AKI: Definitions and Clinical Context


Serum creatinine

Urine output


1.5–1.9 times baseline


≥0.3 mg/dl (≥26.5 mmol/l) increase

<0.5 ml/kg/h for 6–12 h


2.0–2.9 times baseline

<0.5 ml/kg/h for ≥12 h


3.0 times baseline


Increase in serum creatinine to ≥4.0 mg/dl (≥353.6 mmol/l)


Initiation of renal replacement therapy


In patients <18 years, decrease in eGFR to <35 ml/min per 1.73 m2

<0.3 ml/kg/h for ≥24 h


Anuria for ≥12 h

Modified from [10]

Kidney attack:

This term was coined in order to highlight the analogy of the characteristics of the acute injury occurring to the kidney with that of acute coronary syndrome [11]: An insult to these organs (regardless of its nature) causes outcomes that are directly dependent on the intensity of damage and on the time spent before therapy is started. Different from heart attack, where chest pain and EKG abnormalities are fundamental symptoms for early diagnosis, the kidney is a silent organ and clinical evidence for this disorder is scanty, nevertheless a kidney attack may be of enormous importance both for short-term clinical outcomes, and for long-term kidney function. Accurate monitoring for diagnostic criteria for AKI coupled with utilization of novel early biomarkers may frame the syndrome of AKI similar to that of heart attack (see below).

Subclinical AKI and Renal Angina:

Emerging evidence suggests that 15–20 % of patients who do not fulfil current serum-creatinine-based or urine output consensus criteria for AKI are nevertheless likely to have acute tubular damage, which is associated with adverse outcomes [12, 13]. In other words, subclinical AKI is diagnosed when renal damage and dysfunction does not reach a threshold sufficient to make serum creatinine rise above 0.3 mg/dl in 48 h or when oliguria is rapidly reversed before the 6 h timeframe. However, such level of renal damage/dysfunction becomes evident only after the structure and function of nephrons that are part of the so-called renal functional reserve are affected. Patients may have up to 50 % of the renal mass compromised before creatinine rises. Thus, other criteria should be included in the diagnosis of AKI such as biomarkers or minimal increases of serum creatinine. In the last case, we may identify a condition defined “renal angina” (RA). Since, different from chest angina, there is no kidney pain, we need to use a composite framework of symptoms, signs and biomarkers to identify this population at risk (Table 1.2). Using patient demographic factors and early signs of injury, RA aims to delineate patients at risk for subsequent severe AKI (AKI beyond the period of functional injury) versus those at low risk. While the concept of RA is an intriguing and logical proposal, it has been validated with the interesting RA index in only one paediatric study [15]. It has been recently demonstrated that in these patients the prognosis is poor [12, 13] and the level of complications such as evolution towards severe AKI, need of dialysis and death is somehow similar to those who have AKI according to KDIGO criteria. This conceptual framework allows defining AKI as a family of syndromes where dysfunction and damage may coexist or represent separate independent entities.

Table 1.2
The renal angina index (RAI) score is composed by the hazard (or risk) component times renal clinical signs

Hazard Trance

Renal injury




Clinical risk on creatinine

Clinical risk on urine output


Very high

Inotropes + mechanical ventilation or septic shock


No change

No change



After cardiac surgery: Thakar score >5; after general surgery: Michigan classes III through V; general ICU: High-risk patients according to Ref [14]


Increase 0.1 mg/dl over baseline

One hour of oliguria in a appropriately resuscitated subject



After cardiac surgery: Thakar score >3; after general surgery: Michigan class II; general ICU: low-risk patients according to Ref [14]


Increase 0.3 mg/dl over baseline

Three hours of oliguria in a appropriately resuscitated subject


Increase 0.4 mg/dl over baseline

Five hours of oliguria in a appropriately resuscitated subject


Modified from Basu et al. [15]

Risk strata are essentially the epidemiologic risk of critically ill adult population: 5 (very high risk), 3 (high risk) and 1 (moderate risk). Clinical signs of injury are based on changes in creatinine and urine output. The composite range of the RAI is therefore: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24 and 40


The question may arise if subclinical AKI is an actual clinical condition or it represents a risk condition for developing creatinine positive AKI. Continuing the cardio-renal parallelism, creatinine can be used as the cardiologists use electrocardiogram (EKG) to diagnose myocardial infarction (MI). The typical distinction of “STEMI” (S-T elevation MI) and “NSTEMI” (Non S-T elevation MI) based on EKG could be paralleled by a distinction based on serum creatinine between “CRIAKI” (creatinine increase AKI) and “NCRIAKI” (Non creatinine increase AKI) [16]. As for NSTEMI biomarkers such as troponin are used to rule out MI in case of chest pain, in case of NCRIAKI (or subclinical AKI) biomarkers of tubular damage can be used to rule out renal parenchymal damage following an exposure or other risk conditions. The bottom line is that every insult that damages even a limited number of nephrons represents in an episode of kidney attack and it is ultimately an AKI episode. Since the characterization of clinical or subclinical AKI is only dependent on the level of damage and the remnant renal functional reserve, we can no longer dismiss an episode of subclinical AKI as marginal or negligible. Subsequent kidney attacks may reduce the renal functional reserve leading to a point in which every insult will become clinically evident and full recovery cannot be guaranteed [17]. This represents a condition in which fibrosis and sclerosis may become self-sustaining leading to chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression and ultimately end stage kidney failure.

1.2 Comorbidities and the Risk of AKI

Apart from AKI definitions and its different grades of severity and clinical hues, it is clear that the syndrome of acute renal dysfunction must be seen in the broader context of the complex clinical picture of the critically ill patient. Critical illness per se puts patients at risk of renal damage. The entire clinical history of AKI is based on the combination of two main factors: susceptibility to damage and exposures to specific insults.

1.2.1 Susceptibility

The chances of developing AKI after exposure to one or more insults depend on a number of susceptibility factors that vary widely from individual to individual: Recent KDIGO guidelines clearly described the importance of interaction between exposures and susceptibility in the final development of the AKI syndrome [2, 3, 10]. Dehydration or volume depletion, advanced age, female gender, black race, presence of chronic diseases (kidney, heart, lung, liver), diabetes mellitus, cancer, anaemia and poly-transfusion, obesity or cachexia all represent conditions identified as general susceptibility to AKI [10].

Besides these general susceptibility conditions, the presence of a pre-existing kidney disease represents an important factor significantly increasing the risk of developing AKI after an insult. As already remarked before, baseline GFR does not necessarily tell the full story about the anatomical and functional conditions of the kidney because a normal baseline GFR or serum creatinine level can be present despite significant reduction of the functional renal mass [17]. This is due to a remarkable renal functional reserve present in intact kidneys. A patient with intact renal functional reserve may tolerate repeated kidney attacks simply loosing part of the reserve and without clinical evidence of the significant damage. An individual with normal baseline GFR could potentially be at increased risk of AKI due to a loss of reserve. Furthermore, when an episode of AKI is resolved and renal function recovery appears complete by measurement of GFR, this does not necessarily mean that a full restoration of renal mass and reserve has also occurred. Interestingly, the lower the remnant kidney mass, the higher will be the susceptibility to further insults and the higher will be the stress imposed to residual nephrons, resulting in hyper-filtration, sclerosis and progressive kidney disease.

Susceptibility factors are not currently clearly defined and their identification depends on many observational studies on different clinical settings [18]. As a matter of fact, however, such factors represent an insult that may be tolerated by some patients whereas may result in mild to severe AKI in others. For this reason, a careful medical history collection and evaluation should be an indispensable part of the process of risk assessment and AKI diagnosis.

KDIGO recommends to keep monitoring high-risk patients until the risk has subsided [10]. Exact intervals for checking serum creatinine and for which individuals’ urine output should be monitored remain matters of clinical judgment; however, as a general rule, high-risk in patients should have serum creatinine measured at least daily and more frequently after an exposure. The same should be true for tight urine output monitoring.

1.2.2 Exposures

AKI is a multifactorial syndrome and in most cases one or more exposures can be accounted in its pathogenesis. Haemorrhage, circulatory shock, sepsis, critical illness with one or more organ acutely involved, burns, trauma, cardiac surgery (especially with cardiopulmonary bypass circulation), major non-cardiac surgery, nephrotoxic drugs, radiocontrast agents, poisonous plants and animals all represent possible exposures leading to AKI [10]. The clinical evaluation of exposures in the pathogenesis of AKI includes a careful history and thorough physical examination. Among the most important and preventable exposures, we must consider iatrogenic disorders [19, 20]. In several clinical conditions, drugs required to treat diabetes, oncological diseases, infections, heart failure or fluid overload may affect the delicate balance of a susceptible kidney leading to an acute worsening of organ function. Metformin, normally eliminated by the liver and the kidney, may accumulate if CKD pre-exists, inducing lactic acidosis and AKI. Chemotherapic agents used in solid tumour treatments may induce a tumour lysis syndrome with a sudden increase in circulating uric acid levels potentially toxic for the tubule-interstitial component of the renal parenchyma. Antibiotics may certainly result toxic to the kidney causing interstitial nephritis and tubular dysfunction and contribute to progressive renal insufficiency. The same effect can be induced by contrast media, especially if hyperosmolar dye is utilized for imaging techniques. In all these conditions, a cell cycle arrest may be induced with important tubular-glomerular feedback and a negative impact on glomerular hemodynamics [21]. Patients may already be undergoing treatment with aldosterone blockers or ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB). In such circumstances, the original compensatory mechanism in the kidney is blunted or altered. The maintenance of aldosterone blockers when GFR is reduced below 60 ml/min may lead to secondary hyperkalemia and severe disturbances of the cardiac rhythm. Suspension of ACE inhibitors or ARB may produce an apparent improvement of kidney function due to a blockage of the efferent arteriolar vasodilatation [22]. On the contrary, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in these conditions may exactly induce the opposite effect [23]. Loop diuretics are another family of medications frequently called into question as far as kidney damage is concerned. Diuretics are a double-sided treatment since they may resolve congestion on one side, but they may worsen renal perfusion and arterial underfilling on the other [24]. Furthermore, it is possible that chronic administration of high-dose loop diuretics may induce drug resistance secondary to substantial histological modifications of Henle loop and decrease of renal function [25].
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Jul 4, 2016 | Posted by in NEPHROLOGY | Comments Off on AKI: Definitions and Clinical Context

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