Fig. 15.1
Primary closure (a) Newborn with simple gastroschisis (b) Primary fascial closure (c) Purse string closure of skin
Staged Reduction and Closure
Although several methods and materials for staged reduction have been developed over the years, most surgeons utilize preformed silos with a spring-loaded ring [10, 29, 33, 34, 43, 46, 52]. The Silastic preformed spring-loaded silo comes in a variety of diameters and can be placed at the bedside upon arrival of the patient without the need for general anesthesia. Before placement of the silo, it is important to closely inspect the bowel. Absolute contraindications for bedside placement include any perforation or necrosis [29]. Obstructing bands and adhesions from the fascia to the bowel are gently disrupted with manual blunt dissection, electrocautery, or sharp dissection. The bowel is then gently pushed up into a preformed Silastic silo and the base of the spring-loaded ring slipped beneath the fascial defect (Fig. 15.2). In some instances, the fascial defect may be small and require widening either laterally or vertically in the midline in the operating room before placement of the silo. In these situations, the preformed silo cannot be utilized and a custom silo must be fashioned and sutured to the fascia. It is important that no twisting of the mesentery occurs during placement into the silo. The silo is then suspended above the bed to provide upward traction on the silo and the abdominal wall. The bowel will begin to reduce with gravity alone during the first 24 h after silo placement. The viscera is progressively reduced either daily or twice daily with sequential ligation of the silo using umbilical tape, an umbilical cord clamp, or silicone tubing with a slipknot [1, 33, 34, 43, 53]. The transparency of the Silastic silo allows continuous inspection of the bowel for any changes in perfusion. In the event of bowel ischemia, the fascia may be enlarged and a larger silo applied or a custom silo can be created and sewn to the fascia [1, 29]. Complete bowel reduction usually occurs by 4–7 days after silo application [29, 33, 43]. Once the bowel is completely reduced, the fascial defect is closed primarily in the operating room [33, 43]. If the defect cannot be closed primarily, a synthetic or biological patch can be used [1, 33, 34, 54].

Fig. 15.2
Staged reduction for gastroschisis using a preformed Silastic silo (a) Gastroschisis with significant matting of bowel (b) Silo placement
Sutureless Closure
An alternative to primary fascial closure is primary reduction with a “plastic” sutureless “flap” closure of the abdominal wall defect using the umbilical cord. After reduction of the bowel, the umbilical cord is laid over the small residual defect and held in place with an adhesive dressing (Fig. 15.3) [55]. The technique was first described by Bianchi in Dickson [56] in 1998 and later modified by Kimble [57] and Sandler [55]. At our institution, we have adopted the use of a negative pressure wound vacuum to aid in closure [58]. The umbilical cord is tailored to fit into the abdominal wall defect and covered with a non-adherent dressing (Adaptec, Johnson and Johnson, Langhorne, PA). The black foam (KCI, San Antonio, TX) is then cut to an appropriate size and applied directly over the wound bed and secured in place using clear adhesive film. The Trac pad (KCI, San Antonio, TX) is then applied over the black foam and placed to 50 mmHg continuous suction. The wound vacuum is removed on postoperative day 5 and the umbilical cord is allowed to desiccate.

Fig. 15.3
Sutureless closure gastroschisis
The use of sutureless closure has gained popularity since the early 2000s. Compared to fascial closure of the defect, sutureless closure is associated with equivalent outcomes [59]. A recent meta-analysis of twelve studies demonstrated that there were no significant differences in mortality, length of stay, and days on TPN between patients who had sutureless closure versus fascial closure [59]. Furthermore, the sutureless group had significantly less surgical site infections compared to the fascial closure group even among patients who initially had a silo placed for reduction [59]. The rate of umbilical hernia after sutureless closure ranges from 22–91% and is significantly higher than after fascial closure [59–62]. However, the majority of these hernias will spontaneously close and will ultimately not require an operative repair [55, 61, 62]. This is in contrast with hernias after fascial closure which require operative repair significantly more often [59]. The cosmetic result after sutureless closure is often excellent with little to no scar formation [55, 63].
Ward Reduction Versus General Anesthesia
One of the appeals of the sutureless closure is that reduction and closure of the defect can be done at the bedside and general anesthesia avoided. Ward reduction of gastroschisis without the use of general anesthesia was first introduced by Bianchi and Dickson in 1998 [56]. The technique was further modified with the addition of analgesia and/or sedation [57, 64, 65]. Although some initial reports had unsatisfactory outcomes, the subsequent introduction of selection criteria demonstrated that more than 80% of neonates were suitable for ward reduction [1, 57, 61, 64, 66, 67]. Exclusion criteria for ward reduction include unstable patient with poor general condition, poor bowel condition including intestinal perforation or necrosis, bowel/mesentery attached to the defect, narrow defect, gross viscero-abdominal disproportion, and conversion in the presence of deteriorating metabolic acidosis, patient distress/tenderness, and increased respiratory support [57, 64, 65, 67].
Some have advocated silo placement at beside without general anesthesia followed by sutureless closure as a preferred method for uncomplicated gastroschisis because of the advantage of avoiding general anesthesia and similar outcomes to primary fascial closure [29]. The cord is protected from desiccation by wrapping it in antibacterial-impregnated paraffin gauze and cling film. The bowel is then serially reduced until the entire bowel is reduced below the level of fascia for at least 12 h. The silo is removed and the cord is elevated and pulled to the contralateral side to attempt to close the defect. If closure is possible, steri-strips and a dressing are applied to approximate the skin edges. The umbilicus is allowed to desiccate and cicatrize [29].
Management of Intestinal Atresia
Complex gastroschisis includes those patients with bowel complication including intestinal atresia , perforation, and necrosis (Fig. 15.4) [68]. Compared to patients with simple gastroschisis without associated bowel abnormalities, complex gastroschisis patients have worse outcomes including delayed enteral feeding, prolonged TPN use, longer ventilator days, longer hospital length of stay, and possibly increased mortality [68, 69]. When there is associated bowel abnormality such as intestinal atresia, the bowel can be reduced and the abdomen closed. After 4–6 weeks of nasogastric decompression and supplementation with TPN, the patient is re-evaluated for the presence of intestinal atresia with contrast studies. If an atresia is present, the patient can undergo an elective resection and primary repair [63]. Alternatively, some surgeons will remove the area of atresia and perform a primary anastomosis in the presence of minimal inflammation at the time of defect closure [70–72]. If the atresia is located distally or associated with a perforation, an ostomy can be created followed by ostomy closure at a later date [73]. Delayed intestinal surgery in patients with gastroschisis complicated by intestinal atresia allows bowel inflammation to decrease and facilitates an anastomosis, possibly decreasing anastomotic leaks and other complications [73, 74]. However, a recent study from the Canadian Pediatric Surgery Network demonstrated that early establishment of intestinal continuity in patients with gastroschisis complicated by intestinal atresia is safe, allows for earlier initiation of enteral feeding, and does not increase complications [70].

Fig. 15.4
Complicated gastroschisis demonstrating intestinal atresia
An omphaloceles occurs when the intestine fails to return inside the abdominal cavity at 6–10 weeks of development after normal herniation into the umbilical cord. The defect is characterized by a covered amniotic membrane that contains bowel and may contain other abdominal organs such as the liver and spleen. The etiology of omphalocele is not entirely understood but is believed to be a folding defect [75]. Some authors categorize omphaloceles based on location into central, epigastric, and hypogastric [76]. Pentalogy of Cantrell is a severe cranial fold abnormality associated with epigastric omphalocele, anterior diaphragmatic hernia, sternal cleft, pericardial defect, and cardiac defect [77]. Hypogastric omphaloceles are associated with the omphalocele-imperforate anus-exstrophy of the bladder-spinal defects (OIES) complex [76].
The diagnosis is readily made on prenatal ultrasound at 18 weeks and has an incidence as high as 1/2000 fetuses. However, the incidence among live births in the USA between 2004–2006 was 1/5386, suggesting that there is considerable hidden mortality among fetuses [76, 78]. Unlike gastroschisis, chromosomal anomalies occur in almost half of fetuses with omphalocele [76]. The most common abnormal karyotype associated with omphalocele is Trisomy 18, followed by trisomy 13, trisomy 21, trisomy 14, and trisomy 15 [76, 79]. Furthermore, among those with a normal karyotype, up to 88% have an associated anomaly [76, 79, 80]. Limb and cardiac defects including atrial septal defect, ventral septal defect, and tetralogy of Fallot are common [76, 79, 80]. Many syndromes are also associated with omphalocele with Beckwith-Wiedemann (omphalocele, macroglossia, hypoglycemia, gigantism) being the most common [76, 79, 80].
Surgical Management
Primary Closure
Defects that are less than 4 cm in diameter are considered umbilical cord hernias and can be repaired primarily shortly after birth. Primary closure is also possible for the majority of small centrally located omphaloceles without much loss of abdominal domain [30, 81–83]. Interestingly, chromosomal anomalies, syndromes, dysmorphism, gastrointestinal abnormalities, and nervous system abnormalities occur more often in patients with small defects [79]. The outcomes in these patients are often dependent on the associated anomalies and degree of pulmonary hypoplasia [2, 30, 76, 84–86].
For primary fascial closure, the skin is incised a few millimeters away from the sac and skin flaps are raised circumferentially. The sac is then excised taking care to identify and ligate the umbilical vessels and the urachus. The bladder must also be carefully identified and not injured during excision of the sac. The sac is often adherent to the liver and tears in the Glisson capsule can result in significant hemorrhage [27]. Therefore, the sac is divided such that any adherent areas are left on the liver. The intestines are then reduced into the abdominal cavity followed by the liver. The fascia and skin closure is then similar to that described for gastroschisis.
A few authors have recommended primary closure for large omphaloceles with the use of a synthetic or biological patch [80, 87, 88]. While this technique offers the advantage of abdominal wall closure and skin in a single procedure, the patients have a mean herniation rate of 58% and may require subsequent abdominoplasties [17, 88]. Furthermore, synthetic non-absorbable patches such as Gore-Tex (W.L. Gore and Associates, Flagstaff, AZ), Teflon, or Prolene (Ethicon, Johnson & Johnson Intl, Brussels, Belgium) are at risk of infection and most require removal at a later date [80].
Giant Omphalocele
The definition of giant omphaloceles is not standard in the literature with defect sizes varying from greater than 4 cm to greater than 10 cm [80, 89–92]. Other authors use the presence of another organ, such as the liver, within the sac as a contributing factor for the characterization of a giant omphalocele [80, 93, 94]. We use the criteria of a defect exceeding 10 cm in diameter containing viscera and liver within the sac as our definition. The management of giant omphaloceles is challenging due to the degree of viscero-abdominal disproportion. Primary fascial closure is not feasible, and a variety of techniques have been developed to manage giant omphaloceles. However, most of the published reports in the literature are of small case series, and there is no established standard of care [17]. Furthermore, a recent survey of authors of published studies concerning the treatment of giant omphalocele (1967–2009) found that almost half of the authors had changed or stopped their reported technique regardless of the initial technique used [17]. In general, there are two methods of treatment that have persisted over the past 30 years: staged closure and delayed closure [17].
Staged Closure
Staged closure of the abdominal wall offers the advantage of early closure of the defect, gradual reduction of the viscera, gradual increase in the intra-abdominal volume, and minimal risk of abdominal compartment syndrome [17]. In 1948, Gross described a staged closure technique for large omphaloceles by freeing and approximating of the skin over the intact sac. A second staged operation was then performed at 6 to 12 months of age for definitive fascial closure [6]. While this technique provides immediate coverage of the viscera, the secondary ventral hernia repair is often complicated by loss in abdominal domain from fascial separation and dense adhesions between the bowel and skin [27].
The most common technique for staged reduction of giant omphaloceles is the creation of a prosthetic silo with or without excision of the amnion sac [7–9, 52, 89, 95–100]. With this method, the amnion sac is either excised or left intact, skin flaps are raised circumferentially, and the sheets are sutured to the rectus abdominus fascia to create a custom silo [7–9, 89]. Alternatively the silo can be attached to the full thickness of the abdominal wall [95, 97, 99, 101]. Sequential reductions of the silo contents are then performed in the neonatal unit or the operating room by progressive compression and closure of the silo by suturing or stapling [9, 89, 100, 101]. We do not recommend the removal of an intact amnion sac and reserve the use of silos for ruptured omphaloceles.
Application of the silo beyond 7 days is associated with a high incidence of complications including infection, wound dehiscence, fistula formation, sepsis, and disruption of the silo from the fascial edges [7–9, 90, 97, 101, 102]. However, aggressive reduction of the contents to achieve definitive closure is associated with prolonged mechanical ventilation, bowel ischemia and infarction, renal insufficiency, wound dehiscence, and recurrent hernia [7, 9, 52, 101]. The mean hernia rate after staged closure is 18% [17].
Once the contents are fully reduced below the level of the fascia, primary closure of the defect is attempted. Oftentimes, complete closure of the fascia is not possible and a mesh closure is performed [80, 88, 89, 100, 103, 104]. Multiple synthetic and biological materials have been used as a prosthetic patch for definitive closure. Gore-Tex (W.L. Gore and Associates, Flagstaff, Ariz), a nonabsorbable polytetrafluoroethylene mesh; Prolene (Ethicon, Johnson & Johnson Intl., Brussels, Belgium), a monofilament polypropylene mesh; and reinforced Silastic sheeting have all been used as a bridge to fascial closure. The mesh can be sequentially excised or imbricated to gradually approximate the fascia and allow for native fascial closure [100, 105, 106]. Alternatively, the mesh may be left in situ with primary dermal closure (Fig. 15.5).

Fig. 15.5
Ruptured omphalocele treated with custom silo (a) Omphalocele reduced to level of the fascia (b) Fascial closure using biological mesh underlay with component separation technique (c) 1 week post-op
Prosthetic materials carry a risk of infection and frequently require removal. There are several reports of using biological materials such as Surgisis, a biodegradable acellular, non-immunogenic material derived from porcine small intestinal submucosal extracellular matrix (Cook Medical Inc., Bloomington, Indiana); Alloderm, a human acellular tissue matrix (LifeCell Corp, Branchburg, NJ); and Permacol (TSL, Hampshire, UK) [80, 88, 103, 107]. Biological mesh serves as a scaffold to allow interstitial ingrowth of fibroblasts and vascular tissue and may have a lower rate of infection compared to prosthetic materials [88, 103, 107]. Furthermore, they can support granulation and incorporation of an overlying skin graft in cases of inadequate tissue cover [93, 103, 107–109].
Delayed Closure
Staged reduction with a silo may not be well tolerated in infants with prematurity, severe pulmonary hypoplasia, cardiac abnormalities, or chromosomal abnormalities [16, 52, 93]. Non-operative management with epithelialization and delayed closure is the preferred method of treatment of non-ruptured omphaloceles. It offers the advantage of avoiding major abdominal surgery in the newborn period and acts as a bridge to delayed closure [52, 86, 93]. Non-operative techniques involve the use of a topical agent to develop an eschar over the intact amnion sac. The eschar epithelializes over an average of 6 months and the resulting large ventral hernia can be repaired electively once the child is medically stable (Fig. 15.6) [92]. Non-operative management with epithelialization may be associated with earlier enteral feeding, decreased need for mechanical ventilation, decreased length of stay, and decreased mortality as compared to patients with staged closure using a silo [52, 86, 93].

Fig. 15.6
Delayed treatment of omphalocele (a) Large omphalocele at birth (b) After 7 days of treatment with silver sulfadiazine (c) Complete epithelialization of omphalocele (d) Primary fascial closure
Several eschar producing agents have been described. Initial agents such as alcohol and mercurochrome were associated with detrimental toxic effects [12–15, 110]. In 1987, Hatch and Baxter [16] first reported the use and safety of silver sulfadiazine for escharotic therapy. Subsequent reports supported the safety and efficacy of silver sulfadiazine as a topical agent, and it quickly became the preferred topical agent for non-operative management [52, 85, 92, 93, 111]. However, treatment with topical silver sulfadiazine is complicated by frequent daily dressing changes, prolonged duration of healing, and prolonged hospitalization. Furthermore, a study of over 20 patients treated with silver sulfadiazine reported complications including sac rupture in 3 patients, staphylococcal sepsis originating from the sac in 2 patients, and 1 patient with jejunal perforation [92]. Povidone-iodine is an alternative agent and offers the advantage of easy application. Although there have been case reports of hypothyroidism, a prospective cohort study failed to demonstrate any clinical hypothyroidism following treatment with povidone-iodine [110, 112].
There have also been reports of using neomycin, polymyxin/bacitracin ointments, and silver-impregnated hydrofiber dressings [113, 114]. Oquendo et al. [113] in a series of 8 patients treated with silver-impregnated hydrofiber dressings reported an average time to epithelialization of 2.9 months as compared to 4–12 months with silver sulfadiazine. Furthermore, silver-impregnated hydrofiber requires dressing changes only every 5–7 days, may decrease the possibility of sac disruption, and provides topical prophylactic broad spectrum antimicrobial activity [115].
More recently, negative pressure wound vacuum therapy has been proposed as an initial method of management for giant omphaloceles [18]. The sac is cleansed and covered entirely in Mepitel (Molnlycke Health Care, Gothenburg, Sweden). White foam (VersaFoam, Kinetic Concepts Incorporated, San Antonio, TX) followed by black foam (GranuFoam, Kinetic Concepts Incorporated, San Antonio, TX) is trimmed to an appropriate height and shape and applied over the Mepitel. The foam is secured in place with clear adhesive film and the Trac pad applied. The pressure is set to −25 mmHg initially and can be increased to −50 mmHg continuous suction if the mean arterial pressure remains above 50 mmHg. The dressings are then changed twice weekly. Aldrige et al. [18] reported complete wound healing with epithelialization of the sac after 1–2 months of negative pressure wound vacuum therapy. Delayed closure of the defect was performed after 5–12 months by primary closure of the fascia in 5 patients while 2 patients required mesh. Negative pressure wound vacuum therapy has also been used as salvage therapy for sac disruption, wound dehiscence, and fistula formation after unsuccessful treatment with silo reduction or topical agents [116, 117].
Definitive Surgical Management
The timing of definitive closure after non-operative management varies greatly in the literature from as early as 2 months to up to 3 years [18, 85, 92, 93, 113]. However, most advocate for definitive closure before the child is ambulating. Delayed closure allows for stabilization of underlying comorbidities, time for tissue expansion, and an increase in abdominal domain. Multiple techniques have been described for delayed closure including primary fascial closure when possible, use of prosthetic and biological patches, component separation technique, and fascia and skin flaps [80, 88, 94, 100, 103, 118–122]. The mean herniation rate after delayed closure with epithelialization is 9% as compared to 58% for primary closure and 18% for staged closure [17].
The degree of viscero-abdominal disproportion often makes it difficult to reduce all of the extaperitoneal viscera without causing a rapid increase in intraabdominal pressure. Delayed external compression of the ventral hernia using elastic bandages, pneumatic devices, and negative pressure wound vacuum therapy has been described [123–126]. Tissue expanders are an innovative method for intra-abdominal expansion. Unlike external compression, tissue expanders gradually stretch the abdominal wall and increase the abdominal domain without using the herniated viscera as the source of pressure. Tissue expanders can be placed in the abdominal wall intramuscular space or within the peritoneal cavity [19, 105, 106, 114, 127, 128]. Optimal expansion of the peritoneal cavity and abdominal wall is reached within several months by gradually increasing the expander volume. The amount of expansion can be guided by the use of CT scans to compare the volume of the tissue expander and the volume of the extraperitoneal viscera contained within the hernia sac [105].
A number of techniques have been proposed for definitive closure of the defect when primary closure is impossible [94, 118–122]. Component separation technique is useful for the repair of large pediatric abdominal wall defects [94, 118, 122, 129]. First described by Ramirez et al. [129] in 1990, the component separation technique is based on enlargement of the abdominal wall by separation and translation of the abdominal muscles. The hernia sac is excised and the abdominal cavity is entered. The liver and bowel are dissected free from the abdominal wall. Bilateral subcutaneous tissue flaps are created to expose the external oblique fascia. The aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle is then incised approximately 1 cm lateral to the rectus muscle. The incision is carried longitudinally along the entire length of the external oblique. The external oblique muscle is bluntly separated from the internal oblique muscle up to the midaxillary line. The rectus muscle and its attached internal oblique-transversus muscles can then be advanced approximately 5 cm on either side. The rectus sheath is then closed with a continuous polydioxanone (PDS) suture (Ethicon, Inc., Norderstedt, Germany). Biological mesh can be used as an underlay or onlay to alleviate the tension and reinforce the fascial closure (Fig. 15.7) [118, 130]. Comparisons between synthetic and biologic mesh use with component separation technique for ventral hernia repairs among adults demonstrated similar low recurrence rates and complication rates [131].