Fig. 15.1
Diagram summarizing both ALPPS stages. During first stage, right portal vein is ligated, the parenchyma is transected, and lesions in the future liver remnant are cleaned up
Classical Technique
First Stage
During first stage, the abdominal cavity is approached by a bilateral subcostal incision with midline extension, or a midline laparotomy when a simultaneous resection of the primary colorectal tumor is planned. Resecting the primary during the first stage is preferred, since an auxiliary liver is present during the interval period (Fig. 15.2). When a left colonic or rectal resection has to be performed, it is recommended to routinely perform fecal diversion in order to avoid the potentially catastrophic scenario of a symptomatic anastomotic leakage in these patients [22]. In order to define resectability, a detailed exploration of the abdominal cavity is carried out and a liver intraoperative Doppler ultrasound (IOUS) is performed to accurately assess the number, size, and location of all lesions. If bilateral lesions are present, a complete tumor resection (clean-up) of the FLR is performed, in order to induce hypertrophy in a non-tumor-bearing parenchyma [22]. Subsequently, the portal vein of the diseased hemi-liver is divided and either total (up to the inferior vena cava) or partial (up to the middle hepatic vein) parenchymal transection is carried out as for a future right trisectionectomy (Fig. 15.3). The anterior approach, with or without the “hanging maneuver”, could also be applied to help liver transection and reduce tumor manipulation [22]. Partial transection has been demonstrated to offer equivalent FLR hypertrophy, while it has been associated with significantly lower morbidity than total transection (38.1% vs 88.9%; P = 0.049) [15] and zero mortality [23]. Total transection should therefore only be performed when a tumor is too close to the FLR boundaries in order to isolate the tumor and prevent FLR invasion [15]. The confirmation of complete deportalization of the diseased hemi-liver by IOUS is of paramount help to avoid technical failures related mainly to portal vein trifurcation. At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to perform whenever possible a trans-cystic hydraulic test and cholangiography in order to prevent postoperative biliary leaks, which have been reported at high rates in initial series (20–87%) and associated with increased morbidity and mortality (Fig. 15.4) [11, 24, 25]. Bile duct ligation should never be performed as it might lead to cholestasis, infection, and bile leaks with increased risk of mortality [25]. The identification of the diseased hemi-liver vasculobiliary structures with strong silks or vessel loops is strongly recommended in order to facilitate their identification during the second stage [22]. Finally, with the aim of minimizing adhesions, some authors have proposed to place a plastic sheet or biological agent between both cut surfaces. However this is not mandatory and good results have been reported without the use of any material at the liver partition site.

Fig. 15.2
Simultaneous resection during ALPPS first stage. (a) Abdominal incisions corresponding to a laparoscopic ultralow rectal resection with diverting ileostomy and open ALPPS. (b) Rectal specimen including an oncological total mesorectal excision

Fig. 15.3
Types of liver transection. (a) Total liver partition up to inferior vena cava. (b) Partial liver partition preserving the middle hepatic vein. The right vasculobiliary pedicle is marked either with a rounding silk or a vessel loop

Fig. 15.4
Intraoperative cholangiography.(a) First-stage cholangiogram demonstrating an intact biliary tree and the absence of leaks in the partition groove (white arrows). (b) Second-stage transcistic cholangiogram after resecting the diseased hemi-liver
Second Stage
The second stage should only be attempted if the patient is in good condition, once volumetric CT analysis and functional studies have demonstrated FLR sufficiency (Fig. 15.5). Abdominal exploration is performed carefully after releasing lax adhesions. The vasculobiliary structures of the diseased hemi-liver are recognized by identifying the silks or vessel loops around them. The resection of the tumor-bearing lobe is achieved using vascular staplers for all vasculobiliary structures and the remaining liver parenchyma if present (Fig. 15.6). Finally, it is strongly recommended to perform an intraoperative cholangiography and hydraulic test through the cystic duct in order to prevent postoperative bile leaks.

Fig. 15.5
Complete ALPPS strategy in a 57-year-old female with multiple bilateral colorectal liver metastases. (a) First stage showing partial parenchymal transection and multiple resections in the future liver remnant (FLR). (b) Hypertrophied FLR at completion surgery 7 days after first stage. (c) Preoperative CT-volumetry showing a FLR/total liver volume (TLV) ratio of 26.5%. (d) CT-volumetry 6 days after first stage showed a 67% FLR hypertrophy and a FLR/TLV ratio of 49%

Fig. 15.6
A vascular stapler is being used to facilitate disease hemi-liver resection
Proposed Technical Variations
Many different technical variations of the ALPPS approach have been proposed. Even though the original technique as described by Schnizbauer et al. [11] consisted in a right trisectionectomy for patients with a tumor-free left lateral segment, Gauzolino and colleagues [26] later presented different technical variations of the ALPPS approach, including the “left ALPPS,” the “right ALPPS,” and the so-called “rescue ALPPS” in patients with failed PVE/PVL. An additional alternative was introduced by de Santibañes et al. [27], who preserved only segments 1 and 4 as FLR after performing a left lateral sectionectomy for extensive disease (Fig. 15.7). However, concerning FLR variants in ALPPS, the most important breakthrough was accomplished after demonstrating that monosegment remnants can be safely left behind when applying the ALPPS approach (Fig. 15.8) [15, 28]. This constitutes an important paradigm change in liver surgery, given that resectability has been traditionally defined as the complete tumor removal preserving at least two contiguous Couinaud’s segments with intact vascular inflow, outflow, and biliary drainage.

Fig. 15.7
ALPPS first stage preserving only segments 4 and 1 as future liver remnant. (a) The left lateral segment (LLS) is resected after atypical resections were performed in segment 4. (b) The liver partition is performed at the level of the Cantlie’s line. The anterior (black arrow) and posterior (white arrow) right hepatic pedicles are encircled with light blue ties

Fig. 15.8
Segment 2 monosegmental ALPPS in a 55-year-old woman with multiple bilateral liver metastases. (a) First-stage procedure showing complete the anatomical resection of segment 3 in the future liver remnant (FLR). (b) Total parenchymal transection up to the inferior vena cava. The right vasculobiliary pedicle is encircled with a light blue tie. (c) Preoperative CT-scan showing the FLR. (d) Postoperative CT-scan demonstrated a 170% hypertrophy of the FLR (segment 2) 6 days after first stage
Given that ALPPS has been associated in preliminary series with increased incidence of major complications and mortality [11, 24, 25], many different technical innovations and refinements have been introduced recently with the aim of improving both short- and long-term outcomes. With regards to liver partition modifications, Robles et al. [29] from Murcia, Spain, described the application of a tourniquet around a parenchymal groove of no more than 1 cm in the transection line, and labeled this modification “ALTPS” (associating liver tourniquet and portal ligation for staged hepatectomy). Despite the attractiveness of the tourniquet, the 64% morbidity and 9% mortality in their series of 22 patients does not reflect a real improvement in terms of patient safety compared with most ALPPS series. More recently, other authors have proposed to replace parenchymal transection by using radiofrequency or microwave ablation (RALPP, LAPS) to create a virtual liver partition through a “necrotic groove” between both hemi-livers [30]. These approaches provided a similar hypertrophic profile than the standard ALPPS approach but with only minor complications, no mortality, and a high feasibility of being performed by laparoscopy. On the other hand, the application of PVE instead of PVL as method of portal vein occlusion, also known as “hybrid ALPPS”, is undoubtedly one of the most promising innovations among the different ALPPS proposals. This was first described by Li et al. [31], who successfully performed a percutaneous PVE during the postoperative period in two patients with gallbladder carcinoma infiltrating the right portal vein. The fact of avoiding portal pedicle dissection during first stage is more in line with the “non-touch” oncological principle and facilitates second stage by generating fewer adhesions. Finally, based on the several proven benefits of laparoscopic over open surgery, different authors have demonstrated that pure laparoscopic ALPPS is feasible and safe, reaffirming that ALPPS candidates might also benefit from minimally invasive surgery [15, 32, 33]. Given the existence of many technical variants with different names, the founding members of the International ALPPS Registry have recently reported a “consensus” terminology in order to establish a common language to adequately compare and further develop different variants of the original ALPPS technique [34].
Hypertrophic Efficacy
The most impressive characteristic of the ALPPS approach is a very rapid and large FLR hypertrophy. Data from the ALPPS Registry in 202 patients indicated a FLR hypertrophy of 80% (range: 49–116%) within a median time interval of 7 days (range: 6–13 days) between surgery and volumetric CT-scan [17]. In a recent single-center series, 80% of patients treated with ALPPS achieved a sufficient hypertrophy in <10 days [15]. The hypertrophy seen in ALPPS is clearly superior to traditional strategies, especially for patients with initially very small FLR. A recent comparative study by Croome et al. [35] demonstrated that ALPPS was significantly superior to PVE in terms of both the degree of hypertrophy (84.3% vs 36%; P < 0.001) and the kinetic growth rate (32.7 cm3/day vs 4.4 cm3/day; P < 0.001). These results are in line with those of Schadde et al. [36], who demonstrated that kinetic growth rate was 11 times higher in ALPPS compared with PVE/PVL (34.8 cm3/day vs 3 cm3/day; P = 0.001).
The degree of hypertrophy after ALPPS is not unprecedented,; a similar phenomenon has been previously described, but in a totally different scenario. Nadalin et al. [37] observed that healthy liver donors who underwent a resection of 60% of liver volume exhibited a mean remnant liver hypertrophy of 88% within 10 days after surgery. More recently, a comparative study found similar or even greater kinetic growth rate in healthy liver donors compared with ALPPS [35]. Despite these experiences describing remarkable liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy, the rapid and large FLR hypertrophy observed with ALPPS is still impressive given that it is achieved in very ill patients with primarily non-resectable disease subjected to extended liver resections in a small-for-size setting, and with a remnant parenchyma of poor quality or even cirrhotic [11, 15, 17]. Furthermore, most patients treated with ALPPS undergo prolonged preoperative chemotherapy [11, 15, 17], which has been associated with less regenerative capacity, even in patients treated with the ALPPS approach [38]. On the other hand, the ALPPS has demonstrated to be an effective step-up alternative as a salvage procedure to induce further hypertrophy and allow resection in patients with CLM who fail to achieve a sufficient FLR after PVE or PVL [15, 39, 40]. Nowadays, this scenario has become an unquestionable indication for ALPPS.
It has been hypothesized that edema, liver congestion, or inflammation might explain macroscopic FLR hypertrophy during ALPPS. However, there is already consistent evidence both in animals [41] and humans [11, 16, 42] indicating that there is true histological correlation through proliferative and architectural changes accompanying macroscopic hypertrophy during ALPPS. Despite the fact that the surgical interruption of bilateral cross-portal circulation appears to be the main catalyst of the enhanced liver hypertrophy observed in ALPPS, the exact regenerative kinetics behind the restoration of hepatovascular mass remains poorly understood, and is most likely multifactorial. This phenomenon could possibly be explained by the following mechanisms: (1) PVL creates a redistribution of portal blood flow and hepatotrophic factors to the FLR; (2) parenchymal partition impairs collateral circulation and causes a surgical trauma that might per se induce the systemic release of circulating proliferating factors that could be crucial for liver growth; (3) this new approach might also involve a preconditioning phenomenon for the FLR, where the diseased hemi-liver acts as a transitory auxiliary liver that assists the growing FLR in metabolic, synthetic, and detoxifying functions for the first and critical week after resection. Additionally, preliminary data indicates that portal flow modulation and portal pressure might also influence the hypertrophic phenomenon observed in ALPPS, where the arterialized auxiliary liver may play an alleviating hemodynamic role during the interval period that becomes less important once the FLR has recovered [15]. The restoration of the hepatovascular mass is a fascinating field in regenerative medicine. Certainly, the ALPPS is an innovative surgical model that will progressively give rise to more research and knowledge of the regulatory networks that control the regenerative mechanisms of the liver.
Interval Management and Timing of Second Stage
Patient management during the interval period between both surgical stages is key for the successful application of ALPPS. Morbidity and mortality during ALPPS have been associated in most series with inappropriate patient selection, unsuitable timing of the second stage, and errors in clinical judgment due to the lack of experience with the application of a new technique [11, 17, 24, 25]. The fact that mortality occurs more frequently after the second stage and PHLF remains an important cause of death [17, 43, 44], indicates that the criteria being used to judge FLR sufficiency before reoperation might not be adequate enough.
Given that remnant liver volume is a known predictor of PHLF [5, 6], most authors have defined FLR sufficiency during the interval period based in volume rather than function, simplifying postoperative functional assessment between the two stages to daily clinical evaluation and liver function blood tests. However, the results obtained from such functional evaluation could be misleading, as it provides total liver function assessment, which in this scenario includes that of the diseased hemi-liver that will be removed. Moreover, the fact that PHLF remains the most important cause of death in the ALPPS Registry indicates that the established volumetric criteria being used to judge FLR sufficiency before reoperation might not be sufficient, particularly when taking into account that these volume measurements are applied to a fast-growing parenchyma. Even though previous studies have observed proliferative and architectural changes at histological level accompanying macroscopic FLR hypertrophy in ALPPS, rapid volumetric increase may not be immediately corresponded by an equal increase in function, as recently suggested by histologic findings showing hepatocytes immaturity in nontumorous FLR parenchyma [45]. Even though there is agreement that the second stage should be postponed until a satisfactory function has been reached, the key question yet unanswered is how good the FLR function has to be in order to avoid PHLF. From the various more sophisticated liver functional studies available (HIDA test, galactose elimination capacity, the indocianine green test or the LiMAx test), hepatobiliary scintigraphy (HBS) is probably the most promising, given that it provides information on sectorial liver function [46]. This fact is particularly important in the case of ALPPS, where the decision to perform the second procedure must be done taking into account the regional FLR functionality. In a previous study, we found that none of the patients with a FLR representing at least 30% of total liver function by HBS (%FLR-C) before the second stage developed PHLF (Fig. 15.9) [15]. However, a major drawback of the %FLR-C is that it does not take into account if the overall liver function is indeed good or not, which could lead to misinterpretations and errors in clinical judgment. This fact, along with the impossibility of using the 2.69%/min/m2 FLR-function (FLR-F) cutoff proposed by the AMC group in Amsterdam [46], since it was not established using modern HBS assessment (Gmean and SPECT analysis), lead us to develop a new formula to measure FLR sectorial function during ALPPS interval. The Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires Index (HIBA-index) is a dynamic measure that represents the proportion of radionuclide accumulating in the FLR during the phase between 150 and 350 s post-injection and is calculated using the area under the time-activity curves (AUC) with the following formula expressed as %:

Fig. 15.9
Scintigraphic image during ALPPS interval period to assess sectorial liver function. The future liver remnant (FLR) represented 40% of overall liver function. DH diseased hemi-liver
Between 2011 and 2016, 20 out of 39 patients (51%) underwent HBS before completion of ALPPS second stage at the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. After comparing the individual performance of three interstage FLR functional parameters (%FLR-C, FLR-F, and HIBA-index), a HIBA-index with a cutoff value of 15% was found to be the most accurate parameter to predict clinically significant PHLF after the second stage [47]. The predicted risk of PHLF in patients with a HIBA-index lower than 15% was 80%, whereas no patient with a HIBA-index higher than 15% developed PHLF. This practical cutoff value may become of paramount importance to avoid futile indication of ALPPS second stage, as current standard volumetric criteria have so far proved insufficient to adequately guide the safe timing of ALPPS stage 2.
In general, common sense indicates that second stage should be undertaken only if the patient is in good condition and functional and volumetric studies have demonstrated FLR sufficiency. Even though the feasibility of ALPPS to remove tumor in a short period of time is very high, the 1-week interval dogma has been penalized in several series with high complication rates and mortality. It is therefore important to remark that while ALPPS is a indeed a two-stage procedure, the second stage should be delayed or even abandoned in case of compromised clinical status, active complications, or abnormal liver function tests in order to avoid mortality. In cases where the patient is in good condition but FLR sufficiency has not been achieved, the patient can be discharged home and readmitted for second stage once FLR sufficiency has been certified during periodic outpatient evaluation [15].
Short and Long-Term Outcomes
Even after more than 5 years from the inaugural publications of the ALPPS approach, the available evidence in the existing literature remains low and mostly represented by retrospective studies including a limited number of patients, making the interpretation of outcome data difficult [48].
Postoperative Complications
The rapid worldwide adoption of ALPPS after being described in Germany has resulted in preliminary single-center and cooperative experiences showing high morbidity and mortality rates of this emerging method (Table 15.1), [24, 49–51]. A meta-analysis from Schadde et al. [48] including 295 patients with different tumor origins revealed a 90-day mortality of 11% and morbidity grade ≥IIIa of 44%. The relatively high morbidity and mortality rates reported with ALPPS could be explained, because it is composed essentially of two complex surgical procedures instead of only one, undergoing an obligatory “learning curve”, and that is applied in borderline patients with high tumor burden and prolonged chemotherapy regimens. However, more recent data from the ALPPS Registry on 528 patients indicated more acceptable results, with an overall 90-day mortality of 8.9% [21]. When it comes to tumor origin, CLM has shown the highest safety profile, with a morbidity grade ≥IIIa of 29% and a 90-day mortality of 5% in 228 patients [44]. Moreover, a recent multicentric Scandinavian study as well as a single-center prospective study have both demonstrated that ALPPS can be performed with sufficient safety in specialized centers, reporting mortality rates of 2.8% and 6.6% respectively [15, 52]. In this later study, it must be remarked that mortality in the 19 patients with CLM was nil [15]. These results are in line with those of Hernandez-Alejandro et al. [16], who reported 36% morbidity and 0% mortality in 14 patients with CLM.
Table 15.1
Overview of ALPPS case series with more than ten patients including colorectal liver metastases (CLM)
Author | Year | Country | Case No. (total/CLM) | Hypertrophy (%) | Interval (day) | Feasibility (%)a
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