Computed Tomography Enterography and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Fig. 19.1
Example of dose reduction at lower kV in a 43-year-old female with prior right hemicolectomy. CTDIvol lowered from 24 mGy (routine protocol) to 10 mGy after kV selection (80 kV). Note active ileitis in neoterminal ileum (arrow) and small fistulous tracts between descending colon and adjacent small bowel (inset, arrows)


Fig. 19.2
CT enterography performed in a 32-year-old with indeterminate proctitis and poor intravenous access. To compensate, tube voltage was lowered to 100 kV with initiation of scanning delayed until 70 s. Large coronal image shows mild asymmetric hyperenhancement at terminal ileum reflecting mild inflammation (large white arrow), while insets show stratification and enhancement of the appendiceal tip (upper inset, arrow), and active proctitis with mural stratification, hyperenhancement, and reactive lymphadenopathy (lower inset)

Generally, narrow slice thickness of 3 mm or less are reconstructed in the axial, coronal and sagittal planes for image review. Many practices also reconstruct thicker maximum intensity projection images to highlight the vasa recta and inflamed bowel segments (Fig. 19.3). Finally, because most CT enterography exams are now performed at lower radiation dose than in the past, routine filtered back projection images have increased image noise owing to the use of lower tube potentials and tube current in image acquisition. To compensate, images are generally reconstructed using a variety of CT noise techniques such as iterative reconstruction [1, 1315]. Noise reduction techniques improve image quality by decreasing image noise so that images resemble routine-dose images (Fig. 19.4) [16, 17]. For small and medium-sized patients, radiation dose from CT enterography can approach that from annual background radiation [14]. Numerous author groups have demonstrated that there is no reduction in the performance of CT enterography using lower radiation doses, as the increase in image noise is offset by the high contrast of enhancing bowel loops and penetrating disease [1820].


Fig. 19.3
Coronal 8 mm thick maximum intensity projection images in an asymptomatic 65 year-old female on adalimumab show multifocal Crohn’s ileitis (large arrows), engorged vasa recta along the mesenteric border (b, inset), numerous reactive mesenteric lymph nodes (b, circle), and normal superior mesenteric vein and branches (b, black arrows)


Fig. 19.4
Lower dose CTE in a 63-year-old male showing twofold reduction in image noise from routinely reconstructed image (a) to image reconstructed using image noise reduction techniques (b). Note that mural stratification and hyperenhancement indicating active ileitis in the terminal ileum (arrow) between ileoileostomy and ileocecal valve can be detected before image quality improvement with noise reduction

Imaging Findings

Mural Inflammation

Mural hyperenhancement refers to segmentally increased attenuation of bowel loops compared to adjacent loops, and this correlates histologically with areas of active inflammation in Crohn’s patients [21]. Mural hyperenhancement is the most sensitive sign of bowel inflammation, and it can be an isolated finding in mild inflammation. Hyperenhancement alone is a nonspecific finding in the small bowel, but asymmetric and patchy hyperenhancement, particularly along the mesenteric border, is indicative of Crohn’s disease (Figs. 19.1 and 19.5).


Fig. 19.5
Transverse CT enterography images in a 19-year-old Crohn’s patient with “back pain.” Images demonstrate mural thickening and stratification (large arrows, ac), with a bilaminar appearance to the bowel wall. Note that mural thickening and luminal hyperenhancement are asymmetric (a, c), with one loop demonstrating mesenteric border thickening and hyperenhancement and antimesenteric border pseudosacculation (small arrow, a). One inflamed loop demonstrates small penetrating ulcers (small arrow, b), while another has prominent vasa recta, or “comb sign” (c, small arrows)

Mural hyperenhancement is often accompanied by bowel wall thickening, which in the small bowel wall is greater than 3 mm in thickness in a bowel loop that is distended with luminal contrast. Wall thickening in Crohn’s disease is often asymmetric and more prominent along the mesenteric border as well. As mural inflammation increases, wall thickening is often accompanied by mural stratification, which refers to a bilaminar and trilaminar appearance to the bowel wall (Fig. 19.5). The presence of both segmental mural hyperenhancement and wall thickening in the presence of asymmetric bowel involvement yields the best combination of imaging criteria for diagnosing mural inflammation in Crohn’s disease [10, 22].

Several CT findings indicate more severe inflammation. Penetrating ulcers can also be seen in severely inflamed bowel loops, and they may appear as filling defects in the inflamed bowel wall; however, they are more frequently seen at MR enterography. Stranding in the perienteric fat is correlated with C-reactive protein elevation [23]. The “comb sign” refers to engorged vasa recta, which supply inflamed bowel loops and penetrate the gut wall perpendicular to the gut lumen, resembling the shape of a comb [24]. The comb sign is associated with increased serum C-reactive protein, length of hospitalization, and response to anti-inflammatory treatment (Fig. 19.5) [20, 23, 25]. Successful response to treatment following medical therapy is evidenced primarily by decreasing length of inflammatory bowel involvement along the length of the GI tract, but also a reduction in wall thickness and hyperenhancement [26].

CT enterography can also display findings of chronic inflammation. Intramural fat can be seen in actively and uninflamed small bowel loops in the colon, indicating chronic inflammation, but intramural fat in the terminal ileum is a normal finding. Alternatively, pseudopolyps are frequently seen throughout the colon after healing of acute inflammation [27]. Fibrofatty proliferation is seen as proliferation of fat, usually allowing the mesenteric aspect of the bowel loop, displacing nearby abdominal loops; however, in the rectum fibrofatty proliferation is circumferential, mimicking pelvic lipomatosis, except that there are prominent perirectal vessels and reactive lymphadenopathy. Crohn’s strictures generally possess both an inflammatory and fibrotic component [28, 29], and while CT findings of inflammation correlate histologically with inflammation in these strictures, the absence of CT findings of inflammation does not correlate with fibrosis [28]. CT enterography can be used to estimate the length of strictures to evaluate for potential endoscopic dilation or plan surgical treatment, and to evaluate for complications such as obstruction, enterolith, fistula, or malignancy.

Findings of intestinal inflammation in ulcerative colitis are similar to Crohn’s colorectal involvement, but differ in some respects. The pattern of inflammation in ulcerative colitis that is most typical is continuous inflammation from the rectum proximally, whereas patchy inflammation will be typical of Crohn’s colitis. Ulcerative colitis typically involves both the mesenteric and antimesenteric colonic wall to a similar degree, and does not cause penetrating complications. A patulous ileocecal valve is often seen when inflammation extends to the cecum (Fig. 19.6), as well as backwash ileitis, which involves the terminal ileum symmetrically without penetration. Inflammation can be mild to severe, often with loss of haustral markings. Rectal sparing can be seen when patients utilize steroid enemas. As inflammation becomes chronic, foreshortening of the colon is also often seen. As inflammation diminishes and becomes chronic, intramural fat is deposited throughout the colon, but this finding is not unique to ulcerative colitis. While surveillance of disease activity in ulcerative colitis is performed with endoscopy, CT enterography is often used to exclude small bowel inflammation in indeterminate colitis or symptomatic patients (that may have extraintestinal IBD manifestations) [30]. It is also used to evaluate for complications of severe acute colitis such as toxic megacolon, perforation or septic thrombosis (Fig. 19.7) [31, 32]. CT findings of toxic megacolon are only described in small retrospective series, but include marked colonic distension with loss of haustral markings and segmental colonic wall thinning [31].


Fig. 19.6
A 58-year-old with 4-month history of altered bowel pattern. Coronal CT enterography images shows findings of chronic ulcerative colitis, including moderate sigmoid inflammation (arrowhead) and mild chronic proximal colitis in the descending colon and cecum (small arrows), as manifested by intramural fat, loss of haustration, and prominent pericolic vessels with reactive lymphadenopathy. The ileocecal valve is widely patulous (large arrow)


Fig. 19.7
CT enterography in a 21-year-old female with steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis with fever and normal plain film. Ulcerative colitis is manifest by continuous marked wall thickening, prominent vasa rectal and mild hyperenhancement extending from the rectum to the ascending colon (a, b, arrows). Exam was performed in part to exclude small bowel involvement, with a normal terminal ileum (c, arrows) and cecum noted on CT images. CT enterography images also demonstrated ascites (a, asterisk) and multifocal hepatic venous thromboses (d, arrows) and peripheral hepatic perfusion defects. At subsequent colectomy for fulminant colitis, severely active ulcerative colitis with numerous intravascular thrombi was found at histologic examination

Perienteric Inflammation and Penetrating Disease

The most subtle findings of perienteric inflammation in Crohn’s disease are perienteric fat stranding [23]. Fistulas appear as hyperenhancing extraenteric tracts, which may or may not contain air and fluid [33], and are named by the structures that they connect (e.g., entero-enteric, entero-colic, entero-vesical, entero-cutaneous , and perianal). They generally arise from or proximal to an inflammatory stricture [34] or inflamed bowel segment, and cause tethering of the involved loops, frequently forming asterisk-shaped fistulae complexes (Fig. 19.8). Fistulas may extend to other bowel loops or organs and structures, e.g., the bladder and iliopsoas muscle. CT enterography has been shown to be highly accurate for the detection of penetrating complications such as abscesses and fistulae [35]. CT enterography can be used for surgical planning in patients with known fistulizing disease, and several studies have shown that fistulizing Crohn’s disease is often clinically unsuspected [33, 36], so the principal benefit of the enterography examination is often to identify unsuspected fistulas in symptomatic patients. Every CT enterography exam should image the perineum, as CT exam can identify an unsuspected perianal fistula or abscess in patients with indeterminate colitis, a key finding likely indicating that colonic inflammation is due to Crohn’s disease. Fistulas may also arise from surgical anastomoses and leaks. Postoperative and some perianal fistulas are often not hyperenhancing due to their chronic nature.


Fig. 19.8
CT enterography in a 23-year-old female demonstrating a complex fistula (large arrow, a and b) connecting two loops of ileum (small arrows, transverse image, a) in the right lower quadrant, with an inferior arm extending to the dome of the bladder, where there is a 3.2 cm abscess within the bladder wall (small arrows, coronal image, b)

Obstruction and Strictures

Mural inflammation often causes luminal narrowing of the small bowel. Luminal narrowing alone at CT enterography does not imply lack of distensibility or stricturing disease. Distensibility can be observed fluoroscopically, for example, using peroral pneumocolon. At CT enterography assessment, lack of distensibility is only indicated with certainty when proximally located small bowel loops are unequivocally dilated. Small bowel dilation can occur proximal to an inflamed bowel segment or stricture. At histopathologic assessment, most Crohn’s strictures demonstrate a spectrum of inflammatory and fibrotic changes [29], and most Crohn’s strictures will demonstrate some degree of hyperenhancement at imaging, consistent with the histopathologic observation that some degree of inflammation is present. In contradistinction , however, lack of is not a good indicator of fibrosis [28].

Extraintestinal Findings

CT enterography can detect Crohn’s-related extra-enteric findings in addition to penetrating complications. In one retrospective series of over 300 Crohn’s patients, nearly 20 % of Crohn’s patients had extraintestinal IBD manifestations, and in about two-thirds of these patients, the findings were previously unknown [36]. Common extraintestinal, non-penetrating complications detected at CT enterography include primary sclerosing cholangitis, mesenteric vascular thromboses or occlusions, cholelithiasis and nephrolithiasis, sacroiliitis, and avascular necrosis of the femoral heads. Chronic mesenteric venous occlusions, which are associated with Crohn’s related inflammation (Fig. 19.9), are rarely seen in the acute setting, have recently been described and correlate with subsequent stricture and surgery [7, 8]. While acute portal and superior mesenteric vein thrombi typically resolve completely, peripheral chronic mesenteric vein thromboses often result in chronically narrowed mesenteric veins with dilated collateral veins and potentially varices.


Fig. 19.9
Coronal CT enterography image in a 46-year-old Crohn’s patient with obstructive symptoms demonstrates long segment inflammation (large arrow, a) with mural stratification, wall thickening and comb sign (brackets, a), with multiple loops of dilated proximal small bowel having prominent mesenteric veins (small white arrow, a). Coronal image slightly posteriorly (b) with corresponding transverse image (c) shows chronic occlusion and narrowing of the superior mesenteric vein (small arrows, b; large arrow c) and enlarged inferior mesenteric vein (arrowhead, b, c). (SMA = black arrow, c)

CT Enterography Performance and Correlation with Clinical Symptoms

CT enterography has an estimated sensitivity for detecting ileal inflammation of approximately 75–90 % using mucosal inspection and biopsy as a reference standard [21, 22, 37, 38]. When clinical assessments additionally including surgery, serum, and clinical follow-up are integrated, the sensitivity of CT enterography for detecting ileal and inflammation improves to 90–95 % [10, 39, 40], as studies utilizing ileoscopic reference standards necessarily exclude patients with stenotic ileocecal valves, and misclassify patients with proximal ileal disease. In one retrospective study of 189 consecutive Crohn’s patients, approximately half of the patients with a normal-appearing ileum at ileoscopy had either intramural or proximal small bowel inflammation at CT enterography, an observation they called “endoscopic skipping of the terminal ileum” [41]. Using CT enterography in conjunction with ileocolonoscopy also correlates with serum markers of inflammation better than ileocolonoscopy alone [42]. The performance of CT enterography for identifying active jejunal inflammation is likely decreased due to the greater enhancement of jejunal loops and the complexity of jejunal folds [37], and capsule endoscopy is often complementary to CT enterography because it can detect unsuspected or additional jejunal inflammation [38].

Like other objective measures of inflammation in Crohn’s disease, CT enterography findings often do not correlate with symptomatology. In a retrospective study Higgins et al. found that CT enterography added unique information to clinical assessment and changed perception of steroid benefit in nearly two-thirds of patients [43]. In a prospective study of 270 patients at Mayo Clinic, Bruining et al recorded management decision before and after CT enterography, and found that CT imaging changed management decisions in about half of Crohn’s patients, and a similar portion of those with suspected Crohn’s disease [25].

CT enterography is highly accurate in identifying penetrating disease, which is often unsuspected [33, 35, 36]. It has an estimated accuracy for identifying enteric fistulas of 86 %, with a per-patient sensitivity of 94 %, and 97–100 % in detecting patients with fistulas and phlegmon/abscesses, respectively [35]. Booya et al. found that nearly half the patients with penetrating disease had either no clinical suspicion or remote clinical suspicion of penetrating disease at pre-imaging clinical assessment [33].

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