The diagnosis and management of posterior urethral valves (PUV) continue to evolve with improved ultrasound technology and new techniques for fetal intervention. Advances in endoscopic instrumentation permit early surgical intervention for most neonates. Following initial treatment, recognition and prompt treatment of bladder dysfunction, including the valve bladder syndrome, optimizes the likelihood of preserving long-term renal function and furthers our knowledge of the underlying pathophysiology of bladder outlet obstruction. Bladder function in boys with PUV often changes over time. In patients with PUV and end-stage renal disease, renal transplantation is very effective.
Posterior urethral valves, Hydronephrosis, Vesicoureteral reflux, Bladder outlet obstruction, End-stage renal disease, Antenatal diagnosis, Urinary ascites, Incontinence, Urinary tract infection
Chapter Outline
Initial Management of Patients With Posterior Urethral Valves
Alternatives to Valve Ablation: Cutaneous Vesicostomy and Upper Tract Diversion
Controversies in Initial Management of Posterior Urethral Valves
Prognosis Following Initial Therapy
Delayed Presentation of Posterior Urethral Valves
Progression to End-stage Renal Disease and Renal Transplantation
Key Points
- 1.
Posterior urethral valves (PUV) usually are diagnosed during antenatal sonographic screening, but some patients present in infancy with an abdominal mass, failure to thrive, urosepsis, or urinary ascites, and a minority present following toilet training.
- 2.
Antenatal intervention is considered for bilateral hydroureteronephrosis and a distended bladder when hypotonic electrolytes are found on serial vesicocenteses.
- 3.
A voiding cystourethrogram is the gold standard for diagnosing PUV.
- 4.
Renal function is determined postnatally by monitoring the change in the serum creatinine level following bladder decompression.
- 5.
Primary valve ablation is the treatment of choice when the urinary tract decompresses and renal function improves with catheter drainage.
- 6.
A serum creatinine concentration <0.8 mg/dL 1 month following initial treatment or at 1 year of age is associated with favorable renal function.
- 7.
Hydronephrosis may be chronic as a result of reflux, incomplete bladder emptying, and/or poor detrusor compliance.
- 8.
Bladder dysfunction is manifested primarily by detrusor overactivity and incomplete bladder emptying.
- 9.
Pop-off mechanisms, including posterior urethral valves, unilateral vesicoureteral reflux and renal dysplasia (VURD) syndrome, bladder diverticulum, patent urachus, and urinomas, are thought to protect the bladder, but might not protect long-term renal function.
- 10.
Delayed presentation of PUV should be considered in boys >5 years old who present with diurnal incontinence, urinary tract infection, voiding pain, or urinary frequency.
- 11.
In boys with a history of PUV, graft survival and serum creatinine following renal transplant are similar to patients without bladder outlet obstruction, because meticulous attention is paid to the management of lower urinary tract dysfunction.
Posterior urethral valves (PUV) occur in 1/8000 boys and are the most common form of obstructive uropathy causing end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in children, ultimately occurring in as many as 40% with PUV. In addition, PUV are associated with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), pyelonephritis, overactive bladder, underactive bladder, polyuria, and incontinence.
The management of PUV has evolved since the late 1990s. With antenatal diagnosis and in utero intervention, the spectrum of the problems associated with this anomaly poses new challenges to the neonatologist, pediatric urologist, pediatric nephrologist, and transplant surgeon. Despite these advances, some children present in childhood or adolescence with subtle findings often overlooked during routine pediatric care. This chapter addresses complications of in utero intervention, urethral valve ablation, ureteral tailoring and reimplantation, and delayed presentation. The evaluation and treatment of bladder dysfunction are also reviewed because this condition directly affects the success of ureteral surgery and kidney transplantation and dictates the need for augmentation cystoplasty.
In Utero Intervention
Since the mid-1980s, surgeons have been cautiously optimistic about the role of antenatal bladder decompression for obstructive uropathy and oligohydramnios. The purpose of this intervention is to restore the amniotic fluid to a more normal volume and thereby prevent pulmonary hypoplasia, which is the pulmonary complication of oligohydramnios. Techniques used include vesicoamniotic shunt placement and cutaneous vesicostomy through hysterotomy.
Moderate enthusiasm for this new technology was generated following a report by Manning and associates of the International Fetal Surgery Registry that suggested that fetal intervention resulted in survival of <44% of cases with oligohydramnios. However, a careful review of all reported cases of fetal intervention for suspected obstructive uropathy yielded only two documented cases in which antenatal bladder drainage could have improved the outcome. More recently, refinements in the technology and better criteria for intervention have allowed the diagnosis and appropriate selection of candidates who may benefit from in utero therapy.
Although fetal sonographic techniques have improved, in some cases, upper urinary tract changes that result from PUV are not apparent before 24 weeks of gestation.
Fetuses with PUV and normal-appearing anatomic features at 20 weeks of gestation are more likely to have normal renal function than those with severe early hydronephrosis. Consequently, antenatal therapy probably would not be beneficial in this group with a better prognosis. A structural ultrasound scan performed at 20 weeks permits systematic evaluation of the urinary tract. The kidneys appear echodense in most cases. Large kidneys with mild parenchymal changes are seen in early obstruction, whereas small kidneys suggest significant parenchymal damage. Discrete focal cysts are a common sonographic manifestation of renal dysplasia.
The ureters are assessed for dilation. Abnormal patency and dilatation of the ureterovesical junction (UVJ) suggest advanced urinary tract changes with poor prognosis. Bladder distention is almost always noted, and the classic “keyhole” sign is observed at times ( Fig. 57.1 ). Bladder wall thickening also should be characterized. Symmetric thickening suggests PUV, whereas asymmetric thickening of the lower half of the bladder relative to the dome region suggests the prune belly syndrome.


Because oligohydramnios can be present on the initial examination, amniotic infusion with warm lactated Ringer solution restores the amniotic fluid volume for antenatal sonographic surveillance. The incidence of chorioamnionitis has been reduced by the routine administration of parenteral antibiotic therapy at the time of the infusion followed by 10 days of oral antibiotics. Fetal karyotyping is performed with chorionic villous sampling or cordocentesis to rule out aneuploidy and to confirm the fetal sex. Knowledge of the sex of the fetus is important because shunting of dilated urinary systems in patients who were later found to be female with cloacal malformations provides no benefit in this setting.
Another important selection criterion for antenatal intervention is electrolyte determination on serial vesicocentesis performed at 48- to 72-hour intervals. Normally, fetal urine is hypotonic, whereas urine in renal dysplasia is more likely to be isotonic. Normal fetal urine has a sodium concentration <100 mEq/L, chloride concentration <90 mEq/L, and osmolality <210 mOsm/L. Analysis of fetal urine aspirated from the bladder allows analysis of fetal renal function; urine with normal electrolyte values suggests that fetal renal function will be adequate following bladder decompression. The other important parameter to measure is urinary β 2 -microglobulin; levels >10 mg/L are highly suggestive of irreversible renal dysplasia. Abnormal fetal urinary values on a single bladder aspiration may be misleading because this value may represent stale urine. Instead, sequential aspiration is more reliable. If the fetal urine parameters improve to normal values, fetal renal function following urinary tract decompression may be acceptable. Using serial vesicocentesis, Freedman et al. reported a 60% survival and a 33% incidence of renal failure in high-risk fetuses identified in the first trimester with severe bilateral hydroureteronephrosis, bladder distention, and oligohydramnios.
Although percutaneous vesicoamniotic shunts have been used for nearly 3 decades, these shunts have significant limitations. Vesicoamniotic shunts become obstructed or displaced in 25% of cases, a situation necessitating additional procedures that can cause increased morbidity in the mother and the fetus, with a 5% procedure-related fetal loss rate. The shunt provides only palliative therapy and does not treat the anomaly or the pulmonary hypoplasia and renal dysplasia that are responsible for up to half of the deaths in patients with PUV.
Despite the advances of the Rodeck shunt, which places the proximal and distal pigtails at 90-degree angles, shunt displacement occurs in 25–30% of cases. The site of shunt placement is important. The shunt must avoid the dome and be positioned in the midline just above the pubic symphysis. Even when no problems with shunt placement and function are noted in the appropriate candidate, unusual and unexpected outcomes can occur. For example, even with appropriate selection criteria and shunt placement, some fetuses have persistent oligohydramnios that leads to fetal demise. These fetuses typically have small kidneys with significant fibrocystic dysplastic changes suggesting progressive degeneration despite successful intervention.
The first reports of percutaneous fetal cystoscopy at 19 weeks and subsequent endoscopic fulguration of the valves were published in 1995. At the time of the initial vesicocentesis, a 0.7-mm fiberoptic endoscope was threaded through the lumen of an 18-gauge thin-walled needle, similar to the technique used to perform transabdominal embryofetoscopy. At 22 weeks’ gestation, a 10-gauge trocar was inserted through the maternal abdomen and into the fetal bladder. A 2.5-mm steerable endoscope with a 1.3-mm operating channel was passed through the trocar. A soft-tip 0.025-inch guidewire was used and the endoscope was advanced along the wire. The valves were electrocauterized with a 2Fr ball-tip monopolar flexible electrode with 25 W of coagulating current. Following the 2-hour procedure, improvement in the urinary tract dilation with restoration of the amniotic fluid was seen on the posttreatment ultrasound scan. Delivery occurred at 31 weeks as a result of preterm labor, and the infant had a postnatal diagnosis of PUV. The remaining patients had prune belly syndrome or were females with urethral atresia or urogenital sinus anomalies. All fetuses underwent karyotyping and serial vesicocentesis for electrolytes, and those with PUV had favorable electrolyte values. Intervention was performed at a weight of 2000 g, with Apgar score of 5 and 7. A 10-mm abdominal wall defect with minor omental herniation was present at the site of the trocar. The infant died of pulmonary hypoplasia on day 4 of life.
More recently, Martinez et al. reported fetal cystoscopic diode laser ablation of PUV in 20 fetuses at a mean gestational age of 18.1 weeks. The median operative time was 24 minutes. Access to the urethra was obtained in 95% and normalization of amniotic fluid and bladder size occurred in 80%. In follow-up, termination of pregnancy occurred in 45%, 73% had “normal” renal function, and 27% had end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and were awaiting transplantation.
Holmes and colleagues reviewed the University of California San Francisco experience with fetal intervention for obstructive uropathy over 2 decades. They evaluated 40 patients, and 36 fetuses underwent surgical intervention. Mean gestational age at intervention was 22.5 weeks. The fetuses underwent various in utero surgical procedures including cutaneous ureterostomies (one), fetal bladder marsupialization (two), in utero valve ablation (two), and placement of a vesicoamniotic catheter (nine). One patient who underwent valve ablation subsequently required a vesicoamniotic shunt for significant ascites. Another patient required multiple shunt placements as a result of malfunction or migration of the shunt. Before delivery, fetal demise occurred in 43%. One pregnancy was electively terminated because of significant pulmonary hypoplasia, and the remaining deaths resulted from prematurity and respiratory failure. Long-term follow-up (mean 11.6 years) in five of eight living patients revealed that 63% had chronic renal insufficiency (mean serum creatinine, 2.5 mg/dL after 1 year of age). Two patients required renal transplantation. Five of the eight living patients underwent urinary diversion (vesicostomy or cutaneous ureterostomy) or augmentation cystoplasty. This study underscores the finding that intervention often does not prevent ESRD, despite “favorable” fetal renal function, and suggests that intervention may primarily assist in keeping the fetus viable to term.
Biard and colleagues reported their long-term outcomes in 7 of 18 boys with PUV treated by vesicoamniotic shunting. Other diagnoses included urethral atresia (four) and prune belly syndrome (seven). These investigators followed their algorithm for antenatal evaluation including fetal karyotyping and serial vesicocentesis for electrolytes and management. Parents requested shunting in three cases with poor predicted prognoses. Most cases (13 of 18) had good prognostic findings. The mean gestational age at first vesicocentesis was 19.8 weeks and at vesicoamniotic shunting was 21.9 weeks. Eight complications were associated with vesicoamniotic shunting including shunt displacement in five (requiring replacement in four), abdominal omental herniation in two, and premature rupture of membranes 4 days following shunt placement in one. Mean gestational age at delivery was 34.6 weeks. In boys with PUV, long-term renal function was acceptable (creatinine clearance>70 mL/minute) in three of seven. Mild renal insufficiency was defined as creatinine clearance <70 mL/minute not requiring renal replacement therapy and was found in three of seven. Only one of seven required renal transplantation at 10 years of age. Five patients voided spontaneously, one required catheterization, and one voided spontaneously and was also catheterized. In the overall group of children who underwent shunting, normal physical and cognitive development was noted in 78%.
In a recent retrospective case-controlled analysis of 111 fetuses comparing vesicoamniotic shunting to fetal cystoscopy/valve ablation and no intervention, both shunting and fetal cystoscopy improved survival at 6 months, and fetal cystoscopy was more likely to prevent impairment of renal function than was shunting. A prospective randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of these two interventions for severe lower urinary tract obstruction was recommended.
Initial Management of Patients With Posterior Urethral Valves
The newborn with PUV may have an abdominal mass (49%), failure to thrive (10%), urosepsis (8%), or urinary ascites (7%). In most cases, antenatal sonography demonstrates bilateral hydroureteronephrosis and a distended bladder ( Fig. 57.2 ). When the bladder is empty, one often feels or palpates a walnut-size, firm mass in the pelvis that corresponds to the trabeculated bladder muscle. In addition, dyspnea associated with pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum may be the initial sign of severe urethral obstruction. A normal urinary stream is an infrequent finding.

A voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) should be obtained promptly to establish the correct diagnosis (see Fig. 57.2C ). Sonography usually shows significant bilateral hydronephrosis with a thick bladder. Demonstration of the corticomedullary junction is a favorable prognostic sign for renal function. Conversely, echogenic kidneys, subcortical cysts, and failure to demonstrate the corticomedullary junction on the initial and follow-up ultrasound studies are unfavorable signs.
Antenatal urinomas are thought to serve as a protective mechanism to reduce pressure-related impairment of renal function ( Fig. 57.3 ). Patil and colleagues studied two groups of patients with PUV. Group 1 had ascites with and without urinoma and no vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), and group 2 had urinoma formation alone (unilateral or bilateral) and bilateral VUR. Moderate renal failure was seen in the three boys with ascites alone, and mild renal failure was present in the three boys with urinoma and ascites. The investigators speculated that ascites without urinoma suggests bladder rupture and more severe renal damage. The three boys in group 2 with bilateral urinomas had normal glomerular filtration rates (GFRs), whereas the nine boys with unilateral urinomas showed impaired renal function on the side of the urinoma. These findings were confirmed in a more recent study of 89 boys with PUV, of whom nine had a urinoma. The nadir creatinine (Cr) was significantly lower in boys with urinomas compared with unaffected boys, and none with a urinoma had ESRD or underwent renal transplantation.

Patil and colleagues hypothesized that if renal extravasation is extracapsular, it could have a protective effect on renal function, whereas if the extravasation is subcapsular, the renal parenchyma is compressed, thus possibly leading to the deleterious effects of a urinoma. If the type of urinoma cannot be determined, this may explain the results of other studies that showed no association between renal function and urinoma formation.
The initial treatment for neonates with suspected PUV is directed at decompressing the urinary tract with a small transurethral feeding tube. Attention is given to pulmonary function and fluid and electrolyte management. We recommend passing the catheter at the time of the first ultrasound scan immediately following birth. The catheter can be difficult to pass because of the dilated posterior urethra and the bladder neck hypertrophy. Sonography confirms the placement of the catheter within the bladder because a catheter that is coiled in the posterior urethra will cause the majority of urine to drain around the catheter. Similarly, if too much of the catheter is coiled in the bladder, the tip may extend distally through the external sphincter and provide some drainage of the bladder with continuous leakage around the catheter. Foley catheter use is discouraged because the balloon can obstruct the ureteral orifices when the thick-walled bladder is decompressed, or it can cause severe bladder spasm that can obstruct the intramural ureters. Although anuria can result from the noncompliant, hypertonic bladder wall and can lead to relative obstruction of the UVJ, mechanical occlusion can also be the source of anuria in some cases.
A recent novel approach for temporary bladder decompression was described using a 6Fr 12-cm double J stent advanced over a guidewire. In 30 patients, the mean peak serum Cr diminished from 2.23 mg/dL to 0.56 mg/dL, and the investigators also demonstrated that the stent drained the bladder significantly more efficiently than did either a feeding tube or Foley catheter.
Antibiotic prophylaxis is commonly prescribed. In the absence of suspected sepsis, ampicillin or cephalexin is administered at the time of catheter placement. It is best to avoid nephrotoxic agents that may cause further tubular dysfunction. Finally, neonatal circumcision should be recommended in these boys because it significantly reduces the risk of urinary tract infection (UTI).
Primary Valve Ablation
Infant urethral sounds should be passed to calibrate the urethra. The term newborn male urethra generally accepts an 8Fr endoscope. Dilation of the urethra to pass a larger instrument may lead to urethral trauma and stricture formation. Vigorous dilation may result in iatrogenic hypospadias due to splitting of the glans to the subcoronal level. Vesicostomy is the treatment alternative for the infant whose urethra is too small to accept an endoscope.
Smith and colleagues reported valve ablation using the 6.9Fr cystoscope and the 3Fr Bugbee electrode in premature infants as small as 2500 g. The coagulating current was used to ablate the valves. However, we advocate using a small Bugbee electrode using low cutting current. In older patients, the 11- or 13Fr Storz resectoscope can be used with the cutting current and the right-angle loop. In addition, the neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) or holmium:YAG laser may be used. The Nd:YAG laser was successful in 16 of 20 patients, and four patients underwent repeat valve ablation. In contrast, the holmium:YAG laser was reported to result in improved success in voiding after catheter removal, reduced need for repeat valve ablation, and a lower risk of urethral stricture compared with electrofulguration.
Varying methods are used to ablate PUV. The valves should be incised at the 12-o’clock position and the lateral leaflets should be cut at the 5- and 7-o’clock positions. Passing a cystoscope or resectoscope that is too large may result in urethral stricture. Chertin and colleagues reported a series of 35 cases of valve ablation under fluoroscopic guidance using a 4Fr Fogarty balloon catheter filled with 0.5 mL of saline. A postoperative VCUG revealed no residual valve in 34 of 35 patients (97%). Other methods include creation of a temporary perineal urethrostomy into which the cystoscope or resectoscope is passed or performance of the procedure in an antegrade fashion through a percutaneous cystostomy.
A small feeding tube is left indwelling for 1 to 2 days, and a VCUG may be obtained at the time of catheter removal. If the VCUG is not obtained before discharge from the hospital, it should be obtained 2 to 4 weeks postoperatively to confirm satisfactory valve ablation. In addition, a renal sonogram assesses hydronephrosis and confirms satisfactory bladder emptying.
Another method to assess adequacy of valve ablation is the preoperative and postoperative urethral ratio. This ratio is determined by measuring the diameter of the posterior urethra transversely at a point halfway between the bladder neck and the distal end of the membranous urethra and the diameter of the anterior urethra at the transverse diameter at the point of the maximum distention in the bulbar urethra. Measurements are most accurate on voiding films in which the catheter has been removed ( Fig. 57.4 ). In one study, the median urethral ratio before ablation was 8.6 (range 4–14.7) and that of normal age-matched controls was 2.6 (range 1.3–5.5). The postoperative urethral ratio was 3.1 (range 1.9–4). A second group of patients with a postoperative urethral ratio of 8 (range 5–15.5) after the first ablation underwent a second ablation with a final urethral ratio of 3.1 (range 2.9-6.4). Valve ablation is successful in > 90% of patients. Long-term stricture formation is uncommon.

Alternatives to Valve Ablation: Cutaneous Vesicostomy and Upper Tract Diversion
An alternative to primary valve ablation is the creation of a temporary cutaneous vesicostomy. A small transverse incision is made midway between the umbilicus and the pubic symphysis, and the dome of the bladder is brought to the skin. If the anterior bladder wall rather than the dome is exteriorized, prolapse may occur. The vesicostomy should calibrate to 24–26Fr to avoid stenosis. In addition, daily dilation of the stoma with a plastic medicine dropper helps minimize contraction of the stoma. The vesicostomy drains into the diaper, and no urinary collection device is necessary.
Cutaneous vesicostomy has been shown to be as effective as valve ablation for initial therapy. This form of management allows the bladder to cycle with voiding at low pressure through the stoma and does not reduce bladder capacity. A cutaneous vesicostomy should not be performed in the presence of active UTI because contraction of the bladder may occur. These babies should be maintained on antibiotic prophylaxis. In some cases, breakthrough febrile UTIs occur and vesicostomy closure is necessary.
In the past, proximal high diversion with cutaneous pyelostomy or cutaneous ureterostomy was advocated for neonates and infants with severe hydronephrosis and a persistently elevated creatinine concentration following catheter drainage. Proximal diversion also provides the opportunity to perform renal biopsy, which may help predict the child’s ultimate renal outcome. The problem with initial high bilateral proximal diversion is that urine is diverted away from the bladder, and this situation may result in a small contracted bladder that does not grow over time.
In boys with PUV, UVJ obstruction usually occurs only during bladder filling and results from elevated intravesical pressure, rarely from obstruction secondary to detrusor hypertrophy. Furthermore, proximal high diversion therapy has not been shown to prevent ESRD because >85% of these patients have renal dysplasia. In addition, by diverting the urine away from the bladder, regular cyclic vesical contraction may not occur and result in a smaller, less compliant bladder compared with vesicostomy. Finally, cutaneous pyelostomies require placement of a diaper across the abdomen and flank, and even then the child’s clothes may become wet. Consequently, this form of diversion generally is reserved for rare cases in which valve ablation or vesicostomy has failed to show improvement in upper urinary tract drainage or when urosepsis is secondary to pyonephrosis.
An alternative form of upper urinary tract diversion is the Sober-en-T ureterostomy, in which the proximal ureter is exteriorized and the distal ureter is kept in continuity with the upper ureter with a proximal ureteroureterostomy. The advantage of this approach is that it permits rapid decompression of the upper urinary tract while permitting urine to pass into the bladder. Fig. 57.5 shows a modification of the original Sober-en-T ureterostomy.

If cutaneous vesicostomy, ureterostomy, or pyelostomy is chosen as initial therapy, valve ablation should not be performed simultaneously because the urethra will remain dry, and urethral stricture formation is common ( Fig. 57.6 ). Another case illustrating the importance of choosing well-planned diversionary procedures and delaying primary valve resection is shown in Fig. 57.7 .


Controversies in Initial Management of Posterior Urethral Valves
The initial management of PUV is controversial. In 1997, Close and colleagues suggested that early valve ablation permitted recovery of the normal bladder appearance and function when the procedure was performed within the first month of life. In their patients, urinary diversion was deleterious to ultimate bladder function because of the absence of normal bladder cycling. Patients who underwent diversion had reduced bladder compliance, which resulted in long-term bladder dysfunction. Delayed development of daytime urinary continence occurred in 80% of patients who underwent diversion procedures as opposed to 33% of those who underwent primary valve ablation. However, both groups developed similar degrees of renal dysfunction in the long term.
Podesta and colleagues studied boys with PUV who underwent either vesicostomy and delayed valve ablation or primary valve ablation. These investigators demonstrated that approximately 50% of the diverted group had detrusor overactivity, which was rarely observed in the primary ablation group. The primary ablation group also had a lower detrusor filling pressure at expected bladder capacity for age and improved detrusor compliance.
Although these groups advocated primary valve ablation, their observations on bladder function differed from the 1996 report of Smith and colleagues. These investigators examined the long-term outcome of 100 patients treated with primary valve ablation (74%), vesicostomy (13%), or high diversion (90%). Overall, 13% developed ESRD by age 15 years. Treatment choice did not influence the age at which they developed ESRD. The incidence of chronic renal failure was 34% at age 10 years and 51% at age 20 years. Almost all patients had delayed development of daytime urinary continence; only 19% developed continence by age 5 years and 46% by age 10 years. Although formal urodynamic testing was performed in only 10 patients, only one patient was thought to need an augmentation cystoplasty.
Kim and associates compared the urodynamic findings in patients with PUV who underwent primary valve ablation, vesicostomy, or proximal diversion with pyelostomy or ureterostomy. When the urodynamic findings of end-filling detrusor pressure and bladder capacity were compared, no statistical difference was found in any of these groups. In fact, the vesical or proximal diversion groups had somewhat better urodynamic findings. The investigators concluded that the initial management of valve ablation or vesical or proximal diversion does not affect ultimate bladder function. However, adjunctive medical therapy in the treatment groups was difficult to assess.
A report of the long-term follow-up of bilateral high Sober-type urinary diversion in 36 patients with PUV who underwent urodynamic testing not only after diversion but also before and after ureterostomy closure showed well-preserved bladder capacity or compliance in 80% and 69%, respectively, and stable detrusor activity in 89%. An increase in bladder capacity was demonstrated in about a third of patients.
Narasimhan and colleagues performed a prospective study of boys with PUV who underwent either primary ablation or vesicostomy. These investigators analyzed the effect of the modality on renal function and somatic growth and whether the presence of VUR and an abnormal serum creatinine concentration affected somatic growth. At birth, body weight and length and serum creatinine concentrations were similar in the two groups, but the valve ablation group lagged behind the vesicostomy group at 3 and 6 months in weight and length measurements. The investigators concluded that treatment modality did not affect the outcome of renal function, because at 1 year the serum creatinine concentration decreased to 0.7 ng/dL in the valve ablation group and to 0.9 ng/dL in the vesicostomy group. Both groups showed delayed growth when compared with normal age-matched controls. Serum creatinine concentration >1.0 mg/dL and the presence of VUR were significantly associated with somatic growth delay by the end of the second year. Vesicostomy appeared to assist with catchup growth in weight and height by the end of the first 2 years of life.
With improved instrumentation, primary valve ablation is recommended as the initial treatment modality of choice when fulguration can be performed safely and when the patient has had improvement in upper tract dilatation with catheter drainage unless the neonate is ill and small. Circumcision is recommended, because it reduces the risk of UTI. Antibiotic prophylaxis should be continued until the massive dilation of the upper urinary tract shows significant improvement, a process that may take several years. In addition, if the child has VUR, prophylaxis should be continued until the reflux resolves spontaneously or is corrected surgically. Most patients benefit not only from long-term urologic management but also from nephrologic care initiated at birth.
Common problems include significant polyuria secondary to an inability of the kidneys to concentrate urine, metabolic acidosis (which may complicate somatic growth), renal insufficiency with hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, and hypertension, as well as vitamin D deficiency and hyperparathyroidism. If the patient remains clinically well with good somatic growth, periodic follow-up with sonography and evaluations of electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, urinalysis, and blood pressure will ensure satisfactory growth and development.
Prognosis Following Initial Therapy
The prognosis for satisfactory renal function may be predicted by several factors. A serum creatinine concentration >1 mg/dL 1 month following initial treatment or at 1 year of age is associated with late development of chronic renal insufficiency. Other investigators concluded that the most significant prognostic factor for the future development of chronic renal failure is the GFR at 1 year of age, and the development of proteinuria portends a worse prognosis. These investigators found no differences in age at diagnosis, initial management, VUR status, UTI, and hypertension in the development of chronic renal insufficiency, whereas sonographic observations may be useful in identifying patients who will develop renal insufficiency. The presence of the corticomedullary junction on renal sonography has been associated with a favorable outcome. This radiologic finding may not be present on the initial ultrasound study but may become apparent during the first few months of life.
In another study, Duel and colleagues showed that 90% of boys with PUV who were followed for a mean of 8.5 years and who ultimately developed poor renal function had echogenic kidneys, whereas 46% of patients with good renal function also had echogenic kidneys. In addition, 60% of the patients with echogenic kidneys developed poor renal function compared with 13% of the patients with normal renal echogenicity. Increased cortical echogenicity and loss of corticomedullary differentiation were relatively insensitive predictors of eventual renal function in patients with PUV. These investigators found that the serum creatinine concentration following 4 days of catheterization was a more sensitive predictor of outcome in these boys.
Achieving diurnal continence by the age of 5 years also is recognized as a favorable feature. Diurnal incontinence probably is related to detrusor instability and detrusor sphincter discoordination, which can result in elevated upper urinary tract pressures and gradual deterioration in renal function.
A controversial prognostic feature is the presence of a pressure pop-off mechanism, such as massive reflux into a nonfunctioning kidney (termed the VURD syndrome for valves, unilateral VUR, dysplasia), urinary ascites, or a large bladder diverticulum. Although short-term studies suggested that these mechanisms may allow more normal renal development, Cuckow and colleagues reported that at 8–10 years of age, only 30% of boys with the VURD syndrome had a normal serum creatinine concentration. In another retrospective study, Hoag et al. also found that VURD is not a favorable prognostic feature. The finding that pop-off mechanisms may not always be protective was further supported by Patil and colleagues, who observed that ascites may result from bladder rupture, and GFR in those patients approaches the severe renal failure range.
The detrimental or beneficial effects of VUR on renal function in patients with PUV remain controversial. Some investigators suggest that VUR in combination with high intravesical pressure contributes to deterioration of the upper urinary tract; others propose that VUR, especially when associated with the VURD syndrome, protects the upper urinary tract from high intravesical pressures. Hassan and colleagues reported that VUR in their 73 patients did not serve as a significant prognostic factor for renal function. On the other hand, in a long-term study of 197 adults treated over a period of 50 years, Heikkila et al. found that bilateral VUR is often associated with poorly functioning kideys. Persistent VUR with or without renal deterioration in the absence of UTI may indicate bladder dysfunction and the need for lower urinary tract evaluation.
Another adverse prognostic finding is renal parenchymal area <12 cm 2 on the first postnatal renal ultrasound, especially when the nadir serum Cr is 0.8 to 1.1 mg/dL. Other adverse predictive factors include oligohydramnios, cortical cysts, and echogenic kidneys. Whether antenatal diagnosis is beneficial is controversial.

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