Anesthetic Considerations with Robotic Surgery


Pneumoperitoneum (PP)

Steep Trendelenburg (ST)


















Airway compliance




Airway pressure




















Ocular pressure








PP + ST = partially additive effects

# = changes due to intra-abdominal compression of aorta

* = if hypercarbic

Reflexively correcting an acidosis from hypercarbia with sodium bicarbonate actually intensifies the CO2 burden (>1 L of CO2 released per 50 meq ampule of sodium bicarbonate) and will also increase intravascular volume from the hypertonicity of the sodium bicarbonate. This increased fluid volume may exacerbate the development of orbital, corneal, pulmonary, and laryngeal edema.

Insufflation Techniques

The first consideration for pneumoperitoneum is the choice of entry into the abdominal cavity. The most widely used technique is the Veress needle (VN) despite it having a slower insufflation rate and potentially life-threatening complications. The VN may accidentally and undetectably puncture a vessel and lead to occult bleeding into the retroperitoneum or blood pooled away from surgical view due to positioning. A more immediate and catastrophic injury is introduction of the VN into a major blood vessel, resulting in brisker bleeding or a CO2 embolus . If the rate and volume of intravascular CO2 is large enough, right heart and pulmonary circulation will be obstructed, which leads to cardiovascular collapse. Similarly, if the insufflation tubing is not first bled of air, which is 78% nitrogen, with CO2 gas, intravascular penetration could create a lethal nitrogen venous air embolism. A nitrogen venous air embolism is more likely to cause cardiac arrest then a CO2 embolus because of nitrogen’s much lower solubility in blood. A symptomatic air or CO2 embolism is treated by placing the patient in the head down left lateral decubitus position (Durant maneuver), administering fluid and inotropic support, and performing chest compressions during low or no cardiac output.

An alternative technique to insufflation with a VN is direct trocar insertion. This technique decreases the opportunities of insufflating areas other than the peritoneal cavity because it is done under direct visualization, but it affords a greater likelihood of extensive subcutaneous emphysema that extends along contiguous fascial planes up to and including the face. Once properly positioned, the trocar can deliver higher a CO2 insufflation flow rate. A faster insufflation rate has two drawbacks: it increases the likelihood of cardiac bradyarrhythmias and it contributes to the referred pain from pneumoperitoneum. The surgeon should be prepared to quickly desufflate the abdomen in the cases of severe bradycardia or asystole, and the anesthesiologist should consider administering anticholinergic drugs to attenuate the bradycardia and hypotension. In severe cases, low doses of epinephrine are given.

A third approach is the open entry technique, which is typically only used with patients who have undergone previous abdominal operations and who are thus at risk for multiple adhesions. This entry approach includes many of the same insufflation and hemodynamic concerns as the direct trocar insertion approach.

Insufflation Pressures

Following the entry of the insufflating device, the surgeon may commence to the target insufflation pressure or briefly exceed the goal in order to place trocars into a maximally dilated cavity.

The goal pressure for creating a pneumoperitoneum has been much debated. The consensus appears to be 12–15 mmHg of pressure. Insufflation pressures of 12–15 mmHg will increase CO2 absorption progressively throughout the case and require ventilator adjustments to increase the patient’s minute ventilation. Increasing the insufflation pressure to 20 mmHg slightly improves surgical visualization and reduces blood loss by tamponading venous oozing, but these elevated pressures incrementally add risk and increase CO2 absorption in the patient. Some of these risks include cardiac arrhythmias, lung barotrauma, renal and hepatic hypoperfusion, respiratory acidosis, increased postoperative pain, and postoperative nausea and vomiting. Thus, from a physiologic standpoint and in the Trendelenburg position, pressures above 15 mmHg may be tolerated but should be used conservatively.

Complications of the Pneumoperitoneum

Subcutaneous Emphysema

Subcutaneous emphysema is found on the x-ray films of approximately 34–77% patients after laparoscopic operations [1]. Subcutaneous emphysema (Fig. 4.1) occurs when insufflated CO2 extravasates from the peritoneal space into the subcutaneous tissues. The palpable crepitus of subcutaneous emphysema can extend from the abdomen to the genitalia to the eyes. Patient risk increases for such a situation as age increases and body mass index drops below 25. Additional risk factors include duration of surgery, insufflation pressures, number of ports, direct trocar insertion , and extraperitoneal and retroperitoneal approaches. Although subcutaneous emphysema is generally thought of as a benign postinsufflation finding, it can be misdiagnosed as necrotizing fasciitis. The crepitus will usually resolve within hours to several days after the discontinuation of insufflation. However, severe subcutaneous emphysema may lead to postoperative hypercarbia as CO2 reenters the bloodstream from tissue deposition.


Fig. 4.1
Subcutaneous emphysema occurs when insufflated CO2 extravasates from the peritoneal space into the subcutaneous tissues

Capnothorax , Capnomediastinum , and Capnopericardium

Capnothorax is not an infrequent complication following CO2 pneumoperitoneum. The first indication of a developing capnothorax is progressive hypercapnia despite appropriate escalation in minute ventilation. It should concern the anesthesiologist that the CO2 pneumoperitoneum is dissecting through pleuro-peritoneal connections and is increasing the normal rate of CO2 absorption. Alternatively, the anesthesiologist may observe that pulmonary compliance becomes progressively lower. This phenomenon is more common in patients who have incompetent diaphragms or hiatal hernias. In such patients, the abdominal pneumoperitoneum dissects into the thoracic cavity, compresses lung parenchyma, decreases V/Q matching, and creates a shunt physiology from atelectasis. Transthoracic ultrasound is a useful and readily accessible tool for detecting capnothorax in the operating room because the normal visceral pleural movement is absent with gas outside the lung and in the thorax.

Interventions for capnothorax include desufflation or at least lowering the insufflation pressure to 10 mmHg or less in the presence of hemodynamic compromise, increasing positive end-expiratory pressure, increasing the inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio to lengthen inspiratory pressure time, and switching to pressure-controlled ventilation. If there is a decrease in blood pressure, elevated jugular venous distension, and hypoxemia, the capnothorax may be under tension and immediate desufflation is required. Most commonly, capnothoraces reabsorb on their own and do not require chest tube drainage, as there is no visceral pleural injury.

Capnomediastinum can develop from progressive CO2 dissection from a capnothorax into the mediastinum. The mediastinum, which contains the heart and major vessels, esophagus, and trachea, can become so compressed from CO2 that there is obstruction of venous return to the heart. Capnopericardium has been reported as a predominantly incidental finding but can result in cardiac tamponade in patients who have been mechanically ventilated. Due to the high solubility of CO2, conservative management of capnopericardium and capnomediastinum is advised in clinically stable patients. A more aggressive approach may be recommended for symptomatic or unstable patients. The first step is always to desufflate . If reinsufflation is needed, a lower insufflation pressure is recommended. As a frame of reference, most patients do not tolerate intrathoracic pressures (capnothorax) >10 mmHg, while most laparoscopic abdominal and pelvic procedures are done at >10 mmHg insufflation pressures.

Postoperative Pneumoperitoneum

Postoperative pneumoperitoneum is the presence of free air in the abdomen after surgery. In laparoscopy, the free air usually occurs because of CO2 insufflation, and the expected amount of intraperitoneal air is less than that seen after a laparotomy. This is possibly due to the rapid absorption of CO2 and the small ports used in robotic or laparoscopic surgery. Postoperative pneumoperitoneum is considered to be a self-limiting process. Forty percent of patients will have more than 2 cm of free air below the diaphragm on upright radiographs obtained 24 h after laparoscopy with minimal effects on postoperative pain by 48 h after surgery [2].

Choice of Anesthesia

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia with an endotracheal tube and controlled mechanical ventilation is the most common choice for laparoscopic and robotic urologic surgery. This technique necessitates a secured airway, controlled ventilation, and muscle relaxation. Not only is general anesthesia the most comfortable option for most patients, but endotracheal intubation is also recommended to protect the patient’s airway from aspiration. This is especially important for patients with frank gastroesophageal reflux. Suggestions for pre-, intra-, and postoperative management of these patients is highlighted in Fig. 4.2a–c, which is modified from the “verticals and threads” describing the University of Florida perioperative approach [3].


Fig. 4.2
(a) Considerations for preoperative management of patients up to the day of surgery are based on complexity of the disease and medical history. eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, UA urinanalysis, BMP basic metabolic panel, Hgb A-1-c hemoglobin A1C, ECG electrocardiogram, MMCT mini-mental cognitive test, CHO carbohydrate, CBC comprehensive blood count, GUGT Hopkins Frailty Exam; (b) Considerations for management of patients on the day of surgery are based on complexity of the disease and medical history. BMP basic metabolic panel, Hgb A-1-c hemoglobin A1C, ECG electrocardiogram, CBC comprehensive blood count; (c) Considerations for management of patients during their hospitalization are based on complexity of the disease and medical history. MMCT mini-mental cognitive test, APS acute pain service

Complete muscle paralysis is highly recommended to prevent any patient movement while the robot is docked, as any patient movement can easily injure the patient. Using dense neuromuscular blockade with paralytic drugs has been shown to provide minor improvements in peritoneal cavity size with 12 mmHg of insufflation pressure. Along with facilitating the creation of pneumoperitoneum and the introduction and exchange of robotic instruments, muscle relaxation improves mechanical ventilation by relaxing the intra-abdominal and intrathoracic musculature, which increases thoracic compliance and helps reduce the airway pressures necessary to ventilate the patient in the presence of a pneumoperitoneum and steep Trendelenburg .

Controlled mechanical ventilation also allows the intraoperative team to optimize PaCO2 levels. PaCO2 is usually reflected by end-tidal CO2 (Et-CO2) on the capnograph. Using volume-controlled ventilation keeps minute ventilation constant in the presence of fluctuating intra-abdominal pressure.

Although not reported for robotic surgery, laparoscopic urologic surgery can be performed under general anesthesia using a laryngeal-mask airway (LMA) . Compared to general anesthesia with an endotracheal tube, using an LMA makes it much more difficult to control PaCO2 and achieve necessary airway pressures, and may place the patient at elevated risk for aspiration.

General anesthesia can be maintained with exclusively inhalational agents, a total intravenous anesthetic technique, or a combination of the two. These are choices of style rather than substance. Inhalational anesthetics include desflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and nitrous oxide. When administered over several hours, nitrous oxide will diffuse into the bowel, obstructing the surgical field as well as introducing the risk of fire in the case of a bowel perforation due to its combustibility. Nitrous oxide has also been purported to increase the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) . Subsequently, the authors do not recommend its use in these cases or at least limiting its use to the end of the procedure.

Intravenous anesthetics include propofol, midazolam, narcotics, and ketamine. The decision to choose one specific drug or drug combination to accomplish general anesthesia depends on the patient’s coexisting diseases and PONV risk. The total intravenous anesthetic technique has been shown to improve PONV when compared to inhalational anesthetics. The choice of which intraoperative narcotic to use is based on cost, onset, side effect profile, and duration of action. A typical approach combines short-duration, fast-onset drugs such as fentanyl, remifentanil, or sufentanil for the maintenance portion of the case, followed by titration of a longer-acting narcotic such as hydromorphone or morphine at the end for postoperative analgesia.

Regional Anesthesia

Given the benefits of general anesthesia, regional anesthesia is rarely used as the primary anesthetic modality for laparoscopy because of surgical positioning requirements, the discomfort of a pneumoperitoneum, duration of the case, and the mentioned benefits of muscular relaxation. The risk of performing robotic surgery without muscular relaxation is of significant concern because of the potential injury from the patient moving while the robot is docked. However, regional anesthesia has been successfully used in laparoscopic urologic cases. In these cases, establishing a thoracic-to-lumbar epidural level between T3 and L4 is necessary to provide acceptable patient comfort. Other major concerns of a solely regional approach include CO2 absorption, patient ventilation in the presence of a pneumoperitoneum-induced restrictive ventilatory defect, and pulmonary or abdominal pain during the operation. Therefore, regional anesthesia has only been used for short laparoscopic cases with low insufflation pressures (8-0 mmHg) in which general anesthesia is not a viable option. The placement of transversus abdominis plane local anesthetic blocks may reduce intraoperative and postoperative opioid use following laparoscopic cases.

IV Fluid Management

Intraoperative fluid management for robotic cases focuses on optimizing the surgical field as well as maintaining appropriate intravascular volume and cardiac output. Robotic urologic pelvic surgery places the patient in lithotomy and/or steep Trendelenburg . These positions significantly augment preload and coronary perfusion pressure. This autotransfusion from the lower extremities limits the need for additional fluid administration and helps offset the caval compression effect of the pneumoperitoneum on venous return. However, over time, the steep Trendelenburg position will increase upper body hydrostatic pressure in the vasculature and cause fluid to leak out of intravascular vessels and into interstitial and extracellular spaces, resulting in facial, orbital, pulmonary, and laryngeal edema. In cases such as prostatectomies and cystectomies, urinary fluid leaking into the abdomen and then suctioned into the suction bucket may lead to an overestimation of blood loss. Absent unusual bleeding, a typical fluid resuscitation during a robotic prostatectomy or cystectomy should range from 1.5 to 2 L of crystalloid solution, with the majority administered after the urinary anastomosis is completed. Additional fluids should be consistent with surgical blood loss and fluid loss due to bowel prep.


The American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) has specific recommendations for monitoring patients based on the depth of anesthesia provided (Table 4.2). The components of basic monitoring include a noninvasive blood pressure cuff, pulse-oximetry, capnography, temperature monitoring, and electrocardiogram [4].

Table 4.2
Standards for basic anesthesia monitoring




A quantitative method of assessing oxygenation such as pulse oximetry shall be employed


Every patient receiving general anesthesia shall have the adequacy of ventilation continually evaluated


Every patient receiving anesthesia shall have the electrocardiogram continuously displayed from the beginning of anesthesia until preparing to leave the anesthetizing location

Every patient receiving anesthesia shall have arterial blood pressure and heart rate determined and evaluated at least every 5 min

Body temperature

Every patient receiving anesthesia shall have temperature monitored when clinically significant changes in body temperature are intended, anticipated, or suspected

Adapted from the American Society of Anesthesiology Guidelines [4]


EtCO2 monitoring guides ventilator management to offset the additional CO2 absorption from the pneumoperitoneum. EtCO2 is a surrogate for PaCO2. In healthy adults, EtCO2 levels are approximately 5–10 mmHg lower than arterial levels. Because of this relationship, preventing physiologic derangements from elevated PaCO2 levels occurs by using a target EtCO2, which is achieved by adjusting the ventilator settings as well as decreasing insufflation pressures, and altering patient positioning. This typically requires increasing the minute ventilation 20–50% over baseline during robotic and laparoscopic cases based on the length of time.

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