Fig. 7.1
(a) Large infected seroma requiring open drainage in a diabetic patient who underwent abdominal wall defect repair using synthetic mesh. (b) Intraoperative view of patient in (a). Infected synthetic mesh being removed
Fig. 7.2
Abdominal wall necrosis in a patient undergoing abdominal wall reconstruction with an interposition biological mesh; the patient developed intra-abdominal hypertension. Same patient is seen in Fig. 7.11c
Step 2: S = Sepsis Control and Eradication
The second step of the nine-step treatment strategy for treating patients with ECFs or EAFs is sepsis control, along with electrolyte and fluid normalization and achievement of hemodynamic stability. Although intra-abdominal sepsis might be the main culprit, these patients may have other sources of sepsis, such as urinary infection, line sepsis, pneumonia, and other hospital-acquired infections, and thus require full body careful examination.
Management of a patient with a wound infection, infected seromas , acute wound dehiscence, or fistulae is complex and not straightforward. One of the greatest hesitations of a surgeon is taking the patient back to the operating room, although this hesitation is more prevalent in elective surgery than in a trauma setting.
In addition to source control, goal-directed resuscitation, proper antibiotic therapy, electrolyte and fluid normalization, achievement of hemodynamic stability, correction of coagulation factors and hemoglobin levels, and provision of nutritional support are the current standard of care.
The mainstay of therapy for intra-abdominal abscesses remains drainage, be it surgical or percutaneous [10], but broad-spectrum antibiotics may be initiated and subsequently tailored based on culture results. As stated previously, necrotic tissue needs to be debrided entirely. Recent trends, however, are worrisome, as more and more surgeons rely on interventional radiologists to drain pus and care for surgical patients for every possible nidus of infection, including paracentesis and thoracocentesis [11]. One has to remember, while the intra-abdominal or intra-thoracic sepsis may be the main culprit, these patients may still have other sources of sepsis, such as urinary tract infection, line sepsis, pneumonia, and other hospital acquired infections that require careful examination.
Step 3: O = Optimization of Nutrition
The third step is optimization of nutrition through initiation and maintenance nutrition through enteral feeding (when possible) or via parenteral nutrition support. In a busy practice, it is easily forgotten that patients who underwent a major surgical operation need aggressive nutrition support, particularly in the perioperative period [12]. In patients with a recent weight loss of 10–15% or with a serum albumin level less than 3 grams/deciliter (g/dL), elective procedures should be postponed if at all possible. Albumin levels of less than 2.5 g/dL have been associated with a significant increase in mortality and morbidity. A strong relation was reported between preoperative albumin level and surgical closure (p < 0.001) and mortality (p < 0.001) [6].
Before major surgery, the nutritional status of all patients (unless emergent surgery is required) should be optimized to the extent possible [13–19].
Initiating, maintaining, and optimizing the nutrition in patients with fistulas (both ECFs and EAFs) is difficult and requires a planned approach, but unfortunately is not done adequately in the majority of patients. Often while we provide sophisticated cancer therapy to our surgical patients, we simultaneously allow severe malnutrition to develop in front of our eyes. Awaiting gastrointestinal function to return postoperatively before initiating oral or enteral nutrition is an old dogma that is still practiced by many hospitals across the world unnecessarily. In this scenario, the patient may start on some sort of salty and tasteless (clear) liquids 4–5 days after a major operation, if not longer. If, on the other hand, the patient develops any of the aforementioned complications, this process can be prolonged ever further. One has to remember that we should initiate and maintain nutrition enterally or parenterally throughout the hospitalization.
In a few patients, however, despite all attempts, reversing hypoalbuminemia and malnutrition will be impossible; such failure likely indicates continuous infection or sepsis or continuous losses of nutrients through fistula effluent (Figs. 7.3 and 7.4a–c).
Fig. 7.3
Severely malnourished patient with multiple enteroatmospheric fistulas that started with complex diverticulitis
Fig. 7.4
(a) Intraoperative view of patient in Fig. 7.3. Left lobe of the liver is being held up with a lap pad. (b) Patient in Fig. 7.3 after healing from her last surgery (c). Patient in Fig. 7.3 with the author (the operating surgeon) a few months post-surgery that has remained healthy about 8 years later
The combination of a continuous inflammatory state and malnutrition is detrimental to the patients and their prognosis, thus it should be disrupted as soon as possible; surgery can be thought of as source control for continuous malnutrition.
A somewhat less common approach to improve the nutritional status of patients with fistulas is fistuloclysis [20, 21], which has been shown to reduce the need for parenteral nutrition and improve all hepatic and nutritional indices in a select group of patients. While technically demanding, this approach is valuable in the armamentarium of surgeons caring for these patients and should be used if at all possible, and for the most part it is tolerated by patients. A recent report on fistuloclysis used in patients who were assigned into either the fistuloclysis group (n = 35, receiving fistuloclysis plus total enteral nutrition (TEN)) or the control group (n = 60, receiving TEN) demonstrated that this adjunct technique improved hepatic and nutritional parameters in patients with high-output upper enteric fistulas, particularly those with biliary fistulas [20].
Step 4: W = Wound Care
The fourth step in the management strategy of patients with CAWD and associated wounds is continuous wound care in order to reduce the bioburden. Therefore, avoiding skin excoriations from the bile salts, intestinal fluids, or stool is essential. The vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) and proper stoma equipment have revolutionized wound care [22–24]; however, collecting all the fluids in patients with large open abdominal wall defects (which we have termed “fistula city”) may prove extremely difficult (Figs. 7.5a, b and 7.6). The wound VAC is meant to control the output of fistulas, but the surgeon must be cognizant of the amount of fluid that the patient loses and must ensure appropriate fluid and nutritional replacement. The wound VAC therapy has become a mainstream therapy for wounds, in particular for treating surgical wound healing by secondary intention [25–27]. Yet, one has to be mindful that fistula formation with wound VAC has been reported in a range of 10–21% [28].
Fig. 7.5
(a) Large “stoma” bag. (b) Patient with “stoma city,” difficult to manage
Fig. 7.6
Wound vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) in progress for large abdominal wound
To help avert sepsis and to improve the spirits of the patient, it is crucial to ensure proper hygiene and to avoid skin excoriations from the bile salts, intestinal fluids, or stool. Effective use of the wound vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) and proper stoma equipment is important, although the evidence is still lacking [28].
STEP 5: A = Redefining the Anatomy
The fifth step is redefining the anatomy. Again, if there is any question, here the surgeon should use any of the available techniques to confirm the anatomy. Previous operative reports should be studied carefully [29]. Whenever available, previous operative reports and radiologic comparisons at different stages of the disease process should be obtained and studied carefully, and if possible, a direct conversation with the previous surgeon should be conducted. This is particularly important if the patient was operated on at a different hospital or by another surgeon. In patients with long standing fistulas, preoperatively, complex defects must be identified clinically or by whatever radiological method is available. The definition of the anatomy of the fistulas can be done with a CT scan, upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series with small bowel follow-through, a fistulogram, or gastrografin enemas. Most recently, the CT scan has become the standard radiographic study, although MRI is gaining more and more popularity.
A key aspect of repairing complex defects is in understanding the anatomy of the abdominal wall. The lateral abdominal wall fasciae and musculature derive their blood supply primarily from the intercostal arteries, lumbar arteries, and deep epigastric arteries (Fig. 7.7 ). The innervations come from the seventh to the twelfth intercostals and the first lumbar nerves (Fig. 7.8). Those intercostals and the lumbar vessels and nerves travel from the posterior midline to the anterior midline in an oblique, anterior pathway between the internal oblique and transversalis muscles (Fig. 7.9). The vasculature and innervations to the rectus abdominis muscle follow this same pathway. Vertical incisions in the abdominal wall musculature can disrupt both the vasculature and the innervations to the external oblique, internal oblique, transversalis, and rectus abdominis muscles. A transverse incision at the costovertebral margin through the external oblique fascia avoids the major vessels and nerves to the abdominal wall and allows for blunt dissection between the external and internal oblique muscles. Given the relative avascularity and absence of nerves between the external and internal oblique fasciae from the anterolateral abdominal wall to the lateral border of the rectus sheath, this space is an ideal plane for blunt dissection and subsequent expander placement. It is bordered superiorly by the costovertebral margin , medially by the lateral border of the rectus sheath, laterally by the midaxillary line, and inferiorly by the inguinal ligament.
Fig. 7.7
Anatomy of the abdominal wall. The lateral abdominal wall fasciae and musculature derive their blood supply primarily from the intercostal arteries, lumbar arteries, and deep epigastric arteries
Fig. 7.8
Anatomy of the abdominal wall. The innervations come from the seventh to the twelfth intercostals and the first lumbar nerves
Fig. 7.9
Anatomy of the abdominal wall. The intercostals referenced in Fig. 7.8 and the lumbar vessels and nerves travel from the posterior midline to the anterior midline in an oblique, anterior pathway between the internal oblique and transversalis muscles
Most patients who have previously undergone major abdominal surgery have had a midline abdominal incision, so their lateral abdominal wall is usually free of scars and defects, thereby providing a well-vascularized soft tissue donor site. The abdominal wall can be anatomically restored with minimal tension and without compromising the integrity of the abdominal muscles, vessels, and nerves unless major portions of the wall are missing, which can happen due to a number of catastrophes. Understanding the pathophysiology and the distorted anatomy of a difficult abdomen is paramount, and provides a major challenge.
Step 6: T = Timing of Operation or Takedown of ECF
The sixth step of if and when to re-operate on patients should be individualized. This decision represents perhaps the most important step in the management of this group of patients, and is dependent on the clinical situation and many other factors but particularly on the concomitant comorbid diseases and on the anatomy of the surgical problem. Let us first consider the complex abdominal wall (CAW) defects without fistulas. A large defect can be functionally devastating and leads to further weight gain and more problems. In some cases, the skin gets very thin, excoriates, and is almost transformed into a fistula and abdominal catastrophe. Many of these patients cannot be operated upon, despite the fact that they have a major defect. If they have serious comorbid diseases such as extreme obesity, severe heart disease, high-grade liver cirrhosis or advanced lung disease (home 02 dependent), and do not have symptoms of obstructions, one should not operate without having multiple conversations with the patient and their family in order to clearly define the goals of the operation and possible complications. On the other hand, when these patients present with intestinal obstructions not responding to conservative treatment, then one has no choice but to perform a definitive surgery. While not all surgeons agree, at times the strategy for these patients should be “more is less,” and often the definitive surgery is the only optimal choice and should be performed. As abdominal wall defects will not get smaller over time, I prefer to operate earlier rather than later, assuming that the patient is not prohibitively at high risk for intraoperative and postoperative complications.
While timing when to repair large abdominal wall hernias is less debatable [30–32], operating on fistulas and knowing how long we should wait until takedown is more contentious. Some suggest that delaying surgery anywhere from 12 to 36 months will improve the outcomes in patients with ECF [33]. Others have reported that prolonging surgery for longer than 1 year following ECF diagnosis doubles the risk of postoperative refistulization . This risk for fistula recurrence has been found to be five-times greater if one waits longer than 36 weeks [34]. While operating on these patients may pose serious complications, often the only way to disrupt the vicious cycle of sepsis and malnutrition [33] is through surgery itself. I use the individual patient’s condition as a guide, rather than any strict predetermined timeline, although I try to avoid operating in the first 2–3 months after diagnosis, unless the fistula becomes apparent in the first two postoperative weeks, and I do not think that it will close spontaneously on TPN.
To summarize, the length of time we should wait until takedown of ECFs is unclear. The surgeon should try not to intervene early if at all possible; however, these patients often continue to be septic and malnourished, so surgery itself will serve as source control.
Step 7: S = Surgical Approach
The seventh step encompasses the surgery itself. This section details the main elements that the surgeon must consider, including the kind of incision, definitive repair techniques, including type of mesh and technique used for mesh placement. The main surgical goals are to establish GI tract continuity and to minimize recurrence of ECFs, EAFs, hernias, and wound infections.
The approach to the definitive surgery one selects in patients with CAWD and/or fistulas depends on many factors. A combination of different approaches is often required. The key aspect of repairing complex defects is to understand the anatomy of the abdominal wall and have the requisite surgical experience. Most patients who have previously undergone large abdominal surgery have had a midline abdominal incision, so their lateral abdominal wall is usually free of scars and defects, thereby providing a well-vascularized soft tissue donor site. There are a number of exceptions, however, especially when the patient has had any lateral incision, or had stomas. Unless the patient had many surgeries, such as those with open management, or had a giant hernia with loss of abdominal domain, the abdominal wall can be anatomically restored with minimal tension and without compromising the integrity of the abdominal muscles, vessels, and nerves. Understanding the pathophysiology and the distorted anatomy of a difficult abdomen is paramount.
Step 7.1: Getting in the Abdomen
The abdominal wall of most patients with ECFs or EAFs is hostile; the surgeon might find that even entering the cavity itself presents a significant challenge. When possible, the surgeon should avoid going through the same incision used in prior operations, instead attempting to enter from non-violated areas of the abdominal wall such as the superior epigastric region or just over the pubic region and making your way in under direct vision from the inferior or superior aspect of the wound. It is really of great significance to avoid cutting on top your finger blindly, as the finger can easily be lifting small or large intestines for that matter that have been adhered to the abdominal wall, rather, this needs to be done under direct vision. An alternative method of entering the abdomen through a transverse incision has been advocated [35, 36], although I have not used that method in my practice.
A large number of patients cared for with an open abdomen have a split-thickness skin graft (STSG) (Fig. 7.10a, b). Such patients require special attention to ensure the success of their completion of surgery. Before the skin graft is excised, the neoskin, when pinched between the surgeon’s thumb and forefinger, should be easily elevated from the underlying tissue. Some surgeons do not attempt to excise the skin graft at all, but close the abdomen over it. When excision is attempted while the skin graft is adherent, dissection is very difficult and likely results in enterotomies and risks recurrent fistula formation [35].
Fig. 7.10
(a) Skin graft in a patient managed with open abdomen after gunshot wound to the abdomen. (b) Same patient as in (a) at the end of the operation. We performed abdominal reconstruction using component separation and onlay mesh reinforcement (Fig. 7.10)
Step 7.2: Adhesiolysis
Once the abdominal cavity is entered, the surgeon often faces a large ball of intestines wrapped by adhesions. Should these adhesions be separated? That question is as old as the surgery itself [36]. In my opinion, the surgeon should mobilize the entire segment of intestines, from the ligament of Treitz to the rectosigmoid. Doing so is tedious and time consuming, given previous abdominal surgeries and intra-abdominal inflammatory processes, and it is often complicated by new iatrogenic enterotomies. However, this is a must and when one does not do it, often patients will develop small bowel obstruction, as the symbiosis has been lost, when one releases only partially the adhesions. Other surgeons do not agree entirely with this approach; they suggest something in-between complete lysis, perhaps partial lysis of adhesions [37].
Step 7.3: Fistula Resection
In patients with multiple ECFs or EAFs, resecting all of the fistulas may be challenging, but all of them must be resected [38–40]. The best scenario is when multiple fistulas are in close proximity to each other, so that the surgeon can excise the segment of fistulous tract “en masse.” Yet, if the fistulas are a large distance apart, more than one resection—and subsequently more than one anastomosis may be required; all are technically challenging. Because such patients are at high risk for developing short gut syndrome (see Chap. 25 on Short Gut Syndrome), adjunct procedures, such as strictureplasty, should be used in an attempt to avoid removing large segments of bowel. Intraoperatively, it is important for the surgeon to identify all fistulas. Care should be taken to avoid enterotomies, but if they do occur, any inadvertent injury to the bowel must be either repaired immediately or tagged with a suture so that it can be easily identified later during the course of the operation.
Step 7.4: Intestinal Anastomosis
For reestablishing intestinal continuity, the hand-sewn, double-layer technique, not staplers, should be used [39]. In my practice, I prefer using continuous Vicryl™ (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) sutures (Connell Technique) (Fig. 7.11). During this technique, the sutures go through the wall from the serosa to the mucosa, then from the mucosa to the serosa on the same side. The sutures then cross the incision to the serosa on the other side, and the pattern is repeated until suturing is completed. If the integrity of the anastomosis is questionable, it is reasonable to revise it or to create a proximal diverting ostomy. Excessive trimming of the mesentery, tension on the anastomosis, and inclusion of diseased bowel in the anastomosis must all be avoided [17, 41]. Operative treatment with takedown of ECFs is successful in 80–90% of patients, although the presence of an open abdomen lowers the success rate to 77.3% [4].
Fig. 7.11
Connell suture technique. Note that needle always points forward or outward
Step 7.5: Definitive Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
Once the continuity of the GI tract has been established, as described previously, creating a new abdominal wall may represent a serious surgical challenge. Multidisciplinary approaches and advanced surgical techniques may be necessary [35]. Whatever approach, whether single surgeon (general surgeon) or general surgeon with a plastic surgeon, the goal is to create functional and durable coverage of the abdominal cavity and to improve the patient’s quality of life. Native abdominal wall should be used; if that is not possible, biologic or prosthetic mesh can be used instead. In most patients, some sort of combination of reconstruction techniques will be needed. If native tissue can be used without undue tension, then it should be used. But, if midline tissue cannot be easily approximated or if mesh reinforcement is needed (as it is in almost all abdominal wall defects larger than 6 cm), then other techniques must be considered. For example, if midline tissue cannot be easily approximated, then lateral components need to be released to create a neoabdominal wall.
Step 7.6: Lateral Component Separation
The closure of complex abdominal wall defects can be challenging. Traumatic injuries, tumor resections, necrotizing infections, enterocutaneous fistulas, previous surgeries, damage control laparotomy, and congenital defects can result in large abdominal wall defects that make reconstruction difficult. Surgical techniques, autologous and exogenous grafts have been developed to aid in the closure of such complex ventral wall defects and improve outcomes in these patients. One of the approaches is the development of musculofascial flaps that can be mobilized and brought to the midline to allow closure. In cases when there is a need for tissue transposition in order to establish a no-tension fascial closure, I use myocutaneous flap transposition through lateral component separation, as described previously [42, 43] (Fig. 7.12 a–f), although in most recent years posterior component separation has gained popularity. The component separation technique is based on an enlargement of the abdominal wall surface by separating and advancing the muscular layers.
Fig. 7.12
(a, b) Abdominal wall reconstruction in a patient with right sided ileostomy. Component separation technique and underlay mesh were used. (c, d). Illustrator’s demonstration of performing separation technique and placing the mesh as underlay. The mesh is fixed at least laterally to the separation of internal and external oblique muscles (Courtesy of LifeCell Corporation, Branchburg, NJ) (e) The fascia and the rectus muscle complex are approximated over the Strattice™ (LifeCell Corporation) mesh. (f) Final view of the abdominal reconstruction
Component separation provides additional medial transposition of musculofascial flaps that allows for reconstruction of giant abdominal wall defects often without the additional need for mesh. Defects up to the size of 20 cm at the level of mid-abdomen can be closed by this technique.
The earliest description of these musculofascial flaps dates back to the nineteenth century. These techniques were described by Guillouid in 1892, Chrobak in 1892, Gersuny in 1893, and Noble in 1895 [44]. Alfonso Albanese [42] from Argentina is credited with the first ever description of the technique that involved dividing the external oblique muscle vertically to enable the closure at midline by suturing together the rectus abdominis muscles in 1951. However in 1990, the technique was modified and refined by Ramirez et al. from Johns Hopkins University Hospital and was described as “components separation” [43]. This technique utilizes the medial advancement of bilateral, innervated, bipedicled, rectus abdominis-transversus abdominis-internal oblique muscle flap complexes to close ventral abdominal wall defects. In their landmark study, Ramirez and coworkers utilized human cadavers to demonstrate that the external oblique muscle can be separated from the internal oblique in an avascular plane by incising the external oblique fascia with an incision just lateral to the linea semilunaris [43]. Similarly, the rectus abdominis muscle with its overlying fascia can be separated from the posterior rectus sheath. This separation of the anatomic components allows significant mobilization for approximately 10, 20, and 8 cm in the upper, middle, and lower thirds of the abdomen, respectively. They subsequently utilized these findings clinically to reconstruct abdominal wall defects in 11 patients successfully.
Several other authors have also developed and utilized other autologous tissue transfer techniques for the repair of large sized abdominal wall defects. Wangansteen used the tensor fasciae latae flap from the thigh to reconstruct lower abdominal wall defects [45]. Ger and Duboys used muscle flap transfer to reconstruct full thickness abdominal wall defects [46]. However, the use of such free muscle flap transfer results in denervation of the muscle flap, which over time results in muscular atrophy, abdominal wall laxity, protuberance, and predisposition to hernia recurrence. Therefore, such an approach often requires the need for additional reinforcement of the repair with synthetic mesh. Similarly, the transfer of large sized flaps results in donor site scarring and deformity [47]. The components separation technique provides the advantage of preserving the innervation to the muscle flaps, hence maintaining the dynamic support and integrity of the abdominal wall. The absence of free tissue transfer also prevents the development of donor site morbidity and provides a more aesthetically feasible repair.
The transection of the rectus abdominis has been suggested by some surgeons as a contraindication [48, 49] for component separation. However, there is a lack of substantial evidence to support the claim that the use of component separation in patients with rectus violation results in adverse surgical outcomes.
Step 7.7: Surgical Technique of Open Component Separation
As indicated in Step 7.1 the procedure begins with a midline exploratory laparotomy to enter the abdominal cavity. Care should be exercised to dissect the entire abdominal wall free from any adhesions to the bowel and omentum under direct visualization. Following this, flaps containing skin and subcutaneous tissue are lifted off of the underlying anterior rectus sheath and the external oblique fascia. These flaps should extend caudally to the inguinal ligament and cranially beyond the costal margin. The lateral extent of the flaps should be at least 2–3 cm lateral to the linea semilunaris in order to allow adequate exposure of the external oblique fascia. The blood supply of the skin comes from perforators arising from the deep epigastric and superficial inferior epigastric arteries. Extensive dissection of the skin flaps can disrupt these perforators, predisposing the overlying skin flaps to surgical site infections, skin necrosis, and wound dehiscence. Next the semilunar line and insertion of the external oblique fascia are identified. A vertical incision is made 1–2 cm lateral to the semilunar line extending from the inguinal ligament to at least 5 cm cranial to the costal margin. The cranio-caudal extent of this incision is important to allow adequate release along the entire length of the abdominal wall. A plane is developed deeply to the external oblique but superficially to the internal oblique. The dissection should be continued laterally in this avascular intermuscular plane extending up to at least the midaxillary line. If midline approximation cannot be achieved and additional mobilization is required, the dissection should be extended to the posterior axillary line to allow additional release. Component release should be performed bilaterally. It is important to avoid dissection deep to the internal oblique as the neurovascular plane exists between the internal oblique and the transversus abdominis muscles where blood vessels and nerves supplying the obliques and the rectus abdominis muscle traverse. Dissection in this plane may damage this neurovascular bundle or the Spigelian fascia predisposing the patient to a Spigelian hernia [47].
If midline approximation cannot be achieved, further medial advancement of the rectus abdominis-internal oblique complex of up to 2 cm can be achieved with posterior component separation. This is performed by longitudinally incising the posterior rectus sheath 1–2 cm from the midline and separating it from the rectus abdominis muscle. Care should be exercised to avoid injury to the inferior epigastric vessels running deep to the rectus muscle. The anterior fascia is debrided and the healthy tissue is approximated in the midline. The muscles are approximated using non-absorbable interrupted sutures.
I prefer, as do most surgeons, to reinforce the hernia repair with a mesh graft following component separation to help reduce recurrence; however, a randomized controlled trial comparing component separation with and without mesh repair found similar recurrence rates between the two approaches [49]. Redundant skin flaps are excised and finally, the undermined skin edges are approximated in layers in a standard fashion. Drains are placed using separate skin stab incisions between the skin flaps and the external oblique aponeurosis to reduce dead space and fluid collection [50].
Step 7.8: Posterior Component Separation with Transversus Abdominus Release
There are various modifications of the component separation procedure . Some authors perform this procedure using minimally invasive surgical techniques (see Chap. 14), but the rates of recurrence of hernia are similar [51].Although many surgeons are familiar with anterior component separation (ACS), in recent years posterior component separation (PCS) with transversus abdominus release (TAR) has become popular. Detailed technical aspects of this procedure paying particular attention to the surgical anatomy have been reported [52]. The main principle of PCS is that the perforating vessels are spared, and the mesh is placed between rectus muscle anteriorly and posterior rectus fascia/peritoneum/preperitoneum posteriorly. Once you have dealt with all adhesions and other concomitant procedure, such as reconstitution of GI tract or other procedures as described above, the posterior approach to the retrorectus space is performed by incising the medial edge of the posterior rectus sheath at the medial edge of the rectus abdominis muscle. The edge of the transected posterior rectus sheath is grasped with clamps and retracted medially and posteriorly, allowing easy lateral dissection of the retrorectus space. During this stage of the operation one has to be cognizant not to injure intercostal nerves that perforate rectus muscle. The posterior lamina of the internal oblique aponeurosis is incised just medial to the entry of the intercostal nerves as they enter the rectus muscle posteriorly [52].
The dissection of this segment should start as cranially as you can. At the point of transition of posterior lamina of the internal oblique fascia you will be able to see the medial aspect of the transversus abdominus muscle (TAM). The muscle fibers and fascia of TAM can be separated from the underlying thin posterior transversus abdominis fascia and peritoneum with a right angle clamp. But, this separation requires a careful dissection under the muscle fibers of TAM . One has to be careful not to enter peritoneum, but if this does occur, one must make sure to identify and close with absorbable suture. Transection of TAM can be done in a number of ways but I agree with these authors the transection of the TAM should start as far cranially as possible where these muscle fibers are prominent and progressing caudally aids markedly this part of the component separation [53]. This extraperitoneal space now can be extended laterally and caudally in order to make space for the prosthesis. This dissection is facilitated greatly with a sweeping move of your hand. I prefer that this space extend to the costal margin and join the central tendon of the diaphragm in the midline. Once the space is created to your satisfaction, the posterior rectus sheaths are approximated with running absorbable suture. Fixation of the mesh superiorly, inferiorly and laterally with sutures, will help you with positioning the mesh appropriately. A number of techniques can be used to place the rest of the sutures. I prefer to use a Carter-Thomason suture passer, but other suture passers are just as good to fix the mesh to the anterior abdominal wall.
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