
Fig. 1
A 6 Fr dual lumen urethral catheter for urodynamic testing

Bladder Catheter Placement

After the above mentioned catheter is obtained, the patient is prepped and draped in normal sterile fashion and the catheter is inserted. Typically, plain water-based lubrication can be utilized for insertion. In certain circumstances, such as patients with urethral/pelvic pain, significant anxiety, or a history of difficult catheterization, 5–10 mL of 2 % lidocaine jelly may be injected into the urethra and allowed to anesthetize the urethra for up to 5 min prior to catheter insertion. After placement, any residual urine within the bladder is then allowed to drain until the bladder is empty. The catheter is then secured by paper tape placed on the dorsal aspect of the penis and wrapped around the catheter in men and on the medial thigh in women. In patients with catheterizable channels, the transurethral catheter is placed through the channel and taped to the abdominal wall. The pressure transducer is then taped to the patient’s side at the level of the superior edge of the pubic symphysis, even with the height of the bladder. The atmospheric cap on the opposite end of the transducer is removed then opening the transducer to the atmosphere. Using a three-way stopcock, the transducer is flushed and zeroed using the computer software (Fig. 2). The atmospheric cap is then replaced. The stopcock is then rotated and the connection tubing between the transducer and catheter is flushed to remove any air bubbles. The tubing is then connected to the catheter. The baseline intravesical pressure is assessed to confirm appropriate placement (typically 0–5 cm H2O). A cough is used to confirm good signal transmission.


Fig. 2
(a) Three-way stopcock set up for zeroing the transducer (atmospheric cap already removed). (b) Flushing the transducer with saline. (c) Zeroing the flushed transducer which is open to the atmosphere. (d) Capping the transducer and flushing the connection tubing to the catheter

Regardless of the type of catheter placed, zeroing of the urethral catheter to the atmosphere prior to initiation of any study with any type of catheter is paramount and strongly recommended in the ICS guidelines. More recently, there has been increasing difficulty in identifying the upper border of the pubic symphysis with the ongoing obesity epidemic occurring worldwide. In light of this, many urodynamics labs have begun to zero the pressure transducer once within the patient’s bladder. This is strongly opposed by the ICS. This does not allow for a resting intravesical and abdominal pressure to be obtained, which can be variable in patients. Further, intracorporal zeroing may cause the abdominal pressure to become zero during the voiding phase as the pelvic floor relaxes, which can skew the results of the detrusor pressure [7].

Rectal Catheter Placement

After placement of the urethral catheter, the rectal catheter can then be placed. The catheter is well lubricated, inserted into the anus, and advanced ~4 cm. The abdominal pressure transducer is part of a multi-transducer apparatus, along with the intravesical transducer, and thus has already been placed at the time of urethral catheter placement. As with the urethral catheter, appropriate positioning of the transducer at the level of the superior edge of the pubic symphysis is important to obtaining an accurate reading. The abdominal pressure transducer is then flushed and zeroed in the same manner as the intravesical pressure transducer. As has been previously stated, zeroing the catheter to the atmosphere and not the intracorporeal baseline pressure is critical to accurate measurements. The connection tubing is then flushed to remove any air bubbles and connected to the catheter. The balloon of the rectal catheter is then inflated until a good pressure waveform is present on the urodynamics computer software, with a maximum of 2 mL of sterile saline being instilled. The balloon ensures that the catheter opening remains unobstructed by surrounding feces, which can affect the pressure sensation. Overfilling of the balloon can lead to elastic distention of the balloon surrounding the pressure transducer and thus result in a falsely elevated baseline pressure measurement. The baseline intravesical pressure is assessed to confirm appropriate placement (typically 0–5 cm H2O). A cough or Valsalva can be used to confirm good signal transmission. The catheter is secured in placed using paper tape on the posteromedial aspect of the right thigh.

Numerous types of rectal catheters are commercially available, similar to the options for ureteral catheters. Catheters of various lumens (1–3), sizes (from 4.5 to 21 Fr), and lengths can be purchased. At our institution, we manufacture our own rectal catheters for urodynamic testing (Fig. 3). These are produced by first cutting the fingers off of a silicone glove. These silicone pieces are placed over the cut end of 14 Fr IV tubing to act as a balloon. A 12 Fr Foley catheter is then cut into cross-sectional rings, and using a hemostat, these rings are placed over the balloon and advanced 2–3 cm from the cut end of the IV tubing. This provides a watertight seal to the balloon. This catheter is attached to a three-way stopcock which can be connected to the pressure transducer. These institution-produced rectal catheters have proven to be effective both with regards to pressure measurements and cost (estimated cost of each assembled catheter is $1).


Fig. 3
A simply constructed rectal catheter for urodynamic testing

Using rectal pressure measurements to estimate intraabdominal pressure has long been considered the gold standard [12]. The rectum is an optimal point of measurement given its low baseline pressures (4 cm H2O) and good wall compliance, thus minimizing any rectal generated pressures from being transmitted [13]. More recently, intra-vaginal pressure measurements have also been investigated as an alternative given the greater comfort of a vaginal catheter in women. Results have been largely supportive of accurate pressure transmission [14, 15] with the exception of one study which found a statistically significant difference in the vaginal and rectal pressures in specific situations (changes in positioning and filling) [16]. While significant, the mean pressure difference was only 3.0–3.33 cm H2O, and thus the clinical applicability of an intra-vaginal means of pressure measurement seems reasonable. The International Continence Society continues to recommend a rectal balloon catheter in the measurement of the abdominal pressure.

Determining Detrusor Pressure

The detrusor pressure (Pdet) is a calculated value based upon the pressures sensed from the intravesical (Pves) and rectal (Pabd) catheters. The concept of detrusor pressure stems from the fact that the intravesical pressure is a combination of the pressure generated by the detrusor muscle of the bladder/bladder wall, as well as transmitted abdominal pressure created by abdominal musculature. Pressure generated by the detrusor muscle or bladder wall can be isolated by subtracting the abdominal pressure as measured in a different location, in this case the rectum: Pdet = Pves − Pabd.

The Cystometrogram


Once both catheters have been placed and good signal transmission is appreciated, bladder filling can commence. Normally, the fluoroscopy table is gradually tilted to 90° (patient upright) during the initial filling (Fig. 4). However, in certain cases such as patients with spinal cord disorders the study may be conducted in a sitting or even supine position. There are a variety of mediums that can be used for bladder filling, including water, saline, contrast, and gas (carbon dioxide). Saline is regarded as the closest in density and consistency to urine. The use of carbon dioxide cystometry has fallen out of favor given that filling the bladder with air is not physiologic, can cause bladder discomfort due to dissolution of the carbon dioxide into urine and thereby create carbonic acid, and can have significant variability in testing results [17].


Fig. 4
Sequential patient positioning during filling from supine (a), to 45° (b), to upright (c)

The instillation of contrast allows for videourodynamics to be performed and thus can simultaneously assess the bladder for structural and dynamic abnormalities during testing. However, contrast has very different chemical and physical properties compared to saline. With regard to the difference in chemical properties, cystografin is slightly acidic (pH 7.1–7.3) compared to saline [18]. Bladder reactivity to solutions of various pH values has been well documented with overactivity [19] and the desire to void at lower volumes [20] reported with acidic fluids and relaxation with larger storage capacities with alkaline solutions [21]. Cystografin is only minimally acidic compared to the solutions used in these studies and thus is felt to have no effect on bladder sensation or overactivity. Further, the density of cystografin (30 %) and cystografin dilute (18 %) compared to saline are 1.162 and 1.009 respectively, making these heavier fluids [18]. In theory, given this fact, the amount of force transmitted onto the bladder wall, and thus intravesical pressure generated, could be larger when using these agents and thus skew urodynamic results. An initial investigation revealed no differences but was methodologically flawed [22]. A later study demonstrated that a statistically significant but minimal clinically significant elevation in the voiding detrusor pressure compared to saline [23]. Thus, cystografin is felt to be a viable alternative to saline for urodynamics. The temperature of instilled fluids is also an important consideration. First described by Bors in 1957 [24] in the evaluation of neurologic insults, it has been well establish in both cats and humans that the instillation of cold fluids into the bladder incites a spinal reflex via unmyelinated C-fiber simulation and induces a detrusor contraction [2533]. Conversely, there is minimal literature regarding instillation of warm or hot fluid into the bladder. McDonald described the primary response as pain, with a reported mean temperature of 47 °C [34]. Our institution uses room temperature cystografin for cystometry.

The next major consideration during bladder filling is the rate. Physiologic bladder filling normally occurs at a rate of 1–2 mL/min, but can increase to 10–15 mL/min with diuresis. Filling rates have been classically described as slow (less than 10 mL/min), moderate (10–100 mL/min), and fast (>100 mL/min) [35]. This nomenclature was replaced with physiologic vs. non-physiologic filling rates as per Abrams’ standardization of terminology in 2002 [36]. Physiologic filling was defined as a rate less than the predicted maximum filling rate, which is derived by dividing the weight in kilograms by 4 and expressed as units of mL/min. Non-physiologic filling rates exceed this calculated value [37]. The use of body-warm saline at a physiologic filling rate is recommended in the European Association of Urology Guidelines on Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction [38]. This rate is often exceeded in clinical practice. One concern with utilizing a physiologic rate is that the actual bladder volume may be significantly different than the volume instilled due to urine production. Conversely, supraphysiologic filling rates can provoke detrusor contractions or a micturition reflex due to a rapid rise in bladder pressure. However, supra physiologic filling does not appear to affect total bladder capacity and first sensation [39, 40]. Of note, the one study that demonstrated these provoked contractions/reflexes utilized an air charged catheter and carbon dioxide for bladder filling, which as previously discussed can be very irritative to the bladder wall. This can itself induce a lower threshold for sensation and tolerability for achieve an accurate maximum capacity [41]. Our institution routinely begins filling at 60 mL/min for adults but may reduce the rate if patients report discomfort or overactivity is felt to be induced. A reduced rate of 15–30 mL/min is utilized in patients with a history of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS), evaluation of overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) and pediatric studies. A rate of 10 mL/min is used for infant evaluations.

Provocative Measures During Filling

During filling, a number of provocative maneuvers can be performed to expose an abnormality. The most common maneuver utilized is a cough, which is used to elicit stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Diagnosis of stress urinary incontinence by means of symptomology and an office cough stress test has been shown to have poor sensitivity [42]. Formal cystometry has demonstrated both good sensitivity (81–91 %) and specificity (80–100 %) for SUI [4345], though the evidence of an abnormal urethral pressure profile in not often present [45, 46]. Another often used maneuver is the Valsalva technique, again in an attempt to induce SUI. This will be further explored later in the leak point pressure section. Handwashing [47, 48] and heel bouncing [48, 49] has also been well documented as effective aggravating factors in the evaluation of detrusor overactivity.

Patient positioning is another important consideration, particularly in the evaluation of detrusor overactivity (DO). It is well documented that DO is more commonly elicited with standing [5053] and sitting [49, 54], compared to a supine position. Ramsden et al. refuted these findings but did not consider rectal pressure in evaluating detrusor pressure and included pediatric patients, which likely skewed their results [55]. Other studies have found that DO can be elicited when changing positions with a full bladder or during filling bladder [5658]. A recent review article by Al-Hayek suggested that all patients be filled sitting or standing, so as to most accurately reproduce normal filling habits and have the best opportunity to elicit detrusor overactivity [59]. Figure 5 demonstrates an example of DO elicited during testing. Our institution utilizes cough, Valsalva, and handwashing as provocative measures. With regard to patient positioning, as filling is taking place, the fluoroscopy table is sequentially tilted until the patient is in a standing position. Sitting and walking in place are also used in select patient populations, such as post-prostatectomy patients, to assess SUI and DO.


Fig. 5
Detrusor overactivity provoked during bladder filling

Administration of provocative medications have also been reported during or just prior to cystometry. Potassium chloride instillation prior to urodynamic studies has previously been reported as a means to identifying IC/BPS. This was first reported by Parsons et al. in 1998 and specifically looked to detect abnormal epithelial permeability, as is common in IC/BPS [60]. Multiple other studies confirmed that these instillations could reproduce the common symptoms of IC/BPS [61, 62], namely frequency, urgency, nocturia, and bladder pain. Unfortunately, even in the original study, 26 % of patients who met all National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases criteria for IC had a negative potassium sensitivity test. Further studies revealed only minimal improvement with known treatments [63]. Increased urothelial permeability was also found to be prevalent in detrusor overactivity and thus not specific to IC/BPS [64]. For these reasons, potassium sensitivity testing is not recommended in the American Urological Association Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome Guidelines [65].

Bethanechol, a muscarinic agonist, has also been investigated in the evaluation of detrusor underactivity. Use of bethanechol to aid with postoperative urinary retention was reported as early as the 1940s. Later, the bethanechol supersensitivity test was described as part of the evaluation of a neurogenic bladder [6668]. The test involved the instillation of 100 cc of fluid intravesically followed by administration of 2.5 mg of subcutaneous bethanechol. Repetition of fluid instillation and bethanechol administration would occur every 10 min up to three times. A positive test was indicated by an increase in the detrusor pressure by at least 15 cm H2O at 30 min. This reflected a neurologic etiology to the detrusor dysfunction instead of a myogenic cause. Further evaluation found only moderate sensitivity (76 %) and poor specificity (50 %) of this test [69], as well as inconsistent efficacy in the treatment of an underactive bladder [7072]. As the results of this testing would not change the management of the patient (i.e., the need for intermittent catheterization), the use of bethanechol for bladder stimulation is no long recommended.

More recently, edrophonium, a short-acting cholinergic agonist, has been investigated as a new provocative agent for bladder overactivity, specifically aimed for those who do not have overactivity symptoms. One small study demonstrated a response in 78 % of patients with overactive symptoms at baseline, of whom 64 % had baseline normal cystometry results [73]. Unfortunately, this study suffered from methodologic flaws (zeroing intracorporealy) and failed to show consistent subjective or objective responses to the edrophonium. No provocative medications are used at our institution.


The ability of the bladder to store urine is constantly assessed during cystometry. One means of assessing bladder storage is to ask the patient about their sensation of filling. More specifically, the volumes at which a patient reports his/her “first sense of bladder filling,” “first desire to void,” and “strong desire to void” can greatly help to characterize the patient’s bladder. Further, assessing when a patient has a “strong desire to void” or significant urgency that does not abate typically defines a patient’s maximal cystometric capacity.

Outside of simple bladder volume sensation, objective measures of the ability of the bladder to store urine can be expressed by means of compliance. Compliance is the opposite of stiffness and indicates the amount of bladder wall elasticity. This is calculated as C = ΔV/ΔPdet.

More formally, bladder compliance is defined as the “change in volume relative to the corresponding change in the intravesical pressure” and is measured in units of mL/cm H 2 O [74]. The initial proposed cutoff for low compliance was 5 mL/cm H 2 O but further study demonstrated a wide range of normal among healthy subjects, likely due to the diversity in bladder volumes and most investigators currently consider normal compliance to be greater than 12.5 mL/cm H 2 O [75]. Harris et al. later demonstrated that 40 mL/cm H2O was a reasonable cutoff as the lower limit of normal [76]. This value also corresponded with a report by McGuire regarding evidence of upper tract deterioration with urethral opening pressures above 40 cm H2O [77]. Figure 6 demonstrates a poorly compliant bladder with high pressures which would predispose a patient to obstructive nephropathy. With these findings, some have suggested that detrusor pressure may be a more useful tool for evaluating compliance changes than an actual calculated compliance value.


Fig. 6
Abnormal bladder compliance

Leak Point Pressure

Leak point pressure is the pressure at which a patient experiences urinary loss in the absence of a detrusor contraction during urodynamic testing. There are two different leak point pressures that are routinely measured: the abdominal (ALPP) and the detrusor (DLPP). The abdominal leak point pressure (ALPP), is the intravesical pressure at which urine leaks due to an elevated abdominal pressure. This is ostensibly a measure of the patient’s sphincteric strength and can be used to demonstrate SUI or intrinsic sphincter deficiency. Attempts have been made to use this measure to define intrinsic sphincter deficiency as an ALPP less than 60 cm H2O [78]. However, given that urethral hypermobility is also typically present, it is difficult to make this value an absolute cutoff. The ALPP is commonly assessed via either performance of the Valsalva maneuver (VLPP) or with a cough (CLPP). Studies have demonstrated that both maneuvers are effective in eliciting SUI but have different effects on the urethra [79]. Figure 7 demonstrates an example of a positive VLPP assessment. It has also been shown that while CLPP is typically larger than the VLPP, VLPP demonstrates less variability in provoking SUI [80, 81]. The presence of a urethral catheter has been shown to have an obstructive effect, thus leading to an exaggerated ALPP value [81]. This has thus made placement of a rectal catheter even more important. The detrusor leak point pressure (DLPP) is defined by Abrams as the “lowest detrusor pressure at which urine leakage occurs in the absence of either a detrusor contraction or increased abdominal pressure” [36]. This parameter is an especially important element of evaluation in those with neurogenic bladder given the known possibility for renal dysfunction and upper tract compromise with detrusor pressures >40 cm H2O [82]. Other factors that may affect these results include the presence of pelvic organ prolapse, which can create a reservoir effect and affect abdominal pressure transmission to the urethra, patient positioning (as discussed above), and bladder volume. The recommended volume to perform this testing is half the normal cystometric capacity, typically 200–300 mL, though some studies have suggested that this capacity is too large and that testing should begin at smaller volumes (~150 mL) [83]. Other investigators utilize a voiding diary to establish the volume at which patients should undergo this testing and given the wide variations in bladder capacity, the optimal value should be determined based upon a patient’s voiding diary. Videourodynamics can also be used to assess the DLPP and ALPP. Our institution utilizes the Valsalva maneuver at a bladder volume of 200 mL and repeats this testing at 300 mL under fluoroscopy in the standing position. In addition, if there is evidence on the pre-cystometry physical exam or during fluoroscopic evaluation of filling of pelvic organ prolapse, cystometry is repeated after performance of the voiding phase with vaginal packing in place to further characterize bladder function with proper anatomic positioning of the pelvic organs.
Jul 5, 2017 | Posted by in UROLOGY | Comments Off on Cystometrogram

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