The use of partial nephrectomy has been steadily on the rise as increasing evidence supports its role in reducing the risk of chronic kidney disease while maintaining oncologic results. As partial nephrectomy is technically more challenging than radical nephrectomy, there is an increased risk of complications in some series but the severity is not prohibitive. Morbidity is variable, ranging from <5% to >30% with bleeding, urine leak, and renal dysfunction most common. Intraoperative bleeding is controlled with suture ligation while most postoperative bleeding can be successfully managed conservatively with transfusion and bed rest. Urine leak is managed with a drain, and stent for persistent leak. Loss of renal function is frequently multifactorial but plateaus after approximately 1 month of partial nephrectomy. Better patient selection, operating techniques, perioperative care, and surgical experience have resulted in a significant reduction of complications in open partial nephrectomy.
Partial nephrectomy, Renal tumor, Renal cancer, Nephron sparing surgery, Nephrectomy, Urine leak, Bleeding, Ischemia, Renal insufficiency
Key Points
- 1.
Knowledge of renal arterial anatomy is essential for performing partial nephrectomy.
- 2.
Complication rates with both open and laparoscopic partial nephrectomy vary with operator experience, but both can be acceptable with careful attention to detail.
- 3.
The risk of bleeding and urine leak should be balanced against the risk of renal dysfunction from prolonged arterial clamping.
- 4.
Renal incision should be planned by ultrasound study according to arterial anatomy and should be started away from the hilum to minimize the risk of infarct.
- 5.
Identification and direct suture ligature of retracted blood vessels within the line of incision avoid retracted sutures deep in the incision bed.
- 6.
At the time of urine leak, the drain should be positioned to remove any extrarenal urine collections completely. A stent is rarely required unless ureteral obstruction is present.
Since first reports in 1869–1870 by Simon and in 1887 by Czerny, partial nephrectomy has been used to manage many different urologic diseases. The major application of partial nephrectomy since the early 1990s has been as an alternative to radical nephrectomy in the treatment of small renal tumors. Several organizations now endorse partial nephrectomy as the standard treatment of small renal masses (cT1a, <4 cm) in those patients whose tumor is amenable to this approach. This technique has proven to be oncologically safe for early tumors confined to the kidney. More recent efforts have been made to duplicate open partial nephrectomy techniques in minimally invasive tumor resection and thereby shorten recovery time and reduce postoperative morbidity. The significant downward stage migration of renal tumors resulting from increase in the incidental diagnosis has prompted investigators to expand indications and increase the use of partial nephrectomy. Despite this change, the use of the partial nephrectomy remains low nationally, even for small renal tumors, which is likely a reflection of the perception of increased morbidity relative to radical nephrectomy.
Preoperative Considerations
The absolute indications for partial nephrectomy include tumor in a solitary renal moiety, bilateral renal tumors, or preexisting azotemia that would preclude the ability to perform nephrectomy without requiring that the patient undergo dialysis. Despite these indications, in selected patients of this type, nephrectomy followed by dialysis may be indicated for maximal oncologic efficacy. Relative indications include medical illnesses predisposing to renal disease, preexisting medical renal disease, renal stones, recurrent renal infection, mild azotemia, and multifocal tumors associated with a genetic syndrome. Elective partial nephrectomy is defined as that in which the patient has none of the foregoing risk factors, normal renal function, and a radiologically normal contralateral renal moiety. Studies have suggested a greater overall reduction in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in patients undergoing radical nephrectomy as compared with partial nephrectomy (discussed later). Because this finding may correlate with a higher likelihood of morbidity and mortality not related to oncologic factors, the impetus for consideration of elective partial nephrectomy may be greater in the future.
In considering patients for partial nephrectomy, host factors to be considered include overall health and the ability to tolerate surgery, the presence of comorbidities predisposing to renal disease, bleeding diathesis or a need for anticoagulation, and baseline renal function. Although the need for perioperative anticoagulation does not preclude partial nephrectomy, it certainly does increase the risk of postoperative bleeding, and as such it may be a reason for considering nephrectomy in an otherwise fragile patient. Renal anatomic variants including duplication, anomalous location, and anomalous vasculature are important to be aware of in operative planning, but they do not preclude partial nephrectomy. Previous renal surgery for any indication must be evaluated carefully to ensure that partial nephrectomy will be feasible. Finally, body habitus may influence the operative approach and the decision for surgical intervention.
Retrospective studies demonstrated that patients undergoing partial nephrectomy have better long-term renal function than do patients undergoing radical nephrectomy. Investigators have previously demonstrated that the likelihood of having a GFR >45 mL/minute or >60 mL/minute was greater among patients having a partial nephrectomy. The inherent implication of these findings is that individuals undergoing partial nephrectomy may indirectly reduce their risk of nononcologic morbidity and mortality as a result of preserved renal function. A significant positive correlation exists between reduced GFR and cardiovascular mortality or other medical illnesses. Some investigators have suggested that the risk of cardiovascular or nononcologic mortality is greater among patients undergoing radical nephrectomy as compared with partial nephrectomy. Whether this finding is ultimately related to selection bias remains to be determined in prospective evaluation. Nonetheless, the findings are provocative in suggesting that elective partial nephrectomy should be considered in most patients in whom the procedure is technically feasible, and broadening of the indications may be of value.
Consideration of the tumor is essential in selecting candidates for partial nephrectomy and in planning the surgical procedure. Tumor size and location should be considered within the framework of the surgeon’s technical experience and comfort level when deciding whether partial nephrectomy is appropriate. In these tumors, an ample margin can be obtained with limited concern of damaging the remaining renal blood supply. Historically, elective partial nephrectomy was considered appropriate for exophytic tumors <4 cm. In retrospective evaluation of early series, central tumors and larger tumors had worse oncologic outcomes. Admittedly, the majority of patients in those categories may not have had elective indications for partial nephrectomy. As surgeons have become comfortable with the technique, indications for elective partial nephrectomy have been expanded to include central tumors, and those in the T1b (4–7 cm) category. Thus far, no apparent decline in cancer control has been reported among those series.
Operative Planning
Operative planning of partial nephrectomy requires rigorous understanding of arterial anatomy and the relationship of blood supply and collecting system ( Fig. 38.1 ). This knowledge allows planning of the necessity for renal ischemia, the line of resection for margin control, and the likelihood of necessary venous and collecting system repair. Several groups demonstrated the utility of preoperative three-dimensional image reconstruction using computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These modalities are extremely useful in identifying multifocality, anomalous vasculature, and venous tumor thrombus in segmental renal veins.

In recent years, the anatomic considerations for planning partial nephrectomy have been objectified through a number of spatial scoring systems that relate the tumor position to intrarenal structures. Most commonly employed is the nephrometry score, detailed in Chapter 34 , which correlates with the risk of complications at time of partial nephrectomy. These scores can be quite useful both for selecting candidates for partial nephrectom, and for determining the optimal approach.
Planning of the incision is important. Partial nephrectomy can be performed through a variety of incisions ( Figs. 38.2 A–C , and 38.3A and B ) including a traditional flank, subcostal (intraperitoneal), thoracoabdominal, or the more recently described “mini-flank” (subcostal extraperitoneal). We prefer to perform open partial nephrectomy through an extraperitoneal approach, using a supracostal 11th rib incision. The advantages of such an approach include the ability to tamponade postoperative bleeding and contain urine leaks in the retroperitoneum, to reduce postoperative ileus, and to allow proper exposure for elongation of the renal hilum and “stretch” of the kidney. Disadvantages include increased pain limiting postoperative inspiratory effort, risk of pleural injury, and flank denervation bulge, which often arises from stretch of the intercostal nerve during rib distraction. The subcostal approach is feasible, but we have found it difficult to bring the kidney up to the level of the skin as we can easily do with hilar mobilization through a flank incision. The “mini-flank” incision may represent a compromise between these two approaches, by taking advantage of the benefits of each.

An additional preoperative consideration in contemporary practice is whether to perform the procedure by laparoscopic, robotic-assisted laparoscopic, or open technique. This decision is, in large part, a decision made on the basis of surgeon preference and experience, as it has been shown that the majority of tumors can be safely treated by any of the approaches. A number of considerations, detailed in Chapter 34 , may come into play. In general, for most surgeons, open techniques are ideal in cases of centrally located tumors, complex tumor relationship with intra-renal structures, significant multifocality, large tumors, or solitary kidney. For surgeons not facile with minimally invasive techniques, open techniques can obviously be safely employed in any surgical setting. One should consider the morbidity specifically associated with the incision in selecting candidates.
A good benchmark is for the surgeon to determine, within his or her own skill set, an estimated ischemia time for renal reconstruction based on tumor size and position. Although the optimal time for tolerable ischemia is not clearly defined, we use a benchmark of 30 minutes by estimate. If it appears that >30 minutes would clearly be required, we would consider open partial nephrectomy. When using a transperitoneal laparoscopic approach, the most difficult tumors for exposure and resection are those located in the medial posterior segment. In these cases, a retroperitoneal laparoscopic approach can be considered if the surgeon is facile with the technique, but an open approach is a reasonable consideration otherwise. Increased morbidity for partial nephrectomy in a solitary kidney has been reported for laparoscopic as compared with open partial nephrectomy even in centers of excellence, a finding suggesting that these procedures are best performed by open partial nephrectomy in most cases.
Given the more rapid general convalescence with laparoscopic partial nephrectomy techniques, in our center we have preferred this technique, in recent years, for most patients and reserve open partial nephrectomy only for those patients with significant multifocality or very centrally located tumor. We have found reoperative surgery, following previous partial nephrectomy, to be easier with a laparoscopic approach.
General Complications
The general complications related to the renal surgery, incision, and medical comorbidity are discussed elsewhere in this book. This chapter focuses attention on complications specifically related to partial nephrectomy. The main technical complications of partial nephrectomy include bleeding, urine leak, renal dysfunction, vascular fistula or malformation, positive margin, renal infarct, and, on rare occasions, renal loss.
The learning curve of partial nephrectomy remains a major challenge for the urologic community, but in more recent series morbidity is improving. In fact, some series comparing morbidity, length of stay, and cost differential associated with partial and radical nephrectomy reported no significant differences and concluded that the nephron-sparing approach can offer the benefit of maximal parenchymal preservation while adding little additional morbidity. In a study of 49,983 individuals who underwent open radical nephrectomy (35,712), laparoscopic radical nephrectomy (5327), or open partial nephrectomy (8944) for RCC at 2037 hospitals from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample 2001–2008, only modest differences were observed in the proportion of patients with complications (27.0%, 22.6%, and 24.0%, respectively). Becker et al. evaluated 2277 patients aged >65 years with T1 renal cell carcinoma who underwent laparoscopic radical nephrectomy, open partial nephrectomy, or laparoscopic partial nephrectomy, using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Medicare linked database (1992–2005) and found no difference in the 30-day mortality rates. Observations such as these are clearly based on institutional experience, and training of community urologists to perform partial nephrectomy with low risk of morbidity remains a challenge.
Open Partial Nephrectomy: Incidence
Classically, the critical technical challenge of partial nephrectomy has been balancing vascular control to reduce the risk of significant intraoperative hemorrhage against the risk of ischemic injury resulting from prolonged clamping. In most open series, hemorrhage has been the most common intraoperative complication. The reported incidences of other significant postoperative complications include those of urinary fistula (0–17.4%), acute renal failure (0–26%), and postoperative bleeding (0–4.5%).
In the early experience with open partial nephrectomy, reported complications were high, at ≤30.1% in one series. In that series, hemorrhage was the fourth most common complication, whereas acute renal failure was more common, occurring in 42.3% of patients. In preventing bleeding and renal dysfunction, the surgeon’s challenge is to balance efficient reconstruction with as minimal an ischemic injury as possible. Recognizing the deleterious effect of prolonged arterial clamping on renal function, surgeons have adopted a more permissive bleeding strategy and improved reconstructive techniques. With the increased experience of the surgeons, complications of open partial nephrectomy have declined; in a series comparing 1049 consecutive open radical or partial nephrectomies, complications of partial nephrectomy occurred in 9% of patients including urinary fistula (5.5%), acute renal failure (1.3%), perinephric abscess (1.1%), pneumothorax (0.8%), and retroperitoneal hemorrhage (0.8%). Thompson and colleagues, when comparing two groups of patients operated before and after 1995, reported an incidence of hemorrhage of 1.5% and 1.2%, respectively. The incidence of acute renal failure was also much lower (3.8% and 1%, respectively); dialysis was required in only 2% of those operated before 1995 and in 0.6% of those treated thereafter. Urinary fistula or leak has also been a historically frequent complication in some early series (57.6%), whereas in a retrospective review of 1118 partial nephrectomies at one institution, urinary leak was observed in 52 patients for a rate of 4.4%. Clearly, the learning curve of partial nephrectomy has reduced morbidity.
Van Poppel and colleagues prospectively compared the complications of nephron-sparing surgery and radical nephrectomy in a phase III multicenter trial. These investigators found in the nephron-sparing group a rate of severe hemorrhage (defined as blood loss >1 L) of 3.1% and urinary fistula of 4.4%, whereas in the radical nephrectomy group severe hemorrhage was seen in only 1.2%. Reoperation for complications was necessary in 4.4% of the nephron-sparing group and in 2.4% of the radical nephrectomy group. As such, partial nephrectomy has been considered safe and desirable, despite a higher rate of perioperative and early postoperative complications, given the potential benefit of preserving the renal function. We have experienced an extremely low rate of complications with contemporary partial nephrectomy by adhering to the specific technical concepts outlined later in this chapter. With careful attention to detail, partial nephrectomy can be very safely performed for most patients with early-stage renal tumors.
Specific Complications
Positive Margin
Oncologic efficacy in renal cancer relies on a negative tumor margin during partial resection. Although investigators have demonstrated that the thickness of the margin does not appear to be important in predicting recurrence-free survival, a negative margin remains essential. Simple enucleation of the tumor is certainly technically the simplest approach, but in our opinion it increases the likelihood of microscopic residual disease.
Planning the line of renal incision is heavily dependent on the tumor position and the extent of subcortical tumor. Tumors that are predominantly exophytic can be incised in a shallow incision around the circumferential base of the tumor. Tumors that are predominantly endophytic require true resection of a segment of the kidney to ensure an adequate margin. We have found the technique of intraoperative ultrasound most useful for mapping the line of renal incision during both open and laparoscopic partial nephrectomy ( Fig. 38.4 ). The ultrasound probe is passed over the kidney from normal cortex toward the center of the tumor. Radial passes of the ultrasound probe allow mapping of the subcortical extent of the tumor. The line of renal incision is then planned on this basis.

During excision, arterial ischemia is useful in allowing direct visualization of the renal incision as it progresses. This feature is perhaps most important in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy because tactile feedback is less available to assess the surgeon’s position in the kidney relative to the tumor. Incision into the tumor, or too close to it, can be redirected by a repeat incision at a greater depth starting 1–2 cm proximal to the leading edge of the incision. We have used visual landmarks in the kidney to guide the adequacy of our renal incision during laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. For example, if a tumor is radiologically positioned within 10 mm of the renal sinus or collecting system ( Fig. 38.5A ), then visual entry of these structures confirms the adequacy of the margin (see Fig. 38.5B ).

Frozen section analysis of shaved margins is widely used to confirm the adequacy of the incision and, although this analysis may reassure the surgeon and patient, it is likely inaccurate in predicting oncologic efficacy. Sampling error and artifactual expansion of the defect during incision render this technique of margin analysis of little value.
Because partial nephrectomy requires transection of multiple blood vessels during renal incision, it is perhaps intuitive that bleeding is a potential consequence. Bleeding can occur intraoperatively, immediately postoperatively, and at a delayed interval up to several days or weeks after the surgical procedure. Intraoperative bleeding usually occurs from the cut parenchyma, but it can occur from the hilum if the vessels are not carefully dissected during exposure. Preoperative knowledge of the individual renal vascular anatomy is essential in this regard. Bleeding has generally been feared in partial nephrectomy. For large and central tumors, selective embolization or extracorporeal resection of the tumor followed by autotransplantation has been performed, in an attempt to provide clean margins with limited blood loss. In the contemporary era, such techniques are generally not necessary if one adheres to basic tenets of vascular control and renal reconstruction.
The fundamental tenets of renal reconstruction are as follows:
- 1.
Closure of the collecting system
- 2.
Suture or coagulation control of small transected intraparenchymal vessels
- 3.
Prevention of retraction within cut large central blood vessels
- 4.
Compression of the defect to aid in venous tamponade.
A variety of tools and techniques can be employed for each tenet, but with attention to each, good outcomes can be achieved.
Parenchymal bleeding during resection is usually handled by clamping of the renal artery or vein. In most open partial nephrectomies, arterial clamping is adequate because venous tamponade through hilar stretch and manual compression is easily achieved. Brisk bleeding on renal incision despite clamping can indicate a missed renal artery, and if it is not easily identified, a hilar cross-clamp can be placed during both open and laparoscopic procedures. When performing this maneuver on the left side, the position of the aorta, adrenal, pancreas, and superior mesenteric artery should be known before the clamp is placed. On the right, avoidance of the duodenum and porta hepatis is essential. If brisk bleeding is noted with the venous clamp in place, then venous hypertension resulting from continued arterial inflow should be suspected. Removal of the venous clamp can reduce bleeding in these cases.
Numerous techniques exist for repair of cut renal vessels. Direct suture ligature with 4-0 absorbable sutures is generally preferred. We find it most effective to identify vessels during renal parenchymal incision and suture ligate them before division. The renal parenchyma is separated with a small Freer instrument ( Fig. 38.6A ), and on identification of the vessel ( Fig. 38.6B ), a direct suture ligature is placed and the vessel is divided with tenotomy scissors. In this fashion, the line of resection can be controlled and redirected ( Fig. 38.7 ).

If brisk bleeding occurs after removal of the arterial clamp, one should again consider the possibility of venous compression or twisting of the renal pedicle, thus impairing venous outflow. If the vein is not compromised, then suture repair of bleeding should be performed while one manually compresses the defect. Reclamping of the artery should be avoided because of the increased risk of ischemic injury following reperfusion.
In cases of immediate postoperative bleeding, initial management should be conservative with transfusion, bed rest, and serial monitoring of hematocrit. Expanding retroperitoneal hematoma can worsen bleeding through stretch of the renal defect. Therefore if multiple transfusions are required, hemodynamic instability is noted, or the hematocrit is not responsive to transfusion, then one should give early consideration to angiography and selective embolization. In these patients, unlike in renal trauma, attention must be focused on the resection bed in which any visible vessels can be embolized, even if they are not actively bleeding. Intermittent hemorrhage is common, and bleeding may not actually be seen on angiography.
In patients with delayed bleeding (hematuria or flank hematoma) following discharge from the hospital, early angiography should be performed given the high likelihood of arteriovenous fistula or pseudoaneurysm. If the index of suspicion is low, or if the bleeding is minimal and the patient is hemodynamically stable, then one could first perform a duplex ultrasound scan (see Chapter 34 , Fig. 34.6 ) or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) because these techniques are less invasive. If an abnormality is not noted and bleeding persists, then angiography would be required anyway. Selective angioembolization is extremely effective in the management of these complications. We have on occasion seen delayed hematuria resulting from decompression of an extrarenal hematoma through the collecting system. In these cases, a small, fluid-filled defect (closed urinoma) is noted at the resection bed on an MRI urogram.
In performing partial nephrectomy, preservation of the vascular supply of the retained segments of kidney is essential to avoid renal infarction. Although the functional significance of infarct is not known, certainly infarcted tissue likely decreases the preserved renal reserve over time. Large infarcted segments can result in renin-mediated hypertension, and if a large portion of the repaired collecting system loses blood supply, this situation can promote leakage.
Avoiding infarct again relies on knowledge of renal arterial anatomy. Given the end-arterial nature of renal blood flow, maximizing proximal vascular preservation should be the goal of resection. In approaching polar lesions, straight rather than tangential amputation is desirable, but if the lesion is primarily located within the anterior or posterior segmental vasculature, then a significant amount of parenchyma can be preserved through a tangential cut. Within the anterior and posterior segment, we find that starting the parenchymal incision away from the hilum and cutting toward the center of the kidney will allow identification of arterial branches as they enter the specimen, thereby avoiding radial infarct ( Fig. 38.8 ). We find that starting the incision from the hilum and working outward results in a higher likelihood of injury to main branches and thereby promotes additionally infarcted kidney ( Figs. 38.9A–D ).

On separation of renal parenchyma along the planned line of incision, individual vessels are identified as they enter the specimen, are suture ligated, and are transected sharply to avoid the necessity for deep suture placement for retracted blood vessels (see Figs. 38.6 and 38.7 ). This technique is more difficult to recapitulate in laparoscopic surgery, and as such, the likelihood of radial infarct is higher in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy owing to the suturing techniques typically used in the laparoscopic procedure. We have adapted a modified suturing technique (described in Chapter 34 ) to reduce the likelihood of major infarct or vascular complication.
The general management of infarct is observation. In patients with severe hypertension or persistent leak resulting from infarcted kidney, nephrectomy should be performed.
Urine Leak
Urine leak rates reported in the urologic literature depend on the operator’s definition. This definition has varied widely from leakage for >72 hours to leakage persisting for >3 months postoperatively. We generally define urinary fistula following partial nephrectomy as urine leakage persisting for >4 weeks after the surgical procedure. Nonetheless, any duration of postoperative urine leak must be appropriately managed by the surgeon. Simple principles of drainage, prevention of infection, and avoidance of ureteral obstruction generally allow resolution of the leak. Management of urine leak following partial nephrectomy is additionally discussed in Chapters 13 and 34 .
Careful closure of the collecting system generally prevents urine leak. In cases of large resection bed, or in tumors resected from the anterior or posterior segment with tangential renal incision, small calyceal injuries may not be identified, and these are often the site of persistent leak. In general, meticulous closure of the collecting system is performed with a layer of interrupted absorbable 4-0 braided sutures. This stage is followed by a second layer of imbricated sutures that attempt to pull the parenchyma together around the defect and thereby reduce tension on the primary closure ( Fig. 38.10 ).

Two modifications of technique have greatly reduced our leak rate with open partial nephrectomy: (1) retrograde instillation of methylene blue through the renal pelvis and (2) the use of a layer of tissue adhesive over the closure. The use of tissue adhesive is most important in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy because small caliceal injuries are often difficult to identify. We have adopted a standardized technique of infiltrating Gelfoam (Pfizer Inc., New York) with fibrin sealant (Tisseel, Baxter International Inc., Deerfield, Illinois), molding it to the resection defect, and then activating it through infiltration of thrombin. Additional hemostatic materials are packed into the defect, and then the kidney is folded over the materials using horizontal mattress sutures of 3-0 absorbable nonbraided suture anchored to the surrounding renal capsule.
Urine leak presents in one of two ways. Early leaks often become evident in the recovery room and persist, whereas delayed leaks manifest 5–14 days postoperatively and may become symptomatic. It is not clear whether most delayed leaks were simply unrecognized early because of inadequate drainage and lack of symptoms. The old tenet that urine leakage frequently occurs in the first 24–72 hours but then resolves is not entirely true. In fact, most renal reconstruction for elective partial nephrectomy should be watertight. Early leakage generally indicates poor collecting system closure or unrecognized collecting system injury, and in our experience this leakage rarely stops within the first few days.
Early leak is suspected if drainage of >30 to 40 mL per shift is noted >48 hours after the surgical procedure. Large-volume drain outputs within the first 24 hours may lead one to suspect leak, but intervention is not required unless infection is noted, serum creatinine becomes markedly elevated because of reabsorption, or the patient has no urine output (solitary kidney). In these cases, renal obstruction may be suspected and early imaging is advised. Urine leak beyond 48 hours is confirmed by measurement of drainage creatinine level relative to serum. If the drainage is pure urine, creatinine levels will generally be >30 mg/dL. When the drainage creatinine is even moderately higher than that of the serum, then at least part of the draining fluid is urine and a urine leak is likely present. Minimal creatinine elevation may suggest a resolved urine leak with some dilute urine still in the retroperitoneum. After leak confirmation, we generally perform an immediate ultrasound scan or noncontrast CT study for assurance that the drain is properly positioned, that no undrained urinoma is present, and that the kidney is well drained.
If all these tenets are met, the patient is discharged home with prophylactic antibiotics and a drain in place. Patients are monitored weekly with electrolytes and renal ultrasound studies to rule out worsening urinoma or drain migration. In cases of undrained fluid, the drain is repositioned to sit immediately adjacent to the leak point. This maneuver can be facilitated by contrast CT with delayed cuts. Ideal drain placement is immediately adjacent to the kidney to allow a drain tract to form. In cases of high-output leak, the drain can be converted from suction to gravity, but a follow-up ultrasound scan within a few days is warranted to rule out a secondary fluid collection.
Presentation of delayed leak is usually the result of flank pain, fever, or drainage from an incision. In a patient with fever, evaluation should include a complete blood count with manual differential, blood and urine cultures, and a chest radiograph to identify other potential sources of infection. CT with intravenous contrast should include delayed images to identify urinary extravasation, provided renal function is acceptable for receiving iodinated contrast. Ultrasound can alternatively be used to identify a perirenal fluid collection. Before percutaneous drainage, broad-spectrum antibiotics should be administered. The drain is best positioned immediately adjacent to kidney, but in cases of infection, maximal drainage is paramount to allow defervescence, and this may be best achieved with the patient in the most dependent position.
In the absence of infection, similar evaluation of renal function and imaging to identify fluid collections should be performed. On percutaneous drainage, the fistula output may be quite high initially because of the presence of a large potential space outside the kidney. Maximal kidney drainage is necessary to promote antegrade drainage over time. In general, a ureteral stent is not necessary unless evidence indicates ureteral obstruction, blood clots or debris within the collecting system, or a very large collecting system opening. In our experience, stents often worsen the leak initially, possibly as a result of reflux. It is essential to have a concomitant urethral catheter in place while the leak is perpetuated, particularly in a man with high-pressure voiding. We have generally avoided stent placement unless absolutely necessary because most leaks will close with prolonged drainage.
Resolution of urine leak generally requires scarring in of the potential space around the kidney. This occurs as scar tissue fills in around the drain forming a drain tract. We generally prefer to leave the drain on gravity drainage to promote antegrade urine flow within the collecting system. On converting to gravity drainage, a follow-up ultrasound scan within 36–48 hours will confirm that no urine collection has formed around the kidney or drain tract. If it has, then the drain should be returned to suction. Urine collections prevent the formation of a drain tract and delay leak closure. Over a period of 2–4 weeks, if properly drained, a drain tract should have formed, and on confirmation of the absence of urinoma, the drain can be advanced back 2–3 cm to allow the tract to close between the tip of the drain and the kidney. Every 48–72 hours, the drain can be pulled back another 2–3 cm until it is removed. During this time of drain advancement, one should monitor for urinoma formation and fever, a finding suggesting recurrence of the urinoma within the drain tract. In cases of high drain outputs (>300 mL/24 hours) more prolonged observation (≤12 weeks) may be necessary before attempting drain advancement. Low-output leaks require minimal observation before closure can be achieved. In this regard, closure of a leak is an active process initiated by the surgeon rather than a passive physiologic process.
Urine leak can also result from ureteral injury. Excessive dissection of the renal pelvis, the lower pole of the kidney, and the proximal ureter should be avoided because it can cause devascularization, ischemia, and necrosis with subsequent fistula formation in the dissected segment. On completion of the procedure, fat should be interposed between the lower pole of the kidney and the upper ureter to avoid adherence, scarring, and subsequent stricture of the ureter.
Renal Function
Measuring renal functional outcomes after elective partial nephrectomy is most difficult given the compensatory ability of the remaining kidney. Conventional beliefs have been that renal dysfunction following partial nephrectomy is related to the length of renal arterial clamping and the amount of parenchyma resected. In truth, many factors may influence the function of the operated kidney including intraoperative blood pressure variations, fluid resuscitation during the case, and aggressive handling of the kidney. Intraoperative blood loss may result in a higher risk of renal dysfunction because of the possibility of hypotension and reduced tissue oxygenation. When operating on an individual with two kidneys, the risk of postoperative azotemia and the necessity for dialysis depend on the functional reserve of the remaining kidney. Patients with diabetes, hypertension, and known vascular disease are more likely to have transient azotemia postoperatively. Individuals with a solitary kidney are also affected by these factors, but clearly, the risk of azotemia is more strongly affected by renal arterial clamping than in patients with two kidneys and normal renal function.
In patients with bilateral functioning kidneys, the reported rate of acute kidney injury after open surgery has been 4%, whereas chronic kidney disease has been reported to occur in 2–8% of patients. Similar patients in laparoscopic series were shown to have negligible rates of renal dysfunction. In patients with solitary kidneys, the rates of acute kidney injury after open procedures are more evident, ranging between 13% and 38%, with chronic kidney disease occurring in from 3% to 30% of these patients. In a series of 103 partial nephrectomies in a solitary kidney, Ghoneim et al. reported that eight patients developed acute kidney failure, but nonmodifiable factors such as age and preoperative eGFR predict long-term postoperative eGFR, rather than modifiable factors such as ischemia time. In laparoscopy series, these data have not been consistently reported. Analyzing an initial cohort of 430 patients who underwent laparoscopic partial nephrectomy at the Cleveland Clinic, Gill and colleagues observed that in 22 cases with solitary kidneys and two of which electively converted to an open procedure, a single patient (4.5%) required temporary dialysis and the chronic kidney disease incidence rate was 13%.
Several maneuvers to reduce renal ischemia have been proposed. The use of an osmotic diuretic, such as mannitol, immediately before and shortly after clamping of the renal artery is thought to reduce the accumulation of free oxygen radicals in the tissues. Similarly, cooling of the kidney during ischemia is believed to reduce the likelihood of tissue injury. During open partial nephrectomy, we have used both these maneuvers. The kidney is placed within an intestinal bag with the opening loosely cinched around the renal pedicle. On ice slush packing, the bag serves to hold the ice to the renal surface. After clamping, a period of 5–10 minutes is necessary to reach the nadir core temperature within the kidney. We generally begin to operate on the kidney during this period to reduce total ischemia time, but other surgeons advocate waiting a full 5 minutes before renal incision.
In general, we do not clamp the renal vein because stretch of the pedicle usually sufficiently reduces venous backflow. Investigators have suggested that retrograde circulation of venous blood may allow low-level tissue oxygenation in the setting of arterial clamping. This possibility has been suggested for laparoscopic partial nephrectomy as well.
An alternative to the use of vascular clamping is manual compression of the renal parenchyma. This technique is quite effective in open partial nephrectomy, particularly for polar lesions. In laparoscopic surgery, the technique can be applied through hand assistance, but this approach is more cumbersome because one-hand suturing is required. Even if the renal vessels are not clamped, they should be fully dissected in case of the need for urgent clamping. Surgery can then be performed by squeezing the renal parenchyma with the hands and using only enough pressure to control the bleeding.
Because of the increased risk of azotemia in the setting of a solitary kidney, we generally avoid arterial clamping in these patients whenever possible. In most cases, this situation requires open surgery, but in the case of small exophytic tumors, a laparoscopic approach with no arterial clamping can be considered.
Postoperatively, attention should be given to avoiding or minimizing nephrotoxic or harmful medications such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, and aminoglycosides. Individuals at high risk, including those with solitary kidney, large (>50%) renal resections, prolonged ischemia times, preexisting renal insufficiency, and severe vascular disease, should be prepared mentally for the possibility of temporary or even permanent hemodialysis.
Urine leak rarely requires reoperation, but in cases of persistent ureteral obstruction perpetuating the leak, recurrent abscess, or severe intraperitoneal leak (laparoscopic), a repeat operation may be necessary. Obstruction may be addressed by temporary stenting maneuvers, or reconstruction if it is clearly the cause of recurrent or persistent leak. In cases of refractory leak, either due to persistent obstruction or renal infarct, nephrectomy is generally performed, particularly if the original procedure was elective in nature. Reoperation for bleeding is required when angiographic techniques fail to control postoperative bleeding. In most cases, reoperation for leak or bleeding results in nephrectomy.
Key Points
- 1.
Knowledge of renal arterial anatomy is essential for performing partial nephrectomy.
- 2.
Complication rates with both open and laparoscopic partial nephrectomy vary with operator experience, but both can be acceptable with careful attention to detail.
- 3.
The risk of bleeding and urine leak should be balanced against the risk of renal dysfunction from prolonged arterial clamping.
- 4.
Renal incision should be planned by ultrasound study according to arterial anatomy and should be started away from the hilum to minimize the risk of infarct.
- 5.
Identification and direct suture ligature of retracted blood vessels within the line of incision avoid retracted sutures deep in the incision bed.
- 6.
At the time of urine leak, the drain should be positioned to remove any extrarenal urine collections completely. A stent is rarely required unless ureteral obstruction is present.
Since first reports in 1869–1870 by Simon and in 1887 by Czerny, partial nephrectomy has been used to manage many different urologic diseases. The major application of partial nephrectomy since the early 1990s has been as an alternative to radical nephrectomy in the treatment of small renal tumors. Several organizations now endorse partial nephrectomy as the standard treatment of small renal masses (cT1a, <4 cm) in those patients whose tumor is amenable to this approach. This technique has proven to be oncologically safe for early tumors confined to the kidney. More recent efforts have been made to duplicate open partial nephrectomy techniques in minimally invasive tumor resection and thereby shorten recovery time and reduce postoperative morbidity. The significant downward stage migration of renal tumors resulting from increase in the incidental diagnosis has prompted investigators to expand indications and increase the use of partial nephrectomy. Despite this change, the use of the partial nephrectomy remains low nationally, even for small renal tumors, which is likely a reflection of the perception of increased morbidity relative to radical nephrectomy.
Preoperative Considerations
The absolute indications for partial nephrectomy include tumor in a solitary renal moiety, bilateral renal tumors, or preexisting azotemia that would preclude the ability to perform nephrectomy without requiring that the patient undergo dialysis. Despite these indications, in selected patients of this type, nephrectomy followed by dialysis may be indicated for maximal oncologic efficacy. Relative indications include medical illnesses predisposing to renal disease, preexisting medical renal disease, renal stones, recurrent renal infection, mild azotemia, and multifocal tumors associated with a genetic syndrome. Elective partial nephrectomy is defined as that in which the patient has none of the foregoing risk factors, normal renal function, and a radiologically normal contralateral renal moiety. Studies have suggested a greater overall reduction in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in patients undergoing radical nephrectomy as compared with partial nephrectomy (discussed later). Because this finding may correlate with a higher likelihood of morbidity and mortality not related to oncologic factors, the impetus for consideration of elective partial nephrectomy may be greater in the future.
In considering patients for partial nephrectomy, host factors to be considered include overall health and the ability to tolerate surgery, the presence of comorbidities predisposing to renal disease, bleeding diathesis or a need for anticoagulation, and baseline renal function. Although the need for perioperative anticoagulation does not preclude partial nephrectomy, it certainly does increase the risk of postoperative bleeding, and as such it may be a reason for considering nephrectomy in an otherwise fragile patient. Renal anatomic variants including duplication, anomalous location, and anomalous vasculature are important to be aware of in operative planning, but they do not preclude partial nephrectomy. Previous renal surgery for any indication must be evaluated carefully to ensure that partial nephrectomy will be feasible. Finally, body habitus may influence the operative approach and the decision for surgical intervention.
Retrospective studies demonstrated that patients undergoing partial nephrectomy have better long-term renal function than do patients undergoing radical nephrectomy. Investigators have previously demonstrated that the likelihood of having a GFR >45 mL/minute or >60 mL/minute was greater among patients having a partial nephrectomy. The inherent implication of these findings is that individuals undergoing partial nephrectomy may indirectly reduce their risk of nononcologic morbidity and mortality as a result of preserved renal function. A significant positive correlation exists between reduced GFR and cardiovascular mortality or other medical illnesses. Some investigators have suggested that the risk of cardiovascular or nononcologic mortality is greater among patients undergoing radical nephrectomy as compared with partial nephrectomy. Whether this finding is ultimately related to selection bias remains to be determined in prospective evaluation. Nonetheless, the findings are provocative in suggesting that elective partial nephrectomy should be considered in most patients in whom the procedure is technically feasible, and broadening of the indications may be of value.
Consideration of the tumor is essential in selecting candidates for partial nephrectomy and in planning the surgical procedure. Tumor size and location should be considered within the framework of the surgeon’s technical experience and comfort level when deciding whether partial nephrectomy is appropriate. In these tumors, an ample margin can be obtained with limited concern of damaging the remaining renal blood supply. Historically, elective partial nephrectomy was considered appropriate for exophytic tumors <4 cm. In retrospective evaluation of early series, central tumors and larger tumors had worse oncologic outcomes. Admittedly, the majority of patients in those categories may not have had elective indications for partial nephrectomy. As surgeons have become comfortable with the technique, indications for elective partial nephrectomy have been expanded to include central tumors, and those in the T1b (4–7 cm) category. Thus far, no apparent decline in cancer control has been reported among those series.
Operative Planning
Operative planning of partial nephrectomy requires rigorous understanding of arterial anatomy and the relationship of blood supply and collecting system ( Fig. 38.1 ). This knowledge allows planning of the necessity for renal ischemia, the line of resection for margin control, and the likelihood of necessary venous and collecting system repair. Several groups demonstrated the utility of preoperative three-dimensional image reconstruction using computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These modalities are extremely useful in identifying multifocality, anomalous vasculature, and venous tumor thrombus in segmental renal veins.

In recent years, the anatomic considerations for planning partial nephrectomy have been objectified through a number of spatial scoring systems that relate the tumor position to intrarenal structures. Most commonly employed is the nephrometry score, detailed in Chapter 34 , which correlates with the risk of complications at time of partial nephrectomy. These scores can be quite useful both for selecting candidates for partial nephrectom, and for determining the optimal approach.
Planning of the incision is important. Partial nephrectomy can be performed through a variety of incisions ( Figs. 38.2 A–C , and 38.3A and B ) including a traditional flank, subcostal (intraperitoneal), thoracoabdominal, or the more recently described “mini-flank” (subcostal extraperitoneal). We prefer to perform open partial nephrectomy through an extraperitoneal approach, using a supracostal 11th rib incision. The advantages of such an approach include the ability to tamponade postoperative bleeding and contain urine leaks in the retroperitoneum, to reduce postoperative ileus, and to allow proper exposure for elongation of the renal hilum and “stretch” of the kidney. Disadvantages include increased pain limiting postoperative inspiratory effort, risk of pleural injury, and flank denervation bulge, which often arises from stretch of the intercostal nerve during rib distraction. The subcostal approach is feasible, but we have found it difficult to bring the kidney up to the level of the skin as we can easily do with hilar mobilization through a flank incision. The “mini-flank” incision may represent a compromise between these two approaches, by taking advantage of the benefits of each.