Instrument items
CDAI [13]
HBI [18]
Clinical signs and symptoms
Abdominal pain
General well-being
No. of complications
Sum of liquid/soft stools (× 2)
Sum of daily score of 0–3 (× 5)
Sum of daily score of 0–4 (× 7)
1/item (6 categories) (× 20)
No. of liquid/soft stools
1/item (8 categories)
Physical exam
Abdominal mass
0–2 (× 10)
1-(wt/standard wt) × 100
Laboratory variables
Hct (× 6): 47 – Hct (male)
42 – Hct (female)
Use of antidiarrheals: 0–1 (× 30)
Score cutoff for disease activity
Remission <150
Mild 150–300
Moderate 300–450
Severe >450
Remission ≤4
Relapse >4
Clinical symptoms based on 7 day diary
Clinical symptoms based on previous 24 h
In older pediatric trials, the use of antidiarrheals in the CDAI was replaced with number of days unable to participate in normal activities, and standard weight was replaced by ideal weight in the absence of formal evaluation [19, 20]. Subsequently, the Pediatric Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (PCDAI) was developed [21]. This instrument ranges from 0 to 100 points and contains patient symptoms (based on a 7 day recall), physical examination findings, laboratory parameters, and growth measures (Table 46.4). Despite its several limitations, the PCDAI performed well in multiple pediatric IBD clinical trials as a measure of disease activity. The weight variable requires a reading at an interval of at least 4 months with weight loss being quantified as a percentage ([current weight – previous weight]/ previous weight). The height variable at diagnosis is scored according to the number of channels crossed downward if prior measurement is available and, if not, according to the current centile. The height variable on follow-up visits employs height velocity, measured over a minimum period of 6–12 months [22, 23]:
Abdominal pain | Score | ||||||
0 = None | 5 = Mild: brief, does not interfere with activities | 10 = Moderate/severe: daily, longer lasting, affects activities, nocturnal | ______ | ||||
Patient functioning, general well-being | Score | ||||||
0 = No limitation of activities, well | 5 = Occasional difficulty in maintaining age-appropriate activities, below par | 10 = Frequent limitation of activity, very poor | ______ | ||||
Stools (per day) | Score | ||||||
0 = 0–1 liquid stools, no blood | 5 = Up to 2 semiformed with small blood, or 2–5 liquid | 10 = Gross bleeding, or ≥6 liquid, or nocturnal diarrhea | ______ | ||||
Laboratory | |||||||
Hematocrit (HCT) | Score | ||||||
<10 years: | 11–14 years (male): | ||||||
0 = ≥ 33% | 2.5 = 28–32% | 5 = < 28% | 0 = ≥ 35% | 2.5 = 30–34% | 5 = < 30% | ||
11–19 years (female): | 15–19 years (male): | ||||||
0 = ≥ 34% | 2.5 = 29–33% | 5 = < 29% | 0 = ≥ 37% | 2.5 = 32–36% | 5 = < 32 | ______ | |
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) | Score | ||||||
0 = < 20 mm/h | 2.5 = 20–50 mm/h | 5 = > 50 mm/h | ______ | ||||
Albumin | Score | ||||||
0 = ≥ 35 g/L | 5 = 31–34 g/L | 10 = ≤ 30 g/L | ______ | ||||
Examination | |||||||
Weight | Score | ||||||
0 = Weight gain or voluntary weight stable/loss | 5 = Involuntary weight stable, weight loss 1–9% | 10 = Weight loss ≥ 10% | ______ | ||||
Height at diagnosis | Score | ||||||
0 = < 1 channel decrease | 5 = ≥1 to < 2 channel decrease | 10 = > 2 channel decrease | ______ | ||||
Height at follow-up | Score | ||||||
0 = Height velocity ≥ −1SD | 5 = Height velocity < −1SD, > −2SD | 10 = Height velocity ≤ −2SD | ______ | ||||
Abdomen | Score | ||||||
0 = No tenderness, no mass | 5 = Tenderness or mass without tenderness | 10 = Tenderness, involuntary guarding, definite mass | ______ | ||||
Perirectal disease | Score | ||||||
0 = None, asymptomatic tags | 5 = 1–2 indolent fistula, scant drainage, no tenderness | 10 = Active fistula, drainage, tenderness, or abscess | ______ | ||||
Extra-intestinal manifestations | Score | ||||||
(Fever ≥38.5 °C for 3 days over past week, definite arthritis, uveitis, E. nodosum, P. gangrenosum) | |||||||
0 = None | 5 = One | 10 = ≥ Two | ______ | ||||
Total score: |

To compare children of different ages and gender, the height velocity is converted to a z-score:

The z-score corresponds to the standard deviation (SD) of the child’s height velocity.
The PCDAI has been evaluated in seven cohorts of children with CD (Table 46.1) [21, 24–26]. In a head-to-head comparison, Otley et al. [24] showed that the PCDAI was highly correlated with physician global assessment (r = 0.86), higher than the CDAI (r = 0.77), the modified CDAI (r = 0.76), and the HBI (r = 0.72). In the largest study to date, test-retest reliability on stable patients has been shown to be good [27]. Responsiveness to change was demonstrated, and the minimal clinically important change, to define “response,” was found to be at least 12.5 points [25], also in the larger study which used several methods to attain this “minimal important difference” corresponding to moderate change [27].
Table 46.1
Validity, reliability, and responsiveness of Pediatric Crohn’s Disease Activity Index
Instrument | Study population | Validity | Reliability | Responsiveness | |
PCDAI Hyams et al. [21] | n = 131 prospective cohort | PCDAI to HBImod r = 0.81 | Interobserver r = 0.86 | N/A | |
PCDAI to PGA r = 0.80 | |||||
Score cutoffs: | |||||
No disease 0–10 | 69% correct classification | ||||
Mild 11–30 | |||||
Moderate/severe >30 | |||||
Otley et al. [24] | n = 81 prospective cohort | PCDAI to CDAI r = 0.86 PCDAI to PGA r = 0.86 PCDAI to HBI r = 0.84 Receiver operating curves to select PCDAI cut offs for no versus mild disease: Sensitivity specificity ≤10 0.75 0.905 <15 0.83 0.905 | N/A | Correlation of the difference PCDAI score between the two visits was highly correlated with the difference in the CDAI in 17 patients. No other responsiveness measures are provided and time of follow-up visit not specified | |
Hyams et al. [26] | n = 181 from Pediatric IBD Collaborative Research Group Registry | Validation of previously defined score cutoffs: Sensitivity Specificity No disease vs mild: <10 0.81 0.68 Mod/severe vs mild: >30 0.71 0.83 | N/A | Clinically significant change in PCDAI predictive of change in PGA = 12.5 points (sensitivity 0.87, specificity 0.73) | |
Kundhal et al. [25] | n = 25 and 63 (from 2 prospective cohorts) | N/A | N/A | Minimal clinically significant change in PCDAI predictive of PGA at 1 month follow-up = 12.5 points (sensitivity 0.83, specificity 0.92) High effect size statistics in 15 patients who responded to therapy (SES = 1.78, SRM = 1.41) | |
N = 437 4 prospective cohorts | PCDAI to PGA r = 0.67 PCDAI to CRP r = 0.26 PCDAI to ESR r = 0.49 PCDAI to Alb r = −0.37 PCDAI to Hb r = −0.40 PCDAI to Plat r = 0.58 | N = 90 ICC: 0.74–0.8 | The PCDAI showed good responsiveness to change (r = 0.54–0.83, distributional 0.8–1.4, diagnostic utility analyses AUC ROC 0.79–0.85); minimal important difference >12 points | ||
Turner et al. | N = 322 (from 2 prospective cohorts) | PCDAI to PGA r = 0.67 PCDAI to SES-CD r = 0.42 PCDAI to calprotectin r = 0.26 | Test-retest reliability N = 25 ICC: 0.85–0.97 | PCDAI showed good responsiveness to change compared to PGA (r = 0.71) and differentiated clinical improvement from those with poor response (AUC ROC 0.86–0.96) | |
Grover et al. | N = 24 Prospective cohort | PCDAI to SES-CD r = 0.33 | N/A | PCDAI demonstrated poor responsiveness between pre- and posttreatment measures in comparison to SES-CD |
The optimal PCDAI cutoff score that defined remission has been open to some discussion. The initial study found that a PCDAI score of ≤10 points discriminated active from quiescent disease. Other studies found that PCDAI scores of <10 and <15 points were more sensitive and specific, respectively [24, 26]. In a more recent large study of 366 children, the best cutoff values were <10 points or <7.5 without the height item points for remission, 10–27.5 for mild disease, 30–37.5 moderate disease, and 40–100 for severe disease. This yielded the best accuracy (Table 46.1) acknowledging that the growth item is irrelevant in adolescents who passed the growing-tanner stages and that height typically improves several weeks or months after remission has been achieved (i.e., low responsiveness). The PCDAI does not differentiate well between moderate and severe disease activity and the feasibility of the PCDAI is only moderate. In the registry of a pediatric IBD collaborative research group, only 47.6% of the registered visits had a valid PCDAI score, compared to 97.6% with the Pediatric UC Activity Index (PUCAI – see below) [28]. Similarly, data to complete the PCDAI from the ImproveCareNow registry were available in the charts of only 20% of 3643 clinical visits [29]. Besides the low feasibility of the index and the limitations imposed by the growth item, the inclusion of the perianal item is debated as it reflects a different concept than luminal disease activity.
Recently, the PCDAI was subjected to a mathematical weighting on 437 children [30] (Table 46.5). The newly weighted PCDAI, termed wPCDAI, excluded three items shown to be redundant in reflecting disease activity when the other included items are in the model: height velocity, abdominal examination, and hematocrit. The score range of the wPCDAI is 0–125. In the validation cohort, it had higher correlation with PGA and ESR than the original PCDAI (0.75 vs 0.67 and 0.58 vs 0.49, respectively). The discriminant validity was better with the wPCDAI version: it differentiated those in remission from active disease (area under the ROC curve 0.95) and, unlike the original PCDAI, differentiated well between moderate and severe disease (area under the ROC curve 0.87). wPCDAI performed well as a primary outcome measure in recent studies assessing response rates to a second biological agent [31] and repeated courses of nutritional therapy in CD [32] in which remission was defined as wPCDAI <12.5 and response as decrease in wPCDAI >17.5.
Abdominal pain | Score | |||
0 = None | 10 = Mild: brief, does not interfere with activities | 20 = Moderate/severe: daily, longer lasting, affects activities, nocturnal | ______ | |
Patient functioning, general well-being | Score | |||
0 = No limitation of activities, well | 10 = Occasional difficulty in maintaining age-appropriate activities, below par | 20 = Frequent limitation of activity, very poor | ______ | |
Stools (per day) | Score | |||
0 = 0–1 liquid stools, no blood | 7.5 = Up to 2 semiformed with small blood, or 2–5 liquid | 15 = Gross bleeding, or ≥6 liquid, or nocturnal diarrhea | ______ | |
Laboratory | ||||
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate | Score | |||
0 = < 20 mm/h | 7.5 = 20–50 mm/h | 15 = > 50 mm/h | ______ | |
Albumin | Score | |||
0 = ≥ 3.5 g/dL | 10 = 3.1–3.4 g/dL | 20 = ≤ 3.0 g/dL | ______ | |
Examination | ||||
Weight | Score | |||
0 = Weight gain or voluntary weight stable/loss | 5 = Involuntary weight stable, weight loss 1–9% | 10 = Weight loss ≥ 10% | ______ | |
Perirectal disease | Score | |||
0 = None, asymptomatic tags | 7.5 = 1–2 indolent fistula, scant drainage, no tenderness | 15 = Active fistula, drainage, tenderness, or abscess | ______ | |
Extra-intestinal manifestations | Score | |||
(fever ≥ 38.5 °C for 3 days over past week, definite arthritis, uveitis, E. nodosum, P. gangrenosum) | ||||
0 = None | 10 = One or more | ______ | ||
Total Score (0–125): |
A number of abbreviated PCDAI instruments have been proposed to increase the feasibility of the PCDAI for use in retrospective chart reviews [33, 34]. The abbreviated PCDAI (abbrPCDAI) retained the 3 history variables (abdominal pain, general well-being, and stools per day), weight variable, abdominal exam, and perirectal disease. A larger study presented a short version of the PCDAI (shPCDAI), excluding items with a low frequency of completion in a patient registry [29]. The difference between the shPCDAI from the abbrPCDAI is that the extraintestinal manifestation item has replaced the perianal item and new weights have been mathematically assigned to each item, reflecting their relative importance to physician global assessment (PGA) of disease activity. The exclusion of the lab items in both indices increased their feasibility but at the expense of reduced validity when compared head-to-head with the other PCDAI versions [35]. Nonetheless, these versions may be used in retrospective studies when not all items required for the full index are available. A third abbreviated version, a modified PCDAI (modPCDAI), aims to provide a measure of disease activity in pediatric Crohn’s disease when only blood tests are available (e.g., in administrative databases) [36].
Due to the availability of improved therapeutic options in recent years and the increasing recognition of progressive intestinal damage even in the absence of clinical disease, increasing emphasis has been placed on mucosal healing as a treatment target in IBD [37–40]; PCDAI has a poor correlation with endoscopic assessment of mucosal healing both at diagnosis (r = 0.33) and following induction therapy (r = 0.34) and is an inferior marker than both CRP and fecal calprotectin [41]. Further analysis on 2 large prospectively collected cohorts (ImageKids and GROWTH studies) aimed to compare four PCDAI versions, PCDAI, wPCDAI, abbrPCDAI, and shPCDAI, head-to-head with endoscopic degree of inflammation. All four versions had, at best, fair correlation (r = 0.42–0.45) and performed inadequately to provide a valid assessment of mucosal healing [35].
A validated marker of subclinical inflammation and mucosal healing is becoming an increasingly critical need for clinical trials of new therapies in CD [42]. At present all recognized clinical indices in CD fall short of fulfilling this role.
Perianal Crohn’s Disease
In classification of perianal CD, a distinction should be made between the detailed anatomic description of perianal fistulas and an assessment of fistula activity [43]. There are two disease activity measures currently used in clinical trials to follow perianal CD activity: the Perianal Disease Activity Index (PDAI) and the Fistula Drainage Assessment (Table 46.6). The PDAI was developed and validated by Irvine and colleagues based on the assessment of quality of life factors [44]. It contains 5 items, each scored 0–4, with higher scores representing more severe disease. In the validation cohort, it had moderate correlation with both physician and patient assessment of perianal disease activity (r = 0.72 and 0.66, respectively). As expected, it correlated poorly with the CDAI and HBI (r = 0.23 and 0.21, respectively) implying that perianal disease can present in the absence of other CD symptoms. The PDAI scores were reproducible in patients with stable disease over 4–8 weeks, implying test-retest reliability. Although the PDAI changed in patients who improved or deteriorated on repeat visits, robust and accepted responsiveness statistics were not presented. The second instrument, the Fistula Drainage Assessment (Table 46.7), was introduced as part of a clinical trial of infliximab therapy for perianal CD [45]. A fistula was considered closed when it no longer drained despite gentle finger compression. A response was defined as a reduction of 50% or more in the number of draining fistulas, and remission was defined as absence of any draining fistulas on two consecutive visits. In this study, the Fistula Drainage Assessment was significantly lower in the treatment versus the control group, similar to the PDAI calculated simultaneously. Although these results have been replicated in other clinical trials [46–48], the PDAI has several drawbacks. “Gentle finger compression” is an investigator-dependent measure, and fistula remission is dependent on external appearance, while MRI studies demonstrate that the internal fistula tract lags behind clinical remission by a median of 12 months [49, 50].
Discharge |
0 No discharge |
1 Minimal mucous discharge |
2 Moderate mucous or purulent discharge |
3 Substantial discharge |
4 Gross fecal soiling |
Pain/restriction of activities |
0 No activity restriction |
1 Mild discomfort, no restriction |
2 Moderate discomfort, some limitation activities |
3 Marked discomfort, marked limitation |
4 severe pain, severe limitation |
Restriction of sexual activity |
0 No restriction sexual activity |
1 Slight restriction sexual activity |
2 Moderate limitation sexual activity |
3 Marked limitation sexual activity |
4 Unable to engage in sexual activity |
Type of perianal disease |
0 No perianal disease/skin tags |
1 Anal fissure or mucosal tear |
2 <3 perianal fistulas |
3 ≥ 3 perianal fistulas |
4 Anal sphincter ulceration or fistulas with significant undermining of skin |
Degree of induration |
0 No induration |
1 Minimal induration |
2 Moderate induration |
3 Substantial induration |
4 Gross fluctuance/abscess |
Definition | |
Remission | Fistula closure or absence of any draining fistulas for at least 4 weeks |
Response | ≥50% decrease in draining fistulas for at least 4 weeks |
Incorporating MRI-based scoring features in an attempt to combine anatomical fistula description with features reflecting active inflammation, van Assche et al. generated a score which, not surprisingly, correlated poorly with PDAI but in which absence of MR enhancement was found to correlate well with clinical remission [51, 52]. Of MRI features of perianal disease, recent pediatric data suggests perianal fistula length assessed by MRI was found to be the best predictor of treatment response [53].
There is no unique perianal disease activity index for children. In order for the PDAI to be considered in children, the sexual dysfunction component should be modified to reflect more age-appropriate issues. At present, the use of the Fistula Drainage Assessment definitions appears to be the preferred perianal outcome in pediatric clinical trials, as an anchor for physician assessment of disease activity; however, improved instruments to score perianal CD fistula activity are required [43].
Ulcerative Colitis Disease Activity Indices
The earliest classification of UC disease activity was a qualitative scale published by Truelove and Witts in 1955 (Table 46.8) [54]. Because of simple gradation, significant ambiguity exists in defining change in disease activity with this index. Arbitrary quantitative indices have since been introduced, including the Powell-Tuck Index [55], the Mayo Clinic score [56], Rachmilewitz Index [57], and Lichtiger Score [58] with the Mayo score currently in widespread use. The first three scores include an endoscopic evaluation of the rectosigmoid as part of the global assessment. Their validation has been largely a side product of clinical trials in which they have been used and developed. Seo and colleagues developed and evaluated a UC disease activity index [59, 60], weighted against the Truelove and Witts classification. The initial development process was biased toward severe disease since the investigators used a retrospective cohort of hospitalized patients. Walmsley and colleagues developed a Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index that removed all laboratory parameters [61]. It correlated highly with both the Powell-Tuck Index and Seo index. The Endoscopic-Clinical Correlation Index (ECCI) was developed prospectively in 137 adults with items chosen based on their ability to predict endoscopic outcome [62]. The ECCI is highly correlated with the endoscopy colitis score (r = 0.81), higher than the Seo, Truelove and Witts, Powell-Tuck, and Walmsley’s simple colitis index; however, separate validation is not available to assess reliability and responsiveness. In a prospective head-to-head study in adults of all noninvasive UC disease activity indices, the Walmsley index and PUCAI (see below) were best in assessing disease activity when compared to a number of parameters including the Mayo score [63] (Table 46.9).
Disease activity | Criteria |
Remission | 1–2 stools/day without blood No fever No tachycardia Hemoglobin normal or returning to normal ESR normal or returning to normal Gaining weight (To be in remission, must exhibit all 6 features) |
Mild | ≤4 stools/day with no more than small amounts of macroscopic blood No fever No tachycardia Anemia not severe ESR ≤30 |
Moderate | Intermediate between severe and mild |
Severe | ≥6 stools/day with macroscopic blood Fever >37.5 °C (mean evening temperature) or ≥37.8 °C 2 days out of 4 Tachycardia (mean HR >90/min) Anemia (Hgb 75% or less; allowance made for recent transfusion) ESR >30 |
Table 46.9
Ulcerative colitis disease activity indices (adult)
Instrument items | Powell-Tuck Index [55] | Rachmilewitz score [57] | Lichtiger Index [58] | Seo Index [59] | SCCAI [61] | ECCI [62] | |
Clinical signs and symptoms Stool characteristics Abdominal pain General well-being No. complications | 0–6 – 0–3 – | 0–6 0–2 0–3 0–2 | 0–7 0–3 0–3 0–9 | 0–9 0–3 0–5 – | Frequency: 1–3 (×13) Blood: 0–1 (×60) – – – | 0–11 – 0–4 1/complication | No. nocturnal × 16 Blood 0–4 × 17 – – – |
Physical exam Abdominal tenderness Body temperature | – – | 0–3 0–2 | – 0–3 | 0–3 – | – – | – – | – 0–1 × 39 |
Laboratory variables
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