The intestinal immune system is intimately connected with the vast diversity of microbes present within the gut and the diversity of food components that are consumed daily. The discovery of novel molecular mechanisms, which mediate host-microbe-nutrient communication, have highlighted the important roles played by microbes and dietary factors in influencing mucosal immune responses. Dendritic cells, epithelial cells, innate lymphoid cells, T regulatory cells, effector lymphocytes, natural killer T cells, and B cells can all be influenced by the microbiome. Many of the mechanisms being described are bacterial strain or metabolite specific.
Key points
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Highly sophisticated cellular and molecular networks need to be constantly coordinated in order to tolerate the presence of many diverse bacteria on mucosal surfaces.
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Different types of bacteria induce different immune responses, and these effects are strain specific.
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Bacterial metabolism of dietary factors generates metabolites, which have significant effects on host immune responses.
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More accurate endotyping of patients with inflammatory disorders may be assisted by determining the composition and metabolic activity of an individual’s microbiome.
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Novel therapeutics directly targeting microbiome activities may be considered as complementary to existing drugs for treatment of inflammatory disorders.
The mammalian gastrointestinal tract is a highly evolved system specialized to perform the essential functions of nutrient digestion, absorption, and waste disposal. The intestinal mucosal immune system must maintain intestinal integrity in the presence of a vast quantity of external or foreign antigens, such as food proteins and the microbiome. The ability to tolerate a wide range of bacterial antigens is a unique feature of the mucosal system that is not seen with the systemic immune system. Tolerance to food and microbial antigens at mucosal surfaces is not a passive process. Highly sophisticated cellular and molecular networks need to be constantly coordinated in order to tolerate the presence of many diverse bacteria, and protective immune responses to potential pathogens must be maintained and induced on demand. Expression of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) allows the immune system to discriminate between commensal and harmful microbes. Inappropriate immune responses to bacterial or dietary antigens is a significant component in several intestinal pathologies, including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and food allergies.
The balance between immune tolerance and inflammation is regulated in part by the crosstalk between innate and adaptive immune cells and the intestinal microbiota. Disrupted communication between the microbiome and the host due to altered microbiome composition and/or metabolism is thought to negatively influence intestinal immune homeostatic networks. This negative influence can be clearly seen in mice bred under germ-free or sterile conditions, whereby mucosal tolerance mechanisms do not fully develop; these mice display increased allergic sensitization to food antigens. The deliberate modification of microbial species and their metabolism has led to the probiotic and prebiotic concepts. Probiotics can be defined as live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Notably, the definition of a probiotic does not differentiate between the wide range of potential health benefits; it is clear that not all probiotics will influence the immune system in the same way. Prebiotics can be defined as selectively fermented ingredients that allow specific changes, both in the composition and/or activity in the gastrointestinal microflora, that confer benefits on host well-being and health. As with the probiotic definition, not all prebiotics will have the same effect on immunologic functions. The combination of probiotics and prebiotics is termed synbiotics.
The mucosal immune system is classified as organized or diffuse gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALTs). The organized GALT includes Peyer patches, mesenteric lymph nodes, and solitary lymphoid follicles in the gut wall where antigen uptake, processing, and presentation occur. In contrast, diffuse GALT is a nonorganized system whereby individual cells, such as intraepithelial lymphocytes, are dispersed throughout the gut. Finally, epithelial cells themselves provide a barrier to antigen translocation and actively participate as sensors of luminal bacterial activity.
The mammalian gastrointestinal tract is a highly evolved system specialized to perform the essential functions of nutrient digestion, absorption, and waste disposal. The intestinal mucosal immune system must maintain intestinal integrity in the presence of a vast quantity of external or foreign antigens, such as food proteins and the microbiome. The ability to tolerate a wide range of bacterial antigens is a unique feature of the mucosal system that is not seen with the systemic immune system. Tolerance to food and microbial antigens at mucosal surfaces is not a passive process. Highly sophisticated cellular and molecular networks need to be constantly coordinated in order to tolerate the presence of many diverse bacteria, and protective immune responses to potential pathogens must be maintained and induced on demand. Expression of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) allows the immune system to discriminate between commensal and harmful microbes. Inappropriate immune responses to bacterial or dietary antigens is a significant component in several intestinal pathologies, including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and food allergies.
The balance between immune tolerance and inflammation is regulated in part by the crosstalk between innate and adaptive immune cells and the intestinal microbiota. Disrupted communication between the microbiome and the host due to altered microbiome composition and/or metabolism is thought to negatively influence intestinal immune homeostatic networks. This negative influence can be clearly seen in mice bred under germ-free or sterile conditions, whereby mucosal tolerance mechanisms do not fully develop; these mice display increased allergic sensitization to food antigens. The deliberate modification of microbial species and their metabolism has led to the probiotic and prebiotic concepts. Probiotics can be defined as live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Notably, the definition of a probiotic does not differentiate between the wide range of potential health benefits; it is clear that not all probiotics will influence the immune system in the same way. Prebiotics can be defined as selectively fermented ingredients that allow specific changes, both in the composition and/or activity in the gastrointestinal microflora, that confer benefits on host well-being and health. As with the probiotic definition, not all prebiotics will have the same effect on immunologic functions. The combination of probiotics and prebiotics is termed synbiotics.
The mucosal immune system is classified as organized or diffuse gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALTs). The organized GALT includes Peyer patches, mesenteric lymph nodes, and solitary lymphoid follicles in the gut wall where antigen uptake, processing, and presentation occur. In contrast, diffuse GALT is a nonorganized system whereby individual cells, such as intraepithelial lymphocytes, are dispersed throughout the gut. Finally, epithelial cells themselves provide a barrier to antigen translocation and actively participate as sensors of luminal bacterial activity.
Innate immune system
The innate immune system is composed of many different cell types, and these cells are often the first cells to come into contact with intestinal microbes and their metabolic products.
Dendritic Cells
Intestinal dendritic cells are located within specific intestinal lymphoid tissues, collectively termed GALTs, or diffusely distributed throughout the intestinal lamina propria. Dendritic cells are very important cells that act as sensors of microbial ligands through activation of innate immune receptors (eg, toll-like receptors [TLRs] and c-type lectin receptors). For example, a Lactobacillus rhamnosus bacterial strain is recognized by dendritic cell TLR-2 and Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-Grabbing Non-integrin. The signaling pathways triggered by bacterial-derived molecules allow for changes in dendritic cell phenotypes and cytokine secretion, which polarize the subsequent adaptive T-cell immune response into T helper 1 (T H 1), T H 2, T H 9, T H 17, T H 22, or T regulatory cells (T regs). Thus, appropriate dendritic cell recognition of microbial factors is key to the integration of microbial and/or host metabolism with immune functions ( Fig. 1 ).
Metabolism of vitamin A to retinoic acid is a key immunomodulatory activity associated with intestinal dendritic cells. Certain, but not all, intestinal microbes can induce retinoic acid metabolism by human dendritic cells in vitro and by murine CD103 + dendritic cells within the small intestine lamina propria. In contrast, Helicobacter pylori infection severely disrupted gastric retinoic acid biosynthesis, which could impair dendritic cell retinoic acid signaling and may contribute to disease progression. In addition to vitamin A metabolism, induction of another dendritic cell metabolic enzyme, heme oxygenase-1, was shown to be required for induction of mucosal T regs within mesenteric lymph nodes by Lactobacillus rhamnosus .
The influence of the microbiota on innate immune cells has been shown to affect the host response to cancer therapy. For example, germ-free mice and mice that are treated with antibiotics both show a diminished response to immunotherapy by CpG oligonucleotides and chemotherapy owing to the impaired function of myeloid-derived cells in the tumor microenvironment. Furthermore, bifidobacteria enhance immunity to tumors through the augmentation of dendritic-cell function leading to better control of implanted syngeneic tumors by CD8-expressing T cells. These studies open up a fascinating avenue of research whereby specific members of the microbiome may promote antitumor innate immune responses that are required for cancer therapies to be successful.
Macrophages are professional myeloid phagocytes and are highly specialized in removal of host cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, and cancer cells. Myeloid cells modulate important pathways, such as interleukin 22 (IL-22) production by innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), which induces the production of epithelial regenerating islet-derived protein 3 (RegIII)β and RegIIIγ, antimicrobial peptides that are important for maintaining a spatial separation between most commensal bacteria and the intestinal epithelial layer; this modulation is also pivotal for the local containment of commensals. Local concentrations of microbiota-derived metabolites, as well as systemic levels of microbial products, seem to drive myeloid-cell differentiation and function through PRR signaling. Indeed, these microbiota-driven alterations in the myeloid-cell pool greatly influence the susceptibility of the host to a variety of disorders, which range from infection to allergy and asthma. Intestinal microbial colonization drives the continuous replenishment of macrophages in the intestinal mucosa by monocytes that express C-C chemokine receptor type 2. Microbial sensing by myeloid cells within the lamina propria provides regulatory signals that are crucial for the maintenance of commensal mutualism and the initiation of inflammatory responses in the host.
Innate Lymphoid Cells
ILCs, a recently discovered lymphocyte branch of the innate immune system, develop normally in the absence of the microbiota; but the proper functioning of ILCs depend on commensal microbial colonization. Similarly to T lymphocytes, which are classified according to their cytokine secretion and transcription factor expression, ILCs have been classified as ILC1, ILC2, and ILC3. Most studies that examine the influence of the microbiota on ILCs have focused on ILC3. The importance of ILC3 cells in host-microbiota interactions became clear when their depletion and the resulting abrogation of IL-22 production was shown to produce a loss of bacterial containment in the intestine. However, other studies have reported elevated secretion of IL-22 by ILCs in the absence of the microbiota, whereas further studies have documented the abrogation of IL-22 secretion using antibiotics. One part of this response, which may be important, is flagellin sensing by CD103 + myeloid cells that drives IL-23-mediated production of IL-22 by ILCs. In addition, the presentation of microbial antigens by ILC3s limits commensal-specific T-cell responses, which maintain tolerance to commensal bacteria. An equally important microbiota-instructed function of ILCs is their communication with epithelial cells. Microbiota-induced IL-22 production by ILC3s induces expression of the enzyme fucosyltransferase 2 (galactoside 2-α- l -fucosyltransferase 2) and fucosylation of surface proteins by intestinal epithelial cells, which is required for host defense against enteric pathogens. Indeed, this pathway may function to promote the growth of beneficial members of the microbiota and contribute to the maintenance of a stable community of microorganisms, as during the starvation associated with intestinal infection, the shedding of fucosylated proteins into the intestinal lumen serves as a source of energy for commensal bacteria. The microbiota might also influence the activity of the other ILC subsets, such as ILC2s, which are activated by epithelial cell–derived IL-25 produced in a microbiota-dependent manner.
Epithelial Cells
Although not classically considered to be bona fide members of the innate immune system, intestinal epithelial cells are equipped with an extensive repertoire of innate immune receptors. However, the most important job of the epithelial cell is nutrient absorption. Pathogen infection can reduce epithelial cell digestive enzyme activity; but this detrimental effect can be reversed by certain commensal microbes, possibly via modulation of mucosal inflammatory responses. In addition to their absorptive function, epithelial cells form a mucosal barrier that protects host tissue from damaging agents such as luminal pathogens and toxic products. One protective barrier mechanism is the production and secretion of antimicrobial peptides, such as defensins and cathelicidins. Gut microbes have been shown to differentially regulate defensin expression and protein secretion, which is influenced by local inflammatory mediators. Metabolites from the microbiome induce epithelial cell inflammasome signaling resulting in IL-18 secretion and antimicrobial peptide production. Interestingly, host genetic deficiency in this pathway results in dysbiosis; this dysbiotic microbiome can hijack the microbiome of wild-type animals. Autophagy is an important adaptive response to stress, which promotes cell survival and is required for maintenance of the epithelial barrier. Several bifidobacteria have been recently described that promote autophagy in an intestinal cell line. The mucous layer coating the gastrointestinal tract is an important barrier component, and gut bacteria have been shown to promote mucin production by goblet cells in the intestine. Recently, a protein called p40 from a lactobacillus strain was demonstrated to be sufficient for stimulation of mucin production through transactivation of the epithelial epidermal growth factor receptor.
Excessive epithelial cell responses to microbial ligands result in local inflammatory responses, which disrupt the epithelial barrier. The presence of certain microbes can actually protect the epithelial cells and dampen the epithelial cell cytokine and chemokine responses. However, not all chemokine responses are impacted to the same extent by every bacterial strain; a single bacterial strain may reduce expression of certain chemokines, while increasing the expression of others. For example, Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010 suppresses CCL22 expression but enhances CCL19 expression, suggesting that strain-specific and chemokine-specific responses are induced by gut bacteria.
The PRR nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 2 (NOD2), which is highly expressed in the Paneth cells of the small intestine, is activated by microbial peptidoglycans present within the gut and generates a cellular response that includes the secretion of cytokines, the induction of autophagy, intracellular vesicle trafficking, epithelial regeneration, and the production of antimicrobial peptides, thereby influencing epithelial health and the composition of the microbiota. Epithelial cell NOD1 expression is important for both the C-C motif chemokine 20–mediated generation of isolated lymphoid follicles in the intestine and control of bacterial colonization. NOD1 is one of the important sensors that regulates the communication between the host and microorganisms through the production of inflammasome-mediated IL-18 and the downstream expression of antimicrobial peptides, and it also controls the secretion of mucus by goblet cells.
Adaptive immune system
The adaptive immune system receives polarizing signals from the innate cells to expand an appropriately controlled lymphocyte response to bacterial and metabolic factors.
T Lymphocytes
The beneficial effects of microbiome interactions with the host immune response against diseases, such as allergy or colitis, are often associated with enhancement of T reg cells. The main mechanisms underpinning T reg cell effects include production of inhibitory cytokines (IL-10, transforming growth factor [TGF]-β. and IL-35), effector cells cytolysis (via secretion of granzymes A and B), direct targeting of dendritic cells via inhibitory programmed cell death protein 1 and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 cell surface molecules, and metabolic disruption of effector cells (CD25, cAMP, adenosine, CD39, and CD73) and T reg cells that are induced by bacteria can have systemic antiinflammatory functions. The relative contribution of individual members or defined communities within the gut microbiota in the accumulation and functional maturation of T reg cells in the intestine is starting to be documented. Clostridia strains that fall within clusters IV, XIVa, and XVIII seem to have a strong capacity for inducing the accumulation of T reg cells in the colon. Clostridia from this cluster also stimulate ILC3s to produce IL-22, which helps to reinforce the epithelial barrier and reduces the permeability of the intestine to dietary proteins. Mice colonized by a microbiota that includes Clostridia display a suppressed response to food allergens. Many other commensal microbes, such as Bifidobacterium longum , Lactobacillus reuteri , and Lactobacillus murinus , have been also shown to increase the proportion of T reg cells in mice. Notably, consumption of B longum 35624 by healthy human volunteers resulted in an increased proportion of FOXP3 T reg cells in peripheral blood, whereas administration of this probiotic to patients with psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, or ulcerative colitis consistently resulted in reduced levels of serum proinflammatory biomarkers, such as C- reactive protein, possibly mediated by increased numbers of T reg cells.
Crosstalk between innate and adaptive cells to microbial signals promotes immune homeostasis in the intestine, including the induction of T regs. A recent study has revealed how complicated this crosstalk can be. Microbial signals sensed by intestinal macrophages resulted in IL-1β secretion, and this IL-1β promoted granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) release by local ILC3 cells. ILC3-derived GM-CSF then triggers dendritic cell and macrophage secretion of retinoic acid and IL-10, which, in turn, promotes the induction and expansion of T regs. Disturbance of this crosstalk significantly altered mucosal immune effector functions, resulting in impaired oral tolerance to dietary antigens. Interestingly, more severe allergic responses to food allergen challenge was observed in gnotobiotic mice reconstituted with microbes from allergic animals. In this animal model, allergic responses were associated with a decreased abundance of Firmicutes and increased abundance of Proteobacteria. In contrast, Proteobacteria seemed to be less abundant in infants with atopic symptoms, which was hypothesized to be related to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) incorporated into the bacteria cell wall. LPS drives T H 1 polarization by enhancing IL-12 secretion, which may dampen T H 2-dominant responses in atopic individuals. Collectively, there is considerable overlap between the responses of T reg cells to many (but not all) microbes present within the gut, which indicates that different cellular and molecular pathways supporting T reg generation and survival converge in the intestine. The induction and maintenance of T reg cells might be a common and crucial mechanism for maintaining the homeostatic and beneficial relationship between the microbiota and the host.
T H 17 cells secrete IL-17 that protects mucosal cells from infection, but exaggerated activity of this cell subset induces tissue inflammation. It was recently shown that the gut microbiota induces dendritic cells and macrophages to produce IL-1β and IL-6, which both drive T H 17 differentiation and arthritis. The number of T H 17 cells in the intestines varies widely between animal facilities, even in genetically identical mice that have been reared in specific pathogen-free conditions, and often reflects whether mice have been colonized with segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB), and SFB also promote fucosylation of the epithelium through the activation of ILC3 cells. On the other hand, gut-derived commensal bacteria have also been shown to suppress T H 17 responses both through direct and indirect mechanisms. T H 17/IL-17 activity can be suppressed by inducing T reg and/or T H 1 cell subsets, by induction of IL-27 production, which suppress the generation of IL-17 and induce IL-10 or by stimulation of TLR-9 on T H 17 cells. These data suggest that the commensal microbiota is important for inducing both proinflammatory and regulatory responses in order to rapidly clear infections and minimize inflammation-associated tissue damage.
Natural Killer T Cells
Natural killer T (NKT) cells are central mediators of intestinal inflammation; pathogenic NKT cell activation is mediated by CD1d + bone-marrow-derived cells, whereas CD1d + epithelial cells protect against intestinal inflammation. It has been shown that NKT cells can be influenced by the gut microbiome, and microbial lipid antigens may directly activate NKT cells. Recently a healthy human volunteer study showed that the combination of xylo-oligosaccharide with Bifidobacterium animalis reduced CD16/56 expression on NKT cells. However, the functional consequences of altered NKT cell activation by the microbiome in humans remain to be determined.
B Cells
B lymphocytes have an essential role in humoral immune responses via their secretion of antigen-specific antibodies. In addition, B cells can limit aggressive immune reactivity. B cells regulate immune responses mainly via IL-10, which has been shown in experimental models of infection, allergic inflammation, and tolerance. Indeed, the gut microbiota is important in driving the differentiation of IL-10–producing B regulatory cells.
B cell–dependent modulation of the microbiome was shown in immunoglobulin A (IgA)–deficient mice. IgA-deficient mice had persistent intestinal colonization with γ-Proteobacteria that cause sustained intestinal inflammation and increased susceptibility to neonatal and adult models of intestinal injury. The group also identified an IgA-dependent mechanism responsible for the maturation of the intestinal microbiota in mice. Recently another group showed that the number of gut-homing IgG+ and IgA+ B cells was significantly higher in infants compared with adults. This finding suggests that activation of naïve B cells in the gut overlaps with the establishment of the gut microbiota in humans. Oral administration of Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 (LG2055) induced IgA production and increased the number of IgA+ cells in Peyer patches and in the lamina propria. Combined stimulation of B cells with B-cell activating factor and LG2055 enhanced the induction of IgA production. Clostridia-induced T reg cells support the production of IgA in the intestine, which contributes to increased diversity of the microbiota and, in particular, of Clostridia. Communication between B cells and other cell types is important for IgA production, as the secretion of lymphotoxin-α (also known as tumor necrosis factor-β) by ILC3s is crucial for the production of B-cell IgA and for microbiota homeostasis in the intestine. In the absence of IgA, the commensal bacterium Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron , which typically does not trigger inflammation in the human gut, expresses high levels of gene products that are involved in the metabolism of nitric oxide and elicits proinflammatory signals in the host. IgA that has undergone affinity maturation through somatic hypermutation binds to and selects for particular components of the microbiota, which leads to an increase in the diversity of the microbial community and enhances mutualism between the microbiota and the host. Consistent with this observation, people who are deficient in IgA have more bacteria from taxa with potentially inflammatory properties. Mice that are deficient in T cells owing to a lack of T-cell antigen receptor chains β and δ, as well as those that lack T follicular cells and the T-cell-dependent IgA pathway owing to T-cell-specific inactivation of the gene Bcl6 in CD4+ T cells, retain an IgA-mediated response that is specific to antigens from commensal bacteria, indicating that T-cell–independent B-cell IgA production is directed at the microbiota. However, this response is characterized largely by the low-affinity binding of IgA to antigens that are shared by multiple species of bacteria. Thus, B-cell–derived IgA plays an important role in host defense against mucosally transmitted pathogens, controls the adherence of commensal bacteria to epithelial cells, and neutralizes bacterial toxins to maintain homeostasis at the mucosal surfaces.
Bacterial factors that influence mucosal immune responses
Bacterial cell wall components and metabolites from the microbiome have been associated with immunoregulatory effects within the gut mucosa. For example, major histocompatibility complex II–dependent presentation of segmented filamentous bacterial antigens by intestinal CD11c + dendritic cells promotes the local induction of T H 17 lymphocytes. In addition, capsular polysaccharide A (PSA) from Bacteroides fragilis has been shown to interact directly with mouse plasmacytoid dendritic cells via TLR-2. PSA-exposed plasmacytoid dendritic cells express molecules involved in protection against colitis and stimulated CD4 + cells to secrete IL-10. B fragilis boosts the production of IL-10 by T reg cells of the colon, and this activity is mediated by polysaccharide A70 from the bacterium’s capsule. Outer-membrane vesicles containing PSA that are released by B fragilis might also be taken up by dendritic cells of the intestine to stimulate their production of IL-10 through TLR-2 signaling. The IL-10 from these dendritic cells might then induce T reg cells to also produce IL-10. Similarly, an exopolysaccharide from Bacillus subtilis prevents gut inflammation stimulated by Citrobacter rodentium , which depends on TLR-4 and MyD88 signaling.
The production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) occurs in the colon following microbiome fermentation of dietary fibers, and SCFAs can also be consumed in certain foods, such as butter. SCFAs are an important energy source for colonocytes and regulate the assembly and organization of tight junctions. Abnormalities in the production of these metabolites (due to dietary factors and/or dysbiosis) might play a role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer, and allergies. SCFAs can modulate epithelial barrier function, production of antimicrobial peptides, and secretion of proinflammatory mediators. Among the SCFA, butyrate seems to be more potent than acetate or propionate in inducing immunomodulatory effects. Butyrate influences the activity of histone deacetylases (HDAC), which is responsible for decreasing dendritic cell IL-12 and IL-6 cytokine secretion and allows dendritic cells to promote T reg cells. Propionate can also contribute to the induction of T-cell FOXP3 expression by dendritic cells, whereas acetate does not have this activity possibly because of the lack of HDAC activity. Butyrate also inhibits intestinal macrophage HDAC. Another recent study has confirmed and extended the observation that butyrate promotes dendritic cell regulatory activity resulting in the induction of T reg cells and IL-10–secreting T cells. These effects were mediated by the g protein–coupled receptor GPR109a on colonic dendritic cells and macrophages. In contrast, butyrate has also been shown to promote IL-23 secretion by murine dendritic cells, which may promote T H 17 responses under certain circumstances. In addition to dendritic cells, direct effects on lymphocytes can also be mediated by SCFA, such as acetate, propionate, butyrate, and n-butyrate. Oral administration of a mixture of 17 Clostridia strains to mice attenuated the severity of colitis and allergic diarrhea in a T reg-TGF-β–dependent mechanism. This process is most likely due to SCFA produced by the Clostridia strains. In addition to GPR109a, GPR43 is also a receptor for SCFAs. GPR43 signaling ameliorates diseases, such as colitis, inflammatory arthritis, and allergic airway diseases. GPR43 is expressed by neutrophils and eosinophils, and GPR43 expression on colonic inducible T reg cells is associated with their expansion and IL-10 secretion. As already described earlier for dendritic cells, SCFAs inhibit HDAC activity also in lymphocytes enhancing histone H3 acetylation in the promoter and conserved noncoding sequence regions of the Foxp3 locus.
As bacterial metabolism of nondigestible fibers results in SCFA production, several studies have examined the influence of fiber consumption on immune responses. Mice fed a low-fiber diet before nasal sensitization with house dust mite extract developed higher local T H 2 responses within the lung, associated with increased mucus and goblet cell hyperplasia. In parallel, the composition of the microbiome changed, with increased Erysipelotrichaceae in the low-fiber group, whereas a high-fiber diet promoted Bacteroidaceae and Bifidobacteriaceae. The high-fiber diet increased circulating levels of SCFA, and administration of the SCFA propionate enhanced generation of macrophage and dendritic cell precursors from the bone marrow. Subsequently the presence of dendritic cells with high phagocytic capacity in lung tissue was noted, associated with an impaired ability to induce T H 2 effector cell functions. These effects were shown to depend on GPR41 but not GPR43. In another allergic asthma mouse model, dietary fiber intake significantly influenced clinical symptoms, eosinophil infiltration, goblet cell metaplasia, serum allergen-specific IgE levels, as well as T H 2 cytokines in the nose and lung, which was paralleled by increased Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria, with reduced abundance of Firmicutes and Proteobacteria in fecal samples.
Microbial fermentation of amino acids results in the secretion of biogenic amines within the gut. For example, microbial decarboxylation of histidine generates histamine. Four host histamine receptors have been described (H1R–H4R), and histamine-induced immune effects depend on the type of receptor expressed by a specific cell. The H2R has been shown to exert regulatory effects in multiple models, and histamine triggering of H2R on dendritic cells results in suppressed dendritic cell activation to microbial ligands. Interestingly, mucosal histamine levels are increased in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease; but the cellular sources of histamine in these patients is not well described. However, it was recently shown that patients with inflammatory bowel disease do display dysregulated expression of histamine receptors, with diminished antiinflammatory effects associated with H2R signaling. Administration of a histamine-secreting Lactobacillus strain to mice resulted in rapid weight loss and influenced Peyer patch cytokine secretion, which was exaggerated in H2R-deficient animals. In a separate study, the suppression of intestinal inflammation by a Lactobacillus reuteri strain was shown to depend on histamine secretion by the bacterium and its activation of H2R. Recently, it was shown that histamine-secreting microbes are increased in the gut microbiome of adult patients with asthma, and histamine from these microbes may contribute to the effector responses in patients with atopic asthma. Histamine-secreting Escherichia coli , Lactobacillus vaginalis , and Morganella morganii strains were isolated from the gut microbiome of these patients with asthma.
Thus, dietary intake of substrates required for microbial metabolism and generation of immunoregulatory compounds is essential. These data highlight the connection between nutrition, microbiome, and immune health ( Fig. 2 ).