Posterior urethral valves
Exstrophy/epispadias complex
Acquired neurogenic bladder
Spinal cord injury
Multiple sclerosis
Acquired non-neurogenic bladder
Overactive bladder
Radiation cystitis
(Interstitial cystitis)
Intraoperative loss of bladder wall
Urinary undiversion
Congenital Conditions
Myelodysplasia , a form of spinal dysraphism , may lead to neurogenic bladder dysfunction. Approximately 1/3 of patients have sphincter dyssynergia, and the urodynamic pattern often changes as the child ages [9]. The failure of conservative or medical therapy to adequately treat urinary incontinence, high detrusor leak point pressures, and renal dysfunction are indications for bladder augmentation. It was estimated that approximately 5% [10] to 30% [11] of patients with spina bifida may undergo an augmentation cystoplasty. However, there has been a 25% in numbers of pediatric patients who have undergone cystoplasty in the 2000s for various reasons [12]. Augmentation is often combined with other procedures such as a catheterizable abdominal stoma and bladder neck procedure or sling to increase urinary outlet resistance.
Posterior urethral valves in males can lead to bladder dysfunction and renal failure. Augmentation cystoplasty may be required prior to renal transplantation [13–17]. Patients with exstrophy/epispadias complex also require bladder augmentation when staged functional reconstruction is unsuccessful [18–22].
Acquired Neurogenic Bladder
Spinal cord injury can lead to severe detrusor overactivity, poor bladder compliance, and decreased capacity over time. The changes are frequently related to the level of injury. Suprasacral spinal cord lesions often lead to detrusor overactivity with sphincter dyssynergia. This antagonistic dysfunction of the bladder and the outlet can impair detrusor compliance, and over time lead to reduced bladder capacity [24]. Sacral spinal cord lesions often lead to detrusor areflexia with a fixed, nonrelaxing sphincter. Generally, the bladder has normal compliance; however, over time, decreased compliance and reduced capacity can develop [24].
Bladder augmentation may be indicated if incontinence, high detrusor leak point pressures, severe autonomic dysreflexia, or renal dysfunction occur due to failure of the bladder to store urine at a low pressure. Usually, augmentation is considered when other measures such as behavioral modifications, anticholinergics, intravesical botulinum toxin, or rarely anterior nerve root stimulation are ineffective [25–28].
Multiple sclerosis is another cause of neurogenic bladder dysfunction that may result in detrusor overactivity with sphincter dyssynergia [29]. Bladder dysfunction can worsen over time, and progressive neuromuscular deterioration can make intermittent self-catheterization difficult [30]. Medical therapy with anticholinergics and intravesical botulinum toxin are usually the preferred treatment. However, occasional cases may be amenable to augmentation cystoplasty [31].
Overactive Bladder
Overactive bladder is a syndrome or symptom complex of urinary urgency with or without urgency incontinence, urinary frequency, and nocturia [32]. Bladder augmentation is a treatment of last resort for refractory symptoms associated with detrusor overactivity that cannot be controlled with behavioral therapy, anticholinergics, intravesical botulinum toxin, or sacral/peripheral neuromodulation [33]. The number of cystoplasty procedures for OAB has fallen in the UK in the years 2000–2010 possibly secondary to the advent of botulinum toxin and sacral neuromodulation [34].
Genitourinary tuberculosis occurs in 10–20% of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis [35]. Tuberculous infection causes swelling and inflammation, and bladder wall thickening. Tubercles may form within the mucosa, coalesce, and ulcerate. The most common site is around the orifices, which can become obstructed. The disease can progress and severely reduce bladder capacity [30]. Tuberculosis, once a common indication for augmentation [36], is now a rarity due to better therapies and decreased incidence in the developed world [37, 38].
Inflammatory Causes
Radiation changes may follow external beam radiation therapy for treatment of pelvic malignancy. Acute cystitis symptoms usually resolve within a few months; however, occasionally, bladder wall fibrosis may occur and reduce bladder capacity and impair function [41]. Patient comorbidities and further oncologic treatment may limit augmentation in this group [42].
Bladder augmentation has been used as treatment for interstitial cystitis in patients with contracted small capacity bladders [43]. However, augmentation has shown only modest success as treatment for pain associated with interstitial cystitis [30, 44]. Its use in this population is controversial [30, 45–47].
Augmentation cystoplasty may be necessary in patients with significant loss of the bladder wall due to surgical resection. This may be from the resection of locally advanced non-urologic cancer or benign bladder resections. For patients with previous urinary diversion who did not undergo a cystectomy, redirecting the ureters to an augmentation cystoplasty may be a reasonable method of undiversion in some patients [48].
Serious bowel dysfunction, such as inflammatory bowel disease or after radiotherapy, in which removal of a segment will compromise absorption is a contraindication to augmentation. In patients with short gut syndrome ileum and colon should not be used although stomach may be an alternative. The presence of bladder pathology that would preclude its use is a contraindication. Another contraindication is when a patient is unwilling or unable to do clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) , performed either by himself/herself or a caregiver [49].
Poor baseline renal function may predispose patients to severe electrolyte abnormalities and worsening renal function and is a relative contraindication [49, 50]. However, in patients with continuing renal dysfunction as a direct result of bladder dysfunction, augmentation may be appropriate and can slow the decline in renal function [49, 51].
Surgical Considerations
Preoperative workup usually involves renal and bladder imaging (to assess renal anatomy, obstruction, and the presence of stone disease), video-urodynamics (with special attention to the appearance of the bladder neck in order to assess the need for concomitant bladder neck or incontinence surgery), cystoscopy (to assess lower urinary tract anatomy), urine culture, complete blood count, renal function, and electrolyte levels. A history of bowel disease or surgery may require preoperative bowel imaging studies or colonoscopy. A full preoperative bowel preparation is generally used. Recently, questions have been raised regarding its safety and necessity [52, 53]. However, a large study of 8442 patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery from National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) database , with 3822 patients (45.3%) with preoperative oral antibiotics and mechanical bowel preparation and 2296 (27.2%) without either, showed that these intervention resulted in a significantly lower postoperative incidence of surgical site infection, anastomotic leak, and ileus [54].
The bladder is usually exposed through a lower midline abdominal incision, and the bowel segment is assessed for its suitability for use. The surgeon assesses the ease of moving the segment down to the bladder combined with the possible nutritional and metabolic consequences that will be discussed below. The bowel segment is usually detubularized to maximize the surface area (and therefore the resulting bladder volume), and reduce bowel contractions and postoperative detrusor pressure [55].
Ileum is often the preferred segment due to its familiarity among urologists, low complication rate, and tolerable metabolic profile [30, 50]. It may result in lower postoperative maximal detrusor pressures and may reduce uninhibited contractions more effectively than sigmoid [56]. A 20–40 cm segment is selected (depending on the need), at least 20 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve. It is detubularized and used in various configurations for augmentation (Figs. 23.1a, b and 23.2) [57].

Fig. 23.1
(a) Ileocystoplasty. A 20- to 40-cm segment of ileum at least 15 cm from the ileocecal valve is removed and opened on its antimesenteric border. Ileoileostomy reconstitutes the bowel. (b) The opened ileal segment should be reconfigured. This can be done in a U, S, or W configuration. It can be further folded as a cup patch. (c) The reconfigured ileal segment is anastomosed widely to the native bladder. (Used with permission of Elsevier from Adams MC, Joseph DB. Urinary Tract Reconstruction in Children. In Campbell-Walsh Urology, Vol. 4 (eds: Wein A, Kavoussi LR, Novick AC, Partin AW, Peters CA). Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2007: 3656–3702)

Fig. 23.2
A 40 cm length of ileum is shown. The segment has been isolated from the GI tract and reconfigured. The antimesenteric border was incised and the bowel segment was detubularized into an inverted U-shaped. It will be anastomosed to the bladder
Sigmoid is an alternative and has been reported to have a lower rate of bowel obstruction [58, 59]. A 15–20 cm detubularized segment can be used.
Another alternative is cecum and ascending colon that can be mobilized up to the hepatic flexure. Cecum can be detubularized and used alone or in conjunction with a 15–30 cm segment of detubularized ileum to form the augment. Ileum or appendix can be used as a continent catheterizable channel with the ileocecal valve (or intravesical tunneling of the appendix) providing the continence mechanism. The ileal segment can also be used as a bladder “chimney” to reach resected or obstructed ureters for reimplantation if necessary.
Stomach is rarely used and jejunum should probably be avoided because of associated metabolic complications such as hyperchloremic, hyperkalemic metabolic acidosis, and hyponatremia that have been reported with conduits [60].
Alternative procedures for bladder augmentation include ureterocystoplasty (which is an option in patients with megaureter and an ipsilateral nonfunctional kidney [61, 62]) and autoaugmentation. Autoaugmentation involves performing a detrusor myectomy to create a large, low-pressure bladder diverticulum. Autoaugmentation avoids the complications associated with bowel; however, it has poor long-term efficacy [63–67]. This was analyzed in a recent review of alternatives to enterocystoplasty [68].
Once the bowel segment has been selected, the bladder is usually opened with a sagittal incision to bivalve it (“clam” cystoplasty [69]). An alternative is a wide U-shaped anterior or posterior incision that effectively creates a large flap for a wide anastomosis [70]. Supratrigonal bladder excision [71] can also be done. The ureteric orifices are identified to avoid injury. The bowel segment is sutured to the bladder with a wide anastomosis to ensure good drainage of the augmentation. A pelvic drain, suprapubic tube, and Foley catheter may be placed for the postoperative period.
Close follow-up is necessary in the immediate postoperative period until indwelling catheters are removed and the patient adjusts to CIC and bladder irrigation. The augmentation usually enlarges with time. Long-term follow-up consists of renal imaging, renal function tests, electrolyte measurements (to test for metabolic derangements), and complete blood count (to detect pernicious anemia). Some authors have advocated screening cystoscopy 5–10 years after augmentation to assess for bladder cancer; however, this is controversial [76, 77]. Urodynamics may be done if there is a change in symptoms, onset of new hydronephrosis, or worsening renal function.
The overall complication rates in various series range from 3 to 41% depending on the duration of follow-up and completeness of reporting [78, 79].
Early Postoperative Complications
With any major abdominal surgery there are associated cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal complications. Postoperative mortality rates have been reported between 0 and 3.2% [49, 78, 80–87] and were generally the result of postoperative myocardial infarction (0–2.7%) and pulmonary embolus/deep vein thrombosis (0–7%) [39]. There have been a small number of reports of other severe complications, such as major bleeding requiring reoperation [39] and necrosis of the bowel segment [8, 87].
Small bowel obstruction requiring operative intervention may occur in 3–6% of patients, and approximately 5–6% of patients may develop a wound infection or dehiscence [49]. Anastomotic leak from the bladder occurs in 2–4% of patients. Postoperative ileus is common, and prolonged ileus occurs in approximately 5% of patients [49]. Severe postoperative complications are less frequent in contemporary case series [49].
Continence and Urodynamic Outcomes
Several groups have reported long-term functional outcomes in adult and pediatric populations. Blavias and colleagues [70] reported on 65 adult patients who underwent augmentation cystoplasty (primarily with an ileocecal segment) with or without creation of an abdominal stoma (and included an additional 11 patients who had a continent diversion). At a mean follow-up of 5 years, 70% considered themselves cured, and 18% considered themselves improved. Failures consisted almost exclusively of interstitial cystitis patients. Mean bladder capacity increased from 166 to 572 mL, and mean maximal detrusor pressure fell from 53 to 14 cmH2O. Flood and coworkers [42] reported on 122 augmentation cystoplasties (67% ileocystoplasty, 30% ileocecocystoplasty) with a mean follow-up of 3 years. They had a primarily adult population. They reported similar urodynamic improvements, a 75% cure rate, and a 20% improvement rate in incontinence.
Quek and Ginsberg [88] reported durability of the urodynamic improvements and 96% patient satisfaction among 24 patients with a mean follow-up of 8 years (range 4–13).
Herschorn and Hewitt [78] preformed a cross-sectional survey of 59 adults who underwent augmentation cystoplasty (usually with additional simultaneous reconstructive procedures) at a median follow-up of 6 years. Sixty -seven percent of patients reported complete continence, and 30% reported only mild incontinence (requiring on average 1–2 pads per day). Almost all patients were very satisfied with their urologic management.
Results in the pediatric populations are similar although the majority of patients require additional reconstructive procedures such as ureteral reimplantation, bladder neck procedures, and creation of catheterizable channels. Lopez Pereira and coworkers reported on 29 children with a mean follow-up of 11 years [89]. Mean postoperative bladder capacity increased from 90 to 521 mL, and mean maximal detrusor pressure fell from 45 to 10 cmH2O. Shekarriz and coworkers reported a 95% continence rate among 133 pediatric patients at a mean follow-up of 5 years [58].
A number of authors have compared the outcomes of ileum, ileocecal, and sigmoid segments and have not shown any consistent advantages of any segment in terms of urinary continence or renal function [87, 90–92]. Urodynamically demonstrated contractions might persist postoperatively with colonic segments [56, 93].
Long-Term Consequences
The possible long-term consequences of augmentation are listed in Table 23.2 and discussed below. Complications requiring intervention may occur years after the original surgery [78, 79]. This underscores the necessity of long-term follow-up.
Table 23.2
Long-term consequences of augmentation cystoplasty and potential management strategies
Description | Management | |
Growth retardation and osteopenia | • Conflicting evidence on the presence of linear growth reduction | • Consider monitoring bone mineral density |
• Chronic acidosis may lead to osteopenia | • Treat acidosis | |
Electrolyte abnormalities | • Hyperchloremic, metabolic acidosis ± hypokalemia | • Chloride restriction, bicarbonate, niacin, chlorpromazine |
Ileum/colon | • Hypochloremic, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis ± hematuria–dysuria syndrome | • IV fluids, potassium supplementation, histamine antagonists, proton pump inhibitors |
Stomach | ||
Renal insufficiency | • May occur as a result of complications associated with augmentation cystoplasty, especially in patients with poor preoperative renal function | • Postoperative monitoring of renal function |
Vitamin B12 deficiency | • Due to ileal resection | • Postoperative monitoring of complete blood count |
• B12 supplementation | ||
Bladder Cancer | • Increased risk of aggressive bladder cancer among patients with neurogenic bladder; controversial if the augmentation is an independent risk factor | • Aggressive investigation of hematuria, frequent urinary infections, or penile/scrotal discharge |
Bladder perforation | • Consider in any patient with peritonitis, septic shock, abdominal pain and distension, nausea and vomiting, fever, referred shoulder pain, or intraperitoneal fluid | • In stable patients, a trial of conservative therapy may be attempted. |
• Standard treatment is laparotomy for surgical repair | ||
• Prevention with education of patient to comply with IC | ||
Stone disease | • Due to metabolic alterations, poor bladder emptying, mucus, and chronic infection | • Endoscopic, percutaneous, or open surgical procedure |
• Increased fluid intake and dietary modifications | ||
• Bladder irrigation | ||
Mucus | • Produced by the bowel segment | • Bladder irrigation |
• Acetylcysteine/urea irrigations | ||
Urinary tract infection | • Asymptomatic bacteriuria is common | • Antibiotic therapy for symptomatic infections |
• Symptomatic urinary infection require treatment | • Antibiotic prophylaxis or intravesical irrigations for frequent symptomatic infections | |
• Bladder irrigation | ||
Bowel dysfunction | • Due to alterations to bile acid metabolism; often exacerbates underlying neurogenic bowel or irritable bowel syndrome | • Low fat diet |
• Antidiarrheal medication | ||
• Bile acid binders (cholestyramine) | ||
Voiding dysfunction | • Incomplete emptying or inability to void | • CIC is commonly required postoperatively |
• Incontinence may be due to an incompetent outlet | • Surgical treatment of incontinence is common | |
Pregnancy | • Vaginal delivery preferable | |
• Urologic assistance is helpful during elective cesarean sections |
Growth Retardation and Decreased Bone Mineral Density
Small case series by Mundy and Nurse [94] and Wagstaff and coworkers [95] were the first to suggest there is a decrease in linear growth in children after augmentation cystoplasty. Since then, several additional studies have been published, of which 2 suggested there is approximately a 15% decrease in linear growth after augmentation and 6 which did not demonstrate a significant change to linear growth [96, 97]. There is also contradictory evidence as to whether decreased bone mineral density or osteopenia is a result of the augmentation [97]. In a case series of 24 children followed for an average of 9 years after augmentation, Hafez and coworkers reported a 20% incidence of significant osteopenia [98]. The osteopenia is likely a result of buffering of the acidosis by the skeletal system, which leads to changes in bone mineralization [99]. Correction of this acidosis may improve bone density [100]. Other mechanisms of osteopenia include reduced renal tubular reabsorption of calcium and intestinal malabsorption of calcium [101]. In a recent study, Haas and colleagues demonstrated that bone mineral density was significantly related to ambulatory status and secondarily to neurological level rather than to the presence or absence of augmentation cystoplasty [102]. The long-term impact of the osteopenia and how it affects children as adults is still unknown [97].
Management includes appropriate screening and treatment of postoperative metabolic acidosis. Patients with renal failure are more likely to have uncompensated acidosis and should be followed closely and treated for this complication. Some authors have advocated bone mineral density measurements after augmentation [98].
Electrolyte Abnormalities
The expected pattern of metabolic abnormality is dependent on the segment of bowel used in the augmentation cystoplasty. Other factors that influence the severity of the electrolyte imbalance include the surface area of the augmentation, urine pH, and the urine contact time [101].
Ileum and Colon
With an ileal or colonic augmentation, the classic electrolyte pattern is hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. The symptoms associated with metabolic acidosis are fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, and polydipsia. There are several possible mechanisms: frequent pyelonephritis may lead to distal tubular acidification defect, urea in the urine may be metabolized by intestinal flora to ammonium which is then absorbed by the bowel, loss of bicarbonate from the bowel that lead to metabolic acidosis, or chloride that is actively transported from the bowel into the urine leads to reabsorption of ammonium or hydrogen ions [103]. The most likely mechanism is ammonium substitution for sodium in a sodium-hydrogen ion antiport; this antiport is coupled with a bicarbonate-chloride exchanger, leading to a net reabsorption of hydrogen ions, ammonium, and chloride [104]. Hypokalemia can occur during treatment of an acidosis, which unmasks low total body potassium, or as a result of renal potassium wasting (seen more frequently with colonic segments) [104, 105]. Associated hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia (usually restricted to patients with renal insufficiency and more commonly seen in colonic augmentations) may be due to reduced renal reabsorption due to a high level of sulfate that is reabsorbed from the bowel, or due to chronic acidosis causing calcium mobilization and subsequent activation of parathyroid hormone [105, 106].
Normal renal function can often compensate for this acidosis; the majority of patients will have a measurable abnormality [107]; however, it will only be clinically relevant in approximately 10–20% of patients [49, 108]. The absorptive properties of the bowel may be attenuated with time due to mucosal atrophy [109, 110]. Treatment of the acidosis is usually considered once the base excess falls below −2.5 mmol/L [105, 108]. Therapy consists of dietary chloride restriction, bicarbonate supplementation (sodium bicarbonate, potassium citrate), and maximal urinary drainage [106]. Niacin or chlorpromazine inhibits active chloride transportation in the intestine and may be useful especially when the solute load of bicarbonate therapy is undesirable [98].
In a gastric augment, the classic electrolyte pattern is hypochloremic, hypokalemic, and metabolic alkalosis. Associated clinical symptoms include pelvic pain, fatigue, mental status changes, seizures, or cardiac arrhythmias [105]. Treatment of the electrolyte disturbance involves maximal bladder drainage, normal saline fluid resuscitation, and potassium replacement when necessary [105, 111]. Long-term therapy with potassium chloride may be required [105]. Acid secretion can be suppressed with histamine antagonists or proton pump inhibitors [105].
Hematuria–dysuria syndrome is characterized by excess acid secretion causing peptic ulcer disease, hematuria and dysuria; it occurs in up to 25% of patients, and treatment with a proton pump inhibitor is required intermittently or continuously in a small proportion of patients [112].
The liver is responsible for metabolizing ammonium (absorbed from an augmentation cystoplasty) into urea. Impaired hepatic function or sepsis can lead to the inability of the liver to cope with the hyperammonemia; symptomatically, this presents as ammoniagenic encephalopathy [106]. Treatment is maximal urinary drainage, low protein diet, ammonium binders (such as lactulose or neomycin), and in severe cases intravenous arginine glutamate [105].
Renal Insufficiency
Deterioration of renal function may occur in 0–15% of patients after augmentation [49]. It is unknown whether this is a direct result of the augmentation or due to associated complications [113]. Renal insufficiency occurs independent of the bowel segment selected [114, 115]. The etiology of renal dysfunction may be urinary stone disease, bacteriuria, high detrusor pressures, vesicoureteral reflux, unrecognized obstruction, and lack of compliance with catheterization [114]. One study suggests approximately 5% of patients will have renal dysfunction after augmentation without a clear etiology [114]. Some authors have demonstrated that baseline renal function is a significant predictor of renal deterioration after augmentation cystoplasty, with an increased risk when creatinine clearance is <40 mL/min [8, 49, 116, 117]. Other studies in children and adults with baseline renal dysfunction did not appear to demonstrate that they have accelerated renal failure after augmentation cystoplasty [51, 78].
In a recent review of 80 patients treated at the Mayo Clinic with ileocystoplasty and simultaneous bladder neck outlet procedure after a median follow-up of 14 years (range, 8–45 years), Husmann reported upper tract deterioration in 40% (32/80) of the patients. Development of ≥ stage 3 chronic renal failure occurred in 38% (12/32) of the patients with scarring, i.e., 15% (12/80) of the total patients. Prior to the development of the renal scarring, 69% (22/32) of the patients had been noncompliant with intermittent catheterization. He attributed the new onset renal deterioration largely to patient noncompliance with medical directive [118].
Although there is no published consensus on the order of performing augmentation cystoplasty and renal transplant, there are no significant differences between pretransplant and posttransplant AC. It therefore seems reasonable to perform the AC before a kidney is transplanted to avoid damage to the graft from the hostile bladder [17]. Graft survival and function after AC also appear to be similar to those in children with normal bladders [17].
Postoperatively, patients should have renal imaging and serum creatinine measurements to screen for renal insufficiency [106]. Serum creatinine can be difficult to interpret in this population, due to a low muscle mass in neurogenic patients, and increased reabsorption of urine creatinine by the ileum. Nuclear renograms may be better for definitive measurement.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 is bound to intrinsic factor in the duodenum which allows is to be absorbed in the terminal ileum. With ileocystoplasty, the most distal 15 cm of the ileum should be preserved to prevent this complication [106]. Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause megaloblastic anemia and neurologic changes [106]. In nutritionally normal individuals, it takes up to 3 years for the liver’s store of B12 to be depleted and the resulting deficiency to manifest. The incidence of B12 deficiency related to ileal resection is 3–20% [106, 119].
This complication may be treated prophylactically with B12 supplementation if more than 50 cm of ileum is used for the bladder augmentation [120]. Otherwise, patients should have complete blood counts in follow-up to screen for pernicious anemia.
Bladder cancer has been reported in young patients after augmentation [79, 121, 122]. It has also been reported that spinal cord injury patients and spina bifida patients develop bladder cancer at a young age (40–50 years), have an increased risk of locally advanced disease, an increased number of adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas, and a short median survival after diagnosis [77, 123]. In a matched cohort study from a registry of patients with bladder dysfunction due to neurologic abnormalities, exstrophy, and posterior urethral valves, Higuchi and colleagues did not find a significant difference in the incidence of bladder cancer among patients with augmentation cystoplasty (using ileum or colon) compared to patients managed with intermittent catheterization [76]. The authors did demonstrate that the incidence of bladder cancer was higher in both groups with congenital bladder anomalies independent of augmentation status when compared to the SEER database. Possible reasons for a higher rate of bladder cancer in patients with neurogenic bladder may be reduced intracellular antioxidant activity (leading to increased rates of DNA mutation) [124], impaired DNA repair in the bowel due to the hyperosmolar urine [125], and immunosuppressant use in patients after renal transplantation [76]. However, patients who have undergone a gastric augmentation may have a higher cancer risk compared to other bowel segments [76]. In a subsequent report, Rove and Higuchi presented more case series to illustrate that congenital bladder anomalies alone are a risk factor for malignancy [126]. Current screening tests such as cystoscopy and cytology are not cost effective and have not diagnosed the cancers.
In a recent systematic review of 57 articles involving malignancy and AC, Biardeau and colleagues [127] concluded that AC is associated with a risk of malignancy. In spite of its limitations, annual cystoscopy surveillance is the only validated tool available for diagnosis. It should be started 10 years after surgery and accompanied by clinical examination and surveillance imaging [127].
Urologists should have a particular awareness of the potential for aggressive bladder cancer in this population whether or not they have had an AC. Symptoms such as hematuria, frequent urinary infections or penile/scrotal discharge need to be aggressively investigated; visual changes in the bladder due to the augmentation, recent infections, or catheterization can make cystoscopy challenging, and biopsy or CT should be considered if there is any uncertainty [123].
Bladder Perforation
Bladder perforation is a potentially life-threatening complication that occurs in approximately 6–13% of patients [23, 128–132]. Patients with neurogenic bladders, those with competent bladder necks, those without a catheterizable channel and those who abuse alcohol appear to be at an increased risk [23, 49, 133, 134]. Perforation can occur at any time postoperatively, even years after surgery. It can present with fever, abdominal pain, and distension with intraperitoneal extravasation of urine, nausea and vomiting, referred shoulder pain, peritonitis, and septic shock [58, 130]. Because of neurologic abnormalities of these patients, the presenting symptoms are often nonspecific. Diagnosis can be made with a CT cystogram; standard fluoroscopic cystography has a 10–20% false negative rate [58, 129, 135]. CT or US can demonstrate intraperitoneal fluid which is an important sign that bladder perforation has occurred [136]. Due to the augmentation, extraperitoneal ruptures are rare [137]. The area of perforation is usually at the bowel-bladder anastomosis or within the weaker bowel wall [129]. The etiology of bladder perforation is thought to be from traumatic catheterization, acute over distension, increased intravesical pressure, chronic overdistension (from CIC noncompliance), or infection leading to localized areas of ischemia and necrosis [135, 138].

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