Fig. 25.1
Four year old girl, Pedestrian hit by a car. (a) US transverse scan: pneumoperitoneum above the liver (white arrow). (b) CT with contrast: pneumoperitoneum confirmed (black arrow). Left colic perforation was found at surgery
Peritoneal effusion in various amounts and echogenicities may be observed after abdominal trauma; still isolated peritoneal effusion of low abundance may be physiological (found in one abdominal US out of 5 without any trauma). In case of trauma, it will also be necessary to look for associated pleural and/or a pericardial effusion. The negative predictive value of a complete abdominal US is excellent and US can be the only examination performed if it is normal with a reassuring clinical examination and a monitoring of 12–24 h [8].
Conversely, if the complete abdominal US is abnormal or if an optimal evaluation is not possible due to the child’s movements or instability, this first examination will be completed by a CE-CT.
In case of severe trauma or multiple trauma, US will be performed at the patient’s bed in the crash room (FAST echo) and will be limited to the rapid search for effusions (hemoperitoneum, hemothorax, hemopericardium) before the CE-CT. Is there a Place for Contrast-Enhanced US (CEUS)?
Because of concern over medical ionizing radiation exposure of children, contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) has generated recent interest as an ionizing radiation-free alternative to CT or MR imaging. CEUS has received approval for pediatric hepatic use but remains off-label for a range of other applications especially abdominal trauma [9].
The safety and the tolerability of this contrast agent have been well demonstrated in adults and a recent retrospective analysis in children concludes that pediatric CEUS is a safe and potentially cost-effective imaging modality [10].
In the context of abdominal trauma, the child has often already a venous line which simplifies the use of CEUS routinely. Experienced teams estimate that CEUS in isolated abdominal trauma of low energy can replace CE-CT as an initial examination when it is normal [11]. The addition of contrast would be a significant improvement to visualize lacerations, hematomas as well as possible vascular lesions (false aneurysms) and may avoid control CE-CT.
Apart from the acute phase, CEUS could also be used in the follow-up of traumatic lesions diagnosed by CE-CT. Currently the follow up is widely based on US-Doppler.
As long as these products do not have an administrative authorization for their use in abdominal trauma, it is necessary to have a written parental consent before their use. Another point that can slow the use of these products is their cost.
25.2.3 CE-CT Still Mandatory
At the CT suite, the child has to be accompanied by an emergency physician or a senior pediatric intensivist or at least a pediatrician and a peripheral venous line must have been placed. Since the hemodynamics of a child are potentially very unstable, it is essential that the child has pulse and blood pressure monitoring. Installing on the scanner table is a crucial time. It is necessary to move the child with precaution, remove from the field of exploration all the metallic structures to avoid artifacts (ECG cables, electrodes…) (Fig. 25.2). The scan protocol should be chosen according to the weight of the child and the severity of the trauma (whole bodyscan, abdominal or thoracoabdominal acquisition).

Fig. 25.2
Four year old girl. (a) Scout view: incorrect placement on CT table. (b) CT with contrast: liver and abdominal wall artefacts due to the multiple metallic cables on the field of view
A negative CT has a strong negative predictive value allowing a very early return home or even no hospitalization [12]. However, the impact of CT on the management is not always linked to the clinical status, but overall this examination allows a precise initial assessment of solid organs lesions as well as a conservative treatment. To be noted, the performance of CT for the detection off bowel and/or mesenteric lesions is lower than for solid organs.
Not uncommonly, children are transferred from a non-specialized pediatric center after an initial CE-CT. It is important to review these CT preferably by pediatric radiologists; this second interpretation can find discrepancies in more than 10% of cases including lesions not described or an increase in the severity of lesions [13]. Protocols to Optimize Quality with a ALARA Dose
It is of upmost importance that the pediatric exploration protocols remain recorded in the CT and can easily be adapted to the child’s weight in order to remain in the recommended doses:
Until 10 kg: CTDIvol (mGy): 4 (±2)
From 10 to 20 kg: CTDIvol (mGy): 5 (±3)
From 20 to 35 kg: CTDIvol (mGy): 6 (±3)
Regarding the amount of iodine contrast media:
Until 25 kg: 2 cc iodine contrast media/kg
From 25 to 50 kg: 1.5 cc iodine contrast media/kg
Beyond 50 kg: adult amount
Oral contrast is not useful, characteristics for detecting intra-abdominal injury are similar between CE-CT with and without oral contrast [14].
Injection Protocols
In adult patients suspected of having multiple trauma, it has been demonstrated that an unhanced abdomino-pelvic acquisition in addition to acquisition with contrast injection does not improve detection of traumatic lesions of the liver, spleen, kidneys or adrenal glands, nor the detection of intra- or retroperitoneal effusion; it does increase the dose [15]. In children, this issue is still controversial without consensus; still, it seems logical to limit the exposure to ionizing radiation by proposing an abdominal exploration directly with contrast media.
In children under 25 kg, the circulatory flow is rapid and an acquisition after injection with a start at 50 s after the start of the injection renders possible to have a good quality mixed arterial and venous phase.
In older child, in particular in the case of severe trauma, an arterial phase followed by a venous phase can be considered. It is also possible to carry out a protocol with multiphase injections: injecting one third of the iodine quantity and then waiting 30 s before injecting the remaining two thirds of iodinated contrast agent and start the acquisition 30 s after the beginning of the second injection. This renders possible to obtain on the same helix a good arterial and venous acquisition and to perform an abdominal CT with reasonable radiation doses.
In case of renal lesion or pelvic fracture, a further delayed acquisition (excretory phase) is recommended (5 min after IV injection). The goal is to search for urinoma (calices, pelvis or ureteral rupture) and/or bladder leakage. This should be performed with a low-dose protocol. Indeed, a clear decrease of the KV and the mAs is possible while keeping a good visualization of the iodine contrast in the urinary tract.
CE-CT of a traumatized child requires rules of good practice with precautions to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure or uninterpretable examination due to technical errors.
The current speed of scanners has dramatically reduced the need for sedation.
25.2.4 MR Imaging Useful for the Follow-Up
MR imaging is very useful for monitoring abdominal trauma due to its performance and lack of ionizing radiation. It will surely have indications for the follow up of severe trauma (liver, spleen, kidneys) instead of CE-CT, in children who are old enough to avoid sedation (Fig. 25.3). In case of kidney trauma, MR urography will be performed allowing both the morphological and split renal function assessment [16]. MR cholangio-pancreatography is useful in some acute or delayed complications of liver or pancreatic trauma, in order to demonstrate bile duct injuries and estimate the origin of “collections” (bilomas or pancreatic cysts).

Fig. 25.3
Fourteen year old boy. (a) CT with contrast: Grade III splenic trauma. (b) MR with contrast: Long term follow-up by MRI to avoid ionizing radiation with rapid gradient echo T1 weighted sequence with gadolinium a linear parenchymal sequelae (white arrow) Instead of CT in the Future?
The use of MR imaging as first step for acute trauma is still limited because of the length of the examination, the need for child cooperation or sedation, and the difficulty to explore the whole body in case of severe trauma unlike CE-CT.
Despite all these limitations, the development of rapid abdominal sequences of about 10 s makes it possible to use MR imaging as a first-line exploration in the next future in addition to ultrasound, avoiding ionizing radiation.
25.3 Liver and Biliary Tract Trauma
Liver and biliary tract trauma occur essentially secondary to blunt trauma with mechanisms of deceleration or contusion. They are encountered in 10–30% of these patients. In more than 70% of patients, the lesions induced do not provoke symptoms and can be managed conservatively.
25.3.1 Diagnosis
Imaging aspects of liver trauma are the same in children as for adults. The initial diagnosis is made on CE-CT. It will depict accurately any hepatic laceration appearing as a hypodense area, with variable shapes. When the laceration reaches the capsular surface and breaks the capsule, there is an associated hemoperitoneum (Fig. 25.4). Subcapsular hematoma typically compresses the lateral margin of the hepatic parenchyma. The demonstration of active bleeding will influence the prognosis and has to be searched actively [17].

Fig. 25.4
Five year old girl. Auto crash. (a) US transverse scan: Initial US only shows heterogeneous right liver lobe. (b) CT with contrast: CE-CT shows grade IV liver lesion
Conservative treatment is possible thanks to close follow-up by US with Doppler looking for acute or delayed vascular or biliary complications. AAST classification of liver injury is presented in Table 25.1.
Table 25.1
AAST classification of liver injury (N.b. advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III)
Grade I | Hematoma: subcapsular, <10% surface area Laceration: capsular tear, <1 cm parenchymal depth |
Grade II | Hematoma: subcapsular, 10–50% surface area Hematoma: intraparenchymal <10 cm diameter Laceration: capsular tear 1–3 cm parenchymal depth, <10 cm length |
Grade III | Hematoma: subcapsular, >50% surface area of ruptured subcapsular or parenchymal hematoma Hematoma: intraparenchymal >10 cm or expanding Laceration: capsular tear >3 cm parenchymal depth |
Grade IV | Laceration: parenchymal disruption involving 25–75% hepatic lobe or involves 1–3 Couinaud segments |
Grade V | Laceration: parenchymal disruption involving >75% of hepatic lobe or involves >3 Couinaud segments (within one lobe) Vascular: juxtahepatic venous injuries (retrohepatic vena cava/central major hepatic veins) |
Grade VI | Vascular: hepatic artery avulsion |
25.3.2 Evolution
Vascular or biliary complications are present in about 10% of cases.
Vascular complications include hemorrhage, hemobilia, arteriovenous fistula and pseudo-aneurysm, portal vein thrombosis, portal vein stenosis, Budd Chiari. They usually occur around day 15 and may progress asymptomatically or become complicated (hemorrhagic shock or portal hypertension). Their diagnosis is based on US with Doppler and CE-CT. Their treatment is conservative with the possibility of an endovascular treatment.
Biliary complications include fistulas, bilhemia, biloma, bilioperitoneum and stenosis of the biliary tract. The bilomas are present in 2–12% of hepatic trauma and their frequency increases with the severity of the trauma. Their discovery is delayed from day 15 to sometimes several years after the trauma and this is the first diagnosis to be evoked in case of any post-traumatic collection (Fig. 25.5). Spontaneous regression is usual for small bilomas (<3 cm); in case of persisting collection, percutaneous puncture, drainage or endoscopic surgery can be performed. The bilomas can become infected and also favor the development of pseudo-aneurysms. Bilio-peritoneum should be considered whenever an intraperitoneal effusion with stable hemoglobin is demonstrated. It conveys an infectious risk. The management by peritoneal drain and biliary prosthesis (endoscopically) is based on the “stent and drain” concept, which achieves satisfactory results in 90% of cases [18, 19]. Biliary stenosis is exceptional. It is secondary to direct trauma or traumatic pancreatitis. It exposes to the risk of cirrhosis. Diagnosis is based on US, MR cholangiography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) (Fig. 25.5). It may be treated by drainage, balloon dilation and endoprosthesis.

Fig. 25.5
Thirteen year old boy, Auto crash. (a) Initial CT with contrast: liver fracture (grade III) against portal bifurcation. (b) Endoscopy: follow-up demonstrates fluid effusion (black arrow heads) in relation with biliary duct rupture (black arrow), later treated by stent. (c) MR cholangiography without contrast shows a post-traumatic stenosis (white arrow) with dilation of left biliary tract, 2 months after trauma
25.4 Splenic Trauma
In children, the spleen is one of the organs most frequently affected by abdominal trauma (about 20% of splenic involvement). The mean age is 10 years and the M/F sex ratio is 2/1. The spleen is the most vascularized organ of the body [17].
Because of the plasticity of the pediatric rib cage, rib fractures are rare, and severe parenchymal injuries may be present in the absence of rib fracture. The child’s splenic capsule is stronger than that of an adult. Splenic traumas are isolated in 50% of cases and their treatment is conservative in more than 95% of cases.
25.4.1 Diagnosis
Excluding multiple trauma, splenic trauma can be suspected during the initial US examination in the presence of a hemoperitoneum and a heterogeneous appearance of the spleen. The study of the spleen with a superficial probe is essential as well as the use of color Doppler. One of the indirect signs of splenic trauma is a globular aspect of the spleen with loss of visualization of its hilum. The more recent the trauma, the more discrete and even absent the US signs might be (Fig. 25.6). US usually underestimates the importance of splenic lesions. CEUS is very useful to depict traumatic spleen injury (Fig. 25.7).

Fig. 25.6
Two year old girl. Direct abdominal trauma by the fall of a supermarket trolley. (a) US longitudinal scan: heterogeneous spleen with no visualization of the hilum. (b) CT with contrast: spleen injury under estimated by US

Fig. 25.7
Five year old boy with direct left flank trauma. CEUS perfectly shows spleen fracture while spleen seems to be normal on conventional US (Courtoisie Pr Delabrousse)
In the case of a positive US, if the child is hemodynamically stable, CE-CT will confirm the lesions but above all will look for signs of severity (active bleeding in free peritoneum) and associated lesions. The sensitivity and specificity of CT in the detection of splenic injury is close to 100%. Splenic lesions are best displayed in the venous phase, and are usually represented by lacerations [17]. The presence of congenital clefts can lead to misinterpretation and false-positive patients. These congenital clefts have regular and homogeneous well-defined limits whereas the lacerations would appear more irregular.
In case of hemodynamic shock, FAST echo will be the only exam performed before surgical management.
The use of AAST grades for spleen trauma is not always easy with poor inter-observer reproducibility of this classification [20] (Table 25.2).
Table 25.2
AAST classification of splenic injury (N.b. advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III)
Grade I | S ubcapsular hematoma <10% of surface area Capsular laceration <1 cm depth |
Grade II | S ubcapsular hematoma 10–50% of surface area Intraparenchymal hematoma <5 cm in diameter Laceration 1–3 cm in depth not involving trabecular vessels |
Grade III | Subcapsular hematoma >50% of surface area or expanding Intraparenchymal hematoma >5 cm or expanding Laceration >3 cm in depth or involving trabecular vessels Ruptured subcapsular or parenchymal hematoma |
Grade IV | Laceration involving segmental or hilar vessels with major devascularization (>25% of spleen) |
Grade V | Shattered spleen Hilar vascular injury with splenic devascularization |
25.4.2 Evolution
Long-term complications of conservative management are very rare (<1%) in contrast to early complications, which can occur in up to 15% [21] and mostly affect the older child.
It is therefore necessary to perform an early US follow-up with Doppler to look for these complications:
Secondary hemorrhage (between days 4 to 10)
Cysts (between days 10 to 30)
Pseudo aneurysms
delayed splenic bleeding are exceptional in children [22].
The time table of follow-up varies according to the teams and the grade of severity. In case of severe liver trauma, US follow-up can be: US at day 0, day 2, day 7, day of discharge and day 30. This follow-up US examinations should control the disappearance of the hemoperitoneum before day 7 signing the absence of active bleeding as well as the analysis of the spleen; it must include a color Doppler study in order to look for a possible pseudo-aneurysm. Some teams highlight the performance of CEUS [23]. These pseudo aneurysms are not so rare when searched systematically. Most of these pseudo aneurysms thrombose spontaneously after a few days but if they persist, embolization can be proposed (Fig. 25.8).