Disorders of Calcium: Hypocalcemia




MRI with contrast agents (gadodiamide and gadoversetamide) interferes with colorimetric determination of Ca2+

Low serum albumin levels (for each gram decrease in serum albumin from 4.0 g/dL, serum Ca2+ decreases by 0.8 mg/dL)

Decreased synthesis (poor intake, liver disease, infection, or inflammation)

Nephrotic syndrome

Protein-losing enteropathy

Low or absent parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels



 Parathyroid agenesis

Branchial dysembryogenesis (DiGeorge’s syndrome)


Polyglandular autoimmune disorder type 1

 Activating mutations of CaSR

An autosomal dominant disorder characterized by hypocalcemia, low PTH levels, neonatal seizures, and carpopedal spasm


 Parathyroid destruction

Parathyroid surgery, infiltrative diseases, irradiation


Inhibition of PTH secretion and/or PTH resistance to bone resorption

 Neonatal hypocalcemia

Functional maternal hypoparathyroidism; maternal hypercalcemia with suppression of PTH levels

High PTH levels


Resistance to PTH action

Disturbance in vitamin D metabolism

Decreased oral intake


Decreased intestinal absorption

Gastrectomy, intestinal bypass

Decreased production of 25(OH)D3

Liver disease

Decreased synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D3

Renal failure, hyperphosphatemia (inhibits 1α-hydroxylase)

Increased urinary loss of 25(OH)D3

Nephrotic syndrome



Increased metabolism of 25(OH)D3, decreased Ca2+ release from bone, decreased intestinal absorption of Ca2+


Inhibit bone resorption (↓ osteoclast activity)


Inhibits bone resorption


Chelates Ca2+

Foscarnet, fluoride

Chelate Ca2+


Hypocalcemia (consequence of hypomagnesemia)


Inhibition of PTH secretion by activation of CaSR

Phosphate binders (calcium acetate)

Bind phosphate in gut and decrease Ca2+ absorption



Ca2+ deposition at sites of fat necrosis as Ca2+ soaps, high PTH and glucagon levels

Sepsis and toxic shock syndrome

Exact mechanism unknown (TNF, IL-2 may mediate)

Hungry bone syndrome

Ca2+ uptake by bones following parathyroid surgery

Increased osteoblastic activity

Hypocalcemia seen in breast and prostate cancer is due to consumption for bone formation and due to increased metastatic osteoblast activity

Chronic respiratory alkalosis

Hyperphosphatemia-induced hypocalcemia

MRI magnetic resonance imaging, PTH parathyroid hormone, TNF tumor necrosis factor, IL interleukin, CaSR Ca2+-sensing receptor

Some Specific Causes of Hypocalcemia


  • Hypoparathyroidism can be either genetic or acquired. Genetic hypoparathyroidism includes developmental and autoimmune hypoparathyroidism and mutations in Ca2+-sensing receptor

  • Developmental hypoparathyroidism occurs in the neonates because of branchial dysembryogenesis, resulting in absent parathyroid glands and thymus

  • A common example is DiGeorges’s syndrome, which is characterized by hypocalcemia, cardiac abnormalities, and a defect in T cell mediated immunity

  • Autoimmune hypoparathyroidism, called polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type I, is due to mutations in autoimmune regulatory gene (AIRE) on chromosome 21q22.3

  • Characterized by a triad of hypothyroidism, hypoadrenalism, and mucocutaneous candidiasis

  • Activating mutations of Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaSR) is characterized by autoantibodies to CaSR, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hypercalciuria, and low to normal parathyroid hormone (PTH) level

  • Treatment of the above three conditions of genetic hypoparathyroidism includes calcium supplements and sufficient vitamin D to suppress symptoms. Thiazide diuretics and injectable PTH have been used with variable results

  • Acquired hypoparathyroidism can be either surgical or nonsurgical

  • Surgical resection of thyroid (cancer, Grave’s disease, head and neck cancer) or parathyroid (adenoma or hyperplasia) glands is the most common cause of hypoparathyroidism in adults

  • Transient hypocalcemia is extremely common after surgery because of Ca2+ uptake by bones (hungry bone syndrome). This syndrome is seen in hyperparathyroid patients with severe hypercalcemia. Patients need i.v. calcium gluconate or chloride and active vitamin D3 to improve symptomatic hypocalcemia

  • Nonsurgical causes include infiltrative diseases such as hemochromatosis, thalassemia major, Wilson’s disease, infections or metastatic cancers. Irradiation to the neck also presents with hypoparathyroidism

Pseudohypoparathyroidism (PsHPT)

  • PsHPT is a condition of PTH resistance. The first documented cases were described by Albright and colleagues in 1942. These patients were hypocalcemic and hyperphosphatemic and failed to respond to infusion of bovine PTH. These patients had several facial and skeletal abnormalities, including obesity, short stature, brachydactyly, and mental retardation. Subsequent studies have shown that these patients have elevated PTH levels. These features are now considered characteristics of the disorder called Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO)

  • AHO results from loss-of-function mutation of the GNAS1 gene, which encodes the stimulatory G protein α-subunit

  • PsHPT is considered heterogeneous with different clinical and biochemical features and is classified into types Ia, Ib, II, and pseudo-PsHPT

  • Patients with type Ia PsHPT are similar to those of AHO

  • Type Ib PsHPT patients have normal appearance, but have resistance to PTH action

  • Patients with type II PsHPT have normal developmental features, but hypocalcemic. PTH infusion causes normal excretion of cAMP, but urinary excretion of phosphate is decreased

  • Pseudo-PsHPT patients have characteristics similar to those of type Ia PsHPT, but without PTH resistance, because urinary excretions of cAMP and phosphate are normal to PTH infusion

  • Urinary cAMP response to the infusion of synthetic PTH is used to establish the diagnosis of PTH resistance

Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Vitamin D deficiency may be due to an absolute deficiency of vitamin D or an abnormality in vitamin D metabolism

  • Absolute deficiency is generally related to inadequate oral intake, lack of sun exposure, use of sunscreens, or fat malabsorption as vitamin D absorption is dependent on fat intake. Elderly are at particular risk for vitamin D deficiency

  • Altered metabolism due to medications and disease conditions seems to be the common cause of vitamin D deficiency (Table 18.1)

  • Vitamin D-dependent rickets in children or osteomalacia in adults is a rare inborn error of vitamin D metabolism, resembling vitamin D deficiency

Two types of vitamin D-dependent rickets have been described:

  • Type I disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder, which is due to defective activity of 1α-hydroxylase, caused by mutations in the gene of this enzyme. Patients are hypocalcemic with low calcitriol (1,25(OH)2D3) levels and respond to calcitriol

  • Type II disorder is characterized by increased calcitriol levels, but fails to respond to pharmacologic doses of calcitriol. These patients, therefore, have hypocalcemia due to calcitriol resistance. This resistance is caused by mutations in the vitamin D receptor


Step 1

  • Obtain surgical history and good history regarding nutrition, medications, inherited and developmental anomalies

  • Physical examination should focus on blood pressure (usually hypotension), bradycardia, and neurologic and ocular (cataracts) changes

Step 2

  • Rule out pseudohypocalcemia following magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with contrast agents

Step 3

  • Establish true hypocalcemia by determining serum ionized Ca2+

Step 4

  • Determine serum albumin, and correct Ca2+ for normal albumin concentration

Step 5

  • Measure serum Mg2+ and phosphate. Correct hypomagnesemia and hyperphosphatemia

Step 6

  • Review medications that alter 25(OH)D3 (calcifediol) metabolism, and change or choose alternative medications

Step 7

  • Check liver and renal function

Step 8

  • Determine serum PTH and vitamin D status. Start vitamin D preparations for vitamin D deficiency

Step 9

  • If PTH is elevated, evaluate parathyroid glands. If PTH resistance is suspected, measure urinary cAMP levels in response to PTH infusion. Figure 18.1 shows the suggested diagnostic work-up of a patient with hypocalcemia


    Fig. 18.1
    Diagnostic approach to a patient with hypocalcemia

Table 18.2 shows some biochemical abnormalities found in various conditions of hypocalcemia.

Jun 20, 2017 | Posted by in NEPHROLOGY | Comments Off on Disorders of Calcium: Hypocalcemia

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