Current Epidemiology of Genitourinary Trauma

This article reviews recent publications evaluating the current epidemiology of urologic trauma. The authors briefly explain databases that have been recently used to study this patient population and then discuss each genitourinary organ individually, utilizing the most relevant and up-to-date information published for each one. The conclusion of the article briefly discusses possible future research and development areas pertaining to the topic.

Key points

  • With 10% of the 2.8 million trauma patients hospitalized yearly in the United States sustaining genitourinary injuries, an understanding of the epidemiology of genitourinary organ injury facilitates prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment of these injuries.

  • The use of national data sets to conduct large population-based studies has increased our understanding of the epidemiology of genitourinary trauma.

  • Most renal, bladder, and posterior urethral trauma is from blunt mechanisms, most commonly motor vehicle collisions.

  • Most ureteral and anterior urethral injuries are iatrogenic.

  • Research and development of safer vehicles along with public efforts and policy to create safer roadways and regulate hazardous driving activities continues to decrease morbidity and mortality from motor vehicle collisions.


The importance of recognizing and appropriately managing urogenital injuries has been appreciated for centuries. Timely identification and management of these injuries is often organ saving, and at times, life saving.

Worldwide, trauma is currently the sixth leading cause of death, accounting for 10% of mortalities. In the United States, more than 2.8 million people are hospitalized as a result of trauma yearly, with estimated costs of $406 billion annually in medical expenditures and lost productivity. Trauma has a predilection for young adults and results in the loss of more productive work years than cancer and heart disease combined. The urogenital system has consistently been shown to be involved in 10% of patients presenting after trauma and is therefore a significant factor in trauma-induced morbidity and mortality.

Most trauma data from the 20th century were reported from single-institution data sets. With the expansion of electronic medical records and national trauma networks, national data sets have become a more accessible and significant source of information.

The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS), originally created in 1970 by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, is one example of these national data sets. It has been used primarily to evaluate the magnitude of injury associated with consumer products, but because it provides a national probability estimate of all injury-related US emergency department presentations, it has proved to be a useful tool for evaluating many facets of trauma epidemiology.

More recently, the National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB), created in 1989, has continued to grow exponentially and currently contains more than 5 million records, making it by far the largest national data set available. It has been increasingly analyzed over the last 2 decades, resulting in significant contributions to the medical literature and increased understanding of trauma incidence, mechanism, and outcomes.

The Crash Research and Engineering (CIREN) database, which is a multicenter research network developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, provides detailed crash site analysis and specific occupant injury data to help researchers better understand the mechanisms of injury in motor vehicle collisions (MVC).

Although far from comprehensive, these are several important examples of the major data sets relating to trauma. In the future, as the evaluation and sharing of data become easier and faster, the continued development of more inclusive and refined data sets will enable researchers to probe further into the epidemiology and, hopefully, prevention of trauma.


The importance of recognizing and appropriately managing urogenital injuries has been appreciated for centuries. Timely identification and management of these injuries is often organ saving, and at times, life saving.

Worldwide, trauma is currently the sixth leading cause of death, accounting for 10% of mortalities. In the United States, more than 2.8 million people are hospitalized as a result of trauma yearly, with estimated costs of $406 billion annually in medical expenditures and lost productivity. Trauma has a predilection for young adults and results in the loss of more productive work years than cancer and heart disease combined. The urogenital system has consistently been shown to be involved in 10% of patients presenting after trauma and is therefore a significant factor in trauma-induced morbidity and mortality.

Most trauma data from the 20th century were reported from single-institution data sets. With the expansion of electronic medical records and national trauma networks, national data sets have become a more accessible and significant source of information.

The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS), originally created in 1970 by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, is one example of these national data sets. It has been used primarily to evaluate the magnitude of injury associated with consumer products, but because it provides a national probability estimate of all injury-related US emergency department presentations, it has proved to be a useful tool for evaluating many facets of trauma epidemiology.

More recently, the National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB), created in 1989, has continued to grow exponentially and currently contains more than 5 million records, making it by far the largest national data set available. It has been increasingly analyzed over the last 2 decades, resulting in significant contributions to the medical literature and increased understanding of trauma incidence, mechanism, and outcomes.

The Crash Research and Engineering (CIREN) database, which is a multicenter research network developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, provides detailed crash site analysis and specific occupant injury data to help researchers better understand the mechanisms of injury in motor vehicle collisions (MVC).

Although far from comprehensive, these are several important examples of the major data sets relating to trauma. In the future, as the evaluation and sharing of data become easier and faster, the continued development of more inclusive and refined data sets will enable researchers to probe further into the epidemiology and, hopefully, prevention of trauma.




Renal injury has historically been reported in 1.2% to 3.3% of trauma patients depending on the data set. A recent population-based study using the NTDB and consisting of 6231 renal injuries found an incidence of 4.9 per 100,000 population. Like other trauma, renal injuries are also associated with youth and male gender. Renal injuries occurred in patients less than 44 years of age 70% to 80% of the time and almost 75% of these were male.


In the United States, 82% to 95% of renal injuries are secondary to blunt trauma, slightly less than the 93% observed in Canada and 97% in Europe. Penetrating injuries are more prevalent in undeveloped countries and areas with civil unrest. A retrospective, 4-year single-institution study from a hospital serving 13 smaller cities throughout southeastern Turkey, a region with elevated sociopolitical tensions and a gun in every residence for self-defense and hunting, reported 59% (42/71) of renal injuries were secondary to gunshot wounds (GSW). Similarly, 75% (130/174) of renal injuries reported by one hospital in Durban, South Africa were from a penetrating source, with 50% (87/174) caused by GSW. Although penetrating renal injury, which is responsible for 16% of renal injuries per review of the NTDB, is much less common than blunt renal trauma, the incidence of civilian GSW is reportedly increasing in the United States, Africa, and some European countries. Of traumatized patients in the United States, the proportion with renal injury was highest in those sustaining injuries from firearms (3.5%), MVC (2.2%), bicycle accidents (1.9%), pedestrian accidents (1.5%), stab wounds (0.8%), and falls (0.5%).

The epidemiology of renal trauma—Summary of multiple series

Rate of Renal Injury (%) Number Blunt (%) Penetrating (%) Minor Injuries (%) Major Injuries (%) a Renal Exploration (%) Nephrectomy (%)
Seattle 2.8 154 93.5 6.5 92 8 N/A 3.8
Toronto 3.25 132 95.4 4.6 72 28 7.4 3.2
San Francisco N/A 2254 89.8 10.2 91.1 8.9 7.4 0.8
British Columbia 1.4 227 93.4 6.6 81.7 18.3 7.1 N/A
NTDB 1.2 6231 81.6 16.0 82.5 17.5 13 7

Data from Wessells H, Suh D, Porter JR, et al. Renal injury and operative management in the United States: results of a population-based study. J Trauma 2003;54(3):423–30.

a Major injury defined as AAST grades 2 to 5 or ICD-9 code for laceration, parenchymal disruption, or vascular injury.

Motor vehicle collisions

MVC account for approximately 70% of blunt renal injuries, with 50.9% involving 2 vehicles, 21.1% involving a solitary vehicle, and 11.1% involving vehicle versus pedestrian. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1.3 million people die yearly from road traffic accidents, and another 20 to 50 million suffer nonfatal injuries. Ongoing research into preventative measures to lessen solid organ injury has provided insight into the mechanism of renal injury in various MVC scenarios, as well as the effects of multiple automobile safety features. One of these studies, a recent review of the CIREN database, demonstrated a 45.3% and 52.8% reduction in renal injury during collisions with frontal and side airbags, respectively. In a separate analysis of the same data set, seat belts, which unquestionably decrease overall morbidity and mortality in accidents, have been shown to account for 90% of renal injuries in frontal collisions. Side-door panel/armrest direct impact is the source of renal injury in most side-impact collisions, as is the steering wheel and instrument panel for unrestrained drivers in head-on collisions. Interestingly, although not statistically significant, renal injury was more likely on the right side for restrained drivers and left for restrained passengers, possibly due to the lower/mid abdominal location of the shoulder restraint on the medial side.


With 57 million, or 27% of the US population over the age of 16, riding bicycles on a daily basis, injuries sustained from bicycle-related accidents contribute significantly to the trauma population. According to a review of mode-by-mode fatality and travel statistics report from the US Department of Transportation by Pucher and Dijkstra, bicycling is considered 12 times more likely to result in mortality than riding in a car per kilometer traveled, and results in greater than 600 deaths annually. A review of the 16,585 bicycle-related trauma cases in the NTDB noted that genitourinary (GU) trauma occurred in 2% of bicycle accidents (358 patients). Renal trauma was the most common type of GU injury in this subset (75%–80% of GU injuries), with bladder and urethral injuries a distant second. A review of the NEISS database estimated that 43,542 (95% confidence interval [CI] 36,447–50,363), or 9%, of all GU injuries presenting to US emergency departments from 2002 to 2010 had a bicycle-related injury. Of these injuries, 31% (12,707 [95% CI 9585–15,830]) involved the testicles or scrotum, with renal injury representing only 5% (2158 [95% CI 1360–2956]) of GU injuries presenting to the emergency room. This discrepancy is likely due to the different patient populations represented by the NTDB and NEISS. Patients in the NTDB have injuries significant enough to require hospital admission and therefore are more likely to have a renal injury. The NEISS database, on the other hand, includes all emergency department presentations, most of which are treated in an ambulatory setting, and not surprisingly consist of a significantly higher number of scrotal injuries.


Because of children’s weaker abdominal muscles, less ossified and protective rib cage, paucity of perirenal fat, intra-abdominal renal location, and relatively larger kidney-to-body size ratio, they have an increased risk of blunt renal injury. Approximately 10% of children presenting with blunt abdominal trauma have a renal injury. According to a recent review of the NEISS database, there were approximately 8249 pediatric renal injuries that presented to emergency rooms in the United States between 2002 and 2010. Although renal injuries accounted for only 3.5% of all pediatric GU injuries, it was responsible for 25.7% of hospital admissions in this cohort.

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs)

The use of ATVs in both the general and the pediatric populations has continued to increase over the last 20 years. Despite government legislation, multiple public awareness campaigns, improved safety labeling, and age-appropriate recommendations from numerous organizations, ATVs are responsible for an increasing number of pediatric injuries and deaths each year. An estimated 28,300 children under the age of 16 years of age presented to the emergency department in 2010 with ATV-related injuries and there have been 2775 reported deaths since 1982. Several recent single-institutional retrospective studies evaluated the risk of GU injury in this subset of patients. Approximately 3% to 3.7% of ATV-related pediatric admissions sustained GU trauma, which was overwhelmingly renal in nature (22/23 patients, 96%). In contrast to a previous publication whereby a rollover injury or a blow to the abdomen from the handlebars was the source of renal injury, ejection was identified as the predominant mechanism of ATV-related pediatric injury in these more recent cohorts.

Sports and solitary kidneys

There has been a significant amount of ambiguity regarding the appropriate recommendations for children with solitary kidneys who wish to participate in contact sports. According to 182 responses to a survey sent to 231 active members of the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2002, 68% of these practitioners reported that they recommend patients with a solitary kidney avoid contact sports.

Since 1994, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended a “qualified yes” pending assessment for children with solitary kidneys wishing to participate in contact sports. In 2012 Grinsell and colleagues used the data collected for the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Injury Surveillance Study, an observational cohort study collected during the 1995 to 1997 academic years, to evaluate the risk of renal injury in contact/collision sports. From 1995 to 1997, more than 4.4 million athlete-exposures, defined as 1 athlete participating in 1 game or practice, were evaluated and 23,666 physical injuries were reported. Eighteen minor kidney injuries, 3 lacerations, and 15 contusions were observed. None of these injuries required surgical management or resulted in known loss of renal function. For boys, football had the highest rate of renal injury (9.2 injuries/million athlete-exposures). Girls had the highest risk of sustaining a renal injury while playing soccer (5.9 injuries/million athlete-exposures). Overall, the risk of renal injury was significantly less than rates of traumatic brain/head/neck/spine injuries and it was concluded that patients with solitary kidneys should be allowed to participate in contact sports.



Ureteral trauma is rare. Almost 25 years ago a large single-institution retrospective study reported ureteral injury in 1% of all urologic trauma. More recently, a retrospective analysis of the 22,706 GU injuries in the NTDB from 2002 to 2006 found ureteral trauma responsible for 2.5% of GU trauma (582 patients total). This significantly increased incidence is attributed to improved evacuation, stabilization, and evaluation methods of trauma patients resulting in increased survival of severely injured patients with improved initial detection of ureteral injuries.

A recent literature review on ureteral trauma published by Pereira and colleagues identified 77 articles with level 3 to 4 evidence. Consistent with the observation that most trauma occurs in young men, the reviewers noted that an average of 83.4% of patients with ureteral trauma were men, on average 23.2 years of age. This male predominance, which is even higher than for overall trauma, may be representative of the strong association of ureteral injuries with penetrating trauma (61%–62%).


A review of the NTDB from 2002 to 2006 noted that penetrating ureteral injuries occur in a significantly younger population than blunt injuries, 27 versus 37 years of age, respectively ( P <.001), and are more likely to occur in men than blunt injuries (91% vs 73%). Interestingly, this review also demonstrated a much higher overall percentage of ureteral injuries from blunt mechanisms than previously published (38% vs 3%). Most penetrating ureteral injuries (88%) were secondary to GSW, whereas most blunt injuries were associated with MVC (50%). A recent 25-year review of ureteral trauma at the San Francisco General Hospital described the location of 38 ureteral injuries as 70% upper, 8% mid, and 22% distal. Most of the upper ureteral injuries were described as short segment losses amenable to repair with a tension-free anastomosis after initial debridement.

Mechanisms of ureteral injury per NTDB review

N = 528 Total Cases (%)
Blunt trauma 24 38
MVC 110 19
Pedestrian 25 4
Motorcyclist 18 3
High fall 15 3
Low fall 8 1
Cyclist 3 <1
Other 45 8
Penetrating trauma 358 62
Gunshot wound 316 54
Stab 29 5
Other 13 2

Data from Siram SM, Gerald SZ, Greene WR, et al. Ureteral trauma: patterns and mechanisms of injury of an uncommon condition. Am J Surg 2010;199(4):566–70.

Concurrent injuries

Associated injuries are present in 90.4% of trauma patients with ureteral injury. This association represents the ureter’s approximation to many abdominal and retroperitoneal organs as well as the severity, and often penetrating nature, of the insult needed to cause a ureteral injury. Siram and colleagues found the colon/appendix (51%) and small intestine (49%) to be the most commonly associated injuries, which is consistent with findings of previous single-institution studies. Surprisingly though, their data showed a much greater incidence of vessel injury with penetrating trauma than previously described by Perez-Brayfield and colleagues (38% vs 13%). Congruent with previous single-institution series, Siram and colleagues also found a higher incidence of arterial injuries with blunt rather than penetrating trauma (9% vs 5%, respectively). The converse is true for penetrating trauma whereby venous injuries occurred 27% of the time and arterial injuries were seen in 16%. The iliac vessels lie just posterior to the ureters as they enter the bony pelvis and are especially susceptible to injury at this location, which explains how together they are injured in 28% of penetrating trauma. Not surprisingly, patients with blunt trauma and ureteral injuries are much more likely to have associated orthopedic injuries than penetrating cases (20% vs 1%).

Iatrogenic ureteral injury

According to the Consensus on GU Trauma statement on diagnosis and management of ureteric injury by Brandes and colleagues and McAninch, gyenocologic surgery accounts for greater than half of all iatrogenic ureteric injuries. A systematic review of benign gynecologic surgery estimated that ureteral injury ranged from 0.2 to 7.3 per 1000 surgeries. Although ureteral injury typically occurs during gynecologic, urologic, urogynecologic, and other pelvic surgeries, it has been reported with something as simple as a Foley catheter placement.

The pelvic ureter is involved in 80% of iatrogenic ureteral injuries, making it by far the most commonly involved segment. The most common types of ureteral injury, in decreasing order of frequency, are ligation, kinking by suture, transection/avulsion, partial transection, crush, and devascularization with delayed necrosis/stricture. Prior studies have identified resection of large pelvic masses, malignant neoplasms, inflammatory disease, laparoscopy, and prior operation or radiation therapy as risk factors for iatrogenic ureteral injury. These injuries generally occur in the distal one-third of the ureter and are not prevented by placement of preoperative stents, although they do assist with intraoperative recognition when they occur.

Incidence of specific organ injury in patients with GU trauma

NEISS Scotland GSW MVC Bicycles Motorcycles
Kidney 7.7% 67% 54% 65% 5%–75% 28%
Ureter N/A 3% 3.8% 0 N/A 0
Bladder N/A 18% 18.7% 16% 13% 5%
Urethra N/A 16% 2.9% 2% 9% 3% a
External genitalia 74.3% 20% 29.4% 17% 13%–31% 64%

a Multiple GU organs may be injured in an individual trauma patient.



Due to its protected location within the bony pelvis, bladder injuries are not as common as their renal counterpart, but still occur with both blunt and penetrating trauma. Deibert and Spencer reviewed the NTDB from 2002 to 2006 and identified 8565 patients with documented bladder injury. Of the subjects, 75% were men and 57% were under 40 years (mean 38.9 years). A retrospective single-institution study previously found 1.6% of blunt trauma patients had a bladder injury. In 2009 Bjurlin and colleagues reviewed the 1,466,887 patient records in the NTDB between 2001 and 2005 and found that 3.6% of patients presenting with a pelvic fracture had a concomitant bladder injury. Although men are more likely to engage in risky activities that result in a pelvic fracture, they noted that men and women presenting with pelvic fracture had a similar incidence of isolated bladder ruptures (3.41% vs 3.37%, P = .848). Several large literature reviews have found that extraperitoneal bladder ruptures make up most injuries (55%–78%), with the rest consisting of intraperitoneal (17%–39%) and combined intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal (5%–8%) ruptures.

Blunt bladder trauma

Blunt trauma accounts for most bladder ruptures (51%–86%). The 2004 “Consensus Statement on Bladder Injuries” noted that a pelvic fracture increased the likelihood of bladder rupture from 1.6% to 5.7%, which is slightly more than the 3.6% described in the NTDB review. A 20-year prospectively maintained database recently reported that MVCs are the most common cause of blunt bladder rupture (50.5%) followed by pedestrians versus automobile (29.1%), and falling from a great height (14.5%). Pelvic fractures are present 70% (35%–90%) of the time there is a bladder rupture, which demonstrates the strong association between these conditions. Specific pelvic injuries, notably diastasis of the symphysis pubis or sacroiliac joints and displaced fractures of the obturator ring or pubic rami, have been shown to be associated with bladder rupture. Most bladder ruptures without an associated pelvic fracture occur after a hard blow to the abdomen in a person with a distended bladder, often resulting in an intraperitoneal blowout injury of the bladder dome. The associated mortality rate of 10% to 22% for patients with a bladder rupture demonstrates the high-energy and multisystem trauma that is usually involved.

Penetrating bladder trauma

The percentage of bladder injuries caused by a penetrating mechanism range from 14% to 49% in several large single series and NTDB reviews, with GSW comprising the vast majority (88%, 316/358 patients with penetrating injury). Per a large literature review, penetrating bladder injury is reported in 3.6% of abdominal GSW, 13% of penetrating injuries to the rectum, and 20% of penetrating injuries to the buttock.

Iatrogenic bladder injury

Iatrogenic bladder injury is not uncommon. It is the most frequently injured organ during obstetric and gynecologic procedures, with a rising incidence paralleling the rise in complexity of the surgery (1.8–13.8 per 1000 surgeries). Other reported miscellaneous causes for bladder injury reported in literature include trocar placement in the emergency setting for diagnostic laparoscopy, during orthopedic treatment of pelvic fractures with external fixators, and placement of an intrauterine device.

Operative risk of iatrogenic bladder injury

Injury Type Frequency per 1000 Procedures
Open radical hysterectomy 14
Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy 13.8
Laparoscopic hysterectomy 10
Vaginal hysterectomy 9
Cesarean section 1.8
Laparoscopic herniorraphy 1.6
Mid urethral sling 0.4
Vaginal delivery 0.1

Data from Gomez RG, Ceballos L, Coburn M, et al. Consensus statement on bladder injuries. BJU Int 2004;94(1):27–32.

Bladder neck injury

Bladder neck injuries secondary to blunt trauma in prepubescent boys are well described in the urologic literature. The increased prevalence in this age group over adults is thought to be secondary to their undeveloped prostate. Consequently, there is minimal literature beyond case reports describing pelvic fracture–related injuries of the bladder neck and prostate until Mundy and Andrich recently reported on 15 patients where they described the mechanism of bladder neck involvement as an extension of a primary injury to the prostate and prostatic urethra.



Urethral injuries are rare in the trauma population, accounting for approximately 4% of GU trauma per several series, but have the propensity to incur substantial long-term morbidity including intractable stricture disease, incontinence, impotence, and infertility. When the urethra is injured, 65% are complete disruptions with the remaining 35% resulting in partial tears. Men are approximately 5 times more likely to have a urethral injury than women, which is attributed to the longer length and reduced mobility of the male urethra.

Posterior urethral injuries

Posterior urethral injuries associated with pelvic fractures are the most common noniatrogenic urethral injury in industrialized societies and are approximately 4 times more common than anterior urethral injuries. Depending on the magnitude of trauma, the posterior urethra is initially stretched and then partially or completely disrupted at the bulbomembranous junction. Continued research into the mechanisms of posterior urethral injury with pelvic fractures as well as the inherent risks/associations of specific fracture types has further advanced the understanding of these injuries. A prospective study including more than 200 men with pelvic fractures demonstrated that combined straddle fracture and diastasis of the sacroiliac joint confer a 24 times higher risk of urethral injury. Straddle fracture alone has 3.85 times the risk and Malgaigne fracture increases the risk by a factor of 3.4. In a retrospective, nested case-control study of 119 male patients with pelvic fracture and urethral injury, Basta and colleagues found that 92% of the subjects had specific inferomedial pubic bone fractures or pubic symphysis diastasis, with 88% of these being displaced more than 1 cm. Recently, computer-generated models of the pelvis and urethra have allowed a greater understanding of the mechanisms of urethral stretching followed by disruption at the bulbomembranous junction.

Anterior urethral injuries

Blunt injury to the anterior urethra occurs approximately one-quarter as often as posterior injury and is generally a “straddle-type” injury of the bulbar urethra. This type of injury results from direct trauma to the urethra itself and often results in a partial disruption or, quite frequently, is not initially identified and presents later as a stricture. Slightly less commonly, the anterior urethra is injured during a fracture of the penis. The incidence of concomitant urethral injury varies geographically, but ranges from 0% to 3% in Asia and the Middle East to 20% to 38% in the United States and Europe. Urethral injuries also occur more commonly with bilateral cavernosal tears.

Penetrating injuries to the anterior urethra are usually secondary to GSW and involve the bulbar and pendulous segments equally. The urethra was injured in 2.9% of civilian GSW involving the GU system in a retrospective review of 309 patients sustaining GSW in the Henry Ford Medical Center Trauma Registry. Frequently there are concomitant lower extremity and pelvic injuries in these patients (44% and 33%, respectively).

Iatrogenic urethral injury

Perhaps the most common cause of anterior urethral injury is iatrogenic from Foley catheter placement. Although it is difficult to identify the exact number of Foley catheters placed, 24 million are sold to hospitals within the United States annually. A year-long, prospective, single-institution study at University California, San Diego found catheter-related injuries to occur in approximately 3.2 per 1000 patients, but after implementing nursing education programs on Foley catheter placement, they showed a decrease in incidence to less than 1 per 1000 patients, illustrating the value of these preventative measures.

External genitalia

Due to the external location of the male genitalia, they are relatively exposed and vulnerable to trauma. Although not generally life threatening, genital injury is relatively common. Prompt attention is warranted to limit long-term sexual, reproductive, physiologic, and psychological damage.

Scrotal and testicular trauma

Although exposed and dependent in nature, the mobility of the scrotum often prevents it and its contents from severe injury. Still, traumatic injury to the external genitalia, including the penis, is seen in 27.8% to 68.1% of all trauma patients with injury to the GU tract according to multiple published series. Blunt trauma accounts for up to 85% of scrotal and testicular injuries, most of which are sustained during athletic activity. Scrotal trauma can result in a spectrum of findings ranging from local hematoma to ruptured or dislocated testicles.

Penetrating scrotal trauma, albeit less common, is generally more severe and usually requires surgical exploration. Up to 40% to 60% of penetrating GU injuries involve the external genitalia. In a 30-year single-institution retrospective review of 110 patients with penetrating external genital injuries, Phonsombat and colleagues found that gunshots account for 55% of penetrating scrotal trauma, with stab wounds/lacerations (42%), and bites (3%) accounting for the rest. Orchiectomy rates range from 25% to 65% depending on the study, with a higher prevalence in lacerations than GSW, likely due to the high propensity of self-inflicted orchiectomies, which are less often salvageable.

Review of published series on GSW trauma to scrotum

Institution No. of Patients No. of Injured Testicles (%) No. of Nonoperative Management (%) No. of Orchiectomies (%)
Temple Univ. 97 50 (54.9) 6 (6.2) 24 (48)
UMDNJ 62 33 (61.1) 8 (12.9) 20 (60.6)
UCSF 40 24 (60) 0 (0) 6 (25)
LSU 27 23 (85.2) 0 (0) 15 (65.2)
UCLA-Harbor 19 4 (66.7) 13 (68.4) 2 (50.0)
Wash. Univ. 17 17 (100) 0 (0) 6 (35.3)

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Mar 11, 2017 | Posted by in UROLOGY | Comments Off on Current Epidemiology of Genitourinary Trauma

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