Fig. 10.1
Transverse versus longitudinal ulcer. The most characteristic colonoscopic findings for intestinal TB are transverse ulcers (10.1.1), in contrast to the longitudinal ulcers observed in Crohn’s disease (10.1.2)

Fig. 10.2
Typical colonoscopic findings of intestinal TB. Colonoscopy reveals large deep circumferential ulcers (10.2.1), small, shallow serpiginous ulcers (10.2.2), small shallow ulcers in a circumferential arrangement (10.2.3)

Fig. 10.3
Atypical colonoscopic findings of intestinal TB. Colonoscopy doesn’t show any transverse ulcers. However, M.tuberculosis was isolated in these cases and the lesions were improved after anti-TB medication

Fig. 10.4
The mucosa surrounding the ulcer in intestinal TB. Colonoscopy shows erythema, nodularity or edema in the mucosa surrounding the ulcer
Colonoscopy often reveals scarring and fibrosis in the ileocecal area. Pseudopolyps, a patent ileocecal valve, and strictures are also commonly seen in intestinal TB (Fig. 10.5). In such cases, there is usually a past history of pulmonary TB. Gastrointestinal or constitutional symptoms are rare. Although evidence is lacking, inactive intestinal TB does not require anti-TB treatment or diagnostic tests to prove TB.

Fig. 10.5
Sequelae of intestinal TB. Colonoscopy reveals scars, pseudopolyps, patulous IC valve (10.5.1), and stricture (10.5.2)
According to a prospective trial comparing the characteristic colonoscopic findings of intestinal TB with the characteristic colonoscopic findings of Crohn’s disease [28], four parameters (involvement of fewer than four segments, a patulous ileocecal valve, transverse ulcers, and scars or pseudopolyps) were observed more frequently in patients with intestinal TB than in patients with Crohn’s disease. Thus, describing the direction of ulcers, location and number of involved segments, presence of pseudopolyps or scarring, and involvement of the ileocecal valve is important during colonoscopic exams of patients suspected of having intestinal TB. A systematic analysis according to the characteristic colonoscopy findings during the differential diagnosis between intestinal TB and Crohn’s disease showed 94.9% positive predictive value for Crohn’s disease, and 88.9% positive predictive value for TB. However, the limitation of that study was the relatively small sample size at a single center; thus, further studies are needed to validate this system.
Endoscopically obtained mucosal biopsies have a limited amount of tissue, making differential diagnosis difficult. Colonic mucosa reveals only a few acid-fast bacilli; thus, biopsies from endoscopically abnormal and normal sites are needed for an accurate diagnosis [29]. Biopsies of both the ulcer base and margin should be obtained for ulcerative lesions [17]. Considering the predominance of granulomas in the ulcer base, deep and adequate biopsies from the ulcer base should improve the diagnostic yield [22]. Although evidence remains lacking, taking at least six biopsies from the lesion is recommended [24].
The histological parameters of intestinal TB are caseating granulomatous inflammation and acid-fast bacilli. However, examining the sum of the literature, an educated guess is that fewer than 30% of cases can be diagnosed based on the finding of caseating granulomas or acid-fast bacilli [22, 29, 30]. Features that were frequently found in intestinal TB included confluent granulomas, granulomas exceeding 10 μm in size, ulcers lined by bands of epithelioid histiocytes, disproportionate submucosal inflammation, and submucosal granulomas [29–31].
The use of a TB PCR assay of colonoscopy mucosal biopsies for the diagnosis of intestinal TB increases specificity but lacks sensitivity. Although PCR is not the confirmatory method for differentiating between intestinal TB and Crohn’s disease, it may be of value as a supplementary tool [22, 32–35].
In contrast to pulmonary TB, the presence of only a small number of M.tuberculosis in intestinal TB gives a low positive rate of 14% to 36% [13, 15, 22] and requires a long time (several weeks) to grow in culture. Colonic mucosal tissues stored in the refrigerator and contained in normal saline are sent to the laboratory. Three to four biopsy specimens should be taken for M.tuberculosis cultures. These biopsies are then crushed and inoculated into media [36]. M.tuberculosis is isolated using solid (egg-based and agar-based) or liquid growth media. Drug susceptibility testing should be performed in cases with positive cultures to assess the possibility of first-line drug-resistant TB.
10.1.4 Skin Test and Serological Test
In the tuberculin skin test (TST), a substance called purified protein derivative (PPD), which is derived from tuberculin, is injected under the skin. Typically, PPD produces a T-cell-mediated delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction if the person has been infected with M. tuberculosis. This should produce a wheal reaction. The reaction to the TST should be assessed 48–72 h after the injection. The TST is read by palpating the site of injection to find an area of induration (firm swelling); the diameter of the indurated area should be measured across the forearm. Erythema (redness) should not be measured [35]. The traditional cut-off is 10 mm. The sensitivity is near 100% in immunocompetent patients infected with M.tuberculosis. However, there is a possibility of false-positive testing by cross-reactivity of PPD antigens present in the Mycobacterium bovis strain used for BCG vaccination and in non-tuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM). Sensitivity can also be reduced in patients with other infections, malnutrition, lymphoma, or other immunocompromised conditions. The actual cut-off value that constitutes a positive TST remains controversial due to the cross-reactivity of PPD antigens present in the Mycobacterium bovis strain used for BCG vaccination and in NTM [35].
The use of TST as a diagnostic tool in patients with ileo-colonic inflammation has limitations. Cross-reactivity with BCG, a high prevalence of environmental mycobacteria, and widespread latent M. tuberculosis infection makes interpretation of a positive TST difficult. Anergy in HIV, primary TB, and disseminated TB limits the diagnostic utility of this test. Anergy has also been demonstrated in untreated patients with Crohn’s disease [37]. A prospective evaluation of the differential diagnosis between intestinal TB and Crohn’s disease using a cut-off value of 10 mm achieves 68% sensitivity, 84% specificity, 81% positive predictive value, and 72% negative predictive value [38].
Interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) detect the presence of M. tuberculosis infection by measuring the immune response to TB proteins in whole blood. IGRAs offer the possibility of detecting M. tuberculosis infection with greater specificity than TST as M. tuberculosis antigens used in IGRA don’t cross-react with BCG and NTM. IGRAs do not boost subsequent test results and can be completed following a single patient visit. Laboratory tests are not affected by the perceptions or biases of health-care workers in contrast to TST, but results can be dependent on the batching and transport of specimens.
A positive reaction to IGRA also cannot differentiate a latent TB infection (LTBI) from an active TB infection such as TST. Further, a negative reaction to IGRA does not exclude the diagnosis of LTBI or TB disease, and negative predictive value decreases when TB is clinically suspected. As in TST, clinicians should be cautious in interpreting test results in patients with HIV or those who are taking immunosuppressive drugs. A prospective evaluation of the differential diagnosis between intestinal TB and Crohn’s disease using a IGRA shows 67% sensitivity, 90% specificity, 87% positive predictive value, and 73% negative predictive value [38].
10.1.5 Empirical Anti-TB Treatment
Definitive intestinal TB can be diagnosed based on the finding of acid-fast bacilli, caseating granulomas, or M. tuberculosis in culture. A diagnosis of probable intestinal TB is justified in a patient with appropriate clinical manifestations and gross endoscopic findings and evidence of a response to anti-TB treatment (Fig. 10.6) [1, 39]. Although the follow-up period has not been determined, follow-up colonoscopy exams should be performed within 2 to 3 months after initiating anti-TB treatment. If follow-up colonoscopy reveals significant resolution, anti-TB treatment should be maintained for 6 months to treat pulmonary TB [40–42]. After 1 month of treatment, CRP usually recedes to a normal level [19, 43].

Fig. 10.6
Colonoscopic findings before (10.6.1) and after (10.6.2) empirical anti-TB treatment. The patient didn’t have the presence of acid-fast bacilli, caseating granulomas, or M. tuberculosis in culture. The colonoscopic finding was improved 2 months later after empirical anti-TB treatment
In patients who failed to respond to primary anti-TB therapy, the rare possibility of drug-resistant TB must be considered [15, 44, 45]. However, in the absence of acid-fast bacilli, caseating granulomas, or M. tuberculosis in culture, it is difficult to determine which drug-resistant TB is present. In patients who fail to improve after empirical therapy, delayed response to anti-TB treatment may be considered, although this is rare [40]. It is practically difficult to decide to continue anti-TB treatment in cases for which the diagnosis of intestinal TB is not definite and colonoscopy findings fail to show response to anti-TB therapy. Anti-TB response should be interpreted with caution in patients with Crohn’s disease. In some Crohn’s disease patients, anti-TB chemotherapy might be effective in improving particular symptoms, laboratory findings, or colonoscopy findings although it is incomplete or temporary [19, 42]. In cases that lack a treatment response, clinicians should consider other diagnoses, including Crohn’s disease.
10.2 Summary
TB remains an unresolved infectious disease throughout the world. Differentiating between intestinal TB and Crohn’s disease is a major diagnostic challenge. This is particularly true in Asian countries, which show increasing incidence of inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s disease. Definite diagnosis of intestinal TB is often difficult to achieve with histological or microbiological proof alone; thus, understanding the endoscopic features is potentially important for differentiating intestinal TB from Crohn’s disease.

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