
Angle of His. Endoscopic view of the angle of His (blue arrow) as seen from within the submucosal tunnel during a per-oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) procedure performed at the greater curvature (7 o’clock) location
After the location for the mucosotomy is chosen, a “saline lift” is performed with an injection needle to expand the potential space between the mucosa and the circular muscle fibers (Fig. 3.5a). This protects against unintended full-thickness myotomy, facilitates entry of the endoscope into the submucosal space, and, if indigo carmine or methylene blue dye is used, helps to delineate the anatomy. Some centers also include epinephrine in the solution, though there is a risk of cholinergic side effects [45].

Fig. 3.5
Per-oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM). a Submucosal saline injection is performed to create a mucosal lift. b A longitudinal mucosal incision is made using the Triangle Tip Knife, exposing the submucosal fibers (blue). c A completed submucosal tunnel with the circular muscle in the 6 o’clock position (pink). d Myotomy is performed using a Triangle Tip Knife, selectively dividing the circular fibers (transverse fibers, above the tip of the knife) while leaving the longitudinal fibers (below the tip of the knife, in the 6 o’clock location) in tact. e Closure of the mucosal incision using hemostatic clips
The mucosa is incised in a longitudinal direction using a cutting electrical current (Fig. 3.5b), and the submucosal fibers are dissected using spray coagulation. Creation of the submucosal tunnel can be performed using the Triangle Tip (TT) Knife (Olympus KD-640L) (see Fig. 3.5c). Multiple submucosal injections can aid in dissection. Alternate knives such as the Hybrid Knife (ERBE 20150-060, Tübingen, Germany) may reduce the need for multiple instrument exchanges and reduce the average procedure time [47]. The HookKnife™ can facilitate dissection when scarring or inflammation is encountered. During dissection, small perforating vessels may be controlled using the dissecting knife, while larger vessels can be controlled using a coagulating forceps (Coagrasper, Olympus America).
The esophageal myotomy can be performed in anterograde or retrograde direction, with no difference in outcomes (Fig. 3.5d) [48]. The myotomy extends from 2 to 3 cm distal to the mucosal incision. This leaves a short segment of intact mucosa overlying intact muscle, protecting against full-thickness perforation in the event of mucosal closure dehiscence.
There is no clear superiority of either selective circular or full-thickness myotomy. The full-thickness approach is most similar to the surgical myotomy, in which both longitudinal and circular muscle fibers are divided; however, in an international POEM survey, only one-sixth of centers preferred the full-thickness myotomy [40]. Clinical outcomes, complication rates, and rates of post-POEM reflux appear to be similar regardless of whether both muscle layers are transected [49, 50].
The main risk factor for clinical failure of POEM is incomplete myotomy on the gastric side. A gastric myotomy length of 2–3 cm is recommended. Endoscopic landmarks of the gastric side include narrowing followed by widening of the submucosal tunnel, identification of palisade vessels (longitudinally arranged vessels that are characteristic of the gastroesophageal junction), and blue discoloration of the gastric mucosa on retroflexed view in the true lumen [40]. A number of adjuncts have been developed to ensure a complete gastric myotomy, particularly when endoscopic landmarks are likely to be inaccurate, as in cases of distorted anatomy, scarring from prior procedures, or prior esophagitis.
One technique, first described by Baldaque-Silva et al, utilizes two endoscopes to ensure adequate length of the submucosal tunnel, placing one endoscope in the tunnel and observing the transillumination with the other endoscope in retroflexed view of the gastric cardia [51]. A prospective, randomized study involving 100 patients found that the use of this technique resulted in a significant increase in average gastric myotomy length [52]. Further advantages included minimal increase in procedure time, no increases in the rate of complications, and no need for specialized equipment or additional training.
Alternate techniques include placement of a radiopaque clip to mark the EGJ followed by fluoroscopy to measure the distance from the clip to the tip of the endoscope, or the use of the EndoFLIP device to measure EGJ distensibility and guide intra-operative decision making [53–56].
After confirming adequate myotomy length and ensuring hemostasis, the mucosa is closed with hemostatic clips in the majority of cases (Fig. 3.5e). Some authors advocate the use of an antibiotic solution, which is flushed through the endoscope, prior to exiting the submucosal tunnel. Addition of endoloops, endoscopic sutures, over-the-scope clips, or fully covered metal stents may be required if the mucosa is inflamed, macerated, or otherwise difficult to close.
Post-procedure Care
Water-soluble contrast esophagram is obtained on POD #1 to exclude a leak. As many as one-third of patients may demonstrate delayed emptying in the early postoperative period, but this does not appear to correlate with treatment failure in the long term, which calls into question the true value of a contrast esophagram aside from ensuring there is not a full-thickness leak [57]. Some centers also perform upper endoscopy to assess for the development of mucosal necrosis, submucosal hematoma, or dislodgement of the hemostatic clips with dehiscence of the mucosal closure. If partial thickness mucosal necrosis or submucosal hematoma is present, oral intake is delayed until resolution can be confirmed.
Postoperative CT scans are likely to demonstrate nonspecific inflammation or collections of gas, which are considered normal postoperative findings. CT is not recommended in asymptomatic patients [58].
We conduct the initial follow-up visit at 2 months postoperatively and may include upper endoscopy, high-resolution manometry, and timed barium study in the evaluation. Some centers also include an esophageal pH study. If the PPI has been discontinued, it is resumed in the presence of subjective reflux symptoms or endoscopic findings of esophagitis. Subsequent follow-up is conducted at 1 year postoperatively and then annually thereafter.
Due to heterogeneity in reporting, overall complication rates vary widely between studies but appear to be similar to LHM [43, 61]. The most common procedure-related adverse events are insufflation-related, bleeding, and perforation. Only 2 cases of significant pulmonary aspiration have been reported, and there have been no reported deaths [52, 62].
Events related to insufflation are relatively common, with rates as high as 30% capnoperitoneum, 11% capnothorax, 5% mediastinal emphysema, 36% subcutaneous emphysema, and one case report of tension capnopericardium (personal communication). Only 8% of patients with capnoperitoneum and 3% of patients with capnothorax require decompression, however [43, 61]. Rates also appear to be technique-dependent, with the use of air insufflation or high-flow CO2 insufflation resulting in higher rates of adverse events than low- or medium-flow CO2 insufflation [41, 42]. Capnothorax, capnomediastinum, and capnoperitoneum are generally self-limited. Tense capnoperitoneum may result in increased end-tidal CO2 or increased ventilator peak pressures, with a theoretical risk of abdominal compartment syndrome. When abdominal decompression is necessary, a large-gauge angiocatheter or Veress needle can be used to decompress the peritoneal cavity. The case of tension capnopericardium required a brief period of chest compressions; however, the patient recovered without complications.
Minor procedural bleeding is common and can generally be controlled using a hemostatic forceps or the knife with a coagulating current. Compared to standard dissection, the Hybrid Knife may reduce the number of minor bleeding episodes [63]. Only one case of severe bleeding has been reported early in the POEM experience; this was controlled with hemostatic forceps, and there have been no reports of procedural bleeding that could not be controlled endoscopically [39].

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