54: Health Maintenance after Liver Transplantation

Overall Bottom Line

  • With recipients living longer after undergoing LT, it has been noted that significant causes of morbidity and mortality post-transplantation are not related to recurrent liver disease.
  • The lifelong use of immunosuppressive agents places these recipients at risk for a variety of general medical conditions.
  • These medical conditions include renal disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obesity and osteoporosis.

Section 1: Background

Definition of disease

  • With continued improvement of both graft and patient survival, long-term transplant recipients are at risk for developing general medical problems, particularly cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
  • Most of these complications are related to immunosuppressive therapy; management strategies are similar to the non-transplanted population.


  • In long-term survivors after LT, up to a third will develop significant renal dysfunction or cardiovascular mortality.
  • More than half of all LT recipients will develop some aspect of the metabolic syndrome.


  • The table “Complications and associated risk factors” illustrates the common medical conditions seen after LT and their associated risk factors. In general, long-term immunosuppression medication is the primary risk factor.

Complications and associated risk factors

Complication Associated/risk factor
Renal disease CNIs, sirolimus, diabetes mellitus, hypertension
Hypertension CNIs, obesity
Diabetes mellitus Corticosteroids, CNIs, sirolimus, obesity
Dyslipidemia Sirolimus
Malignancy Immunosuppression
Osteoporosis Vitamin D deficiency

Section 2: Prevention

Bottom Line/Clinical Pearls

  • Prevention of general medical conditions after LT relies on screening appropriately (cancer screening per national guidelines, and regular dermatology assessment for skin cancer) and controlling risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


  • It is appropriate to adhere to national cancer screening guidelines in LT recipients.
  • It is imperative that all LT recipients have a PCP who should see them regularly and monitor for diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia, and other cardiovascular risk factors.
  • We typically ask all patients to obtain routine laboratory tests (CBC, chemistry panel and immunosuppression level) every 3 months.
  • Regular screening for bone density is recommended.

Primary prevention

  • Although there are no proven primary prevention strategies for the main medical complications seen after LT, we recommend yearly cancer screening and vaccination for influenza.

Secondary prevention

  • It is important to control the metabolic syndrome after LT to try and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and renal disease.
  • In patients with renal disease immunosuppression should be kept to a minimum and consideration should be given to switching to a renal sparing immunosuppression regimen.
  • Osteoporosis should be treated appropriately to reduce fracture risk.

Section 3: Diagnosis

Bottom Line/Clinical Pearls

  • LT recipients who do well after surgery are at risk for general medical conditions. They should be followed regularly by a PCP. We follow all long-term survivors annually. At office visits patients should have a complete review of symptoms, and a full medication and psychosocial history should be obtained including smoking and alcohol use.
  • The examination should focus on vital signs, particularly blood pressure and weight.
  • Investigations should include CBC, chemistry panel, immunosuppression level, urinalysis and other tests depending on any concerns in the history or physical examination.
  • Routine imaging is not required.

Section 4: Treatment

Clinical Pearls

  • Long-term survivors after LT should regularly visit their PCP and be subject to laboratory tests every 3 months.
  • Regular health maintenance should include adhering to cancer screening and vaccination guidelines, dermatology assessment and bone densitometry.

Renal dysfunction


  • After LT the risk of developing CKD Stage 4 (GFR <30 mL/min) is 8% at 1 year, 18% at 5 years, 28% at 10 years.
  • Mortality risk increases as GFR decreases: 5-year survival rates for patients with CKD 3, CKD 4, and ESRD were 84%, 68%, and 49%, respectively.

Risk factors

  • CNI nephrotoxicity (cyclosporine).
  • Mechanisms of CNI nephrotoxicity include:

    • Acute causes: afferent arteriolar vasospasm, renal hypoperfusion.
    • Chronic causes: renal hypoperfusion, obliterative arteriopathy, focal ischemia from tubular atrophy/interstitial fibrosis/glomerulosclerosis.

  • All of these mechanisms can result in a decrease in the GFR.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hypertension.

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Aug 12, 2016 | Posted by in GASTROENTEROLOGY | Comments Off on 54: Health Maintenance after Liver Transplantation

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