CHAPTER 4 Assessment and Differential Diagnosis of Pathological Features
Initial examination and reporting
Routine microscopy
Routine microscopy of liver biopsies should include systematic assessment of overall structure, portal tracts and their contents, terminal hepatic venules, hepatocytes and sinusoidal cells. Some pathologists use a pro forma or checklist in order to avoid omitting relevant data.1
The following sections are intended to help in the evaluation of pathological changes. Most of the information is also found in other parts of the book, under individual diseases. There is inevitably some repetition, because many of the listed features are found in combination. The final part of the chapter contains guidance on the differential diagnosis of acute cholestasis and of individual pathological findings.
Basic patterns of injury
Structural changes, collapse and fibrosis
Minor structural changes are difficult to assess in sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), and may indeed be missed altogether. Examination of a connective tissue preparation is therefore often important. Normal liver tissue shows a hierarchy of ramifying portal tracts of varied sizes which are present in needle and wedge biopsy samples (Fig. 4.1). The subdivisions of these portal tracts parallel the hierarchy of hepatic artery and portal vein branches and bile ducts as they distribute throughout the liver and can thereby be roughly subdivided into segmental, area, conducting (septal) and terminal portal tract units (see Fig. 5.1). For detection of the most minor abnormalities an uncounterstained silver impregnation for reticulin is generally best, although pericellular fibrosis is most easily detected in sections stained for collagen.
Using these methods, an impression may be gained that, although portal tracts and terminal venules are normally related to each other, the portal tracts are enlarged and perhaps even linked by fibrous septa. This is consistent with mild chronic viral hepatitis or with one of the conditions in which portal changes typically predominate; these include biliary tract disease, haemochromatosis, congenital hepatic fibrosis and schistosomiasis. If on the other hand the reticulin framework of the parenchyma is distorted, lesions characterised by lobular damage should be considered. These include acute and chronic hepatitis as well as forms of biliary disease in which there is also hepatocellular damage, notably primary biliary cirrhosis. Venous congestion leads to regular condensation of perivenular reticulin.
The histological diagnosis of cirrhosis is fully discussed in Chapter 10. Once cirrhosis has developed, the pattern of fibrosis is one of the features that may help to determine its cause. In primary or secondary biliary cirrhosis, for example, fibrosis expanding and linking the portal tracts is a more important early factor in pathogenesis than hepatocellular regeneration; this is reflected in the morphological picture of broad perilobular septa surrounding irregularly shaped islands of parenchyma (see Fig. 5.11). In hereditary haemochromatosis and chronic venous outflow obstruction the impression is also of fibrosis rather than regeneration as the principal pathogenetic factor. In these diseases with a long pre-cirrhotic phase of fibrosis, transected parenchymal peninsulas may be mistaken for true regenerative nodules. This is particularly common just deep to the liver capsule. Isolated subcapsular nodules in an otherwise not nodular biopsy should therefore be interpreted with caution.
Hepatocellular damage
Confluent necrosis
Confluent necrosis (see Fig. 8.4) refers to substantial areas of liver-cell death. The commonest cause of this type of necrosis in biopsy material is hepatitis, either viral or drug-related, in which case the necrosis is accompanied by an inflammatory reaction. Confluent necrosis with little or no inflammation is seen in hypoperfusion of the hepatic parenchyma, as in shock or left ventricular failure, and in heatstroke (see Fig. 12.2). Paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning produces a similar lesion. In all the above examples the necrosis is typically perivenular but it may, if severe and extensive, form bridges linking vascular structures (see below). Some poisons, including ferrous sulphate, typically cause periportal (zone 1) necrosis. Haphazardly distributed areas of necrosis are found in disseminated herpes virus infections (e.g. herpes simplex, varicella) (see Fig. 15.4) and in mycobacterial diseases. Tumour necrosis may be so extensive that no recognisable tumour tissue is present in the section; in such cases the reticulin pattern may help to establish a diagnosis.
Bridging necrosis
Bridging necrosis describes the location rather than the type of necrosis. It usually results from extensive necrosis of confluent type. The term has been used for necrosis linking any of the vascular structures, but it is now more often restricted to the linking of terminal hepatic venules (centrilobular veins) to portal tracts (Fig. 4.2). A possible explanation for this type of bridging is that it represents necrosis of acinar zones 3, which touch both the veins and the larger portal tracts (as in Fig. 3.1). Linking of portal tracts to each other is common in conditions in which portal tracts are widened, for example by chronic hepatitis or biliary tract disease; this is partly because the chance of obtaining a longitudinal section of a widened portal tract is greater than for one of normal width. Linking of perivenular areas to each other by is found in some examples of parenchymal hypoperfusion and venous outflow obstruction.
Panlobular and multilobular necrosis
Panlobular (panacinar) and multilobular (multiacinar) necrosis are terms used to describe confluent necrosis involving entire single lobules or several adjacent lobules respectively. They are further discussed in Chapter 6.
Interface hepatitis (piecemeal necrosis)
Interface hepatitis (piecemeal necrosis) (see Figs 9.3, 9.4) is a process of inflammation and erosion of the hepatic parenchyma at its junction with portal tracts or fibrous septa. The term ‘interface hepatitis’ was introduced because the death of hepatocytes probably involves apoptosis rather than, or as well as, necrosis,2–5 and because it takes place at the parenchymal–connective tissue interface. It is common in chronic viral hepatitis but is also found in other conditions (see Box 9.2). The inflammatory infiltrate is composed mainly of lymphocytes, with or without recognisable plasma cells, and is accompanied by fibrosis of the affected areas with new formation of collagens and other extracellular matrix components.6 The process is sometimes referred to as classical or lymphocytic piecemeal necrosis in order to distinguish it from biliary, ductular and fibrotic piecemeal necrosis, processes found in chronic biliary tract disease and described in the section on primary biliary cirrhosis in Chapter 5.
Canalicular cholestasis
Canalicular cholestasis takes the form of bile plugs (bile thrombi) in dilated canaliculi (see Fig. 5.2). There is often brown or yellow pigment in nearby hepatocytes and Kupffer cells, but the distinction of this pigment from others such as lipofuscin and ceroid is not a serious practical problem; this is because the presence of bile in the canaliculi makes the diagnosis of cholestasis obvious. In general, cholestasis should only be diagnosed with great caution in the absence of bile plugs in canaliculi, although cytoplasmic liver-cell bilirubinostasis without canalicular bile is quite common after liver transplantation. The perivenular location of canalicular cholestasis is partly an artefact of paraffin embedding, but also reflects real functional differences between the various parts of the acinus.
The colour of bile under the microscope varies according to pigment concentration and the degree of oxidation. It may be dark brown, green or yellow, and is occasionally so pale as to make detection difficult at first glance. The Van Gieson stain, which stains bilirubin green, may then be helpful (Fig. 4.3). Pale counterstaining, as commonly used in Perls’ and Prussian blue methods for iron, also makes bile easier to see. Specific histochemical methods for bilirubin are rarely necessary in ordinary diagnostic work.
When acute cholestasis is prolonged, the relationship of hepatocytes to each other may undergo focal change. Instead of the normal arrangement of two or three hepatocytes around a small bile canaliculus, the number of cells is increased and the lumen of the canaliculus considerably enlarged. The new structures are called cholestatic rosettes (Fig. 4.4). The lumens of the rosettes are part of the biliary tree, but the bile may be lost during processing. Even apparently empty rosettes should therefore be regarded as an indication of cholestasis. Other hepatocellular changes in cholestasis are described in the Chapter 5, in the section on large bile-duct obstruction. Very occasionally prolonged canalicular cholestasis is associated with the accumulation of copper and copper-associated protein, but this is much more characteristic of the chronic periportal form of cholestasis, discussed below.
Canalicular cholestasis in perivenular areas is mainly seen in the conditions listed in Tables 4.1 and 4.2. Cholestasis of less regular distribution is common in chronic liver diseases with severe hepatocellular dysfunction or with associated sepsis.
Table 4.1 Common causes of canalicular cholestasis
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