Adenoma removal prevents colorectal cancer (CRC) development. Lower adenoma detection rates correlate with increased postcolonoscopy CRC. Chromoendoscopy it is not practical for routine use. It was hoped that electronic imaging techniques would offer effective alternatives to improve detection; however, meta-analyses in average-risk patients indicate no benefit. Narrow band imaging may be of benefit for high-risk surveillance. Combining electronic imaging techniques with molecular imaging probes may highlight dysplasia at a molecular level. In future colonoscopy is likely to rely on sensitive and specific, labeled molecular probes detected by electronic endoscopic imaging to enhance detection and reduce miss rates for premalignant lesions.
Key points
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Electronic imaging has shown no utility in enhancing adenoma detection in average risk patients.
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Patients with Lynch syndrome or serrated polyposis syndrome may benefit from electronic imaging.
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Electronic imaging seems to offer limited benefit for patients undergoing surveillance for longstanding inflammatory bowel disease.
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The addition of molecular imaging probes may be needed to fully realize the benefits of electronic imaging for polyp detection in the colon.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) can be considered a heterogenous disease appearing in various clinical contexts, such as sporadically, in those with an inherited predisposition, or in chronic inflammatory processes of the colon such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
There are multiple molecular pathways that can lead to CRC, reviewed in the article Colorectal Neoplasia Pathways: State-of-the-Art by Ijspeert and colleagues elsewhere in this issue. Adenomatous polyps undergo sporadic accumulation of genetic mutations in multiple molecular pathways, including the adenomatous polyposis coli tumor suppressor gene and DNA mismatch repair genes, which can lead to mutations in the KRAS oncogene and p53 suppressor gene. Sessile serrated adenomas/polyps develop into CRC via a separate molecular pathway involving BRAF mutations and DNA methylation. Recent data suggest that traditional serrated adenomas develop through a pathway driven by epithelial over expression of the bone morphogenic protein antagonist GREM1.
Hereditary or familial syndromes give rise to approximately 3% of cases of CRC. The most common is hereditary nonpolypsis CRC or the Lynch syndrome, where a germline mutation in DNA mismatch repair genes occurs leading to microsatellite instability. The less well-recognized serrated polyposis syndrome is characterized by multiple serrated polyps, defined as patients with more than 20 serrated polyps throughout the colon or 5 or more serrated polyps proximal to the sigmoid with 2 or more that are at least 10 mm in size. Other genetic syndromes are either less common or produce so many polyps that advanced endoscopic imaging is not needed, for example, in familial adenomatous polyposis.
IBD has long been recognized to be associated with CRC, related to the carcinogenic effect of chronic inflammation combined with a genetic predisposition. A meta-analysis has estimated the cumulative probability of developing CRC in any patient, 30 years after a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, at 18% ; however, population-based studies suggest that for patients with IBD overall, the risk may in fact be minimally elevated. There are no large studies confirming that surveillance reduces the mortality of ulcerative colitis–associated CRC. However, the benefit of continued surveillance has been described and it remains recommended practice in all international guidelines, with increasing focus on risk stratification to target efforts on higher risk patients.
Recognition of lesions with malignant potential is crucial, because detection and early removal of polyps reduces CRC mortality compared with population risk estimates. No randomised studies for colonoscopy for CRC prevention are available; however, a meta-analysis looking at 4 randomised, controlled trials and 10 observational studies found that flexible sigmoidoscopy for population screening showed a reduction in CRC rates in the distal colon. Variation in adenoma detection correlates with the incidence of postcolonoscopy CRC and death from CRC. Current white light techniques for colonoscopic detection of polyps and neoplasia yield a high miss rate of up to 22% of all adenomas and 2% to 6% of advanced colorectal adenomas and cancers.
It is, therefore, imperative to maximize polyp detection rates and to avoid missing polyps to maximize cancer prevention and minimize the risk of postcolonoscopy CRCs. Missed polyps and subsequent cancers can arise through suboptimal mucosal visualization, failure of complete polyp resection, or failed polyp detection.
In this review, we assess the potential benefits of additional electronic imaging above and beyond standard white light to improve polyp detection at colonoscopy.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) can be considered a heterogenous disease appearing in various clinical contexts, such as sporadically, in those with an inherited predisposition, or in chronic inflammatory processes of the colon such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
There are multiple molecular pathways that can lead to CRC, reviewed in the article Colorectal Neoplasia Pathways: State-of-the-Art by Ijspeert and colleagues elsewhere in this issue. Adenomatous polyps undergo sporadic accumulation of genetic mutations in multiple molecular pathways, including the adenomatous polyposis coli tumor suppressor gene and DNA mismatch repair genes, which can lead to mutations in the KRAS oncogene and p53 suppressor gene. Sessile serrated adenomas/polyps develop into CRC via a separate molecular pathway involving BRAF mutations and DNA methylation. Recent data suggest that traditional serrated adenomas develop through a pathway driven by epithelial over expression of the bone morphogenic protein antagonist GREM1.
Hereditary or familial syndromes give rise to approximately 3% of cases of CRC. The most common is hereditary nonpolypsis CRC or the Lynch syndrome, where a germline mutation in DNA mismatch repair genes occurs leading to microsatellite instability. The less well-recognized serrated polyposis syndrome is characterized by multiple serrated polyps, defined as patients with more than 20 serrated polyps throughout the colon or 5 or more serrated polyps proximal to the sigmoid with 2 or more that are at least 10 mm in size. Other genetic syndromes are either less common or produce so many polyps that advanced endoscopic imaging is not needed, for example, in familial adenomatous polyposis.
IBD has long been recognized to be associated with CRC, related to the carcinogenic effect of chronic inflammation combined with a genetic predisposition. A meta-analysis has estimated the cumulative probability of developing CRC in any patient, 30 years after a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, at 18% ; however, population-based studies suggest that for patients with IBD overall, the risk may in fact be minimally elevated. There are no large studies confirming that surveillance reduces the mortality of ulcerative colitis–associated CRC. However, the benefit of continued surveillance has been described and it remains recommended practice in all international guidelines, with increasing focus on risk stratification to target efforts on higher risk patients.
Recognition of lesions with malignant potential is crucial, because detection and early removal of polyps reduces CRC mortality compared with population risk estimates. No randomised studies for colonoscopy for CRC prevention are available; however, a meta-analysis looking at 4 randomised, controlled trials and 10 observational studies found that flexible sigmoidoscopy for population screening showed a reduction in CRC rates in the distal colon. Variation in adenoma detection correlates with the incidence of postcolonoscopy CRC and death from CRC. Current white light techniques for colonoscopic detection of polyps and neoplasia yield a high miss rate of up to 22% of all adenomas and 2% to 6% of advanced colorectal adenomas and cancers.
It is, therefore, imperative to maximize polyp detection rates and to avoid missing polyps to maximize cancer prevention and minimize the risk of postcolonoscopy CRCs. Missed polyps and subsequent cancers can arise through suboptimal mucosal visualization, failure of complete polyp resection, or failed polyp detection.
In this review, we assess the potential benefits of additional electronic imaging above and beyond standard white light to improve polyp detection at colonoscopy.
History of colonic polyp detection
The ability to reliably detect subcentimeter polyps is a relatively new phenomenon that has come with the advent of increasingly sophisticated endoscopic equipment. Before the 1950s, barium radiographic studies and rigid sigmoidoscopy were used for investigation of the colon. Flexible endoscopic visualization of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract was made possible by the development of a coherent optical fiber bundle by Hopkins and Kapany. This led to the development of the first flexible gastroscope “fiberscope” reported in 1958, which was developed commercially by 1960. Combined with the use of fluoroscopy, endoscope location could be confirmed and correlated with the endoscopic findings. The next major development in endoscopy came when Sivak and Fleischer published findings of a new endoscope where the optical fiber bundle was replaced with an image sensor or charge-coupled device at the tip of the endoscope. This allowed the conversion of the light into electrical charges and reconstruction on a television monitor. By the 1990s, videocolonoscopy had largely replaced fiberoptic colonoscopy and as technology advanced, high-resolution endoscopy (HRE), and most recently high-definition endoscopy with 1080 lines of pixels was introduced in 2005 (see Fig 1 A and 2 A). Nevertheless, polyp miss rates continued to be significant for both adenomas and polyps.
Colonoscopic chromoendoscopy was introduced in the 1970s and involves enhancement of the mucosa by segmentally applying stains, such as methylene blue or indigo carmine. This not only improves localization and characterization of lesions during endoscopy (see Fig. 2 B), but also allows targeted biopsies of enhanced mucosal abnormality improving dysplasia detection in long-standing IBD, as well as increasing detection of neoplastic lesions in average risk subjects. Despite evidence supporting the use of chromoendoscopy, it has not become a widely adopted practice. This low use may be owing to a number of factors, including increased time required, cost, inadequate training, and interobserver variability.
Narrowed Spectrum Endoscopy (Virtual Chromoendoscopy)
Virtual chromoendoscopy may provide an alternative to conventional chromoendoscopy, because it does not require dye spray catheters and the use of dye. Rather, it relies on built-in technologies within the endoscope and processor that uses the innate properties of light to generate a tissue enhanced pseudoimage.
Conventional white light endoscopy (WLE) generates endoscopic images by shining white light (400–700 nm) onto tissue and uses a charge-coupled device to capture reflected light. Specific components of the mucosa and submucosa can be enhanced by manipulating the light reflected and the generated endoscopic images. This maneuver allows for detailed endoscopic examination of the mucosa and any abnormalities, without the need for dye.
Currently there are 3 different systems that enhance the mucosal appearance that are available commercially: (1) narrow band imaging (NBI) by Olympus (Tokyo, Japan), (2) Fuji intelligent color enhancement (FICE) by Fujinon (Tokyo, Japan), and (3) i-scan (Pentax, Tokyo, Japan).
NBI utilizes the principle that light wavelength determines depth of tissue penetration. Special filters are placed in front of the xenon lamp that narrows the spectrum to blue light of 400 to 430 nm and green light of 525 to 555 nm. The blue short wavelength (centered at 415 nm) not only has penetration limited to the mucosa, but has been shown to correspond with the peak absorption spectrum of hemoglobin ; thus, mucosal structures containing high hemoglobin content, such that vessels seem to be brown. The longer wavelength light (centered at 540 nm) penetrates deeper into the submucosa and corresponds with a secondary absorption peak of hemoglobin, highlighting submucosal vasculature as cyan ( Figs. 1 and 2 C).
FICE uses an algorithm that takes an ordinary endoscope image and decomposes the light according to wavelengths. Selective wavelength images are then combined to reconstruct a real-time image. There are 10 channels with each channel corresponding with 3 specific virtual, electronic filters resulting in images with various tissue depth penetrations, and hence tissue enhancements.
I-scan uses 3 algorithms for image enhancement. (1) Surface enhancement allows minor changes in structure to be seen by enhancing the edge. This is achieved by analyzing the difference in luminance intensity of the pixels in this area with the edge components being enhanced. (2) Contrast enhancement identifies pixels of lower luminance intensity and subsequently enhancing the blue component of these pixels. This gives areas of low luminance such as depressed areas a bluish color. (3) Tone enhancement decomposes the ordinary color image into light wavelength components of red, green, and blue. These components are then adjusted along a tone curve and reconstructed to produce an image with increased contrast of color tone.
Autofluorescence imaging
Autofluorescence imaging (AFI) is another modality of mucosal enhancement manufactured by Olympus (Tokyo, Japan). Autofluorescence is the natural emission of light from biological molecules, endogenous fluorophores, when light of a suitable wavelength is absorbed. When cellular components and tissue state changes during pathologic processes, this alters the amount and distribution of endogenous fluorophores; hence, the autofluorescence generated. In neoplastic epithelial cells, there is increased fluorescence from mitochondrial cofactors nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (plus hydrogen) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), but reduced fluorescence from collagen in the stroma. Thickening of the mucosa and increased blood flow in adenomatous lesions also attenuate excitation light and block the autofluorescence signal.
The autofluorescence endoscope generates blue light (390–470 nm) and green light (540–560 nm) via rotating color filters in front of the xenon light. After excitation by the shorter wavelength blue light, fluorophores emit autofluorescence of longer wavelengths (500–630 nm). A filter in front of the separate AFI charge-coupled device blocks the reflected blue excitation light, but enables the tissue autofluorescence as well as the reflected green light to filter through. These images are then integrated by the processor to generate a pseudocolor image where normal tissue and vessels appear green and dysplastic tissue as magenta (see Fig. 2 D).
Clinical application of electronic imaging at colonoscopy
Average-Risk Populations
In average-risk populations, the use of NBI has been compared with WLE for detection of colonic lesions in 5 meta-analyses ( Table 1 ). Overall, the evidence that NBI is better than WLE for adenoma detection is not convincing. Similarly, polyp detection was not improved with NBI and only 1 meta-analysis found that NBI increased detection of flat adenomas (95% CI, 1.09–3.52, P = .02).
Author, Year of Publication | No. of Studies Included | Method | Study Design | No. of Patients | Adenoma Detection Rate | Polyps per Patient | Flat Adenoma Detection |
Pasha et al, 2012 | 9 | NBI vs WLE | Meta-analysis | 3059 | OR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.74–1.37 | OR, 1.17; 95% CI, 0.8–1.71 | OR, 1.26; 95% CI, 0.62–2.57 |
Dinesen et al, 2012 | 7 | NBI vs WLE | Meta-analysis | 2936 | RR, 1.06; 95% CI, 0.97–1.16 | RR, 1.22 a ; 95% CI, 0.85–1.76 | WMD 0.06; 95% CI, -0.01–0.13 |
Nagorni et al, 2012 | 8 | NBI vs WLE | Meta-analysis | 3673 | RR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.92–1.16 | RR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.96–1.06 | RR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.72–1.04 |
Jin et al, 2011 | 8 | NBI vs WLE | Meta-analysis | 3049 | RR, 1.09; 95% CI, 1.00–1.19 | — | RR, 1.96; 95% CI, 1.09–3.52 |
Omata et al, 2014 | 5 | AFI vs WLE | Meta-analysis | 758 | RR, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.87–1.24 | — | — |
5 | FICE/i-scan vs WLE | 3032 | RR, 1.09; 95% CI, 0.97–1.23 | — | — | ||
14 | NBI vs WLE | 5074 | RR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.96–1.11 | — | — | ||
Zhao et al, 2014 | 6 | AFI vs WLE | Meta-analysis | 1199 | OR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.74–1.37 | OR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.57–1.30 | — |
Other virtual chromoendoscopy modalities have limited data. A randomized, tandem trial in patients undergoing surveillance colonoscopy compared NBI, FICE, and WLE on first withdrawal. The authors recruited 550 patients into each group and neither NBI nor FICE improved adenoma detection or miss rates, with no benefit over WLE demonstrated. Two prospective, randomized, controlled trials, which enrolled a total of 1230 patients combined, compared WLE with FICE. These trials did not demonstrate an improvement in adenoma miss rate of FICE over WLE. A third prospective trial of 1318 patients (68% undergoing screening colonoscopies, the remaining diagnostic) also did not demonstrate significant benefit of FICE over white light for adenoma detection. Similarly, when assessing i-scan, 1 study has not demonstrated improvement in adenoma detection during screening colonoscopy. A meta-analysis that combined FICE and i-scan also showed no benefit of these modalities. Regarding AFI versus high-definition (HD)-WLE in average risk populations, the results are inconsistent, with 2 Japanese studies finding improved outcome with AFI. One study found that the miss rate for all polyps with AFI (30%) was significantly less than with WLE (49%; P = .01) and a second study detected significantly more colorectal neoplasms with AFI, although a transparent hood was also used in this study. Interestingly, 3 European trials have not demonstrated a significant adenoma miss rate difference. Two meta-analyses of AFI did not find that it improved adenoma detection.
In summary, there is insufficient evidence to support the routine use of electronic imaging enhancement in average-risk populations to increase adenoma yield during colonoscopy, irrespective of the system used.
Hereditary Syndromes
Screening of patients with hereditary nonpolyposis syndromes reduces the risk of CRC by one half. A prospective cohort study of patients with the Lynch syndrome found that an additional pass with NBI compared with a single pass with HD-WLE significantly increased adenoma detection (absolute difference, 15%; 95% CI, 4%–25%).
Pancolonic chromoendoscopy seems to have benefit in screening colonoscopies in this patient population. Chromoendoscopy compared with conventional colonoscopy significantly improved detection of significant neoplastic lesions (24 lesions in 13 patients compared with 52 lesions in 16 patients; P = .004). In another cohort study, an additional pass with conventional chromoendoscopy after a first pass with HD-NBI significantly increased the number of adenomas detected. A further study found that chromoendoscopy is superior to white light, AFI, and NBI for the detection of diminutive polyps in adenomatous polyposis. However, some studies have found that chromoendoscopy did not perform better for missed adenomas than intensive inspection. Data using other virtual chromoendoscpy modalities are very limited.
AFI was found to improve adenoma detection in a prospective single-center study that enrolled 75 asymptomatic patients with the Lynch syndrome or familial CRC families ( P = .01). In the context of serrated polyposis syndrome, a randomized crossover study of consecutive patients who underwent tandem colonoscopy with HRE and NBI found the polyp miss rates was 36% (95% CI, 28%–45%) for HRE compared with a significantly lower 10% (95% CI, 5.5%–19%) for NBI ( P <.001). Similarly, a pilot study comparing HRE, AFI, and NBI showed significantly lower polyp miss rates with HD-NBI compared with HD WLE. Endoscopic differentiation between hyperplastic polyps and sessile serrated adenomas/polyps using endoscopic trimodal imaging did not demonstrate a significant difference; however, hyperplastic polyps and adenomas could be differentiated with NBI but not AFI.
The use of electronic imaging in the high-risk populations of hereditary syndromes may have some benefit, but has not been shown to be superior to conventional chromoendoscopy.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Patients with long-standing and extensive ulcerative colitis benefit from colonoscopic surveillance given their increased risk of CRC compared with the average-risk population. In 3 randomized, controlled trials comparing NBI with WLE for the detection of neoplasia in long-standing IBD, it was found that NBI did not increase significantly the detection rate of neoplastic lesions compared with WLE. Random biopsies taken with both NBI as well as WLE (n = 1348 and 1359, respectively) yielded only 1 biopsy demonstrating histologic evidence of low-grade dysplasia, suggesting that this practice should be abandoned.
Two randomized, controlled trials have compared the detection of neoplasia in long-standing IBD using HD-NBI with HD conventional chromoendoscopy. One study found that NBI had a significantly inferior false-positive biopsy rate ( P = .001) but a higher percentage of missed neoplastic lesions (31.8% with NBI compared with 13.6% using chromoendoscopy). Similarly, a second study found that chromoendoscopy identified more lesions than NBI (131 vs 102; P <.001), but histology revealed most of these lesions to be nondysplastic. In the same study, chromoendoscopy identified more neoplastic lesions (23 lesions in 11 patients vs 20 lesions in 10 patients), but this difference was not statistically significant ( P = .180).
There are 2 studies comparing HD-WLE with AFI for the detection of colorectal neoplasia in IBD. A pilot study showed that protruding lesions with a low autofluorescence signal were more likely to be neoplastic than lesions with a high autofluorescence signal, and in a randomized, controlled trial, the miss rate for neoplastic lesions was statistically significantly lower with AFI compared with HD-WLE.
Overall, advanced electronic imaging has demonstrated limited utility compared with conventional chromoendoscopy in the detection of neoplastic lesions in patients with long-standing IBD.

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