Fig. 14.1
Uncomplicated ascites (Case of Henoch–Schonlein Purpura). An echo-free fluid collection surrounds a bowel loop
Ascites can be encountered in or can be a sign of many different diseases (see the related chapters), among others:
Liver diseases, associated or not with portal hypertension
Intestinal obstructions and diseases (intussusception, gastroenteritis, midgut volvulus, meconium plug, etc.)
Ovarian torsion
Abdominal trauma in which ascites may indicate insult of an abdominal organ; the effusion may be somewhat echogenic due to the bloody content.
Neoplasms: in this setting, the presence of ascites usually indicates metastatic spread of the disease.
Systemic diseases such as Henoch–Schonlein syndrome or nephrotic syndromes (in relation with the hypoalbuminemia)
Global organ failure as encountered in shock or heart failure
Biloma corresponding to a collection of biliary fluid that may develop after (complicated) liver surgery or after hepatic trauma.
Normal ventriculoperineal shunting
Peritoneal dialysis (see below).
The US examination must investigate the entire abdominal cavity in order to provide clues as to the etiology of the ascites. Uncomplicated ascites usually appears as collections of echo free fluid without encapsulating wall and without septa (Fig. 14.1). It may collect at any part of the abdomen.
14.3.2 Particular Presentations of Ascites Urinary Ascites
Ascites in relation with urinary tract leakage (usually post-obstruction) is a classical yet unusual finding as the urinary tract is retroperitoneal. Still, its presence within the peritoneum can be understood by leakage and rupture of the bladder (as in posterior urethral valves) or by a retrograde filling of the peritoneum through the uterus and fallopian tube when the urethra and vagina have a common opening. Furthermore, abdominal trauma may induce a communication between the retroperitoneum and the peritoneal cavity and explain the intraperitoneal presence of urinary ascites in case of trauma to the urinary tract. Peritoneal Inclusion Pseudocysts
Peritoneal inclusion pseudocysts (PIP) correspond to fluid located in (abdomino-) pelvic compartments delineated by intestinal adhesions that can be related to previous (sometimes neonatal) surgery, endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory diseases in adolescents (see also Chap. 24). They may contain accumulation of the fluid resulting from ruptured follicles (Fig. 14.2). PIP do not have a proper wall. Their size may be quite large (over 8–10 cm) and it may not always be possible to differentiate PIP from real ovarian cysts. Treatment includes puncture, sclerotherapy, or surgery [8].

Fig. 14.2
Peritoneal inclusion cyst—10-year-old girl with a previous surgery for ovarian cystadenoma. (a) US: Transverse scan of the pelvis: a cystic septated mass (6 × 8 cm) is visualized behind the bladder (B); there is no apparent wall to the collection. (b) MR imaging: T2-weighted sequence; same cystic and septated appearance as on US Cerebrospinal Fluid Pseudocysts
Intraabdominal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an expected consequence of ventriculoperitoneal shunting. The fluid is usually distributed in the entire abdominal cavity in small volumes. Multiloculated, sometimes large, collections of CSF can develop when intestinal adhesions develop around the tip of the shunt catheter or around the shunt in its course within the abdominal wall (Fig. 14.3). The adhesions interfere with the normal drainage and may therefore induce uphill cerebral hypertension. These pseudocysts do not have a wall, still they may become infected and limited by a pseudo-wall representing inflammatory peripheral tissue from the omentum and bowel walls. Drainage under US control or surgery with replacement of the shunt may be necessary [9].

Fig. 14.3
Dysfunction of a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt (6-year-old boy) Ultrasound—Transverse scan of the abdominal wall. A collection of fluid is observed within the abdominal wall at the right of the shunt (arrow)
14.3.3 Peritonitis and Complicated Ascites Secondary Peritonitis: So-called Peritonitis
Peritonitis corresponds to a diffuse inflammatory process involving parts or all of the peritoneum associated with complicated infected effusion. The most classical cause is appendicular peritonitis and abscess formation following a rupture of appendicitis (Fig. 14.4) (see Chap. 11). Infectious collections or abscesses may develop after rupture of Meckel’s diverticulum or perforation of a bowel segment (Fig. 14.5). It can be a complication of any abdominal surgery. Collections/abscesses may also be associated with inflammatory bowel diseases. These infectious effusions may collect in single or multiple locations (communicating or not). Fistulae may develop between these abscesses and intestinal loops.

Fig. 14.4
Peritonitis and abscess following perforation of acute appendicitis (3-year-old girl). (a) US—Sagittal scan of the bladder. The rounded abscess contains heterogeneous material and is surrounded by thick inflammatory mesentery. (b) CE-CT confirms the US findings, the abscess (with an air/fluid level) and the inflammatory surrounding mesentery

Fig. 14.5
Peritonitis following perforation of NEC in a premature. (a) Plain film of the abdomen confirming bowel (sub)obstruction and probable effusion. (b) US—Transverse scan—Septated collection in the right flank
A meconium peritonitis is a particular peritonitis encountered in the neonatal period. It results from an in utero perforation of the bowel and spilling of the meconium in the abdominal cavity. It can organize as a meconium pseudocyst (see Chap. 5).
(Sclerosing) peritonitis is a complication of peritoneal dialysis; in such case, the peritoneum thickens and may calcify. The dialysis catheter will be visualized within it.
US is also able to detect abscesses; they appear as a relatively hypoechoic (sometimes septated) collection without evidence for peristalsis, without own wall but with peri-abscess inflammatory hypervascularized tissues (Figs. 14.4a and 14.5b). Some hyperechoic foci within the collection may represent air and anaerobic superinfection. In case of infection, the peritoneum, the mesentery, and the omentum may appear diffusely hyperechoic (especially the mesentery). Some enlarged lymph nodes can be observed as well. This infectious hyperechogenicity must be differentiated from thickened and hyperechoic mesenteric fat as encountered in inflammatory bowel disease.
The potential extent and the number of collections is difficult to define by US alone and therefore, in acute clinical presentations as well as in cases with unfavorable evolution, a CE-CT may help to evaluate the entire peritoneum (Fig. 14.4b). MR imaging is surely accurate but is less easy to perform in an emergency setting mainly due to its lack of availability.
On CT, in case of peritonitis, the peritoneal sheets would enhance after contrast enhancement. CT is more accurate than US to establish the map and extent of the collections as well as the relation with the adjacent organs. It will also help to differentiate intraperitoneal from retro- or extraperitoneal collections. In case of posterior abdominal collection, a psoas abscess is a potential differential diagnosis to consider and will be easier to demonstrate on CT (and on MR imaging) [10–13].
US and CT may be performed to guide drainage of the collections if required. Primitive Peritonitis
Primitive peritonitis (PP) is a rare disease usually related to pneumococcal infection. It may complicate cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome or occur as an isolated disease. On US, the effusion appears echogenic, the bowel loops may be dilated but no obstruction will be demonstrated neither on US nor on CT or even during surgery (if performed). The diagnosis is confirmed by the culture of the effusion [14, 15]. Other Inflammatory and Infectious Mesenteric Processes
Mesenteric Lymphadenitis
Mesenteric lymphadenitis (ML) constitutes one of the main differential diagnoses to acute appendicitis; it should be suspected, on US examination, whenever enlarged lymph nodes measuring above 10 mm are visualized mainly in the ileocecal region. Like appendicitis, it is often associated with acute abdominal pain. In case of ML, other systemic symptoms can be present as well (signs of ENT infection, etc.). This diagnosis should be proposed cautiously only after that all other potential diagnoses of abdominal pain have been excluded. Furthermore, all differential diagnoses of enlarged abdominal lymph nodes must be considered especially Yersinia ileitis (Fig. 14.6), inflammatory bowel disease, or lymphoma. As indicated, evidence of an acute disease should be searched in and outside the abdominal cavity [16, 17].

Fig. 14.6
Ileo-cecal Yersinia infection with associated lymphadenitis. (a) Lymphadenitis—US – Sagittal scan of the right iliac fossa displaying markedly enlarged lymph nodes. (b) Power-Doppler of the cecum showing thickening and hypervascularization
Mesenteric Panniculitis
Mesenteric panniculitis (MP) is an extremely rare disease in children of unknown etiology and is characterized by chronic inflammation, fat necrosis, and fibrosis in the mesenteric adipose tissue. It occurs most commonly in the mesentery of the small intestine (90%) but can occur in any other site. Abdominal CT scan is the most effective diagnostic tool. Two signs are reported as typical: the “fat ring sign” reflecting preservation of fat around the vessels and a “tumoral pseudocapsule” separating normal from abnormal mesenteric fat. Thickening of the anterior peritoneal layer is also often present. When the panniculitis occurs in the RLQ, appendicitis is usually the suggested diagnosis.
Surgical biopsy is usually necessary in order to ascertain the diagnosis.
14.4 Ischemic Processes and Torsion
14.4.1 Omental Torsion and Infarcts
Primary omental torsion is an extremely rare cause of abdominal pain in children. It occurs when the omentum twists around its long axis causing edema and vascular compromise. Omental torsion can be primitive or secondary. Secondary omental torsion can be associated with tumors (Fig. 14.7), adhesions or hernia (see below). Segmental infarct may be an associated undistinguishable finding.

Fig. 14.7
Torsion of the greater omentum secondary to a giant lipoma (6-year-old boy). (a) US: A large (8 × 7 cm) echogenic mass occupies the pelvis. (b) MR imaging axial T2-weighted fat-sat confirming the fat content of the mass. (c) MR imaging axial T1 after Gd enhancement; lack of enhancement of the mass; an enhancement of the capsule is preserved
The underlying pathogenesis is unknown. Obesity is a favoring factor. The clinical symptoms commonly mimic those of appendicitis. It is mainly diagnosed during laparotomy.
On US, a painful superficial echogenic abdominal mass is visualized, anywhere but most commonly in the right flank or RLQ (Fig. 14.8a). On CT, without contrast injection, the omental fat may appear somewhat infiltrated with areas of mixed low attenuation areas and hyperattenuating streaks. The same pattern is observed after contrast injection (Fig. 14.8b). Similar findings can be visualized on MR imaging. The latter should be preferred when a tumor is suspected (Fig. 14.7b, c).

Fig. 14.8
Infarct of the lesser omentum in a 14-year-old teenage girl. (a) US Transverse scan of the epigastric area showing an oval hyperechoic mass. (b) CE-CT Venous phase; hypodense area below the margin of the liver surrounded by inflammatory reaction
Surgical excision is the treatment of choice, especially when an underlying tumor is suspected [20].
14.4.2 Appendagitis
Epiploic appendagitis is a rarely reported cause of acute abdominal pain in children arising from inflammation of epiploic appendages that are distributed along the entire colon. Epiploic appendages may undergo torsion or thrombosis leading to ischemia and inflammation of the peripheral tissue, including the bowel wall, mesentery, and peritoneum. The most common location is the cecum, therefore, this rare diagnosis is usually misled as appendicitis. CT appears characteristic: oval to round fat attenuation lesion less than 5 cm diameter located on the antimesenteric side of the colon with surrounding inflammatory changes anterior to the colon (Fig. 14.9).

Fig. 14.9
Appendagitis in a 14-year-old girl—CE-CT. A round fat-containing lesion is visualized in the right flank. There is a central vessel, the lesion seems surrounded by a capsule and there is peripheral inflammatory reaction as well
The evolution is towards spontaneous resolution [21].
14.5 The Length of Mesentery and Malrotation [22–25] (See Also Chap. 9)
14.5.1 Normal Embryology
At 10 weeks gestation, the bowel re-enters the abdomen. The cephalad midgut (proximal small bowel) enters first and undergoes a third 90° counterclockwise rotation leading to the normal C loop duodenal pattern. The caudal midgut (distal ileum cecum and proximal colon) enter later and undergo additional 180° counterclockwise rotation. At this stage, the position of the cecum varies. Further elongation of the colon develops throughout the remainder of the gestation and postnatally. The second, third, and fourth portions of the duodenum are fixed in the retroperitoneum. The ligament of Treitz fixes the duodeno-jejunal junction. Descending and ascending colon mesenteries fuse with the retroperitoneum. The transverse mesocolon fuses partially with the greater omentum, the sigmoid mesocolon fuses with the retroperitoneum. The small bowel is fixed by a broad mesentery extending from the DJJ in the left upper abdomen to the ileocecal valve in the RLQ. The broad base of the mesentery stabilizes its position and prevents volvulus.
14.5.2 Abnormal Embryology
Arrest of the embryologic development may occur at any phase with variable consequences, leading to the different malrotation patterns. Early failure of rotation corresponds to the pattern of non-rotation (no further than the 90° first rotation). In such cases, the small bowel is located at the right and the colon at the left. Incomplete rotation represents a failure of the 180° counterclockwise rotation of the small bowel and the 180° rotation of the colon. The result abnormality is a spectrum from complete non-rotation to almost normal rotation. The risk for volvulus will vary with the degree of mesenteric attachment which might be difficult to directly assess with imaging. In reversed rotation, the duodenum rotates clockwise instead of counterclockwise. The duodenum becomes anterior to the SMA and the colon posterior. This may result in an internal hernia (and obstruction) (see below).
14.5.3 The Length of the Root of the Mesentery and the Risk of Volvulus
Normal rotation leads to a broad mesenteric root and no risk for volvulus. In case of non-rotation, the mesenteric root is wide and the risk of volvulus is low; still Ladd’s band may cause obstruction. Incomplete rotation with the DJJ to the right of midline and a high positioned cecum are associated with a short mesenteric root predisposing to volvulus and Ladd’s bands.

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